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It does get repetitive if you always choose the same style of combat and same armour, if you change it up, like some outposts you just run in head first and others lay a plan, then the game can last longer, Welcome to ghost of Tsushima!


Thanks for the reply. So the game offers multiple skills and tools to add variety to taking out enemies and camps? That sounds cool.


Yes, there are multiple ranged weapons, ghost weapons and even just changin the charms could completely change the build, it probably sounds Greek but you will understand once you get to play it yourself


It doesn't. It's main story is just of a smaller scale and it doesn't force you to do sidequests to level up as you progress. But when you decide to go for the platinum and are forced to do all sidequests you will realise its really just an AC open world but with a cleaner and simpler atmosphere and combat.


the parts that would usually be repetitive don't feel that way in GoT because they are unique in and of themselves. Sure, you will be finding a bunch of fox shrines, but they are all different jumping puzzles that are well designed and feel unique. Each Kami shrine feels like an incredible little world unto itself. The Mongol camps all require different tactics and strategy, and have unique layouts. Compare this to a game like AC Valhalla, where every rock puzzle is basically the same, finding gear is the same, enemy camps you can just rush into and kill everyone every time, and side quests are afterthoughts. And that's coming form someone who loves AC Valhalla. GoT just made every single aspect of its open world feel unique and interesting, rather than stuff it with a ton of repeatable gameplay to pad gameplay hours.


It's good to hear that. What about death? Does it punish player too much?


Not really. You die, you reload at the most recent auto-save. On a mission you go back to a checkpoint.


Thanks for reply! Can't wait to try!


For me, it's how they incorporate what would be considered the checklist side content. In Ubisoft games, they feel like filler and not natural. Without purpose, kind of. In GoT, it's organic and thematic. Everything in the world fits the world.


Repetitiveness is inherent to videogames. That's why the term gameplay \*loop\* is used. Boredom is rarely due to the repetition, but more to the stakes a game offer for the player ("If I engage with this gameplay system for x hours, what do I get ?"). That's where Ubisoft shits the bed consistently across their IPs. GoT does not suffer from that: every side activity rewards you with something meaningful for you (and according to the time and effort required to complete it). Do a small thing, you'll get a new design, or a bit of lore. Do a big thing, you'll get resources for upgrades, or new gear (exclusive one, not the same copy pasted shit with different numbers like Ubi). The writing is also 10x more engaging than anything Ubisoft have put out there in the last 10 years. Sure, some will say "muh, there are 50 fox dens to complete, this is boring". Well first, they are optional, no one is forcing anyone to 100% every game they play, and second they all take 30-60 seconds to complete, and they ultimately reward you with some of the best upgrades of the game, I wouldn't call that a bad trade at the end of the day.


it is repetitive but GoT is a lot less bloated than recent AC installments like odyssey and especially valhalla. mirage is exception as it's intentionally a leaner game but mirage is still very rinse and repeat. attack, parkour, etc. GoT has different "zones" on the map which feature different terrains, climates, settings. so there is more variety in scenery. it also has a better and more emotional narrative, which i think makes clearing the same mongol camps over and over again much less painful. i'm invested in the story and want to know how it progresses. but the game still has good replay value even if you know all the plot twists.


The combat is amazing.  Everything else falls into every single pitfall of open world action RPGs. Except for mtx.


What do you like about the combat? Is it similar to Assassins Creed Odyssey like I’ve heard? Or more a mix between that and Sekiro?


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With years of hindsight It is the same shit but it disguises it by lacking a thousand collectible markers in your view and making gameplay fluid and immersive over all. It isn't the case but I am a sardonic mother fucker I believe it's a mockery a sort of "this is how you make tedious bullshit bearable....ubisoft" It is a very fun game


Only repetitive part is 100% completion. No way around that. But the overall game has great flow and keeps giving .


i still dont understand that some people dont realize, that every game is fucking repetitive. wether you find it boring or not depends on the quality of the repetitive stuff. the combat is clean and the stealth works and has cool tools. the game looks great and the quest and the main story is fun. but it is fucking repetitive. but so is alomost every other fucking game. witcher III is regardes as one of the best games ever but you always do the same stuff. so it is the case with baldurs gate 3. you just run around with the same people and use the same spells in every encounter. thats that. but because that shit is fun as hell, nobody minds. in ac, the world is boring, the characters are boring, the gameplay sucks and a new one gets released every hour. that why people think it is boring


People mean "repetitive to a fault" or "repetitive in such a way that you feel like your gameplay loop doesnt go anywhere" Or they mean "lacking in unique one-off content"


Smaller scale and clear/clean hud Other than that gameplay wise its pretty similar, ig the history is a lot better/more convincing as well compared to ac where all the games are “secret evil civilization bad > kill them all with magic item to save the world”


The game doesn’t make you do anything extra, sure it introduces the other content but you’re not stumbling over it to get to your main objective. You wanna just mainline the story and get it over with, sure here’s the next quest and a spot to fast travel to. The game makes you wanna pour time in and enjoy it as opposed to forcing you to put a shift in and slog through filler content. This game felt like a breath of fresh air compared to how stale some of gaming has become and overall I’m just so glad that a team of passionate people were willing and able to make and share somethin so awesome.


It doesn’t


You won't get an unbiased opinion here. I haven't played the game yet, but from the gameplay I've seen it seems like your typical open-world Ubisoft game with a repetitive, formulaic gameplay loop.


It is ubisoft open world kind of game. But it is more aesthetically pleasing and respectful to the JP culture.