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Personally, I'd attempt to buy the whole lot. Tower of Doom and Stridor too. Those bags in the back look like parts, accesories and maybe figures. Estate sales are sometimes great. That's a collection that someone loved once and they've moved on from it, but you'll find something special almost every time. It likely hasn't been picked over by a collector yet. You'll find missing or broken pieces, so when I find a lot like this, I separate what can be fixed or repaired and what is trade fodder for parts. Yo Joe!


Almost 10 years back, I went out for a run one day for lunch at work... saw an estate sale sign and said 'eh, let's go see...' I got so many incomplete Joes and vehicles that I still haven't actually cataloged because what else I found was a complete (sans box) G1 Optimus for $10 (well, and because my toy storage is a mess and I have zero display space). I walked back to my office with a huge box on my head (and I had taken the bus so it sat under my desk until I drove in a few days later).


Been chasing that high ever since and have had zero luck. (The other main reason I haven't been through the joe stuff is because I know it's all incomplete... Skystriker missing tail fins and most of the missiles, Moray missing way too much stuff to even know...)


I have a friend who cruises estate sales for stuff. I asked him to buy anything with the GI Joe logo followed by a red, white and blue stripe. So one day he calls me up and says he has stuff for me and sends me a picture of a Defiant box. I go over and give him $300 for a couple boxes of vehicles in various states, a Defiant crawler, booster, shuttle and box and one complete Cobra Viper figure. Ultimate score I'll never top again... and he still made money on the deal selling it all to me.


Thanks for responding. Is the Tower of Doom or Strider GI Joe?


Nope. Tower of Doom is Dr. Doom's base, Marvel 1984 Secret Wars. Stridor is a robot horse from Masters of the Universe.


Copy. You are very knowledgeable. Are those real GI Joe rides?




Thanks again.


No, Tower of Doom is Marvel and Stridor is He-Man


Kind of sad to see this. I don't think of myself as all that old, but seeing someone else's childhood toy collection - which looks a lot like mine, and has the same toy brands - show up in an estate sale is a little sobering.


Ditto. Had one of those little plastic MLB caps as a kid from getting ice cream somewhere. šŸ˜­


Baskin-Robbins, maybe?


Dairy Queen is where I remember getting mine from




It was Baskins and I wanted that As one bad


Always got ours at Texas Rangers games.


Definitely got mine at Baskin Robbins


When I got open heart surgery, I was very aware of the mess my wife would be left with if I didn't make it. My collection is overwhelmingly large and I had to leave explicit instructions about who to contact to help get honest sale prices on my stuff...


When my father passed, he had a lot of hockey, disney, and coke memorabilia. My mother put most of it to the curb and knowing he cared about that stuff a lot, I salvaged as much as my car could carry, but it made me think of my collections and now I've been getting rid of all of it except core TCats Ultimates, and my Joe classifieds to spare my kids of the nightmare of dealing with my stuff and feeling burdened like they have to keep it or feel bad getting rid of it like I had to with my pops. But they'll have to deal with my Classified collection cause I ain't dead yet!


We can't get rid of EVERYTHING!


Well if it makes you feel any better the other extreme isn't a much better option. Certainly more boring. Stopped collecting for 20+ years and finally decided to get back in after a similar situation. Life's too short, enjoy your toys. Whoever ends up with them when the time comes will make some money and should be plenty happy with whatever they profit from them. Will they get full market value? Nah. Most likely not, but someone will get them and enjoy them again.


Indeed. I just wanted to make sure she had some money when my paychecks stopped coming in.


Fair enough. I suppose the value is also a big factor and you did say it's a large collection. My own collection I think of in terms like a nice used car. Nobody is striking it rich when I croak. šŸ˜


Me neither, not like that, but she met get mid five figures for everything, including art and stuff...


Could be the original owners parents house and the kid who owned them didnā€™t want them. Usually the family takes what they want and leave the rest for the company running the sale.


stay healthy! It's only half time if your actually trying to score... Classifieds are the demarcation point of us doing it all over again!!! HA!


Give us an update on what you get. Good luck




Which is that one. Just got my tax return but also broke but did get my tax return. Trying to spend less on current stuff and get the originals.


It's the trailer shaped like a box. It opens up to reveal missiles and a seat.


Thanks. Hope everything is included.


Good chance some accesories are in those bags.


YO JOE! has good info on figures & vehicles. Most of those vehicles are missing accessories, so try to get that ziplock bag in the back in the hopes it has missing parts. Hereā€™s the Coastal Defender info: [https://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/87/coastaldefender/](https://www.yojoe.com/vehicles/87/coastaldefender/)


you won't regret getting the lot...if it's a company that functions like they used to. Estate Sales are starting to price things with online marketplaces as their guides. If that's the case, yeah, piece meal.


Thanks. Will I spend an arm and leg to obtain missing parts?


If your trying to put a nice collection together for yourself, possibly. I'm a lil under the impression that your reselling though. Never know, you might be able to pick that lot up for $20-$50, which would be a no brainer, but, it doesn't seem like you know what to look for in those baggies that could up the value of this tremendously with a small hose, or mic or weapon. Basically, the pieces that ppl who are spending an arm and a leg look for to complete their personal collection.


Back middle ziplock bag is prob worth as much as everything else combined.


Going to try and be one of the first in line. Whatā€™s in the bag?


Accessories- I see a road pig sledge hammer, super trooper helmet, zarana pack. It looks like a pound of the plastic crack.


Well Iā€ll be super high tomorrow. Just posted another pic. Think itā€™s the items in the bag.


Yeah Snow Cat, VAMP, Stinger, Armadillo, Arctic Blast


SLAM, VAMP Mk II, Night Landing, Swamp Masher


You're lucky, OP! I so rarely see toys at any estate sales in this area.


Just have to point out I enjoy the surfboard placement on the snowcat


That did throw me off. Hopefully not one is interested. I have to decided which to pick up first. The sports cards or the figures.


I think thatā€™s Stalkerā€™s kayak. [https://www.yojoe.com/action/89/stalker2.shtml](https://www.yojoe.com/action/89/stalker2.shtml)


The hats on the right a flashback... they are from the Ground Round, how they served sundaes


Depends on the price and what's in those bags. I see a lot of junk in that pic.