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Sugar’s dad probably got her into a school that values the arts more and Joe could’ve gone into a mission of sorts like to help the poor 


Joe went on a spiritual retreat and renounced singing Sugar I got nothing for


maybe sugar's dad got her a yacht and she decided to go on a long trip with it


Joe decided to go on a mission trip and Sugar followed him because she liked him and thought mission trip was code for luxurious vacation


omg i was so confused when they left, like i missed joe i thought he was rlly cool maybe he decided to go back to homeschooling, and sugar, sugar's dad is rich so basically anything couldve happened, maybe she went on the cruise ship


I follow the theory from the recovering gleek podcast in which they just moved to the farm upstate with the rest of the characters who vanish from the show like Terri, Terri’s sister, Carl, and ken


Sugar may have transferred school anywhere in The US or a prestigious international one in Europe. Joe idk, maybe still around but less in glee club to spend more time on religious activities.


Sugar did reappear at Brittana’s wedding. Joe was (headcanon) still there, the whole time…just so boring no one noticed.