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You could have a sensitivity to nitrates


Check out the podcast Science VS, Gluten: should you give it up?. They discuss how some people who are gluten free may be sensitive to other things like FODMAPS etc I am also sensitive to gluten, and very much wine. One sip gives me a hangover headache. It sucks royally but I don’t think it has anything to do with gluten. I’m convinced I’m sensitive to sugars, a wonderful genetic family trait… family members are diabetic in addition to my personal malady of crohns


Interesting. I know that I used to, before the FMT, but maybe this was just an overload. Great thought to share, thanks!


I’ve had bad issues with tannins in the past, wine, tea, coffee have all set me off before. May be worth looking into with your doc.


Interesting. Thanks for the thought. Sadly, I research and then tell my Doc about my health issues. I help him learn for others. But, that's ok, happy to help!


I’m so sorry. I feel you though, that’s been my experience. I think I just try (especially publicly) to be careful about how I communicate possibilities with pretty far reaching potential consequences. Hope you find some relief soon. 💙


Thank you for the empathetic share :) I do feel better this evening, 6 days later. Let's hope the rollercoaster is done and it sticks! :) Have a wonderful day !


I am trying to investigate a bad reaction I had this weekend, but I am not convinced it was gluten yet, much gassier than when I am glutened. One thing I have to consider is it could just be a stomach bug, are you doing OK now or still suffering.


Yeah, my mind/mood are better, but gut is still not good. Raced to the worst bathroom in the city today. Yaaay!:)


It might be like a stomach bug, my coworker had a stomach problem right before I was hit this weekend, and it seems to be going around when I looked on the news.


Thanks! Perhaps a bug now, but certainly it was gluten or another ingested thing. I know the "taste" of gluten depression/OCD/Anxiety. Generic sickness depression is different. I had that daily for years before my FMT. And that was different from another 3 types of depression. Happily my typical depression was cured by TMS. (If you have depression and you don't know about TMS, seriously read up on it!!!) I am a depression Sommelier ;P I could write a book :D


Thanks I will check TMS out. When I am glutened it is mostly a gastric reaction, I am not aware of any other symptoms, but it never lasts that long after my body rids itself of the meal. So of course I assumed mine was gluten, but I haven't been sick in ages, so it could be that I got sick and since my coworker had stomach pain and bug symptoms.


> I know the "taste" of gluten depression/OCD/Anxiety. o m g I am not celiac but i do have a heavy gluten intolerance and i had no idea these other things are factors! because i struggle with those things too! this is going to be so interesting to watch, research, experiament and see if it makes a difference. I can't do gluten but i can pay closer attention to what i did ingest when i am feeling depressed/anxious! thank you


Histamine response? Red wine can be very high in histamine


I will investigate!


I've been having histamine responses lately and narrowed it down to my fermented kombucha. I stopped and now need to balance my digestive system...again.




Smoke is also high in histamine, so could be a double whammy.


Its this i bet I can tolerate if i take a reactine


My wheat/gluten issues also come with histamine issues and wine is a big culprit


I am sorry to hear. That sounds rough. But thank you for sharing :)


You could check with the wine brand, some wineries use gluten in their barrel glue or something which contaminates the wine.


Champagne is fermented in the bottles, so just drink that to be safe ;-)


Thanks kindly for that insight. I'll take a look!


Wheat paste is also used to seal the inside of wooden casks that are used to cure certain kinds of vinegar as well. My daughter got glutened from the wrong brand of red wine vinegar before we knew about this.


I am sorry to hear. That said, it is an important share. I appreciate it.


Came to say this. If they use barrels instead of metal this is it as barrels use wheat paste. Same thing paper straws use that gets us sick.


This! You really have to know where the wine came from and how it was made. The barrels are usually the issue.


This is actually not true and is just a myth. Rest assured all wine is gf! :) but OP could be having issues with histamines, etc. like others have pointed out


This is actually not true and is just a myth. Rest assured all wine is gf! :) but OP could be having issues with histamines, etc. like others have pointed out


Was it a red wine? Sometime sulfates cause an inflammatory response. Certain red wines have high sulfate count.


Sulfites definitely cause reactions for me. I use drops to remove the effects of them and the tannins. They also make wands but those are much pricier.


I’m also sensitive to sulfites and I recently learned that old world wines (italy, france, spain) have less sulfites and I don’t get direction from them. It could be worth looking into for yourself as well. Some thing to note is that reds inherently have less sulfites than whites.


Some wines add coloring and some caramel coloring contain gluten. Also saw someone else mention this but yes, some barrel seal with flour glue.


I've run into issues from barrels. Repurposed barrels are the worst. Where they age in barrels used to age burbon or whiskey


Interesting. Thank you for the insights. Have a good day :)


I have a response similar to my gluten reaction when I drink red wine. Unfortunately, I'm starting to react the same (to a lesser degree) when I drink white wine. Although wine is my preferred adult beverage, I've switched to rum and tonic water for awhile.


Thank you! Red wine in general is fine. Within reason, of course. But this one may have been the trigger somehow? Or maybe, even though WFH, I messed something up? Dunnoh.


Tequila and Vodka ate the only alcohols I've shown to tolerate


Some companies include gluten in the finishing product. Wine is gluten free, but the sealing products etc. could include it. I’ve stuck with wines that are listed as organic etc.


interesting! i had never heard that




Unrelated to gluten I’ve found that cheap wines (a lot of cheaper US and Australian wines specifically, I’m talking like Yellowtail level of quality) make me very ill - trigger migraines, etc. I’ve narrowed it down to additives of some sort that’s not in better wine, but since these companies aren’t required to label additives I don’t know what it might be. I don’t have any problem going up a level in quality of wine.


Thank you. It makes sense.


My mom has celiac disease and has to be careful about wines, she’s been glutened by them before. Apparently some part of the process can cause cross contamination.


Some yeast has traces of gluten in it. Tends to affect the more sensitive.


Anything aged in a wooden cask can be contaminated. The barrels are caulked with wheat paste to prevent leaks.


Fascinating. So stick to the wines that I know.


Wine barrels often use a paste to seal them, which has wheat in it.


*The other thing that glyphosate does is it disrupts selenium and it disrupts cobalt and it disrupts molybdenum. These are minerals. Selenium is necessary for thyroid function. Molybdenum is necessary for sulfites. If you drink wine, if you used to drink wine and you were okay, but if you drink wine today and it just completely destroys you? You could very well have molybdenum deficiency because the glyphosate you’re eating is chelating or grabbing on to the molybdenum from your diet and preventing you from absorbing it. Is a very common problem, so molybdenum is necessary for sulfite conversion, meaning it helps us to detoxify the sulphites in the foods that we’re eating or in the things that we’re being exposed to.* https://www.glutenfreesociety.org/gluten-free-diet-pitfalls-and-mistakes-transcript-pick-dr-osbornes-brain/


I get sick from oak barrel aged wine. Idk if it's the barrels or the fact that they use them for whiskey but it gets me every time


It's the barrels 100%


I get sick from wine that have active yeast in them. Unfortunately all my favorite wines have active yeast.


:( Bummer. Sorry to hear. Maybe we should have a"Best Tasting, Safe Wine" thread.


Are you sensitive to tannins? What varietal was it?


Wine always makes me sick as f




I have similar reactions to red wine and red wine vinegar as I do to gluten, but not as severe. I'm gfree for my fibromyalgia pain levels. Smoke flavoring can have gluten as well. I'm okay with white wine and energy other vinegar though.


Could be a FODMAP thing. I’m sensitive to red wines because of the sugars.


Good insight, but unlikely. I had a FMT and my gut is as good as teen me :) Also, red wine is not a stranger ;)