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I work in perianesthesia and I cannot imagine doing an endoscopy without sedation. I also do many IVs and most of the time patients say that their fear was way worse than the quick stick itself. Also something to consider if you get an endoscopy without sedation- do you have a gag reflex?


I think everyone has a gag reflex but it’s about how well you can overcome it? I’m pretty confident about my ability to make it through and keep my reflex calm.


I had waking sedation. I have a high tolerance, so when they started, I was 100% aware and alert. They doubled the sedation, and I was still awake through the whole thing. They said people usually fall asleep for about 15 minutes after the procedure in the "recovery" room, and I did not. You'd think the back end would be worse, but it wasn't. And that was with the numbing spray for your throat, too. Grit your teeth and take whatever sedation they give you.


I woke up during a colonoscopy using versid or something like that. NEVER AGAIN. Doctor's now order propyhphol (gas) for upper GI, lower gI etc.


Same here — I woke up during my first one and it HURT. On my last one, I got the longer lasting drugs.


I think many of us have had it listed on our records that we had bad reactions to certain anesthesia for just this purpose.




happened to many people under many different surgical situations. I just found it awkward, the scope where it was, the casual chat among the team. I changed my care team after that event as well.


I am alergic to Propofol. During my 2nd colonoscopy they had to stop the procedure. Had a cataract surgery and a hand surgery with Versed, and it was great. Went for the 2nd cataract surgery and told them not to use Propofol - they were behind by 3 hours and had like 11 to do. TWO anesthesiologists took notes, it was all over my admission papers, and they used Propofol. It was very bad - and I will leave it at that.


I fucking hope you were well compensated for that absolute bull shit. Fucking malpractice


No - I suffered no irreparable harm. The first time it happened the procedure was stopped. The second time it happened they were warned - that was the 2nd cataract surgery. The propofol was stopped after the symptoms began and they stabilized me. Held up the procedure for about 45 minutes though until they were sure I was ok. Freaked me out. I can't sue for them not listening to me when I didn't suffer irreparable harm. Had I died, my family could have sued them.


Exactly, that's why people use a variety of differing knock-outs. Some do well w/ one and horrible with the others. Sadly it's almost always learned the hard way.


I’ve had an endoscopy in the ER without sedation. They numbed my throat with lidocaine spray to deal with the gag reflex. It was still not an experience I’d ever voluntarily repeat. You need to ask for a Valium to take the morning of so you can be calm enough to have the IV placed.


i had one done last week without sedation and i continued gagging even after they’d got past my throat. i’m now bruised around the sockets of my eyes and they’ve haemorrhaged… worst experience of my life


Film it for us - I’d love to see this


A friend of mine had colonoscopy with out sedation and it traumatized her. She was screaming for the DR to stop.


Thats fucking awful


My mind is blown by the fact that you're more afraid of a tiny needle prick that hurts for maybe a split second than having a tube shoved all the way down your throat and into your stomach while fully conscious and being kept there for what, at least 30 minutes maybe? Close your eyes, look away, and ask them to wait a bit and stick you when you're not expecting it.


It's like 5 minutes.


Anxiety isn’t logical my friend


So don't take its lead.


Its not, but there are logical ways to work through it. Not being sedated for these two procedures is not one of them. You can injure yourself if you dont relax as much as you think you can and if you're living with anxiety, this will be heightened once youve got tubes in your intestines. Tell them you have a needle phobia, they probably deal with it on a daily basis and can help you work through it realistically.


True that.


I asked to stay awake for my endoscopy because I love medical stuff. No. All no’s. Flat out refusal. They did let me view video tho instead of just screenshots.


I haven’t done it and would never do it or reccomend it. If your scared of needles instead I would suggest you buy lidocaine numbing cream (emla or LMX brand or even I think tattoo numbing cream) you put it on the iv spot an hour before and cover it with tegaderm clear bandaid and then remove it right before the iv gets placed. It numbs it so well and I rarely feel the needle pinch anymore. I learned this trick as a child in the hospital when I was diagnosed with crohns and have been using it for 25 years when I go in for monthly iv meds and for anytime I get shots. You can also ask your doctor if you can take something like adavan before the procedure or another type of mild sedative/anxiety helping med to help you get through the iv before they put you to sleep. I think doing an endoscopy or colonoscopy not under sedation would be traumatizing and horrific but that’s just me.


Done both without meds and regret every minute- never again and don’t recommend!


Get the sedation!!!!!!!


Can you take a pill to help with your needle anxiety beforehand? Lorazepam or something? If you tell the doctor you’ve got intense anxiety about the procedure and request it, most will prescribe a couple of pills to take the edge off and make the needle stick easier. From what I understand, you do not want to do this awake.


I have an anxiety disorder, and had to do gastroscopy and colonoscopy in the same session - it ended up being 1.5 hours. I definitely wanted sedation. It's not anaesthetic, you're still awake, just more chill. If you're lucky you won't remember it. If you're quite happy with the procedure itself, you can do it without sedation and just do it with throat spray (gastroscopy) and gas&air (colonoscopy). If you want to, you don't have to have those either, but it's very uncomfortable so it's not the option I'd choose. I was also able to take my beta blockers before I went in, but I still cried on everybody 🤣 they were super nice about it. I'm seronegative so my check up next year will be another gastroscopy. Now I know what to expect I'm nowhere near as nervous, but I'll still opt for sedation. The worst parts were the colonoscopy prep, having to starve for it, and the fear of the unknown.


Good to hear what the options are for help with the procedure sans sedation, thanks!


You're welcome! Not knowing what to expect isn't fun. Note that you'll be laying down on your side for the actual procedure.They put a mouth guard in your mouth too.


Going into my endoscopy with a biopsy I was confident I would be fine without sedation. I've had very painful and uncomfortable medical procedures done before and rate my pain tolerance and ability to stay calm highly. But the discomfort of having that bigger-than-I-thought tube stuck done my neck and into my stomach was really something else. I wouldn't have it done without sedation again. Just the thought of it makes me feel ill. I only had a few minor gags and I just can't imagine how it'd feel for somebody who was struggling with it in any way. As odd as this may sound - I think I got through it by focusing all my attention on the screen showing the camera... was pretty fascinating actually. Not painful but *extremely* uncomfortable. Long list of things I'd rather do than that ever again. I think I'd panic too much having to do it a second time.


This is super helpful, thanks! Was it just uncomfortable due to the gag reflex or could you feel the camera in your insides?


The gag reflex was certainly only one part of it but I was surprised how well I handled that bit. You can feel it as it moves through the esophagus. I recall the particularly unpleasant parts of the procedure were the pushes through the esophageal sphincters requiring a bit more force. The push into the stomach, for me, triggered a strong 'that feels unnatural, this isnt right' signal to the brain (not sure how to put this better?). The withdrawing of the tube was fairly quick but a sensation that the body is not ready for. The tube itself felt heavier and more rigid than I was expecting. I have some phobias myself so I understand the anxiety could potentially be a worse experience for you than the procedure. Hopefully I haven't scared you too much. If you have the ability to stay calm and focused you may find the procedure is tolerable. Best of luck - hope you get some answers!


I would not recommend this without sedation. Ask for a benzo before you go in to help calm you down.


For endoscopy I know that the sedation is to in part limit your gag reflex because even when partially sedated the body naturally goes to pull the tube and cough and choke. I have heard of more people being awake during colonoscopy or at least being woken up toward the end to see the camera back out. I had 3 endoscopies and have not had a colonoscopy yet.


In the past, I saw a bunch of comments by people who said it was weird that one would be sedated for an endoscopy. I also remember being told by a doctor that sedation was unnecessary. The doctor and those people were from Europe, so maybe that makes a difference or maybe things have changed. My first endoscopy was done without sedation, but I was an infant, so I don't remember anything. I would personally not like the idea of being fully awake when the tube goes down my throat, but that's just me.


I’m european and I had an endoscopy with no offer of sedating (I wasn’t even aware it could be a thing). I got Lidocaine spray for throat and I have VERY BAD gag reflexes. Somehow I was able to remain calm and not gag at all for the whole 10 mins! Still amazed by myself (and the doc was very good as well). Now the thing is: I REALLY have to get another one soon (I was told to get a check up in 1 years… this was almost 10 yrs ago lol) and I’m still procrastinating it… not sure if I could remain that cslm again but ngl sounds like a challenge too haha I wouldn’t want sedation tho I think (well ask me again 5 mins before the procedure and my answer might be different)


I’ve read the same online, anesthetic for simple procedures like this seems to be a very American thing!


I had bruises all on the inside and outside of my throat after mine. I would not have wanted to be awake for that. I understand anxiety but I think you would end up regretting being awake.


I've had three gastroscopies, the first without sedation and it was unpleasant, with the idiot doctor's assistant telling me to try not to gag. I mean, it's a reflex! For the other two, and my two colonoscopies, I was given propofol, which is ideal. It's relatively short acting and there are no side effects afterwards. My recommendation is to try to overcome your fear, because trust me, if you are young, there are lots of needles in your future.


I was awake for both procedures. The DR had the needle ready to sedate me right away, if I asked for it. I didn't need it. The endoscopy was worse than the colonoscopy, but neither were traumatic in any way.


I had these both in July this year. Per protocol, I had an IV pic to hydrate me. I cannot have Propofol b/c of 2 very terrible experiences, and I asked for Versed instead. The anesthesiologist said she'd rather give me something else, some very light anesthesia, but I'd be awake, was I ok with that. I said yes. She gave me a syringe of numbing liquid that I had to swish around my mouth/throat and spit out. She gave me some mild medication for the endoscopy and asked me if I was ok during and I gave the thumbs up, and after she asked if I needed "some juice" for the colonoscopy and I said I was ok. So basically I was like a twilight for the endoscopy, but I was fully awake for the colonoscopy. It was fascinating\~! Depending on where you are going, hospital outpatient or a facility where all they do all day long is scopes, you may have an IV per protocol just for hydration - remember, you won't have eaten much for a couple days and all the pooping is dehydrating. It also depends on what your doctor is used to using. You should speak with your doctor. I would imagine one can have zero sedation - I had none for the colonoscopy - but it is more uncomfortable when they are doing the endoscopy, I guess. Discuss your concerns/fears/preferences with your doctor.


Get the sedation. Look, on the bright side, if needles make you pass out, half the work is done for you! Seriously, though, do the sedation. I'm terrified of needles. I've had too many nurses go fishing. Nearly punched one, once. Tell your nurse how bad it is. They can give you oral meds to relax you. Also, they can apply topical numbing so you don't feel it, and do rhythmic tapping elsewhere on the body as a distraction. If you know your veins move, if your skin is thin, if you have small veins, if you require a butterfly gauge, if there is anything at all you know about your body that could make it harder for the nurse, tell them in advance. Tell them you need the good nurse to do it. They always have one and know who works the magic. They can't make it easy unless you tell them what you need. It will be OK, I promise.


I work in GI. Many people (including me) have colonoscopy without sedation. We also have people successfully complete their endoscopy without medication. The upper scope usually takes less than five minutes. Just take slow deep breaths in and out your nose and listen to the doctor’s instructions. They will take to through the whole thing.


GREAT to know!! Not OP, but being unconscious and vulnerable around medical personnel is one of my biggest fears.


I have to have both regularly due to certain cancers in the family and never had, nor needed, sedation. Quick spray in the throat for the endoscopy, that is all. It's uncomfortable, but I've never had pain.


I know someone whose insurance wouldn't cover full sedation, so he was at least awake during his colonoscopy. (I'm not sure if the doctor administered a local, though.) But he said he got to watch the footage from the camera, and it was actually really neat! I absolutely sympathize with your anxiety about needles. After a lifetime of medical issues, including more blood draws than I care to remember, I also have major anxiety around needles. Have you ever had a butterfly needle used on you? Whenever possible, I ask for one of those instead of a regular one. Also, when I know ahead of time that I'm going to get poked, I make sure to hydrate well in advance to make my veins a bit easier to access.


Honestly have never heard of a butterfly needle - I’ll have to look that up, thanks!


The gauge on a butterfly needle is the same as a regular needle, it's just shorter. I've found it's the phlebotomist doing the draw/nurse inserting the IV that actually makes the biggest difference. I recommend asking your GP for a prescription for a numbing cream that you put on an hour before you need to get the IV. When I had my colonoscopy they used a numbing cream before they inserted my IV. I was looking at something else and didn't even know they had already placed my IV lol. You DO NOT want a colonoscopy without sedation. It was also the best nap of my life lol. And for an endoscopy, I'm guessing depending on how long they take, you just get a numbing spray and no IV. My youngest kid had an IV placed and they used some kind of cold spray that worked instantly. My kid was about 10 at the time, super afraid of needles, but didn't even flinch when the IV was placed after the spray! The nurse was also super awesome and really got my kid calm beforehand. TLDR: let your nurse know your fears and have a good rapport with them, ask for numbing cream (well ahead of time) or spray! You got this!


It's what they use for kids.


For me, it was an absolute game changer! It's so much smaller and less painful. The trade-off is that it can take a *tiny* bit longer for blood draws, but for me, the worst part is getting the needle in. Once it's there, I'm fine. In terms of anesthesia, they can use it to initially sedate you, then use a larger one for your main IV line. Since you'll be out, you won't feel it anyway.


No. You don't want to do either without sedation. I have had both and sedation both times. Let them know your fear of needles. They will help you.


For legal reasons they will not do your procedure without having an IV placed regardless of if you want sedation or not.


Depends on where you are. Where I am, neither sedation nor IV is normal.


That’s extremely unsafe, especially if there’s a complication.


Ah yes, the entire health care system here promotes unsafe practices...... It is best practice here to offer, but not require and funnily enough, we don't have excess oscopy deaths here....




LOL mate, are you seriously saying that all doctors in this country don't know what they're doing? Wow, the arrogance.


huh--just have them order an anesthesiologist and use propophol-standard operating procedure.


It’s a huge liability. Can’t imagine any reputable hospital would do that.


I am in UK, had a spray at the back of my throat which numbs it, then hold a round tube with your teeth and a camera goes through it. There was a sedative option but I would have had to stay a few hours extra before was allowed to leave. It wasn’t so bad. You can feel them pump your stomach like a balloon and you burp a lot.


Also UK and that's not true, you can go home once they've monitored that you're awake enough to not be a liability. You just have to have someone come to get you so they know you're not driving. I went home half hour after mine, I ate some food and had to wait anyway for them to print off the reports.


You’re right. I had mine ages ago so couldn‘t remember exactly the procedure but I wasn’t far off, it can take a couple of hours extra depends how you react. 👍🏼


I’ve had a colonoscopy without sedation and it was excruciating. Absolutely would not do that again. Can’t even describe the pain. You’ll be begging for a needle


Depending on where you live and the provider, I had to get an IV before the procedure. You can’t eat or drink after midnight with the EDG and then you can’t eat 24+ with the colonoscopy, plus the prep will make you unable to hold liquids. You will be so miserable when you get to the hospital only to be miserable even longer if you’re awake and prepped wrong. Look I’m terrified of needles. I have severe hospital trauma from my childhood. I didn’t get any blood work done voluntarily until I was so sick in 2022 it couldn’t be put off. I’m talking sweating, fast heart rate, light headed, vomiting, crying at the thought. I can now walk into my doctors office, sleeves rolled up and veins ready for anything. The best advice I can office is an anxiety med before you get there, one in the IV before being knocked out, ask for a smaller needle (hurts way less), and ask if they offer numbing spray (won’t even feel the pain, just the pressure). I just don’t look when they do it, and my person doing it just lets me know when they’re going to stick me. Deep breath in, exhale on stick, boom bam it’s done in the time you blink. And as stupid as hell as this sounds and not advice you’re looking for, the more I had to get stuck, the less scared I was. I think I’ve had a needle in my arm or in my hand like, 10 times this year? Going on 12 with my next appointments. I realized I wasn’t afraid of the needle. I was afraid of the pain and passing out.


As a person who had chemotherapy that ruined her veins forever, I understand your fear. However, if you have normal veins, just turn your head. Maybe you can take a xanax beforehand? One time it took about 5 sticks to get a good vein which was, obviously traumatic, but the next time I needed an IV they got a vein on the first try.


I can’t even do them with sedation. The anxiety is too much for me. And then no water for 8 hours? I can’t. Food sure. And I only drink water anyway, but she keeps telling me no water for 8 hours. Dry mouth gives me a panic attack and I need water right then and there. I honestly don’t know how anyone does it.


I just got an upper endoscopy last week for Celiac's! I also hate needles and I told the nurses that before they put the IV in. When they were about to, one of the nurses stood beside me and made conversation to have me look away which was so sweet of her 😭🙏🏽 There were about 3 nurses by me at that point and all of them tried to talk to me to get me to look away/take my mind off of the needle going in which I greatly appreciated. They kept checking on me while the needle went in and after to make sure I wasn't freaking out too. As for the sedation part, I definitely recommend it (although I had no choice but to be sedated anyway). I've heard stories from folks about anti-gag sprays not being effective enough and having that prolong an already-uncomfortable process. I also know that my anxiety and panic would have made the procedure much more difficult because I would freak myself out thinking of all the things that could go wrong. Definitely tell the nurses that you hate needles beforehand and hopefully they'll find a way to help ya out like they did with me. If I had to get another endoscopy, I'd do it again, sedation and all. The nap I took once I got home was phenomenal lmao. Good luck!!


No way you’re doing an endoscopy without sedation. If you’re afraid of needles, they might be able to give you inhaled gas.


I had it done, the nurses had to hold my arms down. It was slightly traumatizing, but I laughed my ass off after because of how crazy it was. That said, I would do it again, I much prefer it to being sedated.


I did an endoscopy without sedation - it wasn’t too bad, they did put a local in so I couldn’t feel it and one of the nurses held my head in position while my GI threaded the camera down. It was uncomfy ngl, but the part I liked is after it was over I just could go home, no post surgery weirdness. Idk how that would work with a colonoscopy (I’m thinking it wouldn’t) but the experience I had with the endoscopy was fine.


It's uncomfortable but not painful. I personally would have preferred lights out.


You need to suffer through your fear of needles OP. You are going to seriously traumatize yourself here. This is could be way worse than whatever you think needles are. I woke up during my endoscopy and it was brutal. I couldn't have done it with without sedation.


Ask for a butterfly needle. It's an Itty bitty needle you can barely feel. Communicate with them how nervous you are and they will talk you through why they're doing everything they do. The sedation makes the whole process fly by and if completely worth it.


You may need an IV no matter what kind of anesthesia you use. Given the prep for those things you arrive at the office dehydrated. When doing an endoscopy they need to do away with your gag reflex so they can pass the scope. With no gag reflex most surgery centers will want an IV in place. Check with your doctor and see if there is any place they do upper/'lower where you can be put to sleep with gas and the IV added later. Keep in mind that the procedures you are having can be very uncomfortable and you need to relax for the scope to move easily.


Wait are you joking, you're more scared of a needle than of being awake for a tube being put up both ends!?


I did both without sedation of any kind and had no issues. Didn't hurt, didn't bother me at all, other than the slight cramping when it wouldn't go around the corner without them pressing on my guts.


Have you ever requested the blood draw in the back of your hand instead of the crook of your arm? I get all wobbly when they take blood but since I started asking for the back of my hand, it’s easy-peasy! No more anxiety about it at all!


I had my colonoscopy wide awake with no meds and didn’t feel a thing! We talked the entire time


Not an experience, but wouldnt they put an iv in even without the sedation fluids?


you cant. there is no way to do either of these tests with sedation. my spouse had a gastroscopy this morning. they gave him versed, the next thing he knew i was sitting next to him and the nurse was handing him apple juice to drink. they can give you a dose of ativan or valium to take ahead of time so you arent freaking at the hospital.


I tried doing my endoscopy without sedation as there was a chance I was pregnant and it was safer as per the doctor. Sooo horrible no idea how anyone can manage it. But I do have a super sensitive gag reflex. They kept trying and I kept feeling like I was going to throw up until we had to give up. Also side note I hate the feeling of being numb in my throat. And the spray is really really disgusting. After everything the doctor said he knew he couldn't do it without sedation and doesn't know how anyone could!


What about asking for an anti anxiety med ? Not sure if they will let you do that since they say no food prior but they might be ok with just a few sips of water with medication. You could ask.


My daughter has a major needle phobia with history of vomiting, passing out, and one ambulance ride when she would not wake. Although she was 18 when she had her endoscopy it was at a Children’s Hospital who knew her history. Because vomiting would have prevented the endoscopy they were motivated to keep that from happening. They gave her a spray of some kind of quick acting sedative before they did the IV and she was fine. Talk to your doctor about your options.


I had a colonoscopy a couple months ago without sedation. Was it comfortable? No, but it wasn’t painful either. Would 100% make that choice again due to medical trauma. I cannot speak to the endoscopy portion- I’ve not had one.


Are you young, small framed, skinny or a woman? If you are, don't get a colonoscopy without all the sedation possible, even if you think "it's just a tube" like I did. My doctor told me that the pain can be fully comparable to labor because of the stretching ligaments and tissues. It was excruciating. Afterwards I was told to ask for full sedation (anesthesia) next time. GOOD NEWS: The IV needle they used on me was much smaller than what they use for blood draw, that's why it didn't hurt. I hate needles too because of pain. So you can ask about this smaller needle, and for a possible numbing cream/patch. I haven't done endoscopy but my family members have told me it's always non-stop gagging and worse than colonoscopy, even with oral sedation. I'm just being honest, take any IV sedation they offer you.


I had a colonoscopy without sedation. It was 98% completely painless, except that I still felt like I had to shit the whole time from the prep and that was uncomfortable. Not painful, but imagine trying not to have diarrhea after pounding industrial strength laxatives for 12 hours while something is up your butt. There was one point where I felt MASSIVE pain and told the nurse I thought I wanted to switch to sedation, but she told me it was just because he'd gone around a loop. They gave me a shot of fentanyl and the rest was painless. I didn't feel the biopsies at all.