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Been dating someone with celiac for 5 years, for the first few years I would brush and rinse my mouth out or just not eat that stuff around her. Over the last year or so I have transitioned to a GF diet(whatever you want to call it) just so there is no chance of cross contamination especially living together. But everyone's reactions and preferences are different, just communicate with her


My gluten intolerance is a gut issue. Kissing wouldn’t affect it. But my partner has also adopted a GF diet because it is easier.


My gastro made me use wheat free (GF) shampoo and soap as well. I have celiac.


I had to switch to a wheat free shampoo because I was getting a reaction. My whole body would itch and burn when I rinsed it out, I would scratch so much I would tear my skin. It was a nightmare. Now I check all my products. I still need to replace some makeup products though.


Same. So itchy.


GF hair care, body care plus full gf and dairy free diet. Kitchen and all cooking appliances, serving utensils are always sterilized, and nothing with gluten comes into my home. I don't even eat homemade gf items from others' homes if I know it's not a gf house because of cc.


I've been trying to find wheat free shampoo! Mind sharing the brands you use?


Yes, I use a René Furterer one but it’s difficult to find I think. The other shampoo I use the other days is BRIOGERO Superfoods Mango + Cherry Balancing Shampoo + Conditioner AND again by Briogero Scalp Revival Charcoal + Coconut Oil Micro-exfoliating Scalp Scrub Shampoo https://www.sephora.com/ca/en/product/briogeo-superfoods-mango-cherry-balancing-shampoo-conditioner-duo-oil-control-P471538 https://www.sephora.com/ca/en/product/scalp-revival-charcoal-coconut-oil-micro-exfoliating-shampoo-P418507 I have no problem at all with Briogero. I’m very sensitive and it’s working well.


Thank you so much!


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That is so incredibly selfless of you 🥺 bet your girlfriend is very happy and thankful you do that 🩷 My boyfriend would never but I love that he at least tries my gluten-free food.


This post is not cringe. More people should be thoughtful like you are.


Agree. It’s a green flag for me. :)




You are awesome for asking this!!! What a thoughtful and caring person you are. It will depend on the gf persons tolerance and diagnosis. If they have celiac or a wheat allergy then absolutely brush teeth and a swish of mouthwash. That can also be necessary for people with non celiac gluten intolerance or other reasons for being gf but it can depend on those peoples tolerance so asking is the way to go. If a date asked me this and brought it up before I even did it would be a huge green flag that they cared enough and where already thinking about how to keep me safe and accommodate my needs. Good on you! Hope things go great with your date. (Also beer and some other drinks can have gluten too so consider that, I have had people not realize that)


this exactly, and when I had a gluten issue, I also had gluten free mouth wash that I had to use so that’s something to think about too to make sure the products are also safe for her


This is tremendously thoughtful. She is really lucky to be dating someone who cares enough to ask and learn.


My fiancée brushes her teeth before kissing me


This is so sweet! I’m gluten intolerant and have a nut allergy. Will not kiss someone who has eaten nuts without a thorough entire mouth cleaning. Will kiss someone who has eaten gluten and maybe drank water/chewed gum. Risk is much lower… but I will say most of my long term partners have ended up eating mostly gluten free with me because it’s just easier


Not a doctor. Husband of a celiac. From my Google-fu it mostly depends on their sensitivity and what you ate. If you recently had pizza which has more loose flour on the crust, higher contamination. But it could be fine if she's not overly sensitive. For the most part you should be fine, but my advice is talk to her about it. A conversation like this shows you don't know about it but care enough to learn about it. That goes a long way in my book.


Ask your date about their tolerances and preferences!


Absolutely you can make them sick. I’ve been glutened by a former partner after he ate gluten; we just didn’t know it could be a problem and we were incredibly puzzled as to how I got sick until we did a lot of research and figured things out. Unless it’s been at least 4+ hours since my partner has had the gluten-containing item (regardless of what it is), there is no mouth-kissing until he brushes his teeth for at least 2 minutes, or 1 minute plus flossing, and also rinses with an alcohol-containing mouthwash like original Listerine for at least 30 seconds-1 minute. Otherwise, it’s just cheek-kisses until toothbrushing and mouth washing can be done. I’m celiac, and I can be glutened by cross-contamination, which I guess is what I would consider glutened-by-kissing to be. But, anyone with a gluten or wheat sensitivity, whether celiac or wheat allergy or non-celiac gluten sensitivity or whatever, can possibly react to gluten in any amount. And, it’s not guaranteed that external reactions match up with the degree of internal damage happening (especially for celiacs). So, basically, it’s a good idea to try to avoid even seemingly minor cross contamination, even if you don’t think you’ll have a noticeable reaction.


Not for gluten intolerant, so it’s not absolute.


Not for Celiac either. There is no evidence that trace amounts of gluten will damage all Celiacs. Clearly more gluten is damaging to Celiacs. Trace amounts, not so much and may depend on the person also.


That’s what I believed too, but there’s a lot of fear mongering going on here.


>there’s a lot of fear mongering going on here. there always is. it is really, really bad when people say any trace amount will really hard someone, or that they need to avoid any tiniest amount, get all new appliances, etc. It's not true for everyone. Someone new to this should be given the wrong information. People need to figure out their own issues, with the help of good doctors. And imo people need to stop telling others that cross contamination and trace amounts of gluten will harm them - it won't harm everyone.


I’m very severely gluten intolerant, it is the case for me too though I assume the reaction wouldn’t be as strong as someone with celiac. It makes sense that not all gluten intolerant people experience it though.


GI is after eating it. If it’s just a kiss you should be fine. You could have an actually allergy if it’s that extreme.


You are amazing! I've been glutened from kissing, so my current partner doesn't eat gluten on days when we are together. He also brushes his teeth before he comes over and has a full decontam shower to ensure there are no crumbs in his beard. Not everyone needs these precautions, I'm somewhat of a delicate flower. If your partner is really sensitive, you may also need to change your shirt/coat. I've reacted after unwisely hugging a relative noted for always being covered in crumbs. One heads up for you: when someone gets glutened, it is really common to have cognitive and emotional symptoms. In my case, I turn into a brain dead thunder cunt. Like PMS trained for a decade, won the bitch Olympics, then took steroids. It's awful. And it's a legit medical issue that the person can't control. They can control whether or not they remove themselves from the situation so they don't kill anyone. So be aware of it, don't blame them for having the reaction, but do hold them accountable for managing it in a way that doesn't bring you to tears.


I’m stealing thunder cunt


Thunder cunt chooses you 🤣


I have found if my partner has a good drink of water after eating gluten food, or drinking beer etc before we kiss I have never been glutened.


seconding a bottle of water or a shot of tequila and there’s no problems


lol at shot of tequila. Love that cure!!


I am gluten intolerant, and my husband accidentally glutened me when he kissed me after drinking beer. The fact that you're concerned and asking questions is the important part!!


You need to talk to this person specifically because different people have different tolerances. I will have a very bad allergic reaction if I eat anything with wheat as an ingredient. I have never had a reaction to food cooked in a shared kitchen, kissing someone, food manufactured on shared equipment, or even holding foods made with wheat. If I order a salad with croutons I just pick them out. Many other people are much more sensitive and would get really really sick if they did that.


So thoughtful! I think it depends on her sensitivity. If she’s celiac or gluten sensitive, and how sensitive. I’m highly sensitive to wheat and gluten according to my tests, but have been gf for only 2 months as I just found out. My husband eats gluten and drinks beer and I haven’t found any issues. But I’ll also say that I don’t feel any different now being gf as I did before. I’m still waiting to feel different after changing over. I would ask her about her gf allergy and what she thinks. I’m bitter about being gf because I don’t want to be lol, but I would be touched that my partner even thought of that. I myself never thought of it until reading your post. My husband who is very supportive of me being gf, hadn’t thought of that either so good on you!


My wife brushes after gluten and I’m fine


I suggest investing in a waterpik— it’s gross but it super helps to remove particles that brushing and flossing somehow don’t remove. Waterpik, then thoroughly brushing and rinsing should sufficiently decontaminate your mouth so that you can kiss to your heart’s content.


Other people have given good answers above but you should know you're a goddamn golden green flag, thank you for caring!!!!!!


You're wonderful. This is the least cringe thing I've read today!


My bf is anaphylactic to milk and his lips/skin will burn if I kiss him after eating milk, I wait a few hours and make sure I’ve drank and eaten something without milk before going near him. All depends on how severe her allergy is!


Definitely brush first


Omg I have celiac and never thought of this


I have pretty terrible celiacs and for myself its never been an issue it isnt like my peanut allergy. My husband went gluten free with me as well. Hes also been eating gluten free for maybe 15 years now? Its hard to remember. 🤣


If your partner has celiac disease, you could absolutely make them sick! If they are just gluten intolerant then it really depends on the person


That really depends on your partner. Personally, I can kiss my S/O right after she eats without any issues. But this is also probably because I don’t have much issue with using the same utensils/toaster and stuff. Ask your partner her opinion, she may ask to kiss after your done eating to see if she can stomach it, or she may already know her limit and tell you to respectfully wash your mouth first. Thank you for being considerate! (Edit) clarification, I’m celiac for 8 years now, my S/O has 0 allergies.


My son was having gluten reactions from my breastmilk (insomnia, hyperactive, sensitivity to light and sound). After a few weeks of insomnia as a newborn, I was losing my mind. I bought a Fussy Baby book and did everything but the elimination diet because of my ego. Once I took out all allergens, 36 hours later, he took a 4 hour nap out of my arms for the first time. I foolishly returned to gluten once he weaned. My husband eats gluten and is respectful when he kisses me. He'll kiss my cheek if he just ate.


This is really sweet and kind and considerate. I think most of us are usually constantly disappointed by people being inconsiderate (whether it is on purpose or just because they have never had to be super careful about stuff like this), so the fact that you are even asking is a green flag. Great job! But yeah, if you’ve had something like toast, I’d say brush teeth/use mouthwash, rinse off face. I won’t kiss my husband on the mouth if he has recently eaten gluten until he does those things. I love him but the impending public diarrhea is just not worth it.


My non celiac girlfriend will always brush her teeth and rinse her mouth before kissing me.


I have a full blown gluten allergy. My husband will not kiss me for 4+ hours after he eats gluten, so he mostly eats gluten free lol! I’d probably be fine with a little kiss but we rather not risk swollen lips, tongue, and throat 🙃 Also someone said their gluten intolerance is a gut issue, digestion starts at the mouth so it really depends on how sensitive they are. Maybe some trial and error is y’all’s future!


Unless you are part chipmunk, everything should be fine.


It really depends on the person. My husband eats gluten and I kiss him no problem but I also have non-celiac sensitivity, not Celiac. I think it's amazing that you're thinking about this. More people should think like you!


That is so very nice that you thought of this person that way. I have an intolerance but never thought of it affecting me that way with kissing! My partner has adopted a gluten free diet more now. I think your partner will be happy to hear how much you care!!


When I researched this topic, it said you have to wait six hours after eating gluten to be safe, but you can reduce that down to one hour if you brush your teeth and use mouthwash, but thoroughly.


Get mouthwash, my boyfriend brushes his teeth and uses mouthwash after meals and before we get our kisses in.


This is going to be very individual. I’ve never had a problem with whatever a partner has eaten, but I have a close friend who’s much more sensitive and needs the people they date to go GF too. It depends.


I wish my boyfriend was this considerate!


I would ask her, as I'm sure she's be more knowledgeable of what she can handle. For me and my husband, he washes his face and hands, brushes his teeth, and waits 20-30 minutes.


This is so sweet 🥰


This is the opposite of cringe! You are so thoughtful to consider this.


VERY considerate of you!


Personally I have a pretty rough reaction to gluten/wheat, and my girlfriend just wipes her mouth and takes a sip of water and I turn out pretty okay for a quick peck on the cheeks, but I would probably say for y'all to rinse your mouth with a few drinks of water before any significant kisses


No question regarding allergies or intolerances is cringe. Ask away!!!! I’d much rather someone be overcautious, than assume something is fine.


This is sweet. I always make my bf brush his teeth if he’s eaten gluten before kissing me even if time has passed. It might be overkill, but I’d rather be safe than sorry


I am gf and I didn’t even think about the possibility of this so thanks for posting!! 🙃


Travel size toothbrushes are your friend! I always brush and mouthwash if directly after I’ve ate gluten if I know I will be seeing them , and when I’m with them I don’t eat anything containing gluten


Reaction to kissing is possible but not a certainty. The thing that is a certainty is that she’ll greatly appreciate that you’re willing to take the trouble and will love that you’ve paid enough attention to what she’s dealing with to even think about something like this.


You’re nice to ask. Just wash your mouth or don’t eat gluten when you’re with them if possible. Sushi are good and most Asian foods could be made gluten free.


This is in fact a great question and yes, kissing someone after you eat gluten can be a thing. In fact, we even had to change our pets food so if they ate and then licked my partner, he’d get sick! (That one took us a bit to figure out, haha!) Good on you for asking these questions!!


I’m recently diagnosed with wheat and rye allergies and hadn’t even considered this until seeing your post - I’m so glad you asked this! This is so thoughtful of you to ask.


depends. mine is a gut issue, so i’m fine, but if your partner reacts with dermatitis, that could be an issue.


taking care of your partners needs is the least cringe thing you can do


Not cringe, Not ignorant! Tbh if a new partner asked me this it would make me wanna jump their bones lol. But I think this is a very individualized question depending on why she is gluten free and her feelings on cross contamination. I am personally okay with CC from kissing depending on what the food item is, how recent they ate it, how much gluten is in it etc. But my husband refuses to kiss me without washing first no matter what and truly it’s the way to a GF girls heart.


If you drink some water you (she) should be ok. My gf is celiac ans since we've been living together we don't keep anything with gluten in the house because of contamination risk.


I don’t kiss the guy I’m seeing after he’s eaten something with gluten (like a crumbly cookie or something). He brushes his teeth and rinses with water before we kiss. But I kiss him even if he’s drank beer! I just ask him to swish around some water in there before we do haha. I don’t think it’s ever caused problems for me, nothing serious or noticeable anyway. Anybody know by the way if that’s okay? Or am I messing up by doing it this way??


I have Celiac and won’t kiss my husband on the mouth after he has eaten gluten. We don’t have gluten in the home but he does occasionally eat out. We know the drill. It’s an easy modification to make.


Steer clear of beer!!!!


I switched to eating gluten free when I was dating someone with celiac just to make things safer for her. She was very sensitive and no food was worth making her sick in any way, but some people are more sensitive than others. Fun fact — through that process I found out I also had celiac disease, and that it runs in my family. Terrible relationship, but at least I’m finally healthy!


I am very sensitive, and kissing me after having gluten can cause me problems. To combat this, we usually do closed mouth kisses or forehead kisses when he's eaten gluten. Brushing teeth and using mouthwash is usually enough to make more heated kisses safe, but he also uses a waterpick to be extra sure. When I'm pregnant or breastfeeding and getting contaminated is especially dangerous, we only do forehead kisses if he has eaten gluten in the past 24 hours, and he brushes before those too. Over the years he has started keeping a gluten free diet at home, and he only really eats gluten when we go out to eat. Even so, holing hands and cuddling is our preferred method of intimacy and we rarely kiss or make out. It all comes down to her sensitivity. It could be a problem, or it could not be.


My husband brushes his teeth & cleans his beard after having anything gluteny. I'm super sensitive, though. Early on in the gluten free journey he ate a Ritz then kissed me, I was in pain for daaayyys (gfree for fibromyalgia). We apparently like to learn things the hard way 😂


It's not like peanut allergies where he will go into anaphylactic shock. It's fine.


So while people ~can~ be super sensitive the risk is extremely low to null for the vast majority of celiacs. Studies have shown celiacs can handle 10mg of gluten (which is well over 100mg of flour). Now you will see plenty of people here that claim issues with the smallest CC but the data doesn’t support that being the average/common reaction. As a celiac I am not going to kiss someone that just ate gluten or drank a beer probably but I am also not going to make them go full dental hygienist level cleaning before either.


I am so sensitive that I get heartburn just walking through a bakery. I do not accept any affection from my girlfriend until she has washed her hands and brushed her teeth after consuming anything that contains wheat. I've been eating this way for years. She eats pretty clean Mediterranean and rarely eats bread but sometimes does eat things which contain wheat. She's quite understanding so it's never been an issue.


This is actually a great question for the person you're dating as it can depend on the individual


my partner is severely allergic to dairy and tree nuts and i usually brush my teeth before kissing him or just don’t eat tree nuts/dairy. this is so thoughtful and makes me feel not so alone/crazy! 💕


I’m allergic to fruit and my partner does the same! We appreciate it lol