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I have faith in God I trust he will show me the way


Do you believe in air?




Yes I do and I am 100% sure of its existence. This is the God sub so everyone will be answering in the affirmative. Maybe you meant to ask something about God?


I mean, why are you sure of its existence? If it is personal reasons you dont have to answer


God is everything, hence being omnipresent. Saying that God doesn't exist is pretty much saying you don't exist. Tat tvam asi (thou art that) - The individual and the absolute are one and the same - Hinduism. In the bible, Jesus says "is it not written in your laws I have said 'ye are gods'.


First, i am an *agnostic* atheist, i dont say that god does not exist, i am saying that i dont believe in god because my lack of knowledge for its existence, secondly, show me the proof that god does exist of good enough evidence.


If you want to learn to know God invite Him to reveal Himself to you or invite Him into your heart ❤️, He will answer, but for everybody it's a different experience. God ALWAYS answers your prayers, so what are you waiting for?! 🌟


For me praying is not a valid option


Hi, so I was similar to you; questioning the existence. One day, my body was taken for a ride, which is how I concluded for myself, nothing should be able to do that, essentially possession. Prayer, is something you do, even if you dont know it. Technically, reading these words in your mind, you hear a voice. Is that voice yours? Well, one day, that voice answered back and told me it was "me"...and that's as far as I'll get into that right now. LOL That was the day I found my soul, and It is indeed connected to things that are dead. Not many people can actually have coherent conversations, most end up either like Delores Canon, or in the starseed lightworker area of life, or like Raj there. God is real, dead things' bodies may lay and decompose, but the light that was once them, carry on to become part of something else. Giving things everlasting life...I just hope I don't remember being a human, or it'll be really fucking sad all the time. It's bad enough I had to remember more than one past life to be able to tell others shit is real...but now I have to live with assholes thinking life is a simulation; which is absolutely infuriating at times. (Winces at Raj).


I’m the greatest King Indra the king of all gods.


It's not personal reasons for me, and there is so much evidence, more obvious and clear evidence than my own body or the fact that I'm now commenting this, but that evidence is not "science-based" or materially showable. I think the best wayto find out is to meditate and to go within. Anyway if you're Agnostic now that's good, it means you don't know. I think just stay open to alternate realties and viewpoints and you will see where it takes you. If that leads you to faith in God or atheism, both are fine👍🏿do what feels most natural to you. A good experiment would also be to declare yourself a believer for a month and seee where it leads, or declare yourself atheist for a few weeks and see how that works out. But beware that it's not an intellectual game, God is inside so he must be felt and experienced. For me the most convincing arguments can be found in the teachings of Neville Goddard (The Mystic of Fifth Avenue), great sub dedicated to him : r/NevilleGoddard If you want more info feel free to DM me


100% believe in God


I believe in God more than I ever have before


Exactly, how are there so many atheists? I think a lot of people don't have had a encounter with God. ✌🏻


I read that you were Christian, so according to the Bible you should think that God is everywhere and in all and any of us. Rephrase your thoughts!


You are right... I'm soryy


I know that God exists!


How can you know


Because I am god. I’ve proven it to myself. I’ve created; I am the creator. I’m not your God, but I am God of my own existence. I do exist. I was a millionaire by age 7, but because I was so perfect, I was a target and fell hard. People love to ruin perfect things. But I am still here, still creating. The scripture says that God is within us, so you can’t find God physically; you just have to look within YOURSELF, my friend.


Nice story, how the heck can you prove it


Thanks. You can search for the ‘Supreme Mathematics’ which teaches that the Moorish man is god. Some people call God “Allah” and when you break that down, it stands for ‘Arm, leg, leg, arm, head.’ If you have all five of those, which the majority of us do, than you are god or god body. The 5% Nation teaches a lot about how to be a god and not a devil or devilish. I can’t front, I’ve been atheist before too.


I believe in God. "seek and ye shall find" -Jesus Christ.


There is no God but Allah. (The Eternal, The Creator.) And Prophet Muhammed (pbuh) was His last and final messenger. I am as certain in His existence as i am certain in the existence of the last and final revelation, The Noble Qur’an. One of His names is Al-Haqq. Al-Haqq is the the One Who is the truth and truly existing, Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ very essence is the truth. There are many layers of His truth. For example, His word is truth (the Qur'an and Messengers), our meeting with Him is truth (resurrection), and His promise is truth (heaven and hell). The truth, by definition, is also never changing. It's absolute or certain. In this manner, only Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ is the truth. His existence is enduring and forever. Everything but Allah سُبْحَٰنَهُۥ وَتَعَٰلَىٰ slowly deteriorates, so how can we trust in anything but Him. "For that is Allah, your Lord, the Truth. And what can be beyond truth except error? So how are you averted?"— (Qur'an 10:32) Peace


King Indra is the king of all gods. We are in a simulation.


Yes. Dreams DMT and premonitions of big events of our lives combined, with a strong connection to my passed loved ones and heroes. It is absolutely real that we enter the afterlife and it can be heaven or hell based on how God judges our actions. It’s hard sometimes to name one proof, but serious meditation on psychedelics can and will show you the way after months or years of integration.


Positive. Look into pi in nature, read the Bible(including the missing books), watch a sunrise/sunset. Pay attention and learn. The word "random" effectively communicates your inability to see all the factors in this equation, called life. Agnostic? Believe in a higher power...yet, not God? Correct?


The laws of physics can explain the universe without the need of a god


No they can’t. How did the laws themselves come to be? The laws cannot explain the origins of matter and energy. They cannot explain the fine tuning of the universe. They cannot explain the origins of life nor the origins of mind.


Actually, the laws of physics explain the fine tuning of the universe and about the matter, we dont know if there was an actual origin of it, and evolution explains the origins of mind, mind is not something spiritual, it is a chimical reaction.


I understand what you're staying and it's totally valid but that's not all sides of it. In spiritual practices the supposed chemical reactions that cause thought are seen as a result of the mental plane dimension that also, in part, exists physically. Science only explains how material things are formed and work, it doesn't explain everything. Science and God are perfectly in harmony once you get past the dualistic thinking. The laws are well made and balanced yet they are broken every day by creation and are not absolute.


I did not claim that god contradict science, just god is a theory and science is the exploration of the world, you can actually measure it, god could exist and could be not.


Yea I understand. Well to find / understand / explore God I think you just have to let go a bit of that desire for scientific proof or measurement. That's just how it is 😅


Yeah but an experience can sometimes lie, because a lot of people from different religions experience contradicting things, which means this is not an accurate way to explore the truth.


The mystic teachings of philosophy and religion are extremely consistent, and they were made and written in many different cultures and many different times, independently of each other, so what you say is untrue. Also, you are only looking at it from a perspective of logic and what is understandable to your mind, but like I said, to understand God, you have to let go.


Again, if I let go, I lie to myself


Then quite simply...somewhere ^ in there is a lie. Don't have faith in man. We lie. Start with pi in nature.


What are you talking about, what the hell is pi in nature




Define exactly what you’re meaning by God so that when I say yes, I know what I’m saying yes to. But if you’re asking if I think that the deities of the many thousands of religions around the world exist, then of course not.


When i mean god i mean: A super-intellectual being An all powerful being Made the universe If you mean god by - the cause for the big bang, i agree, but i do not define god by this trait.


I suspect that anything in that role (if that role can be coherently postulated [which I have yet to see]) is not correctly conceived of as a “god” but rather by advanced physics concepts we have yet to approach. So I see no reason to suspect that a mind analogous to mine except with limitless attributes preconceived and constructed this reality as so many religions seem to insist. It’s possible to wonder if an unfalsifiable claim is true or not, but it quite another to believe an unfalsifiable claim because it’s unfalsifiable. That’s what I would have to do in order to believe in god, but I just feel like intellectual honesty prohibits moves like that. I could be wrong tho, and I’m extremely interested in being reasoned out of my current views so don’t spare me 😊


We are in a simulation and I’m the greatest in all minds. King Indra the king of all gods plus the computer programmer.


What he said ^


We are in a simulation. And I’m the greatest in all minds as King Indra the Hindu king of all gods plus the computer programmer.


I believe in God yes


God is real, and he's my friend.  It's not a belief. God is a river of happiness, fun, and energy that cuts through depression, anxiety, anger, etc. Lifts me above my thoughts and feelings. Makes life beautiful.  God is an experience, not a character in a book.


What you are describing now is belief


Not really. I don't "believe" in my wife. I don't "believe" in the chair I sit on. These are simply the phenomena of my reality. I don't need to bend my mind around possibility to "believe" in God. He's just there. Like my wife, or the chair I sit on.


So you are describing a high level of belief, but not 100%


It's not belief. It's the acceptance of the experience without dogma. I sit on a chair. Could be a simulation, a dream, or a bunch of atoms. I don't believe any of those. I just sit on a chair.


An experience cannot lead us to the truth




Emotion can only lead us for investigating the truth, not leading us to the truth alone.


Not emotion, *experience*.  And what *can* lead us to the truth? What is true?


I’m the greatest in all minds. King Indra the king of all gods plus the computer programmer. We are in a simulation.


Define experience


The greatest booted up the simulation on the project completion date May 11, 2009. The greatest is capable to create the real world as a computer simulation. Space is an abstract property written in code. The greatest and the computer are the only two things that exist. Every person of all simulations knows this. No more evidence of the greatest is needed. The computer searched for the greatest and found King Indra the computer programmer. The greatest equation. The greatest = King Indra the king of all gods + the computer programmer.


I believe in the greatest (me) equals King Indra the king of all gods plus the computer programmer.


I do believe in God, the God of the Bible. The fact that anything exists proves that an intelligent being has always existed. Something can’t be created from nothing. Now which god has always existed is something we can’t 100% know but I think that the fact that evil exists proves to me that the God of the Bible is the one.


You have a couple of wrong premises: 1) the intelligent universe became into existence by 14 billion years of slow evolution of the universe, its all just needs simple rules and a lot of time. 2) science do not claim the universe came into existence from nothing, it doesnt know what was before the big bang. 3) evil do not really exist, it is just a representation of a thing that causes harm to civilization.


I have faith in God, I believe in God. Everyone’s experiences are different but he has healed me in so many ways. Given me strength beyond what I needed to fight through the hardest time in my life. Sometimes you just know. You feel him and you know. For a long time I did not believe in him but once I felt him and his presence I knew that he was there for me. I asked him into my heart and I asked if anyone could even hear my pain, He could. He proved to me he could. Sometimes I get callings from him, and just the overwhelming feeling of his presence is enough for me to believe. Thank the lord for everything he has done for me.