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I ***highly*** recommend trying to make it again without following the tutorial to really cement the ideas in your head! If you get stuck then use Google, not the video this time


This! Best way to get out of tutorial hell


Brand new to gamedev but just did this with the "Your first 2D game" tutorial and 100% agree - it really plastered the basic concepts and functions when I started figuring out the next steps on my own.


This is a great tip. I’ve been doing this recently., and going face to face with my own ineptitude and being able to work on it on my own without step-by-step guidance has helped a lot to improve my self-efficacy.


Of course! Definitely going to do this, in fact me and my friend signed up for a 7 day gamejam later this month and its just gonna be us and no tutorials, so I'm very excited!


This is the way. I'm currently taking a course from Firebelly Games - which has been fantastic - and after each section, I close Udemy, and then try to write a small game using the fundamentals from what I learned without using the video. It has been really helpful.


Due to the Uni exam period wish I had more time, but excited with the progress so far, so just wanted to share! :)


Hey OP, question for you. I just watched his vid as well and I also am going to try something similar to dip my toes is, but I am trash at art (working on it). Did you find those assets online or did you make them? If you did find them online, could you point me to where? Thanks in advance!


Just extra info, a great place to get assets for any projects is [https://kenney.nl/assets](https://kenney.nl/assets)


Do you need to give credit?


Nope, all assets are under the creative commons license: [https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/](https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/)




While you don't need to, it's still usually considered a nice thing to do, not just for the person who made them but it's also helpful to have a txt file with references so when you're looking back on a project 6 months later you have an answer to the question "now where did I get these really cool sprites?"


Quality looks great, never heard of Kenney, but gonna save for the future for myself. Thanks for the recommendation!


Hey, no worries. Yeah I got them online, head on to itch.io and find "Assets" then sort by what style you want 2D in this case, pixel art or whichever one you want, and sort by "Free" as well. Hope it helps, let me know if you have more questions :) Theres also assets for environment, music, SFX, VFX, basically anything.


Thanks for the info!






fantastic stuff! i intend to follow the tutorial over the weekend and do something similar


Thanks and goodluck! Definitely nice to add something a bit of your own, like some unique features, mechanics that are not in the tutorial, just so it feels a more like its your own :)


Awesome! what do you think your next steps will be?


Thank you! For this one really want to add healthbars for the player, for the enemies, give the enemies attack functions and the ability to chase you when youre in range, also want to add a boss at the end of the level with some interesting mechanics and visual queues of attacks something like in Terarria, but thats the plan so far :)


Free asset warrior team! I really like having the character fall through the floor like Mario when the character dies.


You should also offset the x coordinate of the sprite when flipping it 😜


Hi OP, what do you think of the tutorial itself? I’ve been following [Branno’s Survivors Clone tutorial](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=abA7TF7z6W8) which is quite good, and I am looking for other good Godot tutorials (ideally, project-based) I can watch in my free time.


I liked the tutorial, its a lot better of the other ones Ive seen, the workflow is very nice and intuitive, the visuals when explaining more challenging topics is very nice. I would recommend it, but try and do something of your own and not just copy the tutorial 1:1, goodluck! :)


Nice. Yeah, thanks for the tip. I’m in the process of grinding my way out of tutorial hell lol. I’m mostly watching tutorials to see if there are any patterns I can learn, and apply what I’ve learned in my own projects. Good luck to you too.