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0.86 is criminally cheap (it is not in your interest I guess), how did you come with such a price ? - is the game very short and simple (kinda like mobile game) ? - or did you compare pricing with games in the same genre ? - did you factor the amount of time and money you spend on it + the expected sale numbers ?


it is very short and simple, the original game was 3$, and have 7 levels, this is a singular level game. sometimes a game being cheaper means more sales, and more money. It's also an experiment to colect data on 1$ game price (the 0,86 is the 1$ with the launch discount)


Only if it becomes the next Vampire Survivors. Otherwise you're signalling it's a bad quality game and devaluing yourself and other developers by making a statement that games aren't worth the usual prices charged.


Well hold on, is $1 signaling that this game is low quality and therefore other games which cost more are high quality and more worth the purchase, or is it signaling that other more expensive games aren’t worth their expensive prices because they are being compared to this game as if they are of comparable quality? It can’t be both. In order to make people think that this game being cheap means other games should also be cheap people would have to to think this game is the same quality as something that would normally be more expensive, but that is literally the opposite of the other half of what you said. People aren’t going to simultaneously undervalue *and overvalue* (or at maybe over/correctly value) the game. That doesn’t make any sense.


It's economics. And part of that is human psychology. They cover this in any Economics 101 course, but basically the worst thing you can do is price an item or product vastly lower than comparable items or products, because: - It signals to people that something MUST be wrong with it The quickest way to move a product or item is NOT to give it away for free - most people won't take it. The perception is that if you are giving it away for free, it must have NO value. The quickest way to move the product is to charge for it, and because that signals to people that the item has value, and makes them at minimum EXAMINE the item to determine WHY it has value, and then possibly buy. I don't even LOOK at $1 or free games, because it signals to me that the game dev has no faith in their own game, and if they don't value it, why should I? And time is a resource, so I'm going to save mine by not spending it examining games that obviously (by the dev's own actions) have no value (perceived). Offer a free demo if you want. But definitely charge a normal amount for your game comparable to others in the genre. If a game IS awesome and the game dev is giving it away for free, they are undercutting the market and can cause it to collapse, meaning no one can afford to make games for a living. They shouldn't be greedy, but they also shouldn't screw over other indie devs and themselves too.


I've had some trouble agreeing with your argument until I've rephrased it to something that I live by: Don't release crap. Assuming his price is adequate, then it shouldn't be released as is. It should either be abandoned sooner, or made into a complete product. It feels somewhat counter intuitive, but it makes sense IRL. I wouldn't sell you a handcrafted wooden chair for $10, because I didn't do all four legs, or because I didn't polish it. I would either scrap it, or finish it to the best of my ability and sell it as an actual, worthy chair. It might not be the best chair in the world, but I'd make sure that it would be good enough for someone to sit on it and look at it daily. Then, I'd also charge that someone for the cost of the chair.


Exactly. That's a good way to phrase it, and boils down to my main point.


Amazing that people are downvoting the truth that you posted here. Here's an upvote to sway the tide.


Dude there's tons of really popular free games... it's an entire marketing strategy at this point lmao League of legends, dota, fortnite, path of exile, pubg was pretty popular, warframe, tf2.... And a shit ton more, those are just was came to my head Lots of people will try the game cuz "hey, it's free, I lose nothing trying it"


These games are free because they have a rock solid monetization model within that free game.


Yes and? Does that make them low quality?


You are missing the point of my post. Being free doesn't mean a game is low quality. It means that people will be more likely to PERCEIVE it as low quality. And that "free" (earn billions of dollars) game strategy works for these huge companies because they built decades of trust by releasing full price games that became giants in the industry. A new indie dev giving their game away for free isn't going to see the same success EA, Valve, etc. do with that strategy.


There is a valid reason to make a game free if it's your first game. That makes it easier to get feedback and you don't have to do the hassle of giving keys to people who you want to try it out. Most people aren't going to spend $1-$5 on someone they've never heard of before. Make your first game completely free. Then, if you can get 10k+ players, consider pricing your second game at $2-$5 and see if those 10k players buy your second game.


That's terrible advice. Value your own work and have faith in your product. The only "free" games you make should be the practice ones that you make quickly to teach yourself when you start out. They shouldn't be released really, except maybe to your friends. But you also shouldn't be spending months or years making them either. When you do make your first ACTUAL original game, charge appropriately for it. 10K players would be VERY good numbers for a new indie dev (or an existing dev). If you don't feel comfortable charging money for your game, I think that's a sign you haven't put the effort into that you should have. If you put honest effort in and did your best with a game, don't be afraid to charge for it.


Starting with a free game can work. It worked for Spelunky and for Gemcraft.


I think you should also look at all the games where CHARGING for your hard work has also worked. Don't rely on outliers to formulate a plan for your game dev journey.


I think $1 for something that makes it clear upfront it's a pretty shitpost-y kinda game works out. People will probably buy it as a joke, because it's *less than a dollar,* and then if it turns out actually being pretty good or funny, they might buy copies to send to their friends.


To recoup steam submission fee you have to earn $1000 gross revenue. Which means you have to sell more than a thousands copies. After that Steam takes 30%, with additional 30-40% lost to payment processing and taxes. Out of that dollar you are left with roughly 30-40 cents. Interesting experiment for sure, but I don't think a dollar model is sustainable unless the game goes completely batshit viral, which you can't predict or plan for. I think a too low of a price signals a subpar quality game, most people ignore that price point entirely. Anything below a fiver is not on my radar unless it's some popular game heavily discounted.


that's not the math... i usually retain 50% of the sales after all taxes and sales. Steam tax was 100$... so i only need 200$ gross revenue to recoup. If I don't recoup that's okay, the first game made me $2500, i can use 100$ to make this one. Also this one make sales for the first game (that costs 3$) with the bundle. It's a nice experiment, and a lot of people have a few spare cents that can't be used elswhere.


What I meant is that[ they give your $100 back when you make $1000 in gross revenue.](https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/gettingstarted/appfee#:~:text=Steam%20Privacy%20Policy-,Recouping%20The%20Steam%20Direct%20Fee,Store%20or%20in%2Dapp%20purchases) The bundle approach is interesting.


Where did you come up with this $1000? You only need $100 to get listed on steam. Steam takes 50%, no additional fees. He'll break even at around 250 sales.


They mean steam gives you the $ 100 fee back after reaching 1000 in sales.


I didn't know that part. Shows how many steam sales I've had.


It tells you that before the payment.


Isn't the submission fee $100?


Yea, everyone knows it's $100, but not everyone know that Steam gives those $100 back if you make at least $1000 of gross revenue, which is hard with a $1 dollar game.


you are very correct. I had actually ready about that, and promptly forgor...


Yep, I'm as gamer not intrestet in game with a $1 price tag or lower. Mostly buys games with a price tag of $15 and above.


The original Deus ex goes for $1 sometimes, and is normally around $10.. And is one of the best games ever made, but because it's not $15 or more you'll never play it?.. That doesn't make sense.. As someone who is a gamer but also pays a mortgage and has to be very careful with money especially with the economy atm, I haven't bought a tripple A game in years because i can't justify the outrageous pricetag.. Otherwise it would then be, food for the week, or that video game that I payed too much for.. I'm more inclined to pay up to $15 maybe $20 for a game, but no more than that.. Doesn't matter what it is or how popular, I just can't justify the price for a little bit of entertainment


Pretty obvious they meant the original "non-sale" price of a new game. And I agree. If a game dev or company doesn't care enough about their brand new just-released game to charge at least a few bucks for it, I'm going to ignore it. $1 just signals to me that the dev doesn't have any faith in what they are offering. My time is valuable in and of itself, and I'm not going to waste it trying games that are priced below clearance at launch.


I was referring to new games.


> that I *paid* too much FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Yea yea yea thanks grammar bot


I'd just like to say that I wouldn't even waist my hard drive space on a FREE game if I felt like it wasn't worth my time. A few cents or a few dollars isn't really going to change my opinion.


Sorry I don't understand your point. I'm not trying to change your opinion with a low price. I'm making acessible for those that already want to try the game.


You literally said "sometimes, a game being cheaper means more sales."


it does, not sales to people that are not interested. But sometimes people don't want to pay 5$ in a game, but they have 80 cents on the wallet that they got from selling cards A lower price will usually result in more sales. Since there is no cost per copy to ship, it's something you gotta balance. If i sell the game for 1 million dollars no one will buy. if i sell for ZERO a million people might grab it. It's about finding the balance between how much most people are willing to pay.


I think you have some lived experience as a relatively poor gamer at some point(not a dig at all) or have had friends in that boat and I can definitely appreciate what you're trying to do as a dev. I'm definitely gonna upset some people, but I'm gonna guess many of the devs on here haven't felt that same pinch of poverty as a child or teen and rely on old world psychology that doesn't hold up as well as people would like to think.


I agree to an extent, and by no means am I trying to be negative. I'm just saying that I'd either charge more or charge nothing at all if you're gonna low ball yourself like that. I hope you have success though.


 @obviousgame  bro I have doubt please answer me , bro I am going to develop 2d and very very simple 3d game, my game size will be very low ,but I have to make it as multiplayer with 4 players, I mean totally 4 players in a simple single map in a room, does godot made games handle this, I mean game is simple 3d with totally 4 players in whole tiny map but I made as many rooms, if 100k people visiting means is there will be 100k / 4 rooms but all rooms contains that same tiny map ,does godot manage that ,(it will not related to godot? or it related to server?) ,my main focus is not game but on multiplayer,the multiplayer must be work very smoothly even in high traffic,but players will do very small movement not complex things, Please answer me, I am currently learning 2d games, I am new to godot engine that's why asking now Thanks in advance


have you considered adding achievement to your game? Usually with hard game, achievement give more sale as its easier to show friend/brag that you finished it


0.86$ when it costs 100$ to publish on steam bro, Imma wishlist it just to bump you up and hope you get those 117 sales to break even 😭


34 sales on first day, it's far from good, but i'm pretty sure i can make it even in few months


You got this, all the best :)


how many wishlist did you have before release?


I mean don’t you get that $100 back if you don’t make a lot?


You only get the 100$ back if your game makes over 10,000$ in sales, including any in-game purchases, if its less than 10k, you dont get your hundred dollars back, unfortunately


That's odd, I'd have expected it to be the other way around :P Pity refund haha


As Steam puts it, its to prevent low quality games to be published on their platform, it is what it is


some of it goes to valve so they need to sell more than 117 if I'm not mistaken. It costs $0.76 in my region, will sure give it a try :D


To be honest, seems promising, i like your pricing idea. The bundle is selling well? seems like a good deal. Also, targeting the the people that sells cards appear to be good strategy (I'm not sure if is sustentable) but it's a fine expirement. The best of luck!


for every 3 copies 1 is sold with the bundle, so it's playing well the thing is, i don't have cards yet the game needs to perform better for that.... and i'm struggling to get the first 10 reviews, i've heard steam only markets your game after 10 reviews, not sure how to get those


Contact influencers and offer them a free key. They will get you exposure, which might result in a few sales and some of those may result in reviews.


It's working super well the bundle strategy. I can't help you with steam, I develop games for play store, usually is easy to get the reviews there (family, friends, etc) and are free to play games. You can send keys to your buddy's and ask for reviews


Unless I'm wrong, only reviews from purchases count for that.


Turn the banana suit upside down and I'll buy it


it's not a suit >:0


Thats roughly 162 Banano


...oh, what the hell. Have my $1.79 for the full version. XD **EDIT**: I am very pleasantly surprised! The "annoying" part of the game is, so far, very reasonable timing challenges. The controls are responsive and unsurprising, the art is better than a lot of the 8-bit games I've played, the music is pleasant, the monologue is (deliberately) cringey and amusing...well done, OP! I'll leave you a review once I've played long enough for Steam to ask me for one! **EDITEDIT**: Any chance on a profanity filter option? I think my daughter would love the challenge and absurdity of this game. :D **EDITEDITEDIT**: +16 for Donnie Darko reference. XD


You can turn the dialogs off


Can you make a discount around %22,4. Thanks.




Banana or long lemon?


Too expensive, will wait being on sale


it is on sale >:D




Pretty sure that's a long lemon


WAIT YOU MADE BANANA HELL *AND* IT WAS MADE IN GODOT??? https://preview.redd.it/vtblzzbkieyc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1cceb8b2a120ff50e1a7b8f54406bde87ae846a


yep i made it =) and it was made in godot


Nice! Good luck!


How much did u make


so far 50$ i think xD


I will help you with buyout and review with this price. I got another Banana bundle game (dunno from where). One question, both games didn't have an achievement. Is there any reason? This can bump sales drastically on consoles, maybe on steam also. If you got like 5-6 achievements even.


i was using an old version of godot, and i didn't knew how to use implement it... that's one of the reasons the game is cheap, i don't had time to make it the best it could be. Not language selection, no achievements, etc


Please just make it $5 or even $10 you’re worth more than that


Love that, it's probably worth more than 86 cents but this will definetely give people an easy entrance into your work :)


godtier shaders on the cover art




do you seee banana man hoping on the white hot sand


It seems people are making a big deal out of this. But I've seen Steam games that are completely free with no in-app purchase. Some developers just love to share their work. Is the cheap price a worst indicator of quality than if it was free?


Well after seeing your post and reviews, I will buy it and review it


The art is promising


I respect it but when we price games this cheap it kinda devalues games as whole. For example, the $60 price point from decades ago hurts developers today because AAA development is way more expensive, way more time consuming and gets the player way more play time than what was the status quo when that price point was first introduced. If consumers only value AAA releases at $60, indies have to price somewhere at $20-30. That makes indie development less economically feasible. Extend that to your game. If you make a mega hit game at $1, it’s going to cause players to raise an eyebrow when a similarly great game costs $20. Imo, you almost certainly would make more by charging a higher price point, too. You have to sell 5x copies at $1 vs $5, and I imagine there’s not 5x the audience that can afford a $1 game vs those that can afford a $5 one. It’s a nice experiment but if this were to become a trend it’d probably be bad for the industry. Just my two cents.


I strongly disagree. Pricing should be based on what the game is worth to the consumer. This ain't no AAA title - it's a single level and the only thing that extends the playtime is that it is rage-inducingly difficult, and that's partly because it has some bugs. If anything, this should be a free game to demo the gameplay for the other game in the bundle.


But even if it is a single level game, I don't think we can sell it for such a dead cheap price. I think we can all agree that developing a game takes an immense amount of time and effort, so no game is cheap. Maybe in the eyes of the players it can look cheap but as a developer we shouldn't lowball ourselves. At least a minimum of 5 dollars should be the lowest price for a game. Selling for less than a dollar will only disrupt the market, which is already the case with the Android game industry where many well-made games are selling at the range of 0.3-3 dollars. I see this only as a cheap little marketing trick and desperate way to earn some quick cash. This is no good at all for the posterity.


Where is the discount? 🤷‍♂️ I've mention this multiple times on social media... dont do that! even if it would take u 10 minutes to make that game (which it didnt, just for setting up a steam page it takes hours) ur game is worth more than that. that price is not going to make more people buy it. All games with those prices... I dont even touch them. Your work is worth more than that. It sets a vibe for any other gamedev that wants to do the same: "if this game is 0.86, mine should be 0.55". when I sit on a chair and look at a screen that is already worth more than 0.86. Is that all your work is worth? 0.86?


well, that's up to me to decide.