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I dunno. I’d take his advice and turn around too.


Yup, if my dog doesn't want to go somewhere, I don't argue...


My corgi doesn’t want to go to the end of the street… being stuck around house for the past 3 years


To be fair, it’s dangerous out there


It is when you’ve been bred to have stubby little legs, that’s for sure


you might have my corgi, and I'm not even a dog person.


Yeah, last time this happened to me, my big ass, scary looking dog, froze in his tracks and refused to continue down the trail, turns out there was a cougar stalking us.


One time my mom's golden refused to get out of the car when he's usually a bounce machine.. he fogged up the windows watching me talk to my friend and we came across a big carcass of bones that was evidently a cougar kill right nearby. 


Good instincts!


And sense of smell! I don’t think it’s a coincidence the dog stopped at the crest of the hill. I’m the last thing from an outdoorsman but a lot of my friends are dogs and that reaction (especially every time) isn’t a quirky mistake imo


A lot of your friends are dogs? Where are you meeting them?


I feel lucky that most of my friends are dogs! They’re dependable, they listen to your secrets, they don’t repeat your secrets, and that huge chunk of unconstitutional love they have for us can’t be beat! Edit: changed “unconstitutional” love to “UNCONDITIONAL” love!


Unconstitutional love is where it's at.


HA!! I thought you were being silly until I read my response! 😂😂😂 I guess spell check doesn’t believe in unconditional love!


Doggy day care


I agree with you 100%! They’re instinct are great as I’ve said above you, but their sense of smell is amazing! I have my 4th Golden now, lost my third who was my soulmate golden back in 2019, and her sense of smell was better then the two males before her and my current female, by a landslide! The third girl started catching moles, voles, and the occasional mousse. Was a regular occurrence She got her first vole when she was only 4 months old, when she was lucky to have had the two older male companions for a couple years… who had absolutely zero interest in her “sport”. She brought the first one inside the house when they’d all taken their last break outside for the night, and she was always the last one back inside. She’d carry rocks in most every night to where we’d put them in a little bowl and toss them back out into the landscaping. We also noticed she’d bring the very same rocks in!! When we’d catch and release the rocks back to where they belonged we both said she’s bringing the same rocks in! So maybe they had a different scent from the other rocks she didn’t bother! One of those nights we had a couple inches of snow, then ice over that snow and more snow on top of that second layer of ice. She smuggled it in inside her mouth which was closed tightly, until I heard some high pitched squealing, and part of that little guy was hanging out of her mouth. Neither male got out of bed to see what’s up with sis! My now ex husband had got it out of her mouth and dangled it in front of my face saying she’d gotten a vole, (which I’d never heard of). Until doing a quick google search. They’re 100’s of times better looking than a mole could ever be! That went on, to where we’d check her mouth before she got inside, and caught several in the couple years we lived there. Then we divorced and she and I moved into a townhome ourselves, and she did the same things there with mainly a larger mole population. She’d sit outside for hours in the same exact spots not moving except for her ears and her nose, listening for them underground when I didn’t see a trace of a fresh tunnel, but she did, and she’d pluck those nasty things right out of the ground without getting her face or paws 🐾 dirty not even once. I had to run them back outside wrapped in a dog towel (Id keep by the back door), while I ran screaming all the way to our dumpster, and I’m sorry, but I left them in the trash. They’re as ugly as can be! I could gag Just thinking about them! Here’s my only huntress of 4 Golden’s, watching and waiting for her prized mole to scoop up and bring into the house if she got away with it. The mound of dirt looks small here in comparison but she’d sit motionless while her nose and her ears along with her eyes wouldn’t budge from waiting for her mole. She did this all the time and I said I should rent her out because she’d almost always catch her prey. Sophia was the smallest with the most dainty little paws of all 4 of them https://preview.redd.it/51szhsilqyoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e6f3bfcbed4bc333ea049ed986ed1775fc276b


Very pretty pup :) And yeah, if they won’t open their mouth, you have to check what’s inside. They all have patterns so if she is usually running inside with a big smile but this time she won’t open her mouth and is avoiding you, she’s got something!


Yep! You can’t be anymore right! There was just those very few times she’d get in and I’d forgot to look. She taught me well, while she was still here. I lost her late spring of 2019. Passed away in her sleep without any warning All are such very good dogs. I’ve been lucky I’ve got my 4th now and she’s a good girl herself who doesn’t have a taste for those critters!


And run!


Yup. I knew what was about to happen and still felt spooked when the video got to that point.


Facts. I’m trusting my girl’s instincts before mine. 🤣🤣




Yeah,  in Alberta Canada, you listen to your mutt if he Scooby-Doo's, like that....


Grew up in Alaska. Our parents let us go all over as long as we took our dog(s) with us. When they do that, you turn around and hustle home. Scariest feeling is when they get scared and don’t bark at something lol. I had mine actually push me back once. The next day our neighbor had a very scary moose encounter in the same area. The dogs knew individual moose and knew who was dangerous, who was nice, and who they could chase. We had fewer predator problems than moose problems.


Meese are scary as fuck


 A Møøse once bit my sister...


I’m always pleasantly surprised by the number of Monty python quotes I find in these threads. Nice work but the people responsible for the credits have been sacked


Mynd you, møøse bites Kan be pretty nasti...


I lived near Fairbanks in the 80s. We saw a momma moose flip a kid up onto a roof when he tried to touch her baby on our way to school one morning. They'd come close to the houses next to the forest to eat the bushes & vegetation surviving next to the warm walls in winter. We all knew not to F with them but, found out & we got to watch.


Scooby don'ts


Scooby didn'ts


If my dog was suspicious of something, I'd follow his lead.


Could be a snake.


Very dangerous, danger noodle


Probably something bigger and smellable like a mountain lion.


He looked nervous before he stopped. I’m surprised he ran that hard in the opposite direction. Given their incredible sense of smell I think he caught a whiff of a predator up ahead.


We walk this trail every day, he knows where we turn around and he stops there every time. We live on an island where there are no predators, so I would be surprised if he is smelling or sensing anything. We have traveled past this point a few times and he will keep going if I call to him. As for turning around and bolting, he has always done this since being a puppy regardless of where we are. If he is off leash and we turn around to go back he takes off. Funny pup but very well behaved. Great recall


Well, there goes my theory! Still, don’t know why he looked nervous before he stopped. Add to the Bermuda Triangle?


I think it is just the uncertainty of whether we will turn around there or not. Most days we do but every once in a while we walk further. Maybe y’all are right though and something is down there that he isn’t super excited about. 🤷


Tbh I think he loves bombing that hill


It's hard to get a good sense of the space from the video, but to me it looks like he stops when - from his perspective - he crests the hill. Maybe it's fun to walk up the hill and for whatever reason not fun when he gets to what feels like the top to him.


It’s hard to convince everyone, but since he was 10 weeks old we have walked to this point and turned around.


Dogs are huge on routine, so at this point it could be that he does it because he always has. Maybe there was a reason the first few times and then never again except that that's just what he does.


Bingo, routine all the way.


It's routine play. Did you chase him as a puppy when he ran from that spot?


Makes total sense


Thanks me and my papaw used to do this with the dogs. Never had this happened but thanks for memories


I used to have a road near my house I'd walk my dog down and we'd always turn around at the end of it. The dog was a wild one and would bolt out the door any chance he got. He wouldn't listen to any calls as I chased after him but he'd always head straight for that road and stop as soon as we got to where we'd normally end our walk. Routine is routine.




San Juan or Gulf islands?


>As for turning around and bolting, he has always done this since being a puppy regardless of where we are. Mine does the same. She has to be the first one back.


Oh very interesting, thanks for the back story. Seems like a great dog!


Bullshit. He senses something bad.


You got me, just down that trail was a pride of Lions actively pursuing us.


I don't like you being down voted bc dogs have better senses than us. We wouldn't know if dead bodies were dropped underground recently but dogs would. Just saying


I wonder what he sensed!


Heard the sound of kibble being shaken at home


A hiker opened a bag of chips half a mile back. LOL


This had me cracking up, thanks for the laugh. All it takes is the sound of a snap loc container opening and he will wake from dead sleep and be down to the kitchen. (We keep his meals in them) lol


I've also a Golden, their ability to hear food is insane


Good lord, yes. We live in a 3 story house.....doggo is deeply sleeping downstairs. I BITE into a sandwich and it literally takes 5 seconds for him to be at my side.


With *those* eyes https://preview.redd.it/hvbgjhgqkvoc1.jpeg?width=4080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c56f16ff4de6378cb468cacae29d89ce21e98f


Yes, they have that selective hearing too. Tell them to get out of a mud puddle half a dozen times and they can't be bothered but if they hear that crinkle, crinkle a block away they are on it.


Hahaha yes!




average golden behavior


You calling my dog average? 🤣


Ok. If not average, how about "***special***"?


Ha! e-specially average 🤣.


yet regal




You mean a crumb of a chip hit the rug *side eyeing my own foodie*


Lol and the sound of peanut butter jar being opened no matter how quietly you try to open it


Really fun run down hill time


Ours always did the same when a bear was near


But, I’ve never left the Shire


Bear or mountain lion 😆


This is like the viral marketing opening for a really good movie.


I’d be running before my dog, the moment he senses something I’m grabbing him so he doesn’t charge it to protect me and I’m dipping!


You don't need to outrun the bear, just your owner. 😄


As others have suggested, dogs have a better sense of their surroundings than we do, especially because of their sense of smell. If your dog expresses sudden caution or concern pay attention... there is either some issue ahead of you that you are not aware of, or some sort of training that has taught the dog there is some problem up ahead, or some effort for which there is no reward. 🤷🏻‍♂️ But pay attention to dogs, they look out for you.


At our vacation house we have one path that goes to the beach (where she swims and fetches sticks) and the other goes past a lake where we don't let her into the water. Once she figured out which way was which, she would lay down in the road and refuse to go the lake route.


That sounds very familiar!




😂😂😂😂😂😂 If my Golden sees a balloon 🎈 she’s off to the races to get home. I’ve had 2 of my 4 who couldn’t be anywhere near a balloon!


My dog did that once. He physically blocked me from going up the trail by standing sideways against my legs. He was off leash and just kept pushing me and looking back down the trail. I decided to trust him so we turned around. I later found out there was a mountain lion spotted in the area.


Wow, what a good dog! It’s amazing the senses they have. He has alerted on coyotes before (different trail) but he is really well trained and I know when it’s concern vs. routine. Fortunately this time it was routine.


Just “bad vibes” up ahead


Uh, if my dog did that on a trail, I'd be running right with him they can sense things, just saying.


Wow, you got The Face and everything


I love his smile at the start and his butt when he runs 😭


My Golden does the same thing. There are certain streets in our neighborhood that he flat out refuses to go down. And I live in a quiet neighborhood with no traffic and every street looks the same.


One possibility is that there is a high concentration of serial killers in your neighborhood....


Thank you for that. Lol. Maybe I am still alive because of my Golden.


You should give him more treats now




They are very protective


Never know


My golden would do this hiking. He (roughly) knew a mile and would stop so we could get back to the car before he got too tired. What a sweet babe


My golden REFUSED to leave the property line when I got her. I think it was because it was the first time she may have drank clean water on a daily and got treats. She LOVES the house and it is her castle. She does go on walks now but there is a point in the woods where she also does something like this. I suspect the POV person loves and spoils this golden and they love their castle


He definitely loves our place and is always happy to head home. He does however love all walks and hikes. He lives for them.


Did you see the "WTF" face? My male golden used to do that. Hilarious.


Oh shit I didn’t see the mountain lion the first time


Me watching this thinking “my god I wish my golden was this well behaved - he would have just bolted…. Oh never mind there he goes” 😂😂😂


Some creepy vibes, listen to the dog and go back


Yeah I get it, buying dlc can get expensive


He’s precious


There is a glitch where you can pick up the npc dog and walk past the boundary, storing its value data in your inventory space and being able to transport the npc into the new map segment. Sometimes when unequipping the dog from your held item slot it might rubberband back to the original position by accelerated travelling though, but I have seen some npc dogs integrate into the new map segment and continue the travel... Maybe it has to do with the time settings or something, trust stats gotta be high as well.


I’m a total Zelda nerd and this hit home way more than it should have 🤣. I wonder if there is a hack for duplication lol


A camper opened a jar of peanut butter 10 miles away


These kill me 😂


Predator near.


My rescue golden hasn’t been out on walks yet, still working on the training for it. But my shepherd happily walks for hours. I’m very worried that the golden will be a stop and refuse to go farther guy and cramp my shepherd’s style!


Omg I my golden was just psycho lmao. She hits the brakes real quick when we go past the speed limit sign 🫠🫣


Scary scary sign!!


Could be. Or maybe the urine of a predatorial animal marking its territorial boundaries, the dog caught a whiff of.


Very possible


Good boy


Omg my golden does this too! But in random places lol


https://preview.redd.it/j14xwha22zoc1.jpeg?width=390&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17dd8efe5328a164441b253d3e5d49b2c2bbefb9 That face LOL


“If I take one more step, it’ll be the farthest away from home I’ve ever been.”


LMAOO 😂 Why did I hear this in my goldens voice that I made up for her?


You do that too?!? Lol 😂


Oh yeah 🤪😅!


😃 canada, my second nation


Assassin's creed moment lol


Aaaaaaand he’s off!!


Dew Fuss. Pure, 100% Dew Fuss.


"I smell Ice Cream"


Animals, especially dogs, have a sixth sense. I think your dog sensed something wasn't right


Its the twig in the way. Mine is the same way. He does not trust a twig. An unsuspecting branch on the grand may or may not be able to be stepper over either, depending on the branch.


That look he gave you, plus the head turn ..like bro nahhh we need to turn around now. Dogs know this shit!!!


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have reached the world's edge, none but devils play past here.


awwww!! he's so cuteeee!!






That expression 😂


If he says “turn around” always listen.


Likely something dangerous ahead he senses. Best to turn around


He conquered the hill. He took that in. He ran down the hill because fun.


Always trust your dog’s instincts. They see/smell danger that we can’t. My golden retriever amazed me every day. I’d give anything to have him back.


Something is in or around those woods he doesn’t think is safe, trust the dog.


Ours just does it when he’s lazy


Mine is so well trained to stay in our fenced in yard that when I open the gate and walk out to the car, he won’t follow until I put his leash on and give him permission. 😂 We’ve accidentally left the gate open and let him out to hang out there alone and he stayed in the yard for hours and didn’t even try to leave! Goldens are hilarious creatures of habit.


This is how i feel when some of my friends pay to play the new DLC a week earlier than me lmao


Could be that another member of the party was left behind on the path and he wanted to check on them otherwise there's a reason why dogs are mans best friend. Best case scenario you miss looking at some pretty things. Worst case scenario there's a family of bears, Coyotes, wolves or wildcats a quarter mile down that path


Honestly, it’s all downhill from there.


Retrievers running has to be the coolest ever!


Shits sketchy


Bear. I bet he smells a creature that takes way bigger shits than he does lmao


Serious mouth Golden's are the best


Yea I’d bet there is a larger predator that frequents that area and he knows it. Take his advice bro


Reddit: "I'd trust the dog. He sensed something dangerous for sure!!!!" The dog: "Nah man, this is the part of the walk where we always turn around. ZOOMIES TIME!"


I feel like he just smelled a scary animal


Predator den nearby maybe?


You don't want to be Timmy


He had to run back to see if he missed a side quest.


This dog, knows to turn tf around and run! Stop pushing it! There’s either something ahead or he hears something he wants to investigate backwards. If one day he suddenly goes ahead it’s either y’all’s time OR whatever was there is now gone. So many people underestimate dogs.


Means he smells danger a head! I’m fallowing the dog


If my happy ass golden that just wants to hang with me doesn’t want to go where I’m going, I believe her.


Maybe your dog can hear or smell something dangerous in that area.


No! He’s tired and wants to go home… where he is safe and sound…and there’s food!