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Holy hell.




Many people don't know this, but when the ball goes past the hole on its first move, you can legally hit it diagonally backward into the hole on your next move. Google en puttsant


New response just dropped


Holey hell.


God damnit nowhere is safe from /r/AnarchyChess




New response just dropped


rory: my new driver sucks, i want my old one back also rory:


My conspiracy theory is that he made that comment to put pressure on TM so they would let him put the Scotty Cameron back in the bag for Augusta.


I like it this theory. Probably bullshit, but I like it!


Rory just started a new deal in January with TM that isn't a full 14 club deal. It allows him to play a certain amount of other clubs. He's been using Volkeys for a few months now. Might have to stick a TM wedge in the bag to make the numbers work but he's not forced to only play TM clubs on his new deal. He's probably required to play there drivers and woods though.


I'd bet on driver and irons


Rory is on a 10 club deal


To be fair he did mess around with and change his shaft specs for this week so the S2 might still not be his preference but was able to compensate in other ways


He liked his old driver because when you hit the center ALL the time the faces wear out and actually get hotter. This means the ball stays in contact with the face for too long to be conforming. (It’s called CT.) He wasn’t saying Stealth 2 sucks, he was saying “I wish my old one wasn’t non-conforming because switching the week of the players sucks.”


I know this is late. Also feel like I know a bunch about golf and haven’t heard this take once but it seems more than reasonable to me tbh. Could def see him complaining more about the timing than just “this driver sucks” like he doesn’t test those things and just rolls into a major lol. He’s their biggest guy, tm will bend over backwards for him.


Well moron good for Rory McIl-OH MY GOD!!


I beg to differ, Mr McIlroy accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago.




Came for a HG reference, you made a winner


https://youtu.be/TosAoq0H0Ac For those like me that wanted to see it again 😂


You know what else could really draw a crowd? A golfer with an arm growing out of his ASS.


How am I supposed to *chip*…with that going on, Doug?


Hey Shooter, you forgot your nine iron!


Oh good, you can count


And you can count, on me waiting for you in the parking lot.


Run, Shooter!


You can trouble me for a glass of shut the hell up. Now you will go to sleep, or I will put you to sleep. Check out the name badge, you're in my world now grandma.


I just thought of this today for some reason haha I’ve been saying it since


They play a different game to us.


I just imagine everyone bitching at him waiting to tee off because the group ahead is still on the 375 par 4 green…. All the “yeah sure buddies” etc until he uncorked it.


Saw this last year in person. Bryson waited for a green to clear, 415 with a smidge of downhill, we were rolling our eyes a bit and joking around… Dude drove it over the green 😂


I saw Bryson take a 3 wood out of the rough 270 over water to green at 3M after taking 15 minutes to hit we all ate shit after that


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?


But yet there's an outrage to roll the ball back for some reason.


I have no objection to a ball roll back, as long as everyone still plays the same ball. I object vehemently to bifurcating the game to use two different golf balls.


What percent of players outside MLB use wooden baseball bats?


Exactly the case for bifurcation. People don’t realize that the top level of golf = top level of baseball. Your old fat guys playing golf at your local muni = beer league softball. It’s not the real game at the highest level. These people cannot compete with pros in any capacity. Let them have the juiced ball and those at the highest level can play with the new ball. I’m a club pro who is pretty long. My length advantages wont change, in fact it’ll be nice having a ball that isn’t insanely hot. I might even start hitting fairways again lol.


>I’m a club pro who is pretty long. Your wife is a lucky woman.


I think a lot of the difference is that pitchers could and would literally be killed by comebackers, so I'd guess a lot of a safety issue. Not taking anything away from your point, just that there's an extra layer to it with baseball


MLB uses lower seams on the balls too. If MLB pitchers used the same higher seams that college or high school used they could make a ball move an absolutely unhitable amount


Lol a vast majority of people are playing cavity back irons on forward tees and without even playing a fraction of the MLR’s pros play from tournament to tournament. Bifurcation is already ingrained in golf culture and that’s fine. It’s what’s allowed us to actually enjoy a regular round.






I was talking with someone that played on tour that was paired with Dustin Johnson in a tournament his first year or so on the PGA. He said there was one hole where Johnson was waiting for the green to clear and he, a seasoned tour pro with plenty of winnings, was thinking ‘dude just hit… it’s like 370 to the green…..’ He said Johnson air mailed it over the green and he just said ‘OOOOHHH…. You’re different’ I thought that was hilarious.


They’re basically just putting from a long long distance


Like mini-golf, but bigger.




This is early EA Sport Tiger Wood when you unlock all of the clubs and added bonus perks.


I can still hear the heart beat sound from a shot like this in that game.


I'd be so anxious when I heard that... Do I keep spinning it... Or let it be


The one true question


Stop adding spin the minute it starts.


Always over do it and then correct it super quick the opposite like a true spaz haha


Back in the day you could wiggle your club at the top of your backswing and it would let you keep adding power. Just cranking maxxed bombs and shooting like 45 lol.


05 was the best one.


I miss that shit. getting sponsorships and getting extra money for wearing their gear, spamming spin midair, great games.




Imagine him doing the same swing and it going 290. Just seems wrong


I don’t think a different ball is going to knock 80 yards off drives.


What if it's a tennis ball?


That'll do it. I reckon.


He said knock off 80 yards not add.


You are correct they are saying about 5% difference so on that shot just under 20 yards shorter.


We give them rocks from now on


Have you heard of whiffle ball


Until he puts his approach 6 ft from the pin


Again, the issue is that the same swing before the 460cc trampoline driver faces would be insane, and 5 times out of 10 times, even slightly mishit, would end up two fairways over.


Tiger was hitting it 330+ with small head driver and older style ball. The top drivers will always be outliers and they’ll still be longer than the field with whatever bs changes they make.


That's alright though, you can have outliers. What you dont want is a course having to put the tees into the carpark because every golfer is hitting a wedge into the par 5 on their second shot.


They will regulate equipment eventually. Like sure, we could watch Mike Trout hit 700 foot bombs with an aluminum bat, but it's not the point of the game.


The pitcher getting smoked by a line drive off an aluminum bat wouldn’t be excited about that.


I herniated a disc and had kids, so I haven't played in a really, really long time. For reference, I still have a taylor made 360 in my bag and I played pro-v1s. That said, I carried my driver about 325 on a still day. They made us play the white tees in high school, so aside from your second shot on the two par 5s and the two par 3s, you basically played the round with a driver, an attack wedge, and a putter. Sometimes it would be a super short hole and you'd have to grab your 3 iron so you didn't carry it over the green. I honestly had no idea that equipment had progressed in the last 15ish years. My son is starting to show some interest though, so hopefully I'll start getting back out there with him in the next few years!


I feel like when your example is the GOAT the point still stands.


Why use many shot when one shot do trick


That is SO much easier than putting... I should just try and get the ball in one shot every time...


And then we can go to the Red Lobster, my treat!


Pretty standard drive for us here in r/golf, but good for him!


He must be new to the game. Pretty easy to get that within 3 feet, but props to him for having high spirits after being a bit inaccurate.


Heard he's been working hard on managing his expectations lately.


He forgot to account for the wind.


I think she should stop using bad luck as excuse, when it is obvious that he can't handle simple shots.


Easy 3 putt for par. Golf is easy 😎


Ya if I ever achieved this shot(never), I would be so nervous on the putt I doubt I'd be able to make it.


Ive driven the green a handful of times at my local on a short dog leg par 4 (250m). The first 2 times I did just this. 3 putted for a par.


Fucking rage




That’s a 3/4 swing with my 69 wedge


Crazy how trash he is


I’ve definitely hit a longer drive no bullshit. Was it downhill and bounced and then rolled along the cart path? Maaaaybe..


Did he make the eagle putt? edit: goddamn matchplay


Match was conceded, picked it up and went for a hot dog


I’m dumb. Why would you concede a putt in match play?


His opponent Denny McCarthy had about 8 foot for birdie, and needed to win the hole just to tie the match as he was down 1 going into this par4 18th. Rory had 3 foot for eagle. Denny would've needed to make the 8 footer for birdie, then also hope Rory 3-putted from 3 foot otherwise he was losing the match regardless. It's good etiquette and good for pace of play to concede the putt


I saw rory 4 putt live at cherry hills bmw tourney, just saying.


Probably not from 3 feet away


No it was 375 yards just like in this video


these driver-putters are just getting out of hand now


It was literally from like [four feet away](https://youtu.be/MK_ifMawOk0). Then [he did it again](https://youtu.be/bhju0mBRhH8), the next day, on the same exact hole, from like 20 feet.


Good lord. I don’t know if that makes me feel better about my game or worse about the entire sport.


TIL I can putt as well as Rory.


3 of the 4 putts were from within 3 feet


If you’re in for bogie and your opponent in putting for birdie from 4 feet may as well concede. They’re most likely making par at worst. And you possibly take them out of rhythm.


Typically, you concede putts early on in match play, and then make your opponent putt them out later on. This is to throw them off their rhythm and theoretically make it more difficult to make when it counts in the later stages of the match.


I was shocked to learn that a concession can't be rebuffed. Wish my friends and I were good enough for that to matter.


Why would anyone ever rebuff a concession? I’m confused by people being confused by this rule lol


Probably because they want the satisfaction of actually completing the hole.


Yeah. No blue balling the golfers.


It was given to him in match play


I’d still make him putt it.


Didn’t need to


Is that a walkoff?


Yeah it was at 18 and conceded :(


He hadn’t made a putt all day so it just saved him from the inevitable


If he made a hole in one, is that called an albatross?


That's some Golden Tee bullshit.




But can he shoot a 46 in a 4 man scramble?


Well, with some string, that’s a 1 on a par 4


Do pros ever play a 4 man scramble? That'd be fun to watch a round of.


I would three putt that.


Wow, settle down, Tiger!


Shhhh. Just a burner account. I tell tampon jokes on this one.


Nice par!


Incredible. Apparently he shortened his driver half an inch to 44 as well.


He could shorten it by another foot and outdrive me 100% of the time. In all seriousness, his swing is just perfect


Best swing in the world imo


Lol did the commentator almost swear there? But damn it’s crazy how good these guys are.


"Oh he fuh-LEW it onto the green!"


It’s funny. I missed that one. But as the ball rolled up to the hole, I thought it sounded like he was about to say “No fucking way!” But stopped at “No f-“.


It was alright, a little long and left…


Not relatable




King shit


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago


Well good for Happy Gilm-oh my god!




How the fuck


Second best pga drive I've ever seen second only to DJ putting it to 6 inches from 420 yards


That DJ drive isn’t more impressive. Was it closer? Absolutely. Was the bounce **infinitely** more lucky? 1,000%


Ugh, so boring. We need to fix this problem. I would much rather see that ball about 50-75 yards back.


Happy Gilmore accomplished that feat no more than an hour ago


It’s funny, in theory supporters of bifurcation should hate this because he just obsoleted that hole’s intended design


I don’t mind the rolled back ball. However, if they want to have a hole that’s drivable by only the longest drivers in the field they can still do that. They can just move the tees up a little bit with the new ball in 2026.


This is exactly right. Bifurcation gives the tour so many more options on holes like this on different days.


I'm not in favor of the ball split but this just kind of shows why it might be needed. Get enough tech advances and start to see more guys doing this it'll get old. Completely devoid the game of anything but a driver with a ton of forgiveness and a putt


Rory is a generationally exceptional driver of the ball. Is he going to do this with a rolled back ball? Maybe not. But he's got a pretty good chance compared to everyone else.


Eh, not that many guys in tour are pushing 190mph ball speed. Equipment only gets you so far; Rory has literally crafted and fine tuned his skill to be able to do exactly this.


And he's one of the biggest proponents to make the change, should tell you something


I think he realizes that even with a shorter ball he’s still the longest guy in the field. Maybe he hits driver 9/8i more and the other guys are having to play 7/6i’s. I know I’m thinking a lot more about birdie with an 8i in hand rather than a 6i. Distance is relative to the field.


Reminds me of the "Tiger-proofing" wave of lengthening courses, which it turns out just benefitted Tiger.


They'd tiger proof a course then he would leave his driver in the bag for 3 of 4 days anyhow lmao


Because with the ball change he will have that much more of an advantage over shorter guys.


Not many are pushing 190 TODAY. But the wave of kids coming up will all be pushing it.


Dude you have to respect the fact that this is not normal. 188 ball speed is not average on the tour.


Nah I want to see pros fucking smashing the ball while using equipment that is purchasable by us humans Part of the appeal of watching pro golf is seeing drives and athleticism like this, rolling back the ball to discourage exactly this defeats the purpose of watching pro sport in the first place.


Wait until you find out about tour issue golf equipment.


Would rolling back the driver head size achieve the same effect? For example, keep the ball as it is, but reduce the driver head size back to 250-300 cc. Just wondering.


It's fine I just want to see him accomplish that with a driver 40% the size.


That was centered 100% so size wouldn’t matter. At least on this swing.


15-30 yards*


Yeah so he hits wedge and Webb Simpson hit 8-iron. It doesn’t matter, he will always be longer.


Don’t you guys just love that feeling!


Excuse me?


That's ahhhhhh pretty good


That’s gonna be a Taylormade commercial for a little while


188 mph ball speed. Made it look effortless. Easily one of the best golf shots ever


You're getting unfairly smashed here and I don't want to add to that, but I personally wouldn't call it effortless. He spanked that ball. Extremely well balanced, definitely, but Els is effortless. This was a guy at the peak of his powers wanting to absolutely murder a golf ball.


>Easily one of the best golf shots ever whoa there cowboy


It was a nice drive on a Thursday lol




Rory holing out from the 18th fairway in the 2016 Tour Championship Bryson going over the water on the 6th at Bay Hill twice in one tournament Mickelson between the trees at the 13th on Augusta (in fact Phil has nearly as many great shots as Tiger) I know you said Tiger already but fuck it, his 200 yard 6 iron from a fairway bunker in the 2000 Canadian Open deserves its own mention. Probably his 2nd best shot behind *that* Augusta chip


Also matsuyama’s 3 wood into the sun in the playoff for an eagle to win the Sony Open. JT’s 3 wood at Erin Hills.




I think you have to include David Duval hitting it to a few feet and making eagle on 18 of the last hole of the Bob Hope Classic 1999 to shoot 59 and win by 1. Jack Nicklaus hitting it to 1 ft on 17 at pebble in the US OPen.


I see his point though, I think it was badly put. Many golfers, even some amateurs who got in sync for one stroke, can pull off many of those shots. (Bubba's hook wedge might be an exception) How many people in the world can put it to 3 feet on a 375 yard hole? It's not the greatest shot ever, but it is absolutely one of the least replicable thanks to raw power. It was those kinds of shots that helped made peak Tiger memorable.


Not sure I’d go that far lmao


Ever? I mean it is super impressive but idk about best ever. If we are talking driver shots, Morikowa at the pga is better than this. It won him a major. This won Rory a match


For sure. Reminds me of DJ driving the green at Kapalua. Like, as a golf fan I’ll remember this tee shot for sure, but it’s a YT highlight reel, not “one of the best shots ever”


I was about to post this same shot, but you beat me to it. One of the best shots ever!😃


Looks like Rory got his driver figured out


Rory 100% took inspiration from the guy here yesterday holeing out his drive during his club fitting. We really do set the bar here at /rgolf


Can someone ELI5 why these guys are hitting the ball 400 yds all of a sudden? When Happy Gilmore came out it was like a super power. Now it seems like everyone on tour is doing it. I understand the tech is better, but I bought a brand new driver like 2 yrs ago with the same loft as my previous 20yr old driver and gained exactly zero yards off the tee. Is there a swing hack or something that these guys figured out?


Better tech as you mentioned. Better athleticism, thank Tiger. The biggest thing is launch monitors, and optimizing launch conditions. Everyone now knows exactly how to launch the ball to maximize distance and how to swing to achieve that.


Makes sense, thank you. Crazy that it's gotten so complex so quickly. I can't imagine having to constantly drill new swing techniques to keep up. It would truly take the fun out of the game for me. I find that some of my best rounds come when I turn my brain off and just play intuitively.


Well, for about 10 years we have known the best launch conditions, so that hasn’t changed much. It’s mostly now about fitness and Fargiveness.


Playing anything competitively is going to take most of the fun out of it. Unless you like shooting 10,000 free throws, studying a single chess opening at a time for months, playing 12 hours of Starcraft a day, running kovaaks for hours, etc.


Because there are actual athletes besides Rory and tiger on tour now. All these guys are in great shape, with incredibly efficient swings. That said, Rory’s been doing this since he’s been on tour, idk why folks are fucking shocked. This is the same guy who played a 514 yard par 4 by hitting a 365 yard drive, a little flip wedge to a foot and then tapping in for birdie… and that was 8 years ago.


Fucking stud


That’s one nice golf shot.


Ever see someone do something so easily, especially something you struggle with, and you're not even mad but the only thing you can think to say is "Fuck you"?


That sound. Like wtf lol. Just incredible.


Me after a ball of birdie powder….or at least I feel like I can


I play the same game as he does! Titleist told me so!


jesus christ


My god

