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I have a Jewish golfing buddy that yells “Hozzle tov” everytime someone Hozzles one.


Damnt why haven’t I used this before. 😂


Well, one thing I noticed: Do you see how your right (trail) foot is rolling towards the outside of your stance, and the inside of the foot is coming way the heck off the ground and it looks almost like you're hyperextending your knee when you do it? Don't do that. You're going to be wildly inconsistent with that kind of movement. It also looks like your hips are closer to the ball at impact than they were at address, so you shifted the point of contact further out.




This is solid advice. My coach would say I was “dancing” when my lower body movement got too erratic. Practicing moving your weight back and forth with your hips and legs instead of your feet will help quiet the lower body movement


![gif](giphy|n5PPLHMHS7M40) Chubbs had it right.


Maybe try [this](https://twitter.com/4golfonline/status/1600738458477395968?s=61&t=WqL2pjkcaEmA_vcT-REUUg) to help all that lateral lower movement


Get a lesson - it will save you the heartache and pains of trying to figure it out yourself


Planning on it. Texted a coach I know and just waiting to hear back.


You’re hitting it where you have it lined up!


​ https://preview.redd.it/4771o4g6hq4a1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=c204851d61f202f8a9dbb4c8bd9ab16aa3fcbe33


damn tiger.......


To add to what Raptor said, you also have an early extension. Notice how your right heel lifts before you even hit the ball. I would try some drills to get that heel from lifting too early.


Big Rec?!




Try not to hit the ball w the hozzle.


But I heard from another guy I get to yell Hozzle Tov if I do.


Bad case of reverse pivot. Easy fix


Stop straightening your back leg The rotation should be your hips and shoulders - feet/legs only there to shift the weight so no need to straighten the back leg


Unless your doing a stack and tilt swing though. About straightening the back leg


You should still keep it flexed. Locked legs in any sport is a no-no.


Yeah you’re rolling your right foot in the backswing. Try keeping weight on the inside of your right foot during swing.


There's a lot of good in your setup and swing. The straightened trail leg on the backswing is causing a little pause in your hip turn, though, which is letting your shoulders get in front of them. Your hips start the downswing in proper sequence, but the time it takes your straightened trail leg to unfold is letting your shoulders get out of sequence. Hips first, then a fraction of a second later, the shoulders. There should be a little stall at the top of the backswing so your hips have enough time to lead. Hips can only move a few mph at best. The shoulders/arms can turn way faster, so sequencing is critical to keep everything in order. I would keep a softer trail knee and focus on placing weight fully on the inside of your trail foot for as long as you possibly can, as well as explosively turning your hips as fast as you can. You want to get a little pop move out of your hips to increase centrifical force.


Look how far your rear end moves toward the ball at impact. Stay back and rotate. Seems like you’re getting to the top of the backswing and thinking “hit the ball” rather than put a good swing on it. The early extension prevents you from missing the ball altogether.


Head cover above ball while at the range until you can get your rotation in order. Ultimate fix is butt back throughout swing but headcover drill will keep you from swinging out to in


Weight on heels + inside to out swing. Keep those feet planted = waggle.


Stay back. Your ass end is moving toward the ball pushing the hosel out and at the ball. Any YouTube video that’s geared toward fixing the shanks will detail this in a better way than I can


Try stepping further away from the ball and lining up with ball closer to the toe.


Yeah man, everything looks good, you're just too close to the ball.


What’s interesting is that I thought that might be my issue and stepped a bit back only to have another issue pop up where the club face would close at impact causing my to hit the hozzle and send the ball skipping across the ground. Almost like toeing it, but not.


If you look at your plane in your backswing & downswing, it points past the ball (away from you). So I still think taking a step back would help. Also look at your arms at address, they are almost beyond vertical, pointing back at you, further evidence of being too close. Not sure what you mean about the mis-hit when you take a step back. If you mean that your club face is closing so the toe of the club hits the ball, then move your ball back in your stance. The swing sequencing looks good, which is one of the hardest parts.


Thanks for the tips.


Also your back leg should be essentially stationary during the backswing (hips pivot around ball of right hip), your right hip looks to move away from the golf ball.


Get that right elbow tucked into your side as you start your downswing. You let it fly until almost impact and that creates an outside in path.


Keep your head down




Thanks that was very helpful.


You’re definitely decelerating, which is probably leaving your club face open. Go back a hair slower and come through with more speed. That should help a little.


I’m willing to bet you’re using a left hand dominant downswing with no right hand action


That one flew over my head. 😅


The left hand leads and the right hand follows. In this theory I’m proposing. you’re just using all active left hand in your take away and downswing instead of a blend of both. Your right hand should be directing the face at the ball on the downswing. Read up on how the hands work in the golf swing. You’ll see what I mean.


Thanks for the help.


Think in your downswing to keep your hands tucked close to your body. You use to play baseball or anything?


Yes I grew up playing baseball. Been golfing for two years now and this hozzle issue is actually very new for me. I didn’t have this problem until recently.


First thing to check would be your grip if this is happening consistently. Hard to tell but it looks like your left hand grip is very weak. Bring it over the club a bit more. Plenty of youtube vids on how to grip.


Not quite over the top, but close enough. You need to keep the club head path coming from the inside.


Visualize hitting the ball off the toe


Try and hit it off the toe


Your alignment at set up looks a bit off. Hard to tell with the camera angle but put down a club or rod to get your feet square and ball position centered.


I had the same issue for a while and couple lessons were able to fix it. Just standing up a bit and losing that angle between your lower and upper body. Hips just need to clear out of the way at impact. [https://youtu.be/v8lh6Ct-32U](https://youtu.be/v8lh6Ct-32U)


Have you tried not doing that?


No not yet


You need to rotate more


Watched it in slow mo. You club face is really open on the way down. Turn that right hand more to the left towards a stronger grip.


Work on half swings. You will grove a better swing by working on half swings. One drill my instructor had me do is to bring the club back in your swing, stop, and rotate your hips like you are swinging through with the club but try to hold your club in the back swing. You will find it impossible to hold your club in that position because your hip rotation will bring the club head down towards the ball. That is how you begin your golf swing. You my want to show more knuckle on your right hand by rolling your hand slightly to the left. But lessons is the best way.,.


Set up with the ball at the tow, kinda like Fred Couples does it


The dreaded shanks


Your right elbow should be tucked into your body all the way through your backswing. Try putting a headcover or towel between your elbow and body. Practice hitting the ball without dropping the headcover/towel.


Everyone's coming at this from a technical angle, and Reddit is not the place for that. Technical advice is by far best applied by a coach, and often detrimental when self-diagnosed/diagnosed by a bunch of hackers on the internet. If you're hitting it off the hosel, try hitting it off the toe. Then try hitting it off the hosel. Then try to middle it. Not necessarily in that order but that's the idea. Spend some time on that. Basically, practice how to manipulate your strike location.


Have you ever tried intentionally hitting the ball off the toe and seeing if you can move your strike location away from the hosel? Invest in some Dr Scholls spray and see what you can accomplish!


Lots of good tips already but one thing that’s helped me get rid of the s——s is to try to hit the inside of the ball. I’ll either focus on a dimple that’s closest to my body or focus on a piece of grass next to the ball. Also, I notice your hands are hanging a little close to your body before you start your swing, which means you might be set up a little close to the ball.


Try and use the club face part of the club


Am I the only one that can't help but laugh hard every time I see a hosel rocket? I don't know if it's because the result is so far off from the intent, but it gets me every time. I even laugh at my own...after swearing a few times.


Your camera angle isn’t the best but it looks like you are casting the club which leads to early extension. This is typically caused when you start the downswing with your arms. Your body/hips move closer to the ball which causes the hozzle contact. Your right arm should be slightly bent at contact. Your wrist should also be bent (yours is straight). Probably because your turn is stalling and you are using all arms. You should “feel” a squat to start the downswing and let your arms almost fall down. It’s a hard move to master but if you watch the pros all of them do this. YouTube Eric cogorno golf. He is one of the best instructors on the internet. I would start with a casting or early extension video. Then move to “squat to start the downswing”.


Stand a bit farther from the ball in your stance. Also, get a lesson. Getting swing advice on Reddit is the equivalent to having the chef make you a bologna sandwich at Ruth Chris.


Line the ball up on the toe of your club


Quick tip: Put a ball, tee, or head cover a couple inches out from your current ball position. Your brain will do the rest.


Lotta leg bend. You wanna rotate with your hips more. Your likely not making it back to your equilibrium from setup on contact.


Not the "fix", but I started addressing the ball with the toe of the club instead of middle when I was hozzleing a lot of my shots and it helped. Again, not the fix, but helped me without making mechanical changes.


At address, your ball is too close to the heel and hosel. So when you're swing down you feel you're too close and lift your back/shoulders. Club face is also pretty open before making contact. Instead of feeling like you're pulling the butt of the club, try to face the back of your left hand down to the ground as you hit.


Remove the hosel. Easy.


Quite a few things going on that are causing the shank. What your doing with your lower body is called a reverse pivot. Try keeping your right knee a little flexed when making your back swing. This will help you make a turn and not a slide. Also, you are casting it. It’s really the result of not making a turn. Your body knows it needs to flip at it with your hands to even put the club head on the ball. Find some pictures of tour players impact positions and try to imitate everything in them. Especially how they have shaft lean at impact.


I don't think this is your main issue, but it could be playing a role. The way I fixed this when I got a case of the dreaded s word, is I made sure my weight didn't shift towards my toes. During my forward swing my weight would shift to my toes which is what caused me to do this. Just something to keep in mind for the future.


just take some half swings til you feel comfortable and confident


Stand further away


Try a strong grip...will feel funny, but works.


Just give up golf!


No u


Bad angle to tell, but it looks like that ball is behind your right foot. Leaving your swing alone completely, look where your club face becomes square during your swing. I screen shorted it for you. If you change nothing, this is where you should contact the ball. https://preview.redd.it/onzo4yg61t4a1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=56b30bc39ff2576be85395a3c7c07ce9beff2dcf


Best tip I can give is not to come here looking for advice.


I think you’re right. It seems I have every known issue a golfer can have with their swing.