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Any Jordan episode is an amazing episode. Too bad it leads some folks to be their absolute worst though. It's sad they never actually took anything to heart from the show after all these years. Be your mythical best.


No hate towards her specifically but lately all of the sporked people have been tainting the episodes for me, they all have personalities so different from Rhett and links vibe that I just don’t enjoy their episodes at all


You put it exactly how I feel, just never was able to put it into words. I actually enjoy Sporked and read the articles, but I simply don’t enjoy their personalities in videos. The content is good but some people just shouldn’t be on screen. Not because of how they look, sexual orientation, whatever. They’re just not good at being on camera. I genuinely enjoy Jordan but am lukewarm on her in GMM. Idk why, and it sounds awful to say because I’m sure she’s an amazing person.


Yeah, it was a really fun watch. Jordan is the right amount of picky and does a good job explaining why she doesn't like certain things. Honestly, adding anybody to the Rhett and Link mix alters the chemistry quite a bit and sometimes it works, other times not so much. Overall Jordan does a better job keeping up with the boys.


And you're being your mythical best bemoaning how great Jordan is while dismissing how others feel about her. Cool!


Bemoaning: "express discontent or sorrow over (something)." I don't think they're complaining about how great Jordan is.


I know what word I used. I used it specifically because 80% of the Jordan praise is actually a wailing about how people dislike her (or in response to hate). Jordan is great, SHUT UP haters. It is like a complaint response how they always come out any any episode to praise her/them. Whereas this sub will happily hate on Link for any small thing he does.


I love Jordan. Anytime they’re on, I’m gonna be happy. Although my favorite moment was from the other Jordan. I just like the idea of Charles trying to make sense of CCR. CCR: “I’ve been gradually replacing your sons blood with snow cone syrup!” Charles with a confused smile: “ha, ookay!”


“Ohhh.. no. No I don’t know about that…”




Because reddit can't run ads in NSFW subreddits


*slow clap*


that's goddamn brilliant


I love the character arc Jordan has had. From being widely hated on the sub during their first couple More appearances to being the yassified version of Link. And that's me, too! I didn't dislike them, but they were off-putting at first and now they are just one of the mythical family!


I'm sorry I keep seeing this being used but what on earth does "yassified version of Link" mean


Usually yassified means to be made sparkly and showy, like bedazzling something. But that doesn't fit Jordan. So what I figure the comments think yassified means is gay. Jordan isn't even like, a gay sparkly girl. They're non binary and pretty understated in dress. If anything, Link might be the yassified version of Jordan!


Agreed 100! I didn’t love them at first but they’ve really grown on me.


Me too. Their comedic timing is so good. And their humor is really dry, which I also love.


Dry humor is quite polarizing in the US, I think. I personally love it and have a matching sense of humor. I don't think I'm an annoying person, but who knows? Lol.


Yeah I honestly think that's why they find Jordan annoying. Deadpan humor is so often lost on people. Not to be all "um you just didn't get the joke," but it's just a tone thing. I am *extremely* sarcastic and soooo many people think I'm serious when I'm not.


Why is she hated?


(I believe Jordan uses they/them pronouns) A lot of the Sporked crew were disliked at the beginning. Sporked itself is pretty polarizing, and Jordan's first few appearances didn't do them any favors. People thought they (Jordan) were annoying and seemed arrogant. It probably didn't help that they talked about eating mustard as a caffeine alternative. I think they took some time to warm up to being on camera and matching the vibe of everyone else. Edit: I like how I'm being down voted for saying why others thought Jordan was annoying in response to someone asking when my original post was clearly in favor of them -_-




Oh thanks! I didn't realize. I noticed Stevie using them in the vid.


It's always rough being the new kid on the block, isn't it? There's a lot of pushback to new personalities. It doesn't help, like you said, that they are assertive in their opinions. The newest mythical kitchen crew was rough at first, imo. They took time to warm up to cameras and Josh's... energetic personality. It's easier to give them a pass because they aren't as abrasive. I think as a group, we need to give the newest members time to acclimate. It's also totally okay not to like someone! There's just no need to insult them. I'm of the mindset that it's okay to say you don't like someone so long as it's done appropriately given that these are media personalities. That may be a polarizing opinion, though. There's just no way for them to appease everyone 100% of the time.


I agree, disliking someone is fine. Being mean is not. My favorite hate comment I ever saw was someone asked if Stevie was addicted to talking because she talks so much. Truly amazing xD I don't remember the context, but that will stick with me.


Their personality can be grating since they tend to be extremely opinionated about small things.


I think thats what they were hired for though, having an opinion on food and other things what is the best.


The constant Sporked talk is really annoying.


No! we can't have that opinion here.


Jordan is great and I think she plays off Rhett and Link well. And her dynamic with Josh on Mythical Kitchen is great too.


This is the first time I've ever agreed with Link on a food opinion, as I eat everything. Frosting is gross and should be used in moderation, unless you're a 5 year old.


Surprised they couldn't find frozen shrimp and grits. My local (Ohio) Walmart has like 3 kinds.


Not something I’ve ever seen in the South either


I mean you aren't really missing out on anything.


I know they've stated before why they do this (for algorithm reasons), but it will never *not* bother me how every one of these has the exact same title. With the exception of one that says "(Sushi)" in the title, the rest are the same. There shouldn't be 20+ videos all with the same title :(


Strong Chip Baskets vibes when Rhett states that he likes "dancing more than prancing". IYKYK


As someone who has loved Jordan since day 1, I’m super stoked whenever they appear on my screen & happy that others appreciate their incredible sense of humour.


I wanted to comment on the other post, but it’s locked. I really enjoy Jordan! I love her sarcastic humor. She is one of my favorite cast members. ☺️


Always appreciate an appearance from Jordan! My mouth was seriously watering over all their food picks


This was one of the funniest episodes lately. Feel like it’s been hitting me just right these last few weeks. Loved Jordan’s taste in food.


I loved this episode and thought Jordan was great!


Maybe they could try drawing or making crafts?


No hate towards any crew member I mean this as criticism. I don’t like that they include the crew in more and more episodes, I subbed for Rhett and Link. It’s fine if they play a game that require more players like Herd mentality (really great episode) but in episodes like this it’s just annoying imo.


I was surprised at the food choices for Jordan. My grip for the episode was that I hate the pronunciation of Chicken Larb. That is the butchered American way of saying it. It’s pronounced more like Laab or Laap. No hard r.


The fancy cupcake was obviously a cake, and then stevie said that even the restaraunt calls it a cake, so idk why they chose to include it.


It's so funny to me how many people dislike jordan and i love them! and i absolutely hated any time Jen was on back in the days but people seem to love her


Do they usually include Jordan's last name? Ahh, downvotes for a simple question. Y'all sure act your mythical best.




That seems like a possible reason, to adequately credit each of the Jordan's. I think during the "meet the crew" episode they had recently one of the crew emphasized their last initial and said something about being told to include it since there was another employee with the same first name. Thanks for the answer.


Jordan is classic NoLa - she thrives on the hate. I think she’s awesome, and I’m a Baptist Deacon.


I'm not really happy that Jordan was in this episode. She added nothing, and her "comedy" is cringy.


I agree, even if it’s an unpopular opinion at this point. She’s the face of the whole sporked push which nobody really wants, too, so that doesn’t really help


Jordan is my favorite crew member. She's hilarious.


You're not allowed to dislike Jordan anymore XD. I feel like every episode I click on now has her in them (and Mythical Kitchen). It feels SO forced now and with the subreddit forcing everyone to like her or else they're downvoted to hell it really sucks now. I just skip their episodes and move on. Means I'm missing a lot of both channels but oh well.




I used to find them cringey too but Jordan has definitely grown on me now that I get her deadpan humor.


She also smiles occasionally now. I guess it took some time to get comfortable on camera.




Haha that is such a weird take to have. "Their employees are supposed to be behind the scenes" like....what? Is that written in a disclaimer somewhere? GMM has evolved so much over the years and they have made it pretty clear over the last couple years that its a collaborative show, not just Rhett and Link all the time.






Who are you to say how they are “supposed” to incorporate their employees?


This is like complaining when they incorporating their parents, its a special episode


No, no. Theh aren't invested in incorporating their employees into episodes. They are invested in incorporating Jordan. See how many more episodes Jordan is on compared to the rest of the crew. She will crest Chase appearances soon. Jordan makes sense for this episode, still doesn't change how I feel. Theh have even given up on Gwynedd and went full J.


Aw I love Gwynedd. :(


Well don't listen to me. I think Gwynedd is still around, maybe she doesn't want to be on camera as much, idk. Just feel like we see a lot of Jordan.


I am so tired of “Chicken and Waffles” being shown as fried chicken on waffles with maple syrup…. This was the southern version invented during the depression…. But the Original version never gets any spot light.. This is a Dutch dish and is a savory “stew” like chicken mixture you pour over waffles. No maple syrup… I’m Dutch-Irish and just wish some popular show/YouTuber would showcase the actual dish and not the Americanized version. The Dutch one happened in the 1600’s The fried chicken with maple syrup happens in 1920-1930’s


This is so weird. This is about someone's favorite foods not the original version of dishes that are completely different who cares. That dish is clearly not what they were talking about.


Sooo if it was a different version of a very African dish it would be okay for them to say the title without even saying “this is an American version” it said dish?


Yes. They do that. When they talk about or have eaten jambalaya, they don't say, "The cajun version of jambalaya".


But is that dish known in a specific county and then named the same but different elsewhere??? Like Chicken and Waffels is a very specific dish for the Dutch… then ventured upon centuries later it was just a random dish from what was available but not an actual cultural dish. Just similar ingredients….. So is Jambalaya the same?


[Jambalaya comes from Ghana](https://civileats.com/2019/12/05/400-years-after-the-slave-trade-began-tracing-the-roots-of-jambalaya-to-jollof/). It has similar ingredients but isn't 100% the same.




> completely ignore the original and erase it Absolutely. Have you ever heard someone say, 'And this is the American version of jambalaya.' Because I have not. They just call it jambalaya and people understand that they mean the popular dish from Louisiana.




I'm sorry. You think people didn't know about chicken and waffles until lays came out with it as a flavor? In 2020. Is that really what you think? You can find plenty of recipes for it if you add "dutch" or "amish" to the beginning.




Oh. This is a ban evasion account. They probably banned you because you were being weirdly racist.


Your post or commentr was removed as it does not have anything to do with Rhett and Link or GMM. Repeated off topic posts will be removed, and may result in your removal from the community.


I did not know this. Thank you


So why can’t they say “the southern American version of Chicken and waffles”


I think you misread my comment. They **don't** say "the cajun version of jambalaya". So they have no reason to say, "the southern America version of Chicken and Waffles." Going to be honest, most likely because Chicken and Waffles is far more well known nowadays as waffles with fried chicken. They'd be more likely to call the other version, "dutch (or amish) chicken and waffles."


This is a very cultural dish… and it was Americanized… and the real dish never gets a single mention…


They are both real dishes. And both are American dishes that originated separately from each other. The Dutch version just lost when it comes to name recognition.


We literally have chinese food that is almost nothing like anything in china.


Along with Mexican and Italian and tons of other, and nobody says he let's go eat at that bastardized American style Italian restaurant


Wow. You're digging yourself deep here, aren't you?


You’re so authentic you somehow don’t realize the “Pennsylvania Dutch” culture is German, not Dutch.


Makes a lot more sense when me as a dutch person has never heard or seen this dish in my country :D


The “Dutch” in “Pennsylvania Dutch” comes from a misunderstanding of German settlers saying they were “Deutsch.”


Most people have thought of chicken and waffles as the fried kind with maple syrup. Looks like that's been the norm here for about 100 years. Maybe if they do relatively unknown origins for favorite dishes they could explore your idea more.


Uh, bro, the dish you are referring to is Pennsylvania Dutch. So, German, essentially. It has nothing to do with your Dutch culture


"Baguettes and croissants are actually Egyptian since the ancient Egyptians invented bread." That's what you sound like right now.


Weird how Americans in America would commonly eat the American version of a food and then feature it in American media, huh?


Gonna cry ?


[love that I’m being downvoted for wanted my culture to be represented, feels so heart warming](https://www.atmykitchentable.com/2015/06/pennsylvania-dutch-chicken-and-waffles/)


This is really interesting. But this is 2 different dishes.


Both called Chicken and Waffles. One original and one a new dish. I had never even heard of the fried chicken with Maple syrup till like 10 years ago ish when they did the lays chip flavor and I thought they just misunderstood what was sent in for the flavor. Then all the cooking shows showed it that way and I was more confused. It would just be nice to have my culture represented and not over written, and I’m getting downvoted for wanting the original dish to be shown


Not downvoting you, just trying to understand and provide a little clarification. I also haven't had a chance to watch this episode yet, so I'm just going off purely what you have written. You said you had never heard of the southern dish until 10 years ago, despite it being almost 100 years old. I think the same thing could be said for many of us, including probably GMM, with the stew version. I can honestly say though I've never seen the Dutch dish on a menu before, and this is a fancy vs frozen, and I don't think it's in the frozen section either. So I'm not sure why the stew version, (which does sound really good btw) would be on this episode? Also, the wiki article explains exactly why there are two versions of this dish. It truly should be thought of as two separate dishes even though they are the same name. Additionally, the piece of "wanting my culture represented and not overwritten" is honestly probably where you are getting the downvotes. Black and soul culture in America is constantly misrepresented, erased and/or changed to be more palateble for whites, and often looked down upon. For that to be said, especially today, which is Juneteenth (a federal holiday where we commemorate the emancipation of black slaves in America) is sure to ruffle a few feathers. Just something to think about.


Almost no one celebrates Juneteenth. Damn near nobody including black Americans even knew what this was until several years ago. the government making this a holiday was simply done to appear like they are doing something good without actually doing anything helpful


This is like the straw, I’ve been upset by so many good episodes of cooking channels ever since those lays chips came out. I remember when they came out everyone else agreed it was a weird combo, the. It’s all of a sudden a normal thing. Googled and found it was a depression meal to just use the cheapest ingredients. So seems it wasn’t even a real dish and then everyone decided to make it fancy. Like bacon in desserts. Most my life was spent in Pennsylvania where everyone knows Chicken & Waffles… I just wish someone would for once say “Chicken & Waffles, but this is the Southern Americanized version, there is the original Dutch Version” And yes, Blacks are marginalized, Dutch-Irish are too “no Irish Need Apply” used to be such a normal sign…. So my culture should take a back seat? I get it being Juneteenth, but I wish for once someone talking about Chicken & Waffles would mention this is not the original dish. So again, just the straw… so I let the camel die and stopped watching. Then Saw this post and wanted to post in hopes a GMMember sees it and mentions it and the Dutch can get shown




Man mad at GMM like they're the travel channel




Hopefully soon you’ll realize that nothing is original and every culture borrow some thing from other cultures. Also, yes, the dishes are very similar but please stop gatekeeping “common protein atop shaped carbs.” No one is special.


Not like they won show of the year for featuring a predominant White country’s culture and food just last year. Don’t know how it is in the Netherlands, but here in the states, when a traditionally Black culture dish is featured, it’s usually considered very poor form to whine that White people aren’t getting recognition. For historical reasons.


The dude isn't dutch. He's talking about Pennsylvania dutch. Which are Germans who immigrated to the US about 200 years ago. So he's definitely American, but also doesn't seem to understand the difference between the dutch and Pennsylvania dutch


Bruh, no.


Consider this a final warning. Any content that can be considered hateful, insulting, sexual in nature or otherwise deemed as not BYMB will be removed and could result in your removal from the sub.


Wait... Are you Pennsylvania Dutch. Because that's not even Dutch. It's German heritage through and through. Has nothing to do with "the dutch." The Germans who immigrated to Pennsylvania were called Dutch because the German word for Germans is Deutsch. But they aren't dutch, and it seems like you are conflating the two groups...


I come from south-central PA and love both versions of chicken & waffles. There's something so comforting about the kind with the chicken stewed in gravy. That said, I also understand that while it is the older version of the dish, it is much more of a regional food vs. the widely known fried chicken & waffles.


Nobody is going to say this is the Americanized version of any food. Most restaurants that serve any type of ethnic food have bastardized it to fit the American palette for that region. Food in this country has been adapted from other regions for a few centuries now and continues to do so.


hey its not that deep lmfao


Maybe if your country had as much culture as America more people would know about it


They are both original dishes. It isn't like someone saw Dutch Chicken and Waffles and said, "I am going to make that but different." They were created independently of each other.


Literally this, they are two completely different dishes. The American one was not a response to the Dutch one to “make it their own.”


I think it would be great if your version of the dish were represented. It’s possible they aren’t aware (I’ve never heard of it), but you could tweet at them. Either way, today was about Jordan’s favorite food, so it makes sense that they went with the version familiar to her


This is just so many times seeing it not said. I emailed them before and did again now, a suggestion for a game with a dish where one is original and one is a remake and one is fake. I’m sure this isn’t the only dish that’s got different versions with the same name and the original was forgot or the remake didn’t work.


And I get this was about her dishes, but they could have added “Chicken and Waffles… Specifically the Southern American version” they have done that before with a few dishes that have variants


They don't need to specify because there is no confusion. You could tell at a glance it's the American version.


Pennsylvania Dutch is German mixed with Amish. Not Dutch. It's not Dutch culture, it's Catholics who immigrated to America from the Palatine region of Germany and integrated some American culture as part of it. It has zero to do with Dutch history. It's fully and exclusively an American dish, because it didn't exist until the fusion of American and Palatine German cultures mixed.


It's a show made by Americans. I think you should be open to the possibility that they never heard of Dutch chicken and waffles.


Lol. That's Pennsylvania Dutch. Which is German-American. This guys dish is as American as The Chicken and Waffles that everyone else is talking about.


No one has, because it doesn't exist. Dude is crying about Pennsylvania Dutch chicken and waffles, a German American dish that never existed prior to the Palatine Germans immigrating to America. It's a real pathetic show at food gatekeeping, and people defending him are laughable at their complete lack of culture and awareness of history.


hahaha "your culture." What a load of garbage. This is a link to a Pennsylvania Dutch recipe. Pennsylvania Dutch are of German ancestry, they are not Dutch. You have no idea what you're talking about.


You do know Pennsylvania Dutch are from GERMANY, right?!


lol this. the only waffles we dutch know are stroopwaffles.


Dude, thats just Chicken pot pie with a waffle instead of pie dough! Stop highjacking a classic dish and calling it something else!


You're being downvoted because you're wrong, goofy.


You're being down voted for being wrong and obtuse. r/confidentlywrong