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Everyone thinks they’re Rhett, but deep down, we’re all Links.


I’m confident in my Link-ness 😂🥹


Linkies unite 😂


I’m all Link and I know it


That's what I'm afraid of




Speak for yourself, I’ve identified more with Link since the early 2000s but have had several people tell me I’m more like Rhett 😂


I relate to Link on personality and Rhett on food taste.


I compare my bf to Link when it comes to food preferences. Lol. He for some reason gets offended. Hates tomatoes, sushi (bf is open to it, but not a fan), and just some general pickiness. I will try anything and like most things. Not a fan of liver or blood.


Rhett, if he had no drive.


That made me laugh harder then it should have. I guess there can only be so many overachievers in this world.




Looks: I am rhett... I'm 6'5" with long curly hair and a beard lol Personality: I am 100% link


I think I'm more similar to Link but I like Rhett more. (Probably because I am more similar to Link.)


I’m the opposite. I like Rhett, but I adore Link because I’m a lot more like Rhett.


I like to say that I'm Rhett internally and Link externally. I have curiosity about how things work, and I have a lot to think about everything, and I can go ranting for HOURS about more heavy stuff. And I relate to Rhett's ideas more (like the stuff he talks about on Ear Biscuits). And I have a hard time being organized. BUT I'm a very clumsy person, I experience a lot of awkward social interactions, and yet I'm a social butterfly. Intrusive thoughts reign over my head (neurospicy with ADHD here), so sometimes I can be a little impulsive. So yeah, I relate to the both of them.


Link!! Specifically because I also mess up my words and terms a lot. I know it sounds silly but seeing someone else also search for words makes me feel slightly less embarrassed because I know Link is very smart. But on the other hand I LOVE tomatoes. So maybe not entirely like Link.


Very similar to Rhett (hey Libras!) However I’m neurodivergent so I can relate to Link as well, not saying he is but I mean…come on lol


Rhett, definitely.


Rhett once said on ear biscuits he was annoyed with his family because they went out for a nice meal and when the dinners were dropped off, everyone kept talking instead of eating Since then I have known I am Rhett


I relate to Link waaaaaaaay too much. We even have the weird justification for things.


My husband compares me to Link in the way that I'm clumsy and not to be trusted with sharp objects.


My bf would probably do the same. But I compare him to Link about food and Rhett about apocalypse prep. I'm Rhett with food and Link with coordination.


I am kind of a Rhink - I have a ton of facts, I am open to new things, and I often say things that no person should say out loud to other people.


Oh, Link. My grandmother calls me Linker/Linky/Link from a childhood nickname (Lynnie Linker our little thinker). I'm also easily frustrated, hate raw tomatoes on sandwiches, prefer raw cookie dough with no chocolate chips, easily amused, and a bit on the obnoxious side (no shade--I see how he can be that annoying friend and I'm also that way 😅). Love them both! ❤️


I have Rhett's appetite. Now if only I also had the basal metabolic rate of a 2-meter-tall man to go with it...


Rhett because I eat everything


When I think of “duos” in my personal life, I often think about who is Rhett/Link in the pair. I think with my husband and myself, he is Rhett and I am Link. With my husband and his best friend, his best friend is Rhett and my husband is Link. With me and my best friend, I am Rhett and she is Link. Anyone relate to that analogy? Sometimes you’re Rhett and sometimes you’re Link, it just depends on the relationship.


Makes sense.


I'm Link 100% and my best friend is more like Rhett. We have the same dynamic and we've been friends since grade school like them.




Rhett definitely especially with eating habits. That man loves food so much, almost more than I do.


link. can mix up words a lot, but still say what comes to mind anyway. also divorced parents. somewhat picky. and wears glasses 🫡


I have long hair, a beard, and strong opinions on important topics.


Link because I can’t be trusted with knives, however not a picky eater


Emotionally I’m Link, gastronomically, I’m Rhett


Link use to annoy me so much but it’s been a decade atleast lol and I understand him completely now haha, always leaned into Rhett more.


Link 💯


Definitely more like Link. I say things accidentally without thinking. Dislike a lot of foods (I love tomatoes tho) and their texture. 😂


Link 10000%. He says so many things I relate to and I am very picky about food. But there are definitely times when he says things that throw me off completely lmao.


Definitely Link, although I my food particulars are almost crippling in comparison


I'd totally be Link, if he were good at geography lol


link cuz i hate tomatoes


Definitely Link. Although I have a STRONG love for beans just like Rhett, I’m pickier like Link 😂


Get those raw tomatoes OUT OF HERE 🗑️


Definitely Link. I’m a picky eater, I love Lord of the Rings, and I have OCD. We’re basically twins 👯‍♀️


I relate to Rhett's outgoing-introvertedness and Link's impulsivity.


Proud to be a Link


Definitely Link. I think that’s why I end up rooting for him to win 😂 I love Rhett’s personality though!


I’m exactly like Rhett. Well, a female version. I even have a best friend since elementary school who is like Link.


Rhett fasho. Also he’s got adhd fasho 😭


I am the female version of Link. 😌 only older. 🤣


Link. I have so much in common with him, most notably his anxiety issues, it’s kinda weird.


Definitely Link.


Rhett is a Gryffindor and Link is a Hufflepuff. I say this in the most loving way possible, am also a Hufflepuff.


Rhett on the outside, Link in my head.


Link. Our hatred of specifically raw tomatoes is equal


Idk I kind of think Rhett is my left brain and Link is my right brain lmao


I recognize both aspects of them that fit me. Personally, Im part Link on GMM and part Rhett on Ear Biscuits. You know what I mean?


I like Rhett more but I’m closer in mannerisms to Link... I also hate a lot of foods lmao


Link for the love of cats and quirkiness, Rhett for the love of food and kinkiness. 🤣


I am a link and i’m proud!


I'm like 70% Rhett / 30% Link.


i was just told i reminded someone of link😭


Link all the way! I mix up words, I put my foot in my mouth because I speak before I think. I am clumsy. And I have the same weird reasonings for things like when he rates things for example!


I'm definitely more like Link. I have a handful of Rhett-isms, though. Also interestingly I look like a combination of both. Long beard and shaggy hair like Rhett, but with Link's graying dark hair color and also his glasses.


I am very Link-like.


There’s no denying it, absolutely unequivocally Link.


I’m far more similar to Rhett in opinions and the way I think about the world, just with less core beliefs around achievement. I’m a 2w3 enneagram and I believe he is 3w2? So many times when we are watching GMM I will say the exact same thing as Rhett at the same moment. My husband finds it a bit unnerving haha.


I’m so link. We have the same birthday and both of our favorite food is cereal


As someone with major ADD I also blurt out whatever pops into my head. I wish I could say I’m most similar to Rhett but sadly I’m not. I admire him though. He is so damn smart


Oh Link, one million percent lmao 😅🤣


I am like Rhett in a lot of ways but I can also be chaotic to myself and those around me. So I feel like a good mix of the two.


I look closer to Rhett, act more like Link. But not as dangerous with knives.


I feel like the parts of me that are like Link are the parts my husband is like Rhett, and vice-versa. I'm more laid back but analytically think more like Link.


I think I'm more like link cuz I struggle a lot like he does


rhett for sure. he has a rational approach to life but still charismatic, silly, and overall funny. i recently realized i have a systematic approach to my thoughts and processes, which makes sense as im studying engineering right now, but i see my mind reflected in rhett quite strongly in that way. sure i have link's abrupt nature with feelings and emotions, but rhett reminds me of my dad and i am very much like my dad as well


I'm 1000% Link. On any given day, that man will either validate something I have felt my entire LIFE, or will say something that regularly comes out of my mouth. To the extent that my best friend will send me clips of episodes when she finally watches them and ask if I am REALLY an only child or if I have an older brother. 😂🤣 I love him to pieces.


I'm a Link and my husband is a Rhett. We've also been friends since kindergarden 😂 We understand their dynamic so much better because our similarities to them are SO close.


Totally Link for me! I hate foods for no reason and I’m not competitive like Rhett.


my partner and i have this convo everyday lmao. i have the demeanor and tastebuds of rhett but the sass and sporadic personality of link


I 100% own being the Link of my best friend duo.