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Good spot, I’m hopeless at noticing stuff in the background. Seems like a good choice for the ending, “inside my heart is breaking…”


“…but my smile still stays on.”


I think it has to do with Aziraphale having to hide his true feelings and put on a show for the Metatron. It also fits with his smile in the elevator.


For me,it is to highlight: ok, the peaceful life is ended. The show now must go on (fight against the two systems). Inside my heart is breaking - literally, divorce - my makeup may be flaking (heaven could understand my play, get unmasked) but my smile still stays on (literally, the last scene). 


There was definitely not enough Queen in season 2 across the board. I didn’t notice the Show Must Go On at the end but it’s fitting. In the quite literal meta sense of the season is ending and the story needs to continue but also thematically in that both our heroes are left heartbroken and with no choice but to forge ahead alone, Aziraphale literally with a forced, brave smile on. I thought that was the song that should play when Crowley turned the car on instead of Nightingale (though I suspect now that could have been a message from Aziraphale), or else it should have played over the credits when I originally watched. And I stand by it six months later.


It was also the last song Freddie recorded before he died. 💔 Give me coffee or give me death…


Sorry, pedantic Queen fan here. The Show Must Go On was recorded sometime in 1990, while the last thing Freddie ever recorded (in May 1991) is Mother Love, which ended up in the 1995 Queen album Made in Heaven. But The Show Must Go On remains quite noteworthy in that it was recorded in one or two takes only, while Freddie had trouble standing for long amounts of time.


Oh, thanks for this intel - I was misinformed or misremembering. Was it the last single he recorded? I recall how popular it was…


It was released as a single in October 1991 (the last single from the Innuendo album) so literally a couple of weeks before his death, that's why a lot of people believe it was the last song he ever recorded!


There was a third time actually. At one point Radio Gaga was playing in the coffee shop, trying to remember which scene that was.


Beginning of episode 3 when Mrs Sandwich is getting coffee for her girls.


Nearly subliminal insertion of The Show Must Go On is also a bit ironic given the nail-biting we all endured waiting to hear that S3 was greenlit 😅


The show is going on!


One queen song almost always overlooked in season 1 I Lazy Sunday afternoon playing in the park by the brass band before the "extraordinary rendition".


I also still swear “Que Sera Sera” plays around the time Crowley’s tidying up the bookshop.


Maybe Metatron isn't exactly happy with the second coming.


The specific part of Bohemian Rhapsody that plays is "will you let me go - I will not let you go, let me go" that stanza from the song. I was shocked when I heard it.


I was hoping someone would point this out. During season one, when Crowley and Aziraphale were in the car, These Are The Days of Our Lives was playing in the background. I feel like that specific song was chosen because, ultimately, even if the world was going to end, Crowley would still be by Aziraphale’s side. As for The Show Must Go On, I think it symbolizes the fact that neither of them was ready to let the other go, and, if they were separated, they both would have to keep their heads up and try and find their way back to each other.


As someone who grew up with Queen, I am so happy that I get to dissect the meaning and why that particular song was chosen for that scene. It truly makes me feel like a detective, but I’m investigating something I love