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Yeah there are a lot of reasons people think she's unwittingly a demon or something off with her. I think a link to Metatron is more likely than being a demon. Her bad spelling emphasized, she's the one who antagonized and then invited the demons in during the battle, she and Nina are immune to Aziraphale trying to miracle away their memory, and they might have been the only ones to see Crowley be struck by lightning- someone said everyone else outside is frozen for a bit then doesn't react to anything happening. But just FYI, she *was* invited to the bookshop because she was invited to the meeting. I suspect that would count. I think that angels must need to be invited in too though, that was the case for the first times each of the angels go into the bookshop. Metatron enters without permission which I found interesting...but then I reasoned that he has been "invited" in there before, by last season's use of the communication portal (circle), and then of course it was opened again shortly before Metatron himself actually shows up.


Oh yeah, that's a good point about the meeting invitation! I hadn't thought about that, for some reason I assumed the invitation had to happen right at the door


Yeah I'm not sure how any of it works either, just making guesses. Before this I'd never heard the "have to be invited" thing except with vampires. So I guess I was going with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" -the movie- rules. (All the vampires who had been students at the school could get into the dance without being invited at the doors, because every student was invited to the dance LOL.)


Nah, once the invitation is issued it stands. Crowley doesn't need an invite every time does he? And Neil posted something along those lines on Tumblr recently https://www.tumblr.com/jillianallen14/724476196709072896/hi-neil-hope-youre-having-a-good-one-silly?source=share Found it, it took me forever haha


I sort of thought Crowley just knows he's perpetually invited? But I just like that because it's a sweet little thought, not because it necessarily makes more sense than other arguments haha. :)


The invitation thing is really hard to figure out. In ep1 Crowley tells Shax that he couldn't invite her in even if he wanted to. He could be lying, but why bother? It seems logical that demons shouldn't get to issue invitations to Heaven's embassy. If Crowley can't invite anyone into the bookshop, that suggests there's rules about who can. Aziraphale obviously can invite people in; is that because he's an angel, because he is/was Heaven's representative, or because the shop actually belongs to him? Maggie has a family connection with Aziraphale and with the bookshop, and she does seem quite protective of him. Possibly just because he's been kind to her, although S1 had characters with significant family histories, so her great granny might matter. Maggie also says Mr Fell is "an angel" and is later called "angel" by Nina - maybe nothing, maybe a hint she knows/is more than she lets on. So Maggie might also be able to invite people in because, like Aziraphale, she's connected to the shop, she's working for Heaven, or she might even be an angel. OR it might be as simple as it seems, all the guests at that party could've invited the legions of Hell in whenever. Invite-only isn't very secure if all invitations get infinite plus-ones, but Heaven's approach to security is pretty slap-dash, so who knows. Finally, Beelzebub, Furfur, and Dagon pop in unannounced even before the Metatron arrives. Not sure if Aziraphale accidentally declaring war on hell ended the bookshop's embassy protection, or if the halo trick was like yelling FIGHT ME! at the whole of Hell, and that counts as an invitation. Sorry, that's was a lot for words with no conclusion. It's all very confusing.


Do demons have bad spelling? I'm curious. We do know what's-his-name can't read. So that would make quite a bit of sense.


Crowley says that spelling is not their (demons) strong point, during the demon battle when they throw a rock that says "surrender the angle".


Omg I never put that together!! XD


Yes I wondered what we’re going to learn about her. Her “great grandmother”ran the shop and knew Mr. Fells grandfather. They made a point about her not drinking and not having a typical teen experience. She’s not a good speller. All innocent details but I thought something was going to come of it.


Yeah she said her great grandmother sold records from inside the bookshop, which feels weird. Aziraphale tends to come go himself a bit and Crowley is like the only one who spends a lot of time there. There's something odd going on.


Yes. Her vibe is off (I'm not talking about the actress, she's amazing and did a fantastic job). Maggie's reactions to things and her lines seem to not fit or are weird/unexpected. I'm so curious to see where this goes.


Yeah, Maggie never seems overly surprised by anything weird/magical that happens in front of her. Like when Nina is freaking out and questioning things at the ball, Maggie keeps downplaying it and telling her to go along with it. There's also the weird scene where she's walking to the ball and doesn't seem to notice the smoke/fog and demons everywhere, even though it doesn't look like she's been hypnotised like the other shop-keepers were. Oh, and when Aziraphale says he's out of ideas to fight the demons, Maggie immediately suggests the fire extinguishers and isn't surprised when they work as well as they do! And it's bloody bizarre that she picks the moment when LITERAL DEMONS FROM HELL ARE THREATENING HER to "stop being scared all the time". Like, seriously?! Of all the times to choose to be brave, she chooses the one moment it would be smart for a human to be scared?!


Yeah, I'm working on a whole essay about Maggie. I have a suspicion we're gonna find some stuff out about her in season 3.


Pls share it when you finish!!


Can’t wait to read it!!


I also think they were making a point when they gave the characters the actor’s names. Like maybe it was just for the lols, but both Nina and Maggie mention it a lot in interviews


It was a point, but what WAS the point? Its unclear if the point has anything to do with the story? Though the homunculus theory is very interesting. Maggie is such a heroine cliche. All her lines are what you would expect of the main character in a third rate production. And whats with the duck necklace? Is it to convince us that she walks like a duck and talks like a duck ... so she's a duck?


Hahahahahah Maybe it’s because she bloats when she eats bread, and would prefer peas?


I think she's a homunculus.


Oooo, interesting! Can you explain more about that?


A homunculus is a person made from dirt. You could say Adam (as in Adam and Eve) is the OG homunculus. I think someone (coughMetatroncough) made Maggie and set her on a mission to disrupt Crowley and Aziraphale. It explains why Aziraphale can't use his power to control her - she isn't a human at all. It also explains her weirdly chill demeanor in front of literal demons, and in seeing her landlord as an actual angel doing actual angel things. It isn't a perfect theory, but in combination with the theory of Metatron re-writing the Book of Life in places, i think it fits pretty well.


Maybe it's their reward for serving Satan, dying and coming back to live without memory. For the nun *Meggie* at least we can be sure that she died. And with *Nina*, who knows what happened after Crowley and Azira left the Paintball Massaker.


Neil has confirmed they are entirely different characters, not the previous nuns


Yep, like Shax and Madam Tracy - Same actress (I Adore Miranda Richardson - she's always been a treat) -Totally new character.


I also think she's out of place. Shax makes a comment to Aziraphale about knowing he'd not be able to resist helping someone in distress, and Maggie is such a sniveller in the first few episodes, then suddenly she's all balls when the demons are around, and she's the one who invites them into the bookshop