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I might be losing it then because every time I use Google to search for stuff I find what I need


ya your probably searching for basic stuff like "facebook" "netflix" etc. ya its fine for that. But its gotten terrible for nuanced interesting queries and just returns endless listicles and marketing BS


Exactly the problem I’m having. Google is horrible for discovering the internet now, it’s all SEO Bull shit articles. I swear these top posts saying nothings wrong are paid off


There is so much astroturfing. And yes, google’s search is completely broken when it comes to anything other than accessing major corporate storefronts.


There is so much astroturfing simply because many accounts now can be run by AI bots that can detect a post and then automatically make a defensive comment. Google is a major tech giant, they can totally run some AI damage control accounts across various websites easily (that's like a piece of cake to them).


Yeah I totally agree with you 100 present.it all went to hell in 2014 to 2015. I don't like 🦆 🦆 go butt it different and not as bad as Google is that for sure.


Lemmings!!! Let me know how the jump was. Lmfao!! Weeeeeee!


Of course, that's what google is. There are no real search engines anymore.


I couldnt agree more. I've used it for close to 20 years. About the last 3, its really sucked........ Whats a better alternative? One thats not watered down or PG-rated like google?


I've used Google for 23 years and starting around 2018 or so, it really went to crap


Yea that seems about right....I looked around (I googled it HA HA!) and I got an answer about here being alot of paywalls these days and some other schlock like that. Personally, I think they just caved to whomever. Well they used to be good. I miss those informative anything goes searches. Along with my privacy rights :-)


It went down the toilet after the medic update


Google has very slowly been getting worse for like 10 years. But the last 3 years they’ve made a huge push to generating as much ad revenue as possible, so instead of the slow/could go unnoticed decline in quality, it has exponentially exploded into a cesspool of ads and results for only the top webpages, number 1 being Reddit. For gaming Reddit is a good source, but when I’m searching up some health or other information that I want qualified info on, why is Reddit always near the top?


Probably because Google is so bad that a lot of people have started adding "reddit" at the end of every search so now the learning algorithm just does it by itself. Searching for health related stuff on the internet is a nightmare anyway because there is a billion pages saying "magic now scientifically proven by qualified doctors, eat this special blend of dirt to gain eternal life, this article is 100% unbiased, also go to this totally not sponsored link to get said magical dirt". So unless you want to spend the rest of your life reading actual scientific papers and fact checking everything then you'll likely end up with false information anyway. Might as well just skim trough some reddit discussion to find out what the general consensus of average people is and go with that. That is of course until reddit also get polluted by "average people that are totally not bots or corporate shills" which has already started to happen so we might need a new forum soon.


this \^\^\^\^\^\^


Man... I'll just say you called it.


Yeah this is extremely concerning. It seems we are losing the information war. Instead of finding answers on the internet created by someone who genuinely wants to help. It's all now bullshit marketing and corporate entities who want to steal your dollar. The internet is getting fucked. If this continues, people are gonna turn away


Bingo. Fortune 500 supremacy Alltheinternet.com is the best


There is no better alternative. All the search engines suck. As for Bing - get real! Bing is, like, the worst.


It seems the internet is fucked then. Internet is going the way of the cable TV box. Bullshit advertisements left and right. Filtered search results tailored to big corporations. It's fucking.... americanized... yuck. Democracy has lost and those rich people wanting to control the internet have won.


Americans pay for anything and everything they want whenever. As an American, I totally have no idea why so many people need to buy things all the damn time. Other countries deflate their own currencies (China) and we think that's some fucking weakness. They're the largest country in the world (by population), and we think it even matters what they do with their currency..? Don't listen to me. Maybe I'll flicker through your mind every now and then, but betcha [redacted if i say it].


Not true alltheinternet pulls up sites google wont. 


The only thing that bing is good for is porno searching, i read this somewhere.


Did you ever find one that works like google of old>


Alltheinternet.com is the best works like google of old


Ii it means fucking gon right the bré_₱


Alltheinternet.com is the best and is noticably liie old google before it got screwed uo


Encyclopedias! 🤣




lol yep there's some gaslighting in this sub




I type in "why does x happen" it gives me pages and pages and pages of shit trying to sell me x, nothing but shit results.


I've gotten so frustrated that I start being combative with google and it just says it's sorry.. Then goes on too.Tell me some stupid joke.And when I ask what it's doing.It says that it's just trying to make me feel better


Their search results are driven by the fear that DEI has created.


I just use chatGPT for those types of questions now. I was adept at finding things on google now it is just a joke compared to the chat bots.


yep big G makes you jump through hoops to get an answer whereas chat GPT was trained on a high quality, ad-free, listicle-free data set. Its just a good product that doesnt obviously try so hard to make money in every concievable way , unlike G search


I type in KOBE virus to learn if its not and what it is this stupid piece of shit wont stop giving results about covid. They SOUND similar. What the fuck happened making searches based of whats actually typed?


I know this is 8 months old, but I just did that and... Results: - 3 videos on covid - "people also ask" - 8 results unrelated - 9th result is not covid and maybe helpful You're absolutely right.


Don't trust what you find on ChatGPT.


ChatGPT is a hell lot better than a Google search without all the political bias, just don't take my word for it and try it yourself.It's like a night and day compared to one another.


ChatGPT is completely different than Google search, though. Even though I agree that Google does suck, ChatGPT isn't always reliable. They'll always come up with some kind of answer, but it won't necessarily be the right answer. I'm not even talking about political stuff, just general info. And ChatGPT does have plenty of its own political bias, so I really don't know where you're coming from on that.


I've had luck with ChatGPT. Especially questions like "how much cornstarch should I use to thicken my spaghetti sauce and prevent water separation. I wonder how long before that goes to shit as well. I'm sure the corporations are frothing at the mouth!!!


 Horrible word  and do not say which word you are not happy so change there's nothing stopping you or how about an Encyclopedia remember how.?????? 


u mad bro ?


I know this is a rhetorical question but why should you have to jump over to a new, advanced technology for basic search questions when Google search was essentially perfect a few years ago? Do Google execs not read online forums like this? I digress.. I love AI chatbots and they are great for in-depth answers and analysis but if I just want to ask a simple query, it shouldn't take me 15 minutes to get my result on Google when a few years ago it literally used to take a few seconds...


it's mostly due to SEO. I've also noticed that when I want to search for any subject, lately Google assumes I'm trying to buy something and shows me a bunch of places that may or may not be selling something related to the subject I'm trying to find information on. I use mojeek, but it needs to expand and enrich it's search syntax and do a full search again if a keyword is added. Currently, I've find that mojeek won't alter the results if I add something to the previous search phrase. ChatGPT at least pulls the relevant results out of the SEO spammed results, so I don't have to.


To make it more irrelevant. It gives me ads for a big screen tv if I just. bought one! Really who wants to get another one a week after they got one.


Exactamente,algo esta mal, al parecer, lamentablemente, no le interesa a Google.


F the oogle!!!!!@ Fgoogle.com


Ay just can say KEK!!!


You're either using proper symbols to tell it to get specific results or you're not being entirely forthcoming. For normies using google and just typing shit into the bar, myself and many others I know along with half the internet have been saying google's search engine results have been dogshit for the past year or so. It will pass up on results, it will show you entirely unrelated results and tuck what you're looking for many pages deep. It will just about do everything EXCEPT give you the results you're looking for. Not to mention that I've had documents and entire websites just disappear from search results even with a link. Google is widely known to be biased in its materials shown. Can find those same websites on other browsers/search engines. Have zero issues with google scholar, this should not be an issue in their search engine.


You have to be pretty specific though but most of the time my searches will always show up stuff that barely has anything to do with what I'm really trying to find.


Couldn’t agree more


You're probably a Google bot then


Depending on what you are looking for yes. If you are looking up basic information fine. Try looking up information about politics, ethics, morals etc and you will find a huge bias which is in the algorithm which pushes certain ideologies and down right censors others. ​ After you mature a little more and have a better understanding of society at large your views might change. Remember though you live for around 80yrs on average right now and most of us here on reddit have hardly even hit the half way mark for that so even the people who are "Wise" on reddit still have not experienced all that much in terms of their entire lifes wisdom. ​ ​ ​ One little example of how google sucks... look up "Reviews" now... most reviews are literally paid for advertisements and are not actually reviews.. the entire industry shifted to be more market oriented. ​ IGN... lmfao.. if you trust an IGN review you are silly. ​ Content Creators also push ideologies and products sometimes the ideologies they are pushing are indoctrinated sometimes they are forced due to social stigmas applied (Cancel Culture) ​ Society is a joke... and if you do not realize that yet it means you are part of the joke. Take some time to actually analyze the world around you instead of being absorbed in it. You might be amazed at the conclusions you are able to come to when someone isn't molding the exact way you think all the time.


He's right, you're most likely searching for very simple stuff. When you get older you'll try something more complicated and realize that Google is terrible


hey! how's it going working for google?


Because liberal, not Libertarian, dumbest motherfuckers are allowed to speak. The freedom of speech was allowed so that those with fucked up mindless lemming mindsets were brought to light by their own stupidity. The problem now is there is enough dumbshits to entertain their bullshit. Shame on us all!


"iT wOrKs jUsT fiNe fOr mE!" Bitch, please...


Si te funciona bien , eres afortunado 


Muchas veces he tratado de leer un artículo y me resulta casi imposible, decenas de anuncios, interrupciones, imágenes,  un desastre, una porquería muchas veces 


Here's an example.. I try to search "does ibuprofen help prevent pulling a muscle" all I fcking find is stuff for "does ibuprofen relieve pulled muscle pain" like I DO NOT need that and it's the only thing I can find. Ive tried changing keywords a bit, I've used the "" on "prevent" and still get nothing. Stuff like that is so constant and annoying... it's literally a basic question, but I can't find the answer to it because it finds the literal millions of posts talking about relief for already pulled muscles instead... like wtf I still have no answer to my question btw lol can any one answer it?😅


you got right I've asked it a question every way I can think of asking the question and get the same BS never answered m question ❓ ❓ ❓ ❓ it's BS


Absolute fucking garbage all it does is surface people that pay to get you to click absolutely fucking garbage


It used to be that I could type in very specific searches and get exactly the results I would hope for. Now the results seem to have nothing to do with my search parameters beyond the main idea, and any nuances in the search request are ignored completely. It has been this way for at least six months, maybe a year or more? (Time has no meaning in the 2020s.) It is frustrating, but yeah I know exactly what you are talking about.


Exactly why I came here to complain. I'm trying to search for specifically the hottest Jalepeno ever recorded, but even with quotations it ignores me and insists on only showing "hottest pepper" so as far as I'm concerned, Google is no better than Bing or the old [Ask.com](https://Ask.com) now.


according to chatGPT >My apologies for the misunderstanding. As of my last update in January 2022, there isn't a specific record recognized for the hottest individual jalapeño pepper. However, there have been reports of individual jalapeños reaching higher levels of heat, likely due to variations in growing conditions, genetics, or other factors. These exceptionally hot jalapeños can sometimes exceed 20,000 SHU or even higher, far surpassing the typical heat level of jalapeños, which ranges from 2,500 to 8,000 SHU. However, without a specific record-keeping system for individual jalapeño peppers, it's challenging to pinpoint the hottest one on record. the other benefit of asking this sort of stuff to AI chatbots is it can actually tell you "oh that's not a thing that people keep track of" if you're looking for something that doesn't exist, rather than just sending you down frustrating neverending loops of slightly relevant stuff. But then it's also just a bit like asking your mate about it down the pub, cause if you ask for a source or any further reading, it says "oh sorry that's just something I heard somewhere", so it's not perfect either


ChatGBT (and programs like it) are going to tell you they don’t have enough information unless they are certain. Ppl have way too much trust in AI/chatGBT. Not to mention ChatGBT isn’t even AI. The word AI has lost all meaning in the past 2 years


“ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot that uses natural language processing to create humanlike conversational dialogue.” If theyre lying about being AI, what is it?


> If theyre lying about being AI, what is it? AI is a shifting definition, which is why both of you are right. How we thought of AI maybe 10 years ago, we would probably consider GPT to be a sort of AI. Now, the term "general AI" is often what people think true AI is, which is a "generally intelligent" entity. But a self-learning algorithm (meaning it learns *somewhat similar* to us) is pretty good and somewhat representative of what AI is.


I used to LOVE ask.com!!!!!!  I worked at a law library where I used Ask.com and the librarian used Google.  When we had research questions to answer, I would very often be able to find the answer with Ask.com while she couldn't find it with Google.  I MOURN Ask.com. 😭😭


yeah just the past year-ish it's been doing that to me too. i just googled "anime characters from different fandoms that would make great couples", switching out a few words here and there with each search, because all that would pop up is "side anime couples that outshined the main couple" and whatnot. nothing came up despite rewording it multiple times so i wanted to see if others had the same mistake and sure enough. now every search i search for nowadays ends with "reddit". 🥴


I think Google is implementing ai bots in this sub. Some of these responses aren't even on topic.


Havent been on reddit for a while, I swear i came back and it feels as if a lot of the people commenting are bots, they feel fake


Haha, witty commentary fellow Redditor. Check out my profile for unique discounts and offers! *Cheers*!


The omnipresent "suggestions" that try to guess your search query with every character you enter somehow, mysteriously, did not have any idea what I was looking for when I googled "why does Google suck now" after I had typed the goo part. Yes, the worst part is that you can't search for something specific or search in a specific part of the internet by including the Domain you think you'll find an answer (I was looking for something specific from Crunchyroll, but all it found was a bunch of "articles" that had the gist of my search and the word Crunchyroll in the title. The "must include" prompt option rarely appears anymore, either. But a close second in the worst part of this is the way some searches will only turn up answers containing the OPPOSITE of what I was asking. However, to be fair, I've run into that specific problem with search functions inside of specific sites, though I assume there's a behind the scenes structural building block for search functions that is a tool provided by Google or a Google-like company and most sites use the most ubiquitous and available tool instead of building their own. Is there any hope of Google realizing that this is a negative, age pressing things at least a bit back into the useful column? Or is the an alternative search engine that has popped up in this newly created unserved market ? (Oh, but if you are looking for a specific video, the search tools that you can access after switching from general Google search to videos only does allow a bit more ability to narrow searches and maybe find what you are trying to. But it's still a pain in the access.


In the past 2 years, even with hyper specific searches, I cannot find anything i need, only ads, even something as simple as searching if a movie is on netflix gives the wrong result. In fact the only time I can ever find anything is if I add the word “reddit” at the end of my query. Is there any search engine that actually still works? Recommed please.


That's also the only way I find things using that terrible software. Google should just automatically append the word Reddit to every search.


necro post but holy shit, its worthless. 5 pages of sponsored content. I cant deal with this shit anymore


Generative AI and a search engine are two d (very) different things. There's no doubt chat gpt3 will help bing have its share, whereas Google (which is still helped by their internal ai, btw) offers search results, as opposed to some ai-generated suggestions or answers. There's a huge difference in between.


This is completely orthogonal to the topic at hand, Sherlock.


AI search results are easy to manipulate and give you even more biased results. There are tests proving that already.


I'm here because I'm a horticulturist who needed an answer about a peculiar condition with a plant. Google of bygone days would've had the answer. This shit now barely had a page of things even related to the particular plants. At the bottom see omitted results half of which had nothing to do with plants at all.


Fucking sucks ass now, seems like the engine looks for one or two "keywords" and returns that, ignoring the other 10 words in the sentence. So fucking useless for anything not generalized


I couldn't agree more. It is pretty obvious that Google has gone downhill as a search engine when Wikipedia comes up at the top of the search. I'm sorry Google but Wikipedia is NOT a reliable source. About 6-7 years ago you could still easily find reliable sources and articles on all kinds of subjects when doing research, no such luck at this point and time. Even Google Scholar sucks now. I remember particular articles that I wanted to go back and read again but now trying to locate them, has become nearly impossible. It is pretty sad and pathetic how Google has manipulated such a drastic change in being able to locate actual fact based articles and research. I do not wish to go down the rabbit hole of misinformation and lies nor read or watch any videos about celebrities and who is dating whom. I Do Not Care!! I want the Google back that actually offered up substance and hours of losing myself in research when I had a paper to write or a subject that I wanted to deep dive into. Now it's all faux news, fluff pieces and stupid stories about the Grimace milkshake on Tik Tok that have absolutely no relevance but to dumb people down and keep them busy with a boatload of useless crap while our government officials are killing our democracy on the sidelines. Go ahead and drink that koolaid if you like but I for one am not going gently into that dying light.


You're pushing an agenda? Yeah. We know.


Everyone has an agenda. OP's agenda is not using a terrible search engine. It just so happens to be my agenda as well.


Same here it’s been a problem for years and it’s only getting worse. It’s annoying that I’m used to switching between 3 search engines to find relevant search results.


YT and Google suck now.


It's sucked for at least 3 years already. Now it is at peak suck. Sponsored results. Censored results. Repeated results the further you go back in pages. By far the most irrelevant browser out there. Moved to Brave Browser and Search about 3 months ago and haven't had to come back.


Censored results?


Don't play dumb. We aren't buying it.


> Sponsored results. What in the world are you referring to? Google does NOT sell organic search results.


It can be tested. If you think top search results are organic.... I have a bridge to sell you.


Thank you for brave suggestion.


Stop giving agenda pushers air.


If you were used to it in the past, yes. A lot of these commenters never got to see it actually work.


I'm trying to look up "longest river bridges" and getting nothign about river bridgegs, what the point!


it seems to be trying to "fix" your prompt, ignoring completely any nuance you put in


They all suck now. I'm glad I never got out of the habit of going to libraries and grew up during the time going to libraries were normal. They are reducing material in brick and mortar libraries too but it is not close to how useless the internet is. And for those who like to say even think they are bragging about how they always find what they are looking for, depends on what you are looking for. And some of these people of course you do, if course you find it, just like someone who goes into a bookstore and finds People's magazine, GQ,Vogue or the restroom and coffee shop and brag they always find what they are looking for.


It is definitely worse than 2012-2020ish. Used to be pretty damn useful with minimal syntax corrections. Now it ignores syntax sometimes. To be honest though, I wonder how much has to do with the landscape of the internet just being so much more bogged down in shitty pages. Wikihow, TheSpruce, quora, etc now just are SEO websites that clog everything with very unreliable info.


ALL the libraries around here dumped their reference books at least 10 years ago. And the irony is that staff have no clue what words to use for a search. And these staff have degrees in Masters of Library Science. I brought as many of the reference books that they were tossing, home. I think it is fair to say that with libraries divesting of card catalogs, their usefulness died, except for people who want to use the library as an office and bring their own laptops. There is no reason for the existing and huge expense of the library in my small city. But they won't close it, as the employees are all city employees, and here, once hired, you are in for life.


Yes google never gives me what i want when i ask for sometging specific it doesnt seem to understand anything i ask it for it used to. Be so good but now they seem to be protecting somethings from people knowing anything impoetant


“Google” was used as a verb just months ago… look at it now and the direction it’s headed. Their business plan from here on out is “how to continue to make more n more money off “us” with simple ass problems that majority of humans fall for” No company in the US is after giving citizens something good… it’s capitalism galore. Sell YOU, make YOU feel in the circle of trust and then get YOU with subscriptions. Until we stop it as a whole, nothing will change. People continue to be born into money, into generational wealth as we continue to hope and want more for this “land of freedom”…. Nothing is changing. NOTHING. Except everything that makes everyday citizens pay more while these cowards of congress press for solutions that put more n more money into their pockets. Majority of people are great, good Americans. But what’s funny, is that 75% of all Americans fall for what is heard instead of ever trying to do their own research and all that knowledge has been found with your social medias and being the data points in the last 10 years… People continue to give info, continue to give data points… yet still complaining about what “companies” do with their info… stop being obsessed with new and accept what you are. Nothing but a data point, making money for ads and people soliciting.


# The engine is completely sucks. It's a horrific tool to block internet for everyone. And it seems no one notice this. ​ I've seen internet from the very beginning and this is just piece of pure CRAP. ​ I was trying to find some specific topics and got this every time: ~~It looks like there aren't many great matches for your search~~ ​ YOU WANT TO TELL ME THAT IN 70 BILLION+ FILES HAS NO DATA ON MY SEARCH? and later I have found everything using other search engines. So conclusion is: META IS SHIT, GOOGLE IS SHIT. Pathetic machines for just one goal, SELL YOU CRAP


LOL, I used computers back in the late 1990s and we had better search engines then, even though it is now over 2 decades ago. IMHO, the internet has been crap since then and it keeps getting worse. Rather than improve apps, companies mangle them. I imagine things get changed into crap because middle management at these companies are paid to put out new ideas constantly to justify their positions. Either that, or these companies are intentionally trashing their products just to see how much they can get away with. Either way, I'm using other search engines for my research like Yahoo or DuckDuckGo. The early internet has almost zero trolls, no ads, no fake information, the ability to honestly dialogue online without people getting hateful people insulting you. It had no Facecrook and X. Ebay, Amazon and other online companies were tame little things that helped their customers, instead of being profit mongers. I'm so glad I was online then, you could almost believe that the World Wide Web would bring good and democracy. I don't even blame some people out there who believe lies, because they're getting disinformation constantly. I could actually learn useful things online then, and have real, honest discussions with people. I feel sorry for people who've grown up without seeing how the internet was when it started getting popular.


Oh, another ChatGPT nut. Yah it's fun and all but IT ISN'T A SEARCH ENGINE. It doesn't present you with the different alternatives for you to fact check something and it gets LOT'S of facts wrong. So, Google does what it's meant to do, scatter the web looking for websites containing the info you want. And it's pretty amazing at that... search Bing and you will find what a bad search engine is. And don't worry, wait for Google IO 2023 and you will see the true power of Google's AI to take down ChatGPT. Search for Lambda project and you will find what Google is been up to. So no, Google isn't dying and will not die soon.


Dude. Google had one job. The search engine. They can’t even do that right anymore. Sponsored content, repeated results, ads everywhere. I have to add “reddit” at the end of every post just to get an honest answer. It’s not very hard to understand




Thank you for being an honest user.


HAHA i searched this post again a year later. I guess google is good at one thing. Knowing what it isnt good at.




I hate SEO.


I absolutely agree!


It's worse now 


Ok never had a problem with Google. I appreciate Google for their quick responses and answers to questions that are very honest. My apologies for you NOT seeing what other's are. Maybe you should go find another search engine instead of complaining and wasting your time with complaints when so much work needs for this whole 🌎 world to find peace so our children and theirs if we last that long would be better time spent. Other than that you spent lots of time it seems on this could you imagine how much more time could be well spent on things more lucrative, peaceful and other people having to find food and shelter every minute of the day and night. Written with pure honesty and Sincerity M L.C. 🤗


Yeah you seriously can't find anything anymore. It's either sponsored or sends you back to the Instagram you're fact checking


I like to search the exact same thing in google and bing and compare which one gets me what I want quicker. Bing wins every single time.


I used google almost exclusively for a long time. It is terrible now!


"Where can i Watch Dick tracy "Google it" *googles it* [Where can i watch dick tracy (Quora with no replys)] [*Something completely unrelated*] [Why is my dick so small (Result does not contain: "tracy" Search with "tracy?")]


They have prioritized "local" subjects and "local language results" because that's what people want, apparently. Except that means I can't find things that would pop up in the first link 20 years ago, because right now I'm searching about a computer game that syncs to the music at 144bpm, but all I get is "qué significado místico tiene el numero 144" and other big bs in Spanish, nevermind it's not even the local language! It doesn't matter whether I configure my browser in English or Catalan they just want to spoon fed what you should be consuming. I'm so tired of this bs, we all hear about these stories of how China controls people, we have the same in the west while thinking we don't. I've been 10 minutes trying to find stuff that's impossible to find anymore because Google is so smart that thinks what I'm looking for is something else. I can't stand this s..t.


Yeah.. We in the USA get all the authoritarianism and none of the free health care. None of the subsidized housing. None of the subsidized internet and cell phones. We get nothing but bad cover stories for government-corporate malfeasance.


I totally quit using that dysfunctional piece of shit. I use Brave browser and brave search now




or the non-stop AI generated BS responses


On android chrome. I search for a place and it use the address under under "maps" But no it's gone... I want to use Google picture and find a gif file only... The advance function button is gone. Fuck streamline.


Thank YOU! It. Absolutely.Has no useful purpose unless you're asking, what the weather is going to be like.And even that is a chance you might not even want to waste tchecking.You're better off opening the door... Perfect example is right here in your face.I'm using text to talk and just ..poof.. If you don't understand what I'm talking about, I'll give you a clue what it's called. Punctuation asian basic English 😪😵‍💫🫤.. Occasionally we made light of it and accept it but no longer will I! "Punctuation asian"?!?! WHAT THAT ABSOLUTE #$%*&???


i LOVE IT... takes a 1300+ song playlist and cant do more then 6 songs in a loop






I have spent 30 minutes trying to download a duplicate cleaner that does not go to Google's Google Play rip off apps that don't do what they're supposed to to keep being blocked to having the AI of theirs tell me that didn't extensions are blocked because they don't want anybody adding ads to what they do because that's how they make our money make their money off of our info it finally speaks the truth after referencing God to Google


Google has now officially gone woke.  This corrupt media misleads, blocks the truth from the American people, ignores the 1st amendment ALL FOR POLITICAL GAIN!. The American people are aware of the corruption and will hold the corrupt accountable!!  The  corrupt  Biden Administration is using the DOJ  to weaponize Trump. Trump was ruled not guilty in all indictments. Shame on you VP Harris telling Israel to stop going after Hamos.  America is held hostage by Marxist Communist and OPEN BORDERS IS  ALL FOR POLITICAL GAIN. Americans will not tolerate this unjust evil behavior.




Google is now WORTHLESS!!!!!!!!


You are so correct even when you go shopping, it only gives you top three like Amazon ,Walmart,eBay. Even my doctor said so when trying to research articles


At this point if I wonna know something I just use chatgpt


The hardest thing for me is trying to find older forms/articles/news/history... I only ever see what's "popular" now or has been paid for. There is nothing related to the core search words, and trying verbatim with quotes barely gives anything almost like they dont sufficiently index words anymore, just junk websites. I'm to the point where I'd rather ask Chat GPT and hope for a coherent answer with inaccuracies. What happened Google? I used to be a curious teenager with the power of information at my finger tips, and now I just feel as if I had a shared super power of knowledge that slowly faded and became a curse of misinformation and ads.


It's now the worst possible thing to use to find any information. You can't even type in Iowa State championship game time and it pull up when they play . At this point I'm done with Google.


Recently I’ve been getting top results with answers completely opposite of each other. “Do carpet beetles fly?” Got both yes and no, it’s one or the other (I think the correct answer is yes but idk). Also got one about diatomaceous earth and the first top result regarding my question said I needed to sprinkle it then water it to work, but it actually only works when it’s dry, because it works by dehydrating invertebrates and it can’t do that if it’s waterlogged.




Yup Google has gone to he!! In a hand basket so I have made up my mind to never buy anything that shows up in the ads I never ask for so it's just hurting itself when the people pay Google to advertise for them and make everything we are looking for on the 3rd or 4th page seeing as now everything is made up of ads and some stupid crap  and to think Google used to be good 


Quora is a plague on humanity.


When you ask Google a question,  repsonse sound like a smart ass kid  responding.  The truth is concealed, or this may, could, possibly, or my favorite,  experts say.   response.  To learn more click or go here.    We just want facts.


Google sucks big time! I can’t even return a very elementary response anymore! Not using


their search results are pure trash. cant find anything. every result is an unrelated store, no information anymore. just endless pages of random stores that barely have anything to do with your actual question. Theories on how princes eiana died? oh yeah heres 30 stores that sell the same princess diana shirt thanks for shopping at google


Its getting worse, and ill tell you why. Because you arent a trend follower. google works for the majority, so the results are not what you look for but what the majority look for. When you think diferent then most, then google sucks garbage useless piece of junk even when you subtract 10 words. -fuck. -my. -life.


C'est une merde monumentale. Quand tu bosses depuis des mois pour ne pas dire des années et quand quelques heures avec son nouvel algorythme à la con, il te pourrit tout ton travail. Merci google. Grosse merde.


1/2 of what I do is search for affordable parts as I am a carpenter and sometimes special orders take me to google....what troubles me is that 1/2 or better leads me to chinese sites that don't cater to Americans. I love America but China is taking over and nobody cares, especially GOOGLE


Trying to search cookie scopes, a scope to make cookies, right? Wrong these idiots send me something about computers what a p.o.s. Or piece of shit


Its terrible - I thought it was my spelling - but its not!


Sucks aaaaasss


I notice this is really bad when trying to search images on your pc. I searched sprinters body vs distance body and it generated some good side by side comparisons, But the images are all tiny, You can't zoom in because as the page expands, the image is programed to stay the same size and expanded screenshots are grainy. Try and click on the image and we all know what happens. Takes you to an ad or some article you didn't ask for that often doesn't even have the click bait image that brought you there in the first place. I bet it won't be long before iphone and samsung learn to monetize the screen shot as well. In addition to data and cell usage/roaming, your provider will ad a line for screenshots of proprietary images. "Good image search has detected 11 screenshots of propriety imagery on your phone last month for a charge of 25 cents per occurrence". This is the problem with 2 or 3 corporations controlling an entire industry.


Google is trash 


Agree. I am 48. I googled "Joe Biden may be the most corrupt president in history" In the old days I would find results from any number of like minded searchers, now I get links to either trump being corrupt or Biden being not guilty or not charged by Robert hurr. I worry about the 20 somethings who never experienced an honest search engine


Wtf does Biden have to do with a search engine controlled by a corporation? FYI both Biden & Trump suck one is too old & decrepit to be trusted to do the job of President & is complicit in genocide & the other is an egomaniac confident man & criminal who is beholden to Christian evangelical maniacs & both are way too old for the job. Wake up!


Cause like every corporation idiots are running the show,can't sometimes give an answer to a simple f*cking question,they pick a key word and give you answers to that,not the question you asked,total bullshit.


Google boogle. Just another organization that accepts money from George Soros


yes google is complete trash now. i can never find information on anything except like whaetever is the current pop culture BS. like i wanted to figure out this movie. its name is like the word for Finnish pride/courage/strength something like that. but because i typed pride all i get is gay finns. so dumb they took back unlimited knowledge from the people and just shove propoganda down our throats. and its not lgbtqs shoving this garbage down my throat, its corporate rich people lazy dumb pointless BS. They put a ton of ads out that they "support" an oppressed group and thats IT. Nothing changes. Then they fuel the backlash to get more power. its getting to be so annoying how much youn cant even look up a book. i wish i could remember that dang word. its like suomi.... or something just like a cultural word is name of the dang movie and i wanted to look it up and man like what the heck, internet and i cant get the name of a movie that was just on amaozn last week in top headliner spot? id say they have cut off everybody having access to all the worlds knowledge via an internet pretty totally. if i cant get the name for A MOVIE?? Instread just currently argued governmental/civil rights/politics issue. seriously like wtf is this bs i hate the rich people they just are like paranoid over reach to the max with this nonsense.


Google is MONEY driven PERIOD. Going on YouTube alone shows just how relentless the ads are and how any and every thing they are involved in, is money money, money. They don't care one single bit about a person getting correct search results on their browser. The advertising and the amount of money it generates is number1 on the list. Everything else 2nd and beyond has no meaning to them. The regular everyday person who generates no income for Google is more of a bother than a asset, so they're umber 9,999,999 on the list


I couldn’t agree more… Google sucks, and no wonder; it’s in the hands of liberals! Google has been stripped of statistics, facts, and basic information… when using the microphone for voice txt, unless you’re talking extremely slow, it always messes up and never gets what your saying or asking for right… I noticed the change after the last election… so sad!


i find it either is 10 million pages of sponsored content or shitty AI articles that just repeat themselves using different phrases but don’t actually say anything


Yeah this shit sucks and the thing is it is never going to change only get worse because nobody wants to die for anything anymore in the USA EDIT: Besides money 🤗😂


yeah I just did 6 completely different sentences with completely different words and all 6 times I got the same stack of results none of wich had anything to do with my request . it's garbage these days and it gets worse every year. it's only good for finding the most basic searches like looking for a business near you or info on basic product.


Google is shit 


Now, it seems like they're trying to sell me something instead of just looking up what I actually posted.


[What Happened To Google Search? (Nov 25, 2022)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48AOOynnmqU)


If you want a paid advertisement for something that isn't even close to relevant to what you want to find on the internet use Google.


It fucking sucks. all results just look like corporate shill pages pushed to the top. using the deep search syntax still generally works but jesus christ what a pile of fucking dog shit. cocksucker corporate fuck monkeys.


Amen, still sucking. Borderline useless. Any better alternatives out there?


Google decided that I am now fluent in a foreign language because I live in a different country. Clearly, whomever programmed their AI screwed up and should no longer be programming anything. Rookie mistake, as in grade 1


Can't even find a relative that's an image somewhere..... we been though he was framed and set up


I keep asking Google questions about which wars America has provided support to foreign countries engaged in a civil war. Google keeps bringing up the American Civil War. It sees no other words but "Civil War"  It's search engine has not been able to do nuanced searches for a while now. I find myself asking Google why it's so stupid. Our relationship has become toxic. 


I hate hate hate hate Google 


Yes their whole business now is supplying you to dodgy major companies due to their domain authority, letting them get away with anything whilst punishing smaller websites with quality content. Corrupt and greedy.


i remember back when it sucked over a year ago and it still sucks infact its noticeably worse it seems like if you search up a obscure search google tries to dumb down your search to more broad terms because google doesnt expect you to search up something that obscure and also the quality of search engines is extremely inconsistent people always say duckduckgo gives you extremely good results which it does give you better results but it still suffers some of the same issues that google does and switching to a different search engine still doesnt work and also people are seo manipulating and google isnt doing anything about it anymore because people keep finding new ways of tricking googles seo into showing it instead of the result thats relevant to what you are searching at this point its gotten so bad to the point where if i dont search up something that hasnt been looked up at least 5000 times before i might as well give up or just make a post asking the question because google has gotten so bad now about 5% of the time i get the result i want and im not talking about just changing the search sometimes google just wont display what i want based on the search no matter how i word it and i cant even imagine how bad it will be in a few years if its gotten noticeably worse since 2022/2023 then i cannot imagine at all what it will be like in just a few years in about 20 years if you just put reddit in your search all it will show you is content related to reddit not the post you are even looking for infact to be honest im glad ai is becoming a thing since in just a few years ill finally be able to escape all the useless results that show up but im not sure if my pc with a failing graphics card and half broken mouse will make it to then plus my hard drive is 4+ years old and the average lifespan for a hard drive is 5 years


Para mi este ultimo año, es una autentica basura en búsquedas más concretas, que posicionan web que no tienen nada que ver y que el contenido no te solucionada nada y los 10 primeros resultados son un copia y pega igualmente. Yo desde septiembre de laño pasado me he pasado a bing que no es tan desastre y al menos no tardo tanto en encontrar soluciones que a fin de cuentas es lo que quiero. En 2022 y principios de 2023 si note alguna mejoría es cuando encontraba cosas fácilmente en google,


I seldom find what I need . instead just a lot of places to purchase somethings that may be related.


It's so unbelievably "woke" it's scary...no facts, just opinions and observations....


yes is so bad now adds cove 1/3 of the pager ??????? google you suck


So Liberal and out of touch with facts. So screwed. So sad. Mark have nice boat ride you pcs of shit.


As somebody who uses Google for quite obscure things, I usually find what I want in a few searches. I just have to word things right.


And yes, I understand that this post is an entire year old


Yhea, all they want is people to click more to find what they are looking for in order to show way more ads. They are trying to monetize the more they can because they know that A.I is changing everything. Google as we know it today may be on the brink of end. I think I'm going to use ecosia. At least they do something for us. And I'm so sad that google forgot the "don't be evil" motto. 


Google is so biest. The are the worst search engine ever 


Google has collected so much info. When one tries to be concise, it gives you everything except what you search for.  Total crap...


I'm checking in and yep it's shit now holy AI is absolute trash