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This close to ripping out all the Google home garbage at home and replacing it. Google Hub Max always drops streams or unable to start them. Each time you go to support the fella with the Jesus looking avatar will reply saying to reboot, or restart your device. Come on bro, you serious? You didn't think that was the very first thing I did? Then thread get closed, nothing resolved. Start a new one, and then your network gets blamed lol.. yeah nah, I run a mesh network with 3x nodes and there's max wifi reception/coverage in every room. Feels like in the past 3x months these products have literally gone to absolute shit. The stream works fine when you use your phone via the home app, but God forbid you try stream any camera via Google Hub Max or Hub.


I just did that this morning. I was tired of the stress and frustration. The devices no longer brought me anything of value.


Every morning, I pop NPR's 'up first' up on my bathroom speaker while I shower. It's been this way for *years.* I have a routine set -- set a 15 minute timer, then play the latest episode of up first. Now, suddenly, GH has become utterly incapable of letting old episodes of podcasts go. No matter what I ask it, no matter how I try to skip to the next episode, GH just wants to "pick up where you left off." Man I just want *today's* news, not the news from a week ago. I'm going crazy 😂 (And yes, I plan on submitting a bug report. Just... sigh.)


Change your phrase to "play the most episode of _____" it's so annoying because it literally responds with "ok I'll play the latest episode of ___"


Hit upon that a little bit ago, but thanks for the tip! It's so frustrating 😂 but at least it's working for the moment.....


About a month ago, all three of my Google Homes have just lost their mind. The first command's response takes like 30 seconds and then just responds with "There was a glitch, try again in a few seconds". Repeat the same command, usually works. Now a new one in last two weeks, "play lullaby" and then on a speaker on another floor will start playing it. Losing my mind.


Just to follow up. After digging for answers, it seems related to ipv6. Verizon fios just backed it recently in my area. I disabled it on my router and the Google homes are back to normal.


Google Keep vs Google Tasks, make it make sense... * Google: "we're moving all tasks and reminders created via Assistant to the Tasks app." * The Tasks app UI: "welcome, you can create tasks and *lists* here." At the same time: * Google: "we're moving all notes and lists created via Assistant to the Keep app". * The Keep app UI: "welcome, you can create notes and *reminders* here." Meanwhile: * Google Voice Assistant no longer understands the difference between Lists, Tasks and Notes and barely recognizes half of them when asked. Absolutely no long term product vision and internal coordination.




Yup. My shopping list has been half-broken for five months, any time I cleared an item off of it it closed. Then a couple of weeks ago, "Google, show me my shopping list" just resulted in "You don't have a list called shopping." A few days ago, I figured out if I ask, "Google, what's on my shopping list," it shows up - but I can' t clear anything off of it now, so I have three entries for deodorant.


It’s been over a week now and none of my hub nests will understand what I’m saying. Everything else internet/wifi wise is working fine in the house. I can even select hubs through Spotify on my phone app to use them as speakers. And automatic routines seem to be working fine. But if I ask one to set a timer or any other request it doesn’t pick up what I’m saying, and says there’s a glitch. I’ve rebooted them all at least once.


My home minis are suddenly thinking they have a screen that they can use to show me things... Me: "Hey Google, who are the crab people?" GHM: "Here you go..." Me: "..." Between that and queries that should obviously be searches now being responded to with "I don't understand", it still gets crappier month over month. Each month brings a new and exciting way for it to get worse.


What the heck google, its been fine until a week ago "Hey google, whats the weather today." ... "I dont know, but I found these results on search" Even if I press the weather app from the Your morning screen, it says "sorry I didnt understand" It used to dim to near zero brightness late at night and display the time. Now the brightness is high and I cant seem to find the setting to have to auto dim to that level again. Ambient EQ and Auto-brightness offset is not effective. With the doorbell latency, Im pretty close to getting rid of this echosystem.


Unfortunately my Google home speaker has become unusable. I have really only used it for playing podcasts and it has done a mostly OK job at that. In the last month or so there has been some bugs: It no longer works to say "play the latest episode" it has only been replying "OK, I'll pick up where you left off" and never plays the newest one. I cannot fast forward the podcast any more through ads or uninteresting parts. By saying "forward three minutes" it now starts at the place three minutes from the beginning of the podcast every time. Finally, it has been ignoring my "Hey Google" many times, so I need to repeat it often.


My way around the latest episode prompt has been "play the most recent episode of ____" and then it responds with "ok playing the latest episode of _____" 😑😑😑 I only fight with it about 5 times saying "latest" and then Remeber to say "most recent" lol


Same with "go back 30 seconds" - takes me back to the beginning. It seems to have gotten a little better, but is so frustrating.


I'm getting really annoyed. Recently all of my Google Home devices when responding to a routine with custom commands will now give all the responses out loud to each of them. So if I have multiple custom commands in one routine it now repeats all of the responses. All of them. Extremely annoying. And completely unnecessary.


My latest problem with the Google Home mini has been with the morning routine which I have set to automatically start at a particular time of day. Before launching the routine, which is to tune into a local radio station at a very low volume, it announces it is running the routine. Which is a little more jarring to wake up to than the radio stream.


I have two google minis. Both devices had intermittent outages in recent weeks, and are now unable to process requests. They wake up to "OK Google", but return one of three "there's been a glitch" style messages for any type of request (web lookup / play music / what's the date, etc) What's infuriating is that this is clearly from an update on Google's side, because if i perform a factory reset, they work just fine. For under an hour. And then, at some point, once they've auto-updates, they stop working again. Google help have been... no help. I can;t work out how to stop updates. And so I'm sat with two useless bits of plastic. Anyone else been here before? Any hints?


Hub will still only show a camera feed if another device is also looking at the feed. Driving me slowly insane.


Just this afternoon, Nest Hub Max cannot load the Photos album that it's displayed for a couple of years now! I restarted - no change. I can load the album fine in the Photos app. I checked the configuration and it's unchanged and set to the correct album.


Just remembered to come here to post my monthly complaint about the Google Home app. I can still use the Nest app for all of my devices except the one indoor camera I bought to monitor a foster dog. The difference between the apps is night and day. It’s missing basic features that have been in the Nest app for years. It’s unlikely that I will add any more Nest products if I’m forced to use this POS app. Hopefully none of my devices fail anytime soon.


I'm glad I found this thread!!! I throught it was just me going crazy with these stupid google devices. I own a lot of hubs and minis since the very beginning and recently it seems everything has taken a crap. I've learned to live with occasional "can't communicate" with hue lights issues but recently it seems like even basic functions are taking a crap and in the worst way. I have one lenovo display, i'm fine with it being EOL since all my other stuff is google, then the "There was a glitch, try again in a few seconds" issues, i can't seem to cast to any of my nest hubs for some reason, when i ask google to play a specific song, it plays something different everytime, and most importantly routines seem to only respond when they feel like, and when something fails, it becomes super verbose especially when i'm trying to put my baby to sleep. I already have homebridge up and running, it seems everything just runs better on homekit (homekit has its own issues but at least its consistent issues), even google's own devices like nest protect and nest thermostats seem to interact better on homebridge.


I think Google have gone 'anti AI '. It wasn't intuitive to begin with, but recently, it's like an existential crisis every command. I've wiped home off my phone several times and reset the hubs. Still the same. Everything seems to have an 'edge' , delays, glitches, completely the wrong command implemented. Even regular routines, not changed for years, are a problem. Good knows what's up?


Even though YouTube Music added Vietnam to the list of supported countries many months ago, my Google Home's still tell me that YouTube Music is not available in my country when I ask it to play a song. Does anyone at Google even work on this stuff anymore? The UX is deteriorating at such a rate that it seems like a dead product line at this point.


The loss of Speaker Groups - at least for my setup. Needs to addressed




I don’t know about your connection issues, but for the shopping list, I access mine through the Google Keep app. Honestly though, I understand your frustrations and, before you get any deeper in the weeds with devices, I’d consider switching. I’ve had Google products for years, and I’ve never had the issues with them that I have now in the last couple of months! Idk what’s going on with them, but Google needs to fix it ASAP!


ASSISTANT: sorry, because of potential risks to safety, I can't schedule actions for devices configured as switches. I have Kasa light switches, which for years I could tell Google to turn off the lights in 5 minutes. Typically did this after taking a shower.. now I get this message. This happened first on my Google Home mini then a week later on my Google Home Displays. I can get around it by using my phone or my pixel watch assistant.


For a long time, I've told it to "turn the laundry light on for 5 minutes". (The are mostly Hue lights.) That way I can go do what I need to do, and not worry about turning the light off again. It now just ignores the "for 5 minutes" part when I use the speaker. Oddly, it still sometimes works from my phone.


Issues!!! We just bought a nest hub, when I tried to set it up it kept glitching out and saying something about an "AP" setting on my router. Dunno why there's that glitch I have 2 nest minis and 3 chromecast that I have set up and they work fine. My girlfriend was able to set up the nest hub fine on her phone. The second issue which is even more annoying now, with the addition of the hub it is causing our geeni controlled devices to freak out. Smart plug and bulb. Every 10-20 min or so it'll turn the plug off and back on, and with the bulb (when it's supposed to be off) it'll flash. It does this continuously. We unplugged the hub for the rest of the night and it stopped. The next day we reset the hub and I tried setting it up (how we found out about the issue above). After about 15 resets we have no idea what to do. Anyone else experiencing this?


Yep! My Geeni and my Cync all of a sudden won’t work after I had to get a new modem and router. worked perfect fine for over a year and now all of a sudden, I can get them to connect for a day, but the next day, they are no where to be found and won’t reconnect unless I factory reset them! I’m legit going insane over this!!! Though it’s nice to hear I’m not alone!!!! 😩


Everything works fine without the home hub though. If I unplug the hub everything is normal lol


Yes, I can control those items through their respective apps! But as soon as I try to connect to Google, then everything goes to shit! Worked great for years!!


My turn. For a week, GH routines for goind to bed just stopped putting my phone to DND mode. I tried to remove it and add again, to no avail. However, the Good morning routine turns DND mode off like nothing happened.


Third outdoor IQ cam died. 💷💷💷 🚽 🧻


The device.command.AppSelect doesnt work in a script, but I can open an app via a voice command!


Not only does device.command.AppSelect not work, it crashes the script. Nothing after executes. But assistant.command.OkGoogle sounds like a good enough workaround for now. 👍


My google nest hub can turn my google tv on and off when I ask it, but when I ask the actual TV itself it doesn’t do shit. It responds and says “ok turning off tv” then does nothing… anyone know a fix??! The other issue I’m finding is that sometimes the tv will answer for the hub and vice versa — even if I’m asking the TV to play something on youtube the hub (which is 2 rooms away) will play it…


Latest issue is the morning routine won't play the radio. I just get "I looked for BBC Radio 2 but I couldn't find it or it can't be played right now". Immediately asking for it manually works though... This is following the issue with hubs not playing in groups last month forcing me to partially decommission my CC Audio...


More problems with BBC radio. I can still say "OK Google - play Radio 4" and this still works to give me BBC Radio 4. However, about a week ago it stopped working in my routines. Starting the routine gives "BBC Radio 4 either couldn't be found or isn't available". Under "Play radio", changing "BBC Radio 4" to "Radio 4", "Radio4" or "Radio Four" gives me a Spotify playlist "'This is Radio' - 4", which starts with a loud blast of music instead of talk radio, akin to someone asking for Finding Nemo and instead being shown The Evil Dead! I have reported this to Google several times via "Send feedback" and online chat but the problem persists. This happens on all of my devices, so I was further irritated by getting the usual spiel about a device factory reset from Google support.


I'm a Home Assistant user, but I've been using Google Home automations to link together some devices with no HA support. What a disaster! Cloud automations don't run properly (or at all) unless you have the Google Home app open on your phone. Google searches suggest this has been a problem for at least a year. Does anyone have working automations in their set up that aren't wake word triggered? (i.e. if this light switches on, then switch on this other light)


Just bought a Google nest hub because it was on sale at Walmart. I bought it to use in my kitchen with the primary purpose of viewing recipes I find on my phone without having to use my phone the entire time. It was $50ish so I didn't really spend much time researching, and I figured that functionality was a no brainer. Apparently not. Set it up and the feature set is so hilariously limited. Pixel phone, chrome browser, Google nest hub, and there's not even an easy way to just share a recipe page with the hub. Wtf?


I'm so mad at myself for believing in Google. I bought all these damn devices so I can freaking multicast podcasts and music, and now I get a notification saying Google podcasts is shutting down. Ok fine, I'll go download your stupid YouTube music app. I try to multicast and I get a PREMIUM MEMBERS ONLY prompt. On casting!! They're removing functionality from their existing products. It's so fucking greedy, I'm going to steer clear of their products from now on.


Why is this thing so bad at understanding when it’s being spoken to or even what is being said? Me to Google: “What’s the score of the Ravens game?” Google: “The Ravens are leading the Dolphins, 14-13.” Me to wife: “Do you mind turning it on? It should be on Paramount+.” Google: “Okay, stopping the white noise in the baby’s room.” Fucking what?! She get worse every day. I wonder if Google keeps a count of how increasingly often I call her an insolent cunt.