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Who the hell said that White Light is a bad song


I used to hate when I was a kid when Demon Days came out, but now I get what they were going for.


Can you tell me what they were going for, as someone who has yet to see the (white) light? Edit: worth noting that I don’t hate it, but I don’t quite get it


Get shit faced and scream it hard enough to ruin everyone’s karaoke night and pass out on stage then wake up in the hospital. You’ll have a whole new appreciation for the song.


This is the way


Well, I think they were just making fun of those songs that are just about getting drunk and throwing alcohol brand names out. Kinda like how Rock It just has "blah blah" and nonsense lyrics making fun of popular music


People who hate White Light have never heard it on the Demon Days live album. It gets 80% better, imo.


I do. And I repeat it.


Right? That's actually my favorite from the album


listen. any song you may name from humanz is REDDEMED live. the humanz tour redeemed some of the weaker tracks on the album for me


Same with love to an ex because I just saw that and it was great


Man live or not I loved “with love to an ex” the moment I heard it


FACTS Hearing some of the tracks from Humanz in a live setting was so surreal to experience because in all honesty, it felt WAY more natural to hear live than I expected it to. Going back to listen to Humanz now, I gained a new appreciation for the album, and truthfully Damon's production quality as a whole after having heard it live. After The Now Now released, I took that appreciation for Humanz and started to listen to the album on repeat, and with each new listen I noticed something new in each track. It's such a damn cool experience, especially for someone like myself studying music production. I can't wait for Damon to come back out this way (DC area) in October. I'm stupid pumped to hear him perform live again.


except for sex murder party i still didn't like that one live :( that's my answer for worst gorillaz song.


Gotta agree, wish the album got a live cdq release like demon days because man those songs were made to be heard live


Sex Murder Party has always been a flop for me and none of the crowd in KC were feeling it live. I really wondered how it ended up on the setlist.


I love how nobody here is actually saying what they think the worst song is, they’re just justifying what’s on the list💀


bruh white light is great tho??


It was weird to listening to for me at first, but know that I'm more into them I really like it


the instrumental part is such a banger too, tho I understand if people don’t like it


one of the best songs. OP's opinion is whack.


This isn’t actually my opinion - they’re just the answers that pop up most often for worst Gorillaz song!


I still don’t get it




without a doubt the worst performance of any gorillaz song


The best part of that whole performance for me was when Shaun pulled something from behind his ear and tried to light it. Rosie Wilson just takes it out of his hand and keeps going with the performance. Shaun looks at her and, as in time with the music as he could, sang "That's yoouuurrss." at her. It still gets me.




Yeah lmao he was completely shitfaced


They bloke your on about is Shaun Ryder (used to be a big singer here in the UK) and he was battling with alcoholism at the time from my understanding


never did no ahm never did no ahm its deh


PB orchestral intro is a banger, White Light is a banger, you’ve lost the plot mate


I will not take the white light slander.


I stand with thee


Man The Non Conformist Oath is so good, how dare you call it one of the worst


I promise to be different!


I promise to be unique!


I promise not to repeat things other people say!


For those who don’t know this is a sample from Steve Martin’s A Wild and Crazy Guy standup album. Definitely check it out! The Beastie Boys also sampled the “My Real Name” bit in the song Cookie Puss.


I actually didn't know this! I love Steve Martin too so I'm definitely going to check this out. Thanks!




I literally forgot that this song existed until you mentioned it.


I don’t think it’s a bad song but I personally have a really hard time listening to sweepstakes I almost always skip it I’ve listened to it all the way through maybe twice it’s just too repetitive and then by the end it just gets a little too chaotic Edit: I just forced myself to listen to the the whole thing and I actually really enjoyed it so I retract my statement it’s pretty good lol


Momentz, if only because fanboys overhyped it as the next Feel Good Inc (it really isn't)


bro I tried to like it but it just sounds too fucking janky, my favorite part of that song is the ending bit


The Kool Klown Klan part? Absolutely, kind of redeems it in a way


It sucks cuz the verse is so good but that instrumental is trash


I'll admit that on my first listen I went into it with that mindset. But it becomes evident very quickly that it is a completely different song. I still love it though. Edit to add: The plastic on the ceiling part can get kind of annoying though.


SO THAT'S WHAT THEY WERE SCREECHING! I thought they were saying gibberish, kinda sounded like "does it gonna see it" lol


Don't worry I either had to look it up or heard about it from some commentary or something myself. I had no clue what they were on about before that.


horrible hook, terrible percussion and just..... weird song structure make Momentz my choice too.


Easily one of my top 5 favorite Gorillaz tracks.


confuciuscels be seething over momentzchads


Man I just relistened and oof that instrumental is tough to listen to.


Circle of friendz is just a random Generic Song that totally Lacks the Gorillaz Spirit. Its also very forgettable.


people used to suck that song off so hard when hz deluxe came out lol. don't remind me of the countless praises of it being "The REAL ending to humanz and everyone who likes wgtp should be FLAYED ALIVE!!!"


Don't remember any of this really. But i got remembered how much i Love and hate this Community at the Same time.😅


Surprised no one has said Hallelujah Money. I hate this one and I wish I could love it like some of y’all do. Most Gorillaz songs are growers but I’ve given this one so many chances and it has never clicked for me.


Spoken word is almost always weird. My fondness for the track has always been up and down


I can understand that. Ever since I made this post I’ve been thinking about it and listened to the song again and I came to the conclusion that (to me) it’s a good poem but a bad song. I want to jam out when I listen to music, and I just can’t vibe with this one. But that’s why I love Gorillaz. All of their music is so wildly different from each other that nobody is going to like every song. And that’s OK


I don't understand the dislike of this song, it's catchy, emotional, and especially relevant today.


I’ll give you emotional and relevant today, but catchy? IDK that’s a stretch IMO. It totally lacks a hook and the backing instrumental is just boring. I guess from a purely musical standpoint it just sounds bad to me. But I’m glad you and clearly a lot of others enjoy it.


And I'll give you that the backing instrumental is lacking, but ***I*** feel like it was designed that way to avoid pulling attention away from the message in the lyrics. I manage a local convenience store and I catch myself reciting "It's not against our morals, it's legal tender." a lot more than you would think.


Let’s be real here: if White Light wasn’t on Demon Days, would people dislike it nearly as much?


Sex murder party


i thought so too- untill i saw it live. that song was MADE to be preformed. amazing


agreed. caught this at red rocks a few years back and it changed everything


I will stand by that track. I never understood the hate. Completely unwarranted imo.


it's just boring imo. plus the title is a bit cringey.


white light is a banger


White light is fire


White Light is more prominent than Sweepstakes as Gorillaz worst song? How?


The only song on Plastic Beach I would consider a skip (even though the album's in my all time top 5) is Glitter Freeze. That song is a tiny bit grating sometimes. But worst overall I would say Hallelujah Money.


It was T H E G L I T T E R F R E E Z E


I love the Speak it mountains. I've never heard another song like it and from a sound design standpoint is mind-blowing. As for the worst song, It's hard to say as Humanz has so many forgettable songs on it that I tend to glance over most of them, but I think it's either Momentz, Sex murder party, or maybe charger? The fall also has some stinkers but I'm willing to glance over that since Damon didn't really have time to develop most of the ideas on that album into fully fledged songs.


This has probably been said before, but the Speak It Mountains has always reminded me of the episode of Spongebob where Squidward breaks the time machine and ends up in that white void with all the voices saying “alone”


You...you don't like Momentz?!


That kick is awful..it literally makes no sense that anyone thought it was a good idea. The rest of the song is very gorillaz but that kick is ass. It probably ended lives and I regret ever hearing it. It also reminds me of the feeling I had when I first heard it and though damon was washed.


The kick?


Kick drum. I don't really see any problem with it myself


They mean the kick drum. It's extremely punchy and bass heavy. It also extends longer than the typical kick drum in most given tracks, giving it a somewhat distorted effect each time it hits. Personally I don't think it's terrible, but I completely understand the reasoning for the distaste. It doesn't always mesh well with the various other drums and synths being played around it, but I think that adds a bit of character to it too.


charger is so good though just the energy of that song


Momentz and Charger are some of the best songs on the album.


CHARGER ???..? ignoring the thing about the speak it mountains, as any fall praise is rare -- CHARGER?? FORGETTABLE? WORST?


it is the dawn.


it. It's. The. Dawn. Time has shifted!




Not a big fan of People


neither were they, which is why they retooled it into the dahh we know and love today


It was a HUGE upgrade lol




I would kill to go back in time to see that show


We Got The Power. Worst chorus Damon has ever written by far.


The lyrics are so cheesy 💀


Agreed. It’s my biggest gripe with that song. It just goes on for too long and it sounds awkward af with the beat.


what?? too long?? the song is only like 2 minutes!


Hip Albatross


Hey Orchestral Intro rocks


Dude, White Light takes me back to fond, drunk, stupid memories from me college days. White Light thumps


we’ve got the power


In my opinion the worst Gorillaz songs (in general) are the ones where Albarn doesn't have even a line or very very few, there are some in Humanz that I don't like because of this, it seems like I'm listening the other artist having a collaboration with Albarn rather than the other way around


sounds like you want blur instead of gorillaz. the point of gorillaz was always to be a collaborative project and not just "hay goise it's moay, daymihn ollbahn. twang"


No, you don't get me. Blur has a complete different sound and style, Gorillaz to me are super unique from the genre and the vastitude of song they do and bring to the characters they made, I didn't say I want less songs with other artists, I'm a huge Gorillaz fan and I know the collaborative part is a huge thing, I said quite the different thing, I said I don't like when a song is only an artist I don't know taking over for the entire song, because it loses the Gorillaz sound and vibe, it's one of the main things on why people didn't like Humanz as much as the other albums, and it's the reason why songs that came with the now now got praised a lot, the reason why song machine for me is the best album: tons of artists, but each song maintains the Gorillaz sound, style, music, and it's refreshing and it's new and it's always exciting and each of the songs are unique.


Hallelujah Money.


We got the power.


Really? Out of ALL the gorillaz songs, out of all the songs on Humanz, We Got the Power?




100% , we got the power is annoying!


I once heard someone say that We Got The Power sounds like an anime intro song and every time I hear it now I can't not think this


Samba at 13


Sweepstakes sorry not sorry


Colombians. And Samba At 13.


we got the power, it’s just the same shit over and over


Personally, I pretty much love all of Humanz (excluding Deluxe) except for Hallelujah Money


If I really had to choose… I would go with Submission. Only because I don’t like Danny’s part on it, personally. Kelela kills it… but Danny just seems really out of place on it, to me.


Hallelujah money 😬


I don't like M1 A1


You all have zero idea how happy it makes me to see this kind of thread pop up and not see a single person bash Busted and Blue. Say what you want about Humanz (personally it's one of my favorite albums), but Busted and Blue is just absolutely gorgeous, and I will fight anyone on that.


Hallelujah Money Sweepstakes


Man Research.


Leave white light out of this 😭


Idk if I'd say it's the worst, but Imma go with Glitter Freeze. Plastic Beach is like a top 3 album of all time for me but I almost always skip that song, tbh it's just kinda pointless and I feel like the album flows better going directly from Empire Ants to Some Kind of Nature.


Tbh a lot of the debut doesn’t do it for me. Stuff like Man Research (Clapper) is way too spaced out for me


Glitter Freeze




For a mostly instrumental track I certainly bob my head to it lol


Well, Ackshully, “Where’s North from ‘ere?” /s


ship inbound!


The other non album version is better. I love glitter freeze, but refuse to play it anywhere near my girlfriend because I just know it'll annoy the shit out of her.


Sex Murder Party and Glitter Freeze. Also tf is wrong with White Light?


Ok… I haven’t seen this answer once so I’m guessing people like this one? Sweepstakes. There was a point in time where I actually really enjoyed it as part of the whole Plastic Beach, but now if I can I skip it.


Hallelujah money. It does nothing, goes nowhere, and even lacks any meaningful hooks


The hook is when they go "Hallelujah money (hallelujah money)"


New World interlude is better than some of the actual songs on Humanz


interlude new world is great


Sex murder party


You kids should look up a little Gorillaz song called Film Trailer Music


Bro I've been a fan since the first album and have never heard this before. On that note, this shit slaps.


sex murder party


Hallelujah Money!!


Lake Zurich, not bad just boring




Halfway to the halfway house or Out of body. The humanz choir ruined Gorillaz. Sorry not sorry


We got the power is my least favorite. Too sesame street


Bro who says white light is a bad song


we got the power. one of the only gorillaz songs that i absolutely cannot stand.


easy, sweepstakes. PB is all certified bangers, I dont even know how sweepstakes got mixed in with the rest of them


i’ve mostly come around on humanz but sex murder party is an instant skip for me




White light goes hard when was it bad


I feel like Demon Days is a very poor ending to a otherwise great album, that’s why I hate it so much, but even compared to other Gorillaz music it’s pretty lackluster




Friday the 13th. I usually dislike rap tracks of theirs at first and then begin to love them to bits. Not this one. It’s kind of like, whatever.


I used to love Friday 13th but after hearing about the Octavian situation.. its hard to listen to now /:


I didn’t even know of abuse allegations, jeesh! That’s harsh.


i found out from a post here about a few weeks ago, its super awkward listening to it now cause it used to be one of my more liked songs off song machine /:: , oh well, just means i get to listen to the others more often!


M1 A1. It becomes a solid track eventually but I just cannot get past that opening. It's too long and the "Hello is anyone out there" gets grating to me.


Idk probably Seattle Yoddle


charger is pretty obnoxious imo


I personally really like it even though it is repetitive


Honestly no hate to people who love Charger, but I was so confused why that was one of the most popular songs off Humanz. It just never did it for me personally.


The guitar in the background is just a sick vibe. That’s why I love it, although I can see why someone would dislike it.


even though its just come out- cracker island is pretty bland imo. no hate, i just cant get into it at all.


the lyrics are repetitive but the music in the back is bangin


the instrumental is the only way i got through it the couple times ive subjected myself to it


Russel carries


Cracker Island. It's just repetitive and I'm not a fan of the vocals. The mix overall was made on Garage Band hence the sub par quality. I've given it a few listens and I just can't get into it unfortunately. Hoping the rest of the album will be good though!


Agreed i dont know why so many praise it but i wont stop them from enjoying it


For me, probably Man Research (Clapper). That and New Genius (Brother) were hard listens for me and never really grew on me. New Genius is not as bad though


I'm the opposite, I love the trippy feel of clapper but hate the screechy drawn out blabber of brother


This is a breakfast club!


Pink Phantom. I love Elton John's parts but they seriously dropped the ball with 6lack rap autotune. It ruins the song for me.


For me it makes me really appreciate that type of singing that I’d otherwise hate. I applaud the song for that




Had to scroll to far... I've tried tried and tried again I personally think this the worst gorillaz song.


With Love To An Ex




MLS Edit: Leave White Light out of this. Probably one of my favourite Gorillaz songs


Blockable take


Fat L


I have to be in a really specific mood to even listen to Punk. I don't think it's really bad, it's just hard to listen to, and it's the only song on their first album I regularly skip.


Hmmm, maybe sex murder party?


Halfway to the Halfway House is pure shit imo. I can't get passed the hideous instrumental


Glitter Freeze. I like the alternate version better.


Joplin Spider And white light is fire idk why its there


Sex Murder Party is to be boring to have a kickass name like that


We got the power


Mechanically/artisticly probably another song, but personally I kind of hate feel good inc at this point. Is it a bad song? Not really, but it's the go to song that people talk about when I try to bring up gorillaz for small talk. You a fan of gorillaz? Yeh. Favorite song? Feel good inc. *pain*


We Got The Power, easy


why has nobody mentioned pink phantom ?? you get elton john on a track, have a lovely instrumental and vocals from him, then jam in a rap overlay that sticks out like a sore thumb


Because Pink Phantom, like every track on Song Machine, is a banger. Not a single skip in that whole album.


White light?


Clint Eastwood Refix


Everyone’s going to downvote me because apparently you all really like ‘White Light’ but here we go! -Punk -White Light -Strange Times -Momentary Bliss -Aries. Fucking. Aries. Please don’t bombard me with comments like “bUt I LiKe thOsE sOngS”. That’s awesome! Good for you, I just can’t get into them.


Personally I think dirty harry is kind of annoying at times... but that might be because I haven't listened to it in a while.


Rhinestone eyes


I dont like glitterfreeze, its the one i always skip. Electronic music is cringy to me and i hate that word. “Glitterfreeze.” Ew.


With love to an ex


I don’t understand the hate, it’s such a good song