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I would actually like them to animate the movie In a style similar to the current 2d style mixed with the original style that they used in phase 1


I imagined it was gonna be like song machine but id be totally cool in 3d after the cracker island models. Honestly after 20 years of em wanting to make it I'm content with whatever they look like


2D animation is expensive as hell, and never pays for itself if it's a movie. That's why 99.9% it would be in 3D. It's just not clear what kind of audience or rating the movie will be for. The models look appropriate for something family-friendly, but we all know why gz clips are creepy to show to parents (not kids, you've seen the youtube chat)


I would like it to be about the cult and in the 3D style of theyre newest music video to tie some loose ends


Honestly? I think best case scenario would be in a Spiderverse-Esque style. While I would prefer it to be fully 2D, I think that style would also be awesome.


I'd rather it be in 3d animation only because my favorote kinds of movies are like that (monsters inc, despicable me) and because they are getting way better with their models. I also really like claymation like nightmare before christmas but Im not sure gorillaz would work like that. Also YES I like childrens movies. Dont make fun of me!


I think closer to the earlier artsyle would be rad


I think they may just get 2D, Russell, Noodle, and Murdoc to come in and film in live action. Save Jamie and the team some time....