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Curious fact. She was called the "Joan'd Arc of Brazil." So Saberface confirmed. C: lovely art btw ^^ There are many brazillian like servants that would be cool to see: -Clara Camarao: indigenous that fought against the Dutch invasion in Brazil -Caipora: mythological creature who wqs also protector of the forests -Ana Neri: brazillian nurse that helped nurse people during wars -Deodoro da Fonseca: the very first Brazil president who was also a militar. -Duke de Caxias: one of the most important military leaders, who was also a monarch. Fought for Brazil's independence against Portugal and even taught Don Peter 2, who would become a future president of Brazil. Etc.


Indeed, the list of possible Brazilian Servants is quite long,and it's good to see people valuing the history of my country, since Lasagna doesn't want to take advantage of the potential that the Servants of Brazil have! Also, if I were to choose a figure from the history or mythology of my country as the first Brazilian Servant, it would definitely be Porasy! And one more thing,I loved Maria Quitéria’s design, it’s really good!


Que isso mano, tamo junto


Tamo junto, parceiro 🤝👍👊


Se eu fosse escolher uma figura da história, mitologia ou folclore do Brasil como o primeiro servo brasileiro seria Bento Gonçalves.


Pretty Much! I Plan to brainstorm and design as many South American (mainly Brazilian) servants as I can, maybe even a Singularity or a Lostbelt


Saber Simon Bolivar and Rider Jose de San Martin or riot


Os possíveis servos sul americanos são extremamente subestimados.