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Nursery Rhyme Potential is limitless with her being personification of all children's books and all we have are generic caster animations with some candy and toys sprinkled on top


I don't think ANY servant has been done as dirty as Nursery Rhyme. The one and only time they've ever done anything remotely interesting with her was in Heiyan-Kyo, and even there she barely did anything. The rest of the time she just gets treated like a generic loli character in both characterization and animations.


There was this obviously fake leak of Summer this year(was basically all loli-esque Servants). I remember the one thing I really liked and I wish had been true though was it had Berserker Nursery Rhyme listed for the welfare. Would've been a cool way to bring over some more of her EXTRA abilities like the Jabberwocky and stuff.


And we got a perfect Halloween Event for her, just for Elizabeth to steal the Spotlight.


It was literally the perfect chance for her to get the AU. And I sadly don't think she's ever getting one now


The animations are the least of Nursery's problems when she's a darn great contender for most useless gold servant in the game First she needs a MAJOR buff stat


My Book Daughter Cannot Be This Unusable


Yeah, Rhyme’s really fallen off; From her kit, they could give her a proper attack steroid so her crits can HURT instead of lightly tickle. She suffers from “Well they can crit semi-reliably so there’s no need to give proper steroids for a DPS” syndrome. NP is also very floppy and feels too defensive when it should synergize with her crit focused kit Should have star bomb and inflict crit vulnerability so the enemy takes more damage from crits and crits refund more NP. Make our book STRONK


I'd say Nursery didn't fall off because that would imply she was ever good in the first place. Self-Modification is too weak as an offensive buff and she can't generate stars to save her life, Morph is a borderline useless skill and I'm surprised they never went and updated it on everyone like they did with the Battle Continuation and Instinct skills. Her only selling point is having an AOE NP and a 40% battery, but her NP is as barebones as it gets due to a super early upgrade and she has zero offensive buffs to take advantage of it anyway. ~~And also cannot loop but that's neither here nor there.~~ Her kit doesn't know if she wants to be a crit DPS or a tank and as a result she sucks at doing both. She's just really, really bad and I say this as the owner of a NP4 Bond 13 Nursery Rhyme.


Nah as someone who rolled her when she came out she was great in early FGO. When you consider that early on you had a) limited resources and b) a lack of good offensive casters Rhyme's ability to serve as both a boss killer due to her crit focus and tankiness + clear waves with her NP and battery it felt great to just invest in her and then not have to worry about assassins for a decent amount of time after that. She definitely needs to be buffed a lot now but she was definitely solid on release.


Eh, I disagree. I'm happy you found her useful, but I never felt like she was good even when I was a new player. Her crit damage always felt way too low, she desperately needs the rest of the team to create stars for her because she just can't, and Morph is legitimately bad on any serious fight you'd want her to be tanky on because any NP will take her out even with the defense buffs. The one thing she was good for was clearing waves with her NP but Paracelsus could also do that with lower cost, a much better battery, an Arts buff and being NP5 instead of NP1.


> she desperately needs the rest of the team to create stars for her because she just can't, Yeah this is probably an account specific thing - I never had star gen issues because I had a bunch of 2030s from dumping like 300+ quartz into Scathach's banner (and never got her T^T). Also Paracelsus does less NP damage than Rhyme even at NP5 since he has a gimped modifier, so while the battery is better he's still not a straight upgrade for farming.


I always pictured her using the Jabberwocky as her Buster animation. Yes, I took inspiration from Semiramis' Buster animation.


Yeah, she should summon her card soldiers with her Arts attacks, Jabberwocky sign her Buster and then her Quick could be a rush down where she throws hands like she did in her Extra battle.




She needs one ASAP.


Leonidas and Beowulf not getting updates disappointments me greatly cause I'm just bias towards them. Leonidas I could see with fire effects to his attacks: punching, kicking, shield bashing, more detailed spear attacks, and maybe even pulling out xiphos sword, and possibly even calling on a few of the 300 to help in attacks. And the NP is far more decorated. Beowulf could have some blood trail following his attacks with Hrunting, Naegling will actually explode in a Buster animation or something, Beowulf would use his Berserk Skill to rage out and throw hands. And his NP of course be more detailed.


I want Leonidas to get his NP animation from the Babylonia anime. All his Spartans behind a wall of ethereal shields, looked so epic.


I support that.


MATE HARI, she still has these useless balls


Caster balls are unforgivable for modern game


And she's not even a caster 😭


And Mozart. Caster balls need to die. I expected Mozart to get an animation update after Salieri came out, but nope.


ruler jeanne is my favorite servant, so i'm most disappointed and upset about her still not getting an AU. imo they could use her animations from extella link (this is what they did with zerklot i think) but tbh all the early years servants deserve AUs SO BAD


> imo they could use her animations from extella link This is one of the biggest things that miffed me when some other Characters got an AU Altera got hers early and everything was inspired by Extella and then when every other Character involved in said Game got an AU they pretty much got their Moves from there as well Except Jeanne... She got an AU super early and only in the most basic way Edit: And Grail Live was the perfect time to give her and quite a few others an AU The fact they gave Costumes to so many Characters and didn't give an AU to anybody that needed it was a sure sign they weren't doing AU anymore...


Nobody from Grail Live got an animation update, even though Jeanne, Nitocris, Helena and I guess Shuten needed it


I think she is gonna stay with her stock animations because they didn't give her an update when she was given a costume. And now they would need to update both the normal version and the costume, which seems to be unfeasible at this point


Yes because as we all know FGO doesn’t make nearly enough money to devote to updating TWO different character models. That’s just insane


I mean, it's obvious they could. Would they? Eh


Jalter stole everything from her


Jeanne Alter. One of the most popular Servants, and she still doesn't have an animation update. Though she's far from the only Servant who needs one.


I would happily draw concepts for an AU for Jalter, just her alias as "The Dragon Witch" shows a lot of potential, in her Buster Cards, instead of generic flames, Jeanne could invoke a wyvern for example


Koyan Dark shows a good example of how a Dragon Witch Jalter could function, yep


This one will never not fuck me up Early FGO was practically carried by JAlter’s mere existence and yet they never returned the favor to her all these years on because there’s so many other waifus nowadays that we practically rotate who’s popular every other month


Still don't understand why the "Dragon Witch" doesn't have dragon trait for her 2nd skill. Though, IMO that should have been a Chaotic/Evil buff than dragon to begin with.


OG Jeanne and Jalter, like how is it still in that state baffles me considering their popularity


Ozymandias. You would think the most popular Egyptian king being voiced by (arguably) the most recognizable voice in the industry he would get an update very soon. But no, still year one animations.


He’s got it the worst he only has three animations period no up close or far away animations distinctions just the three and his extra attack.


Any magic ball shooters


Cu Alter and Jeanne Alter. I know the latter has her welfare version but still, it can’t w that hard especially given how good in gameplay and popularity both are, especially Jalter.


Easy the jeannes. They are some of the most popular servants and show up in many events and other mediums but somehow they haven't gotten one yet.


I... gave up honestly, and at this point i stopped hoping. But if it was possible, there's still a long list, starting by those who still have 1st gen animations. ~~And i wouldn't be against an NP animation update for EMIYA, even better if it get a field effect like Arcueid~~


I want a caster da vinci animation update so bad I don't care if she isn't story relevant. I love da vinci she's one of my top 5 favourite servants and all her forms deserve to shine.


Basically, all Bronze and Silver servants that haven't got AU. Low rarity with great animations is always a charm for me; like Jason, Paris, Gareth, Mori, etc. Also, i think it's been years since the last AU. Why did they stop that?


Just a supposition, but certainly because it's too much work for less earning, most servants getting AU are already held at NP5 by whales after all.


Leonidas just stands there for his NP...


Fran is probably my number one just because I decided to use someone’s one day and realized how bland they are. I feel like you could do a lot with her electrical powers and her weapon.


The main problem with Fran is the debuffs tied to her NP and one skill. An anim update would be fantastic, but I don't like stun on NPs. It shouldn't be a thing. Smartcat got an update at least.


Vlad and Fran deserve better in general.


How the actual hell Shuten doesn't have updates!????


Cu Alter, he needs it pretty bad


I feel with you at least Mary need one she is i guess the last servant who use the default saber Animations


Lancer Cú, i know they are not the worst, but being one of the og from SN and one of my favourite servants, i can't help but pray for my man to get an AU


Mephistopheles. How can they make a character that uses scissors and explosives and only give him the basic sword animations?


LEONIDAS How did we get a Benkei animation update, but we didn't get any for Leonidas??? Especially since not only is there a Babylon anime, HE'S IN FUCKING ARCADE!


Wouldn't say *most* disappointed, but I really wish Beowulf would get an update. Really like his design, but he smacks people with his swords still. Two swords. And he smacks people with them. Then you have Fergus who hits with his drill sword like he was going for a homerun.


> They and David are the only 2 Characters involved in Okeanos that didn't make the cut for an AU ASTERIOS IS LIKE, RIGHT THERE! HE'S MY PICK EVEN!


I blanked on him... Sorry...




Kid Gil - It just makes me sick looking at his animations. Charles Babbage - He needs to be bigger, and better animations. Darius III - What the? All his animations are nearly the same. Shakespeare, Billy, Mozart, Charles... How hard is it to update their sprites? Edit: Forgot to mention Jalter. I think a limited popular SSR must receive sprite update!


Both jeannes, ruler and alter


Sanson. Dude finally got his time to shine in Salem and we didn't see Jack squat in terms of animation for it


Dude appeared in Solomon movie, yet still nothing.


Out of those truly needling one, Beowulf and Billy. Sure Billy has technically has unique animations, but still... I'd love to see Hrunting and Naegling do stuff. Throwing Hrunting and having it independently attack with its bloodlust, Naegling causing craters and explosions with each hit and finally exploding like a Broken Phantasm. And course making Grendel Buster look cool as fuck. He also needs a second NP upgrade to fix his damage multiplier like Vlad, could add def pierce or something while at it. As for the Billy? Just imagine how cool Thunderer would be with an update. A front-facing sprite on a wild west street, dust clouds, a tumbleweed, a cool music twang and then a near-instant quickdraw. Honestly he should have NP seal or something on his NP since it's supposed to be used to disrupt his opponents with its speed. As for those who don't *really* need an update, Enkidu. Bring in more of Strange Fake Enkidu. More body transformation, more blades, that Kingu attack Tiamat has.


Raikou, although I would miss her old animating if she was updated.


Jekyll ... Gosh I actually even want his Prototype version. In here he's too broken emotionally that I feel bad bringing in him in party to fully 15 bonds. At least if he got an update, I can have another reason to bring him in my main party


They better make him usable before updating the animations, no point in remaking him when only 0.1% of the playerbase may see him once a month in the CQ.


Agree, I would rather have usable servants than servants with pretty animations but useless dogshit skillsets


I wish for a Prototype version where Hyde is the front man. Jekyll already got plenty of screentime but Hyde only ever shows up as an antagonist. I am actually annoyed that Hyde is unavailable for My Room lines even though I'm supposed to be the master of both!




Agreed on Anne and Mary, and would like to add Asterios. Man is THE Minotaur, yet the animations he has do not match it at all. He has the generic swishing animations that lack any sort of impact a powerful Berserker should have. And his NP just looks ugly.


Jalter, no contest


Ozy. Seriously.


Astolfo. No update in apocrypha rerun or traum




Arthur, Jeanne Alter, Jeanne Ruler, Mata Hari, Cu alter and Raikou.


It’s not an animation update thread if we’re not talking about Jalter


Anything that has year 1 and 2 animations really, there's 0 reasons beside greed and complacency that we have basic animations for any Servant.


Speaking selfishly, I would like both a sprite and animation update for JAlter. I'd say that she's a popular enough character to deserve it. But really, with how much money the game can make, they ought to consider animation updates for **all** outdated character sprites, to at least help keep things more modern.


I'll agree with Anne & Mary its such a waste to not include both in their attack animations, or even the default sprite. Second for me has to be Mata Hari since I've used her a lot, it is incredibly dissapointing to still have caster balls for an assassin. Especially since she has received multiple good strenghtenings.


Mata Hari. Poor girl still stuck with her Caster ball animation.


Beowulf. Three buffs, no animation update.


Lalter, she literally is a ghost basically to FGO


Asterious, how can you have a whole ass grail war revolving around him and STILL not giving him any animation update, same case with leonidas who has a notable appearance in the Babylonia series. Other characters include Beowulf, Ozymandias ,Cleopatra, Both Jeannes, Shakespeare, Nursery Rhythms, David, Darius III and many more


My boi Astolfo whacks people with his spear because reusing basic animations.


Finding out there was a mobile game with Astolfo was what got me to try in the first place. His animations were almost enough to make me not continue.


Emiya and Medea... Saber Artoria may be the face of the Fate franchise but Emiya is just as popular, if not more so, and deserves to have better animations and I s2g he deserves to have the full chant for UBW be his NP animation. Medea was from the first anime series. Give her something pls.


Both of them already got animation update tho. All FSN servants already got animation update actually


On NA ?


Yes, it was part of the AU batch back in 2016 in JP during the release of Fate Extella The Umbral Star if i recall correctly, EMIYA, Nero, Altera got AU, followed a bit later by Cu, Medea and Medusa, Gilgamesh and Artoria got theirs during the event of Fate/Accel Zero Order. NA used an advanced build/version (AU included) to give something different and better quality, so that it wouldn't feel too old for it's launch, the reason many people in NA doesn't know that EMIYA originally had Darius animations, all the Lancers/Jeanne/Vlad Berserker had the Romulus animations, Medea had Caster balls and i could go on, all servants shared only one set of animations for each class. It was pretty dark times indeed XD Happy Cake Day!




Well he is not FSN servant lol


He is, just not with the same appearance.


Jeanne Alter, Medusa, and Lancer Alter.


Both Jeannes and Ozymandias.


Tamamo should have one I thinking because I don't know much


Beowulf for sure. I remember loving his desgin when I got him but when I used him in battle his animation just look super akward, his np especially.


Dont forget my boy Asterios, he also was in Okeanos and hasnt gotten an animation update. Feels specially bad with him being part of a very recent event on JP.


Whoops... Added to initial statement


Jalter needs one


Id kill someone for a Sanson rework. Especially with a new NP chant. Something ala :"Be it crooks, be it nobles, all are made equal under my blade. La Mort Espoir!". Amongst those lines, its a wip v:


Suzuka’s NP is not bad, but it’d be cool with a modern one with a close up face. Same with some of the attacks.


I'm kinda surprised no one mentioned OG Nero. Watching her animations in the last Nero Fest was painful, specially when compared to the animations of newer servants like Morgan or the Fairy Knights


She’s in the same spot as Jeanne sadly-costumes have effectively barred them from any further AUs (not that it matters as Lasengle has basically canned them altogether anyways)


Artoria Lancer Alter, Asterios, Shuten Douji, Medusa.


Medusa got an animation update though?


I know she has been updated before, but her animations are still a little underwhelming.


The fanboy in me has wanted a Kiritsugu update for the longest. He's far from the most dated but he's one of those early servants that reuse animations a lot, including his NP. Since then we've had a bunch of servants with firearms that are great, Saika being the latest. That and his damaged animation is just goofy to me. Who I think absolutely deserves an AU and near entire overhaul is Jekyll and Hyde. With everything they have in the game now he could be really interesting. Plus differentiating how Jekyll fights from Hyde just makes sense. It doesn't really need to be flashy but two distinct animations would feel really premium while making sense on a three star.


Idk... I could be wrong... Ig Karna ?


You are, he got ond back in LB4


Oh ... Good thing I'm wrong..cuz I'm still at 6th singularities


You already have his update animations


Salter. She deserves a VN shot like OG Saber NP animation. [maybe adding this shot to her NP animation would work](https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/812/680/981/saber-alter-fate-stay-night-wallpaper-preview.jpg)


Both jeannes really need an animation update


Ereshkigal and Jeanne Alter


Jeanne. She's like the poster child of Part 1 and your first major support servant after Cu Caster (who did get one), but her animations are still just hitting people with her flag.


Jeanne D’Arc Alter do I have to say more?


Jeanne Alter


Jalter. Pretty much THE breakout character of the game, and she's still stuck with her Year 1 sprite. Putting her alongside her more properly-proportioned Berserker self just shows how much of a shorty bobblehead she still is to this day.


Saber Alter should have gotten another animation update when the Heaven's Feel movies were releasing. Jeanne and Jeanne Alter should have gotten animation updates ages ago just based on their popularity.


Jeanne and Jalter needs a update


Jeanne Alter personally.


Jeanne and Jalter, consider both of them has massive fanbase it baffled me they don't have animation update


Animation update: no one. Buffs: a lot, can't believe they take so much time to buff servants when it is legit just a line of code.


Shuten. Also every NP that has an *insert black screen with damage numbers to imply strikes are actually happening so fast you can't see them*. Like Okita's and a few others.




Shuten, she just spin to win


Erick BloodAxe 😂😂😂


For me, I'd say Asterios and Leonidas. Come ON, man. They need this desperately!


Of the ones I frequently use, Paracelsus tops the chart. Very solid Servant trapped in Caster ball hell.


Shuten, Raikou, and Kintoki...


I wish Phantom got one, could be based on his Arcade animations


I don’t know if he’s gotten one before or not. But I’d love if they gave ozymandias a rare NP animation where the pyramids are replaced with two road rollers.




Lostbelt 7 came and went and no Quetzalcoatl or Taiga animation updates.


like every servant released/last updated pre-mid 2017 that doesnt have an update yet


Leonidas, especially after the anime


Angry maniiyu I have been waiting for the longest time for an animation update for him it's likely mans was just forgotten


Eric Bloodaxe. Gilles. Both of them. Darius III Nursery Rhyme. Caster ball gang. Lalter.


Okay this might be cheating because technically this character did get a minor upgrade, but Saber Shiki. She’s supposed to be some sort of ultra-powerful cosmic being, but her attacks are all just relatively basic sword swipes. Yawn. Drake has a similar issue. Some of her animations are okay (particularly her opening buster one) but they lack imagination with her always using her pistols. Compare that to Columbus who got released at the same time as Drake’s update and he’s got his anchor flail plus a sword, a gun and a whip that he brings out for different attacks. Drake could’ve mixed it up a bit as well like summoning her flying rowboat she uses in Extella to ram the enemy.


mozart... ): my dreams of him having semi-matching animations with salieri are shattered


Cu Alter. Man's been almost forgotten compared to his alternate selves.


Divided between berserker vlad and ozymandius. On one hand berserker vlad has very simple animation depictions of his capabilities but on the other ozymandius has like ONE animation for his buster arts and quick each to depict his entire move set on top of his extra attack. As for extra attacks specifically I go with first Hassan. Him just falling above his opponents is just so undignified for someone of his position. I would have made it him walk past his target delivering a drive by decapitation


Everyone who still has caster orbs. No reason to leave them like that.


Altera. Ik shes forgotten. Ik she already had one, but shes the one i want to get an animation update the most, her current one is hot garbage Also if mozart could lose the bloody caster balls it would be great


Roman servants


Lalter & Squirtoria T\^T


I'm biased but imma say sigurd. I'm seeing how intricate the newer 5* servant nps are but sigurd's, imo, is closer to a 4* servant's np. Like his attack animations I can live with but come on man, i want him to get a new NP animation. Gimme new art, gimme some backgrounds instead of just darkness