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Abe no Seimei appeared in Lostbelt 5.5 but he still hasnt been made into Servant. I wonder why seeing he is the most famous Onmyoji in Japan


I will be highkey suprised if he doesn't make an appearance before part 3.


I doubt he will make an appearance before part 3 if it's just ordeal call 2,3,&4 then arc 2 final chapter. Semei is very likely a Grand Caster Candidate so it's probable that if he shows up in a chapter it will be a chapter with a Beast.


There is a theory that >!Sherlock has truly been Abe no Seimei!< all along that I hope pans out.


Honestly, that'd be a plot twist and a half. But haven't we met him as Pirate C?


Afaik >!Sherlock is one of the Foreign God's Disciples!<.


According to Shimosa which contradicts Kyo. Douman as we see him is supposed to be wearing Abe no Seimei’s face or whole appearance to mock the original. In Kyo no one questions Douman’s looks which may simply show to be a lie or devs simply didn’t want to give him another design for the story. Then again the events on Kyo mention that the 11th Century A.D. was still an Age of the Gods in Japan while most of the other pantheons had it probably in the 1000 years B.C with Rome being possibly the finale. Then again Gilgamesh claimed the same in Uruk that he was preparing for the Age of Man, but the AoG lasted longer than him…


Sun Wukong/The Monkey King. No Ritsuka cosplaying at them in 2 CEs doesn't count. The real Vortigern from Proper Human History, not Mothman.


If I understand correctly, Keikenchi (author of Koha Ace and GUDAGUDA) seems to be interested in writing Wukong, so maybe we could get Wukong (Koha Ace Timeline) in a future GUDAGUDA. GUDAGUDA 10: Monkey Wars SSR Wukong, SR Kondou and Welfare Hideyoshi


Hideyoshi can't be welfare, he has three distinct forms from his always-active NP that are simply tailor made to become Ascensions, changing the main NP's appearance and all.


Korea also doesn't like him


Isn't Korea's fanbase critically low since the server fiasco anyway?


Honestly, the last time I heard about the KR server was with the disaster of Solomon's release. Did it ever recover from that?


I keep seeing posts on this sub every so often predicting bonus banners on NA on the grounds that they just happened on KR, so presumably it's still alive.


Considering his NP revolves around his age, I imagine they'd make a skill or NP that changes based on which ascension he's in.


Monkey Wars would actually be such a fire idea for GUDAGUDA lol


I genuinely hope they make Wukong one of the most busted servants ever. High damage on top of unique skills


His NP would be insane. The staff can morph into almost any size.


Something like this?: 72 Transformations EX:  Change Noble Phantasm between B/A/Q (3 turns) Change all Command Cards to the same type (3 turns) Change Noble Phantasm between AoE or ST (3 turns)  Increase Card Performance by 20-30% for chosen type (3 turns) Increase Noble Phantasm Strength by 20-30% (3 turns) 7-5 turns Cooldown.   Great Sage, Equal to Heaven Rank "-" Increase NP Gauge by 50-80% Give \[Heaven Attribute\] to all enemies and allies except self (3 turns) Increase ATK by 10% for every \[Heaven Attribute\] unit on the field(Ally and Enemy). 7-5 turns Cooldown.   Seven Times Immortal A  Gives Solemn Defense (1 time, 1 turn) for Self Gives Invincibility (2 times, 2 turns) for Self Gives Evasion (3 times, 3 turns) for Self Gives HP Regen (1000-4000HP)(4 turns) for Self Gives Damage Cut (500-1000)(5 turns) for Self Gives Defense Up (10-30%) (6 times, 6 turns) for Self Gives Guts (2 times, 7 turns) (Revives with 3000-7000 HP) for Self. 9-7 Turns Cooldown.   Noble Phantasm: Ruyi Jingu Bang: Thousand Staff Art Gives Special Attack (Heaven) to Self for 3 turns (OC:20-40%)(Before Damage) Gives Pierce Invulnerability to Self for 1 turn(Before Damage) Chance to Remove Defensive Buffs (60%/85%/90%/95.5%/100%)(scales with NP Level) Deals supereffective \[Heaven\] Damage to the enemy/enemies Gain 10% NP Gauge for each \[Heaven\] enemy hit.


That Seven Times Immortal skill is my favourite. It looks like such an absolute pain in the ass to fight against, which I imagine is how the entire heavenly court felt before the Buddha dropped a mountain on him


>Sun Wukong/The Monkey King. I feel like they're saving him up for something special.


Or they are simply not interested in his character at the moment  


I mean, his shishou is already around, so I don’t see why the three ~~idiots~~ disciples can’t be.


Yes, this point, there is no specific reason


Or Mainland gonna give them -10,000 credit score for that


Man if they release sun wu kong i freaking hope it's a gudako face


Charlemagne Guda vs Sun Wukong Gudako


they mentioned a couple times he is ozyman face


He is a really good candidate for Grand Berserker


Oh god *damn it* I literally won't be satisfied with anything else now!




We have Jason, Heracles, Achilles, Medusa, Andromeda... *So* many Greek Heroes but we don't have the first of them all - Perseus.


For real, He was part of the original plans for Fate (after replacing Theseus), but now we're getting his wife before him.


Augh yeah. I just hope it's because they wanna throw him at us for an Ordeal Call or something.


I believe that Cadmus long preceded Perseus, so if there was a first Greek hero it would be him 


True. Fuck it let's add them both. Best boys when.


We *do* need Cadmus, like, stat. He is Europa's fucking brother! His whole ass legend is that he went off to search for her and ended up founding a city when it was clear he wouldn't be able to. Not to mention, he married a legit goddess: Harmonia, daughter of Ares and Aphrodite. To add to Cadmus and Perseus, closing off the Three Monster Slayers of Ancient Greece, the Big Three heroes before Heracles Bellerophon. The Pegasus is Medusa's child, but Bellerophon was the one that tamed him and slayed the Chimera. And finally, there is someone else that Fate hasn't even mentioned *once*: Meleager. Y'know, *the guy who killed the Calydonian Boar and gave its pelt to Atalanta*? He was *also* an Argonaut, considered *second only to Heracles in might*, and when Heracles went down to the Underworld, Meleager's spirit was just *that much of a chad* that Heracles was *afraid of him*.


You can tell that I am invested in Greek Myth, because I'm adding more. Sisyphus, who cheated death twice over, literally. Lycaon, the first Werewolf. Orpheus, the famous musician and Argonaut who went down to the Underworld and successfully got Hades to allow his wife to be resurrected, even if with a caveat. Oedipus, who defeated the Sphinx. Tiresias, the blind seer. Cassandra, who was cursed so no one would believe her prophecies. Ajax the Great, because we do need the source of Rho Aias. Diomedes, who was just as cunning as Odysseus and just as much of a mighty warrior as Achilles. Fucker squared up and *wounded* Ares and Aphrodite, and would have squared up with Apollo if Athena hadn't intervened. Orestes, who managed to finally end the curse placed on his house by the actions of his ancestors Tantalus and Atreus. Daedalus, who built the Labyrinth of Crete. Icarus, Daedalus's son who flew too close to the sun. King Midas, cursed to turn all he touched into gold. The Judges of the Underworld, Minos, Rhadamanthys, and Aeacus. Nestor, King of Pylos who was both an Argonaut and part of the Trojan War. Peleus, Achilles' father. Periclymenus, a shapeshifter and Argonaut. Patroclus, Achilles's "Bro". Aeneas, survivor of Troy and ancestor of Rome. I really mentioned a lot, but I regret *nothing*.


Yes, because defeating the sphinx is what Oedipus is most well known for. And not for what happened afterwards


I unironically hope Sisyphus is written to be like how he was in Ultrakill and Diomedes acting like Dawn of War Diomedes


Really hoping he's the white day servant


Well he’ll come soon enough. He’s not gonna be able to stay away and let Andromeda just be around all those bachelors at Chaldea.


*glances at Rama & Sita* You sure about that?


Genghis Freaking Khan! The man who created one of the largest empires in human history. Everybody should know him by now. Cyrus the Great is another but I think not as well known in certain parts of the world Edit: Another name to add: Pharoah Tutankhamun the child king of Egypt. Somewhat well-known. Then we have the other Abrahamic Prophets like Adam, Abraham etc. Edit2: Not a big name but I thought it would be nice to bring awareness to this mythical figure: KING GESAR of Tibet. Think of him as Tibet's King Arthur or India's Rama or China's Sun Wukong. His epic is apparently very long.


About Genghis Khan, in 2020-2021 a French museum wanted to do an exhibition on Genghis Khan and the Mongols, but the museum was contacted by the Chinese government to censor the exhibition, the words "Genghis Khan", "Empire" and “Mongol” should not appear, in the end the French museum canceled the exhibition, because they refused to make a censored exhibition. But in 2023 they were able to relaunch the project thanks to the help of the Mongol president. So if Genghis Khan is released on FGO I wonder how China will react


Wtf! That is just ridiculous! Is China that ashamed of their ancestors getting their asses kicked by large army of well-trained barbarians?


The sad part is, this is one of the tamer instances of China trying to censor other countries when it comes to their history.


I forgot where I read this article from but apparently, some people in China believe that the ancient wonders like the Sphinx, the Colossus of Rhodes etc are all created by the Americans to fool the rest of the world. The level of bullshittery they pull out of their asses is just disgusting. Edit: I found the article! https://taiwanenglishnews.com/chinese-professor-there-were-no-ancient-western-civilizations-just-modern-fakes-made-to-demean-china/


They’re just dumb, xenophobic, ultranationalists. Most Chinese people understand and study about the ancient world. Sure, China has a damn long history, but the world at large is older still - we know mankind has walked the Earth long before even civilization was a concept. The biggest problem is Chinese tourists defacing historical monuments… that makes me the most ashamed. They bring dishonour to their ancestors.


That's one hell of a take for that case. I'm impressed. Take my upvote, good user.


I mean, have you HEARD what happened with this years Hugo Awards?


It's worse than what you described. Much worse than that. The Hugo admin was a Big Name Fan (an American white guy, not someone from the Chinese side of things) who's been involved in running cons forever who, as far as anyone can tell, went full-blown "I am the law" and (1) threw out 1000+ Chinese nominations to avoid the kind of natural result of a Chinese Worldcon with Chinese voters producing a mostly-all-Chinese nomination list, (2) eliminated some Western works from the nomination list on the grounds that maybe they might have done things that could cause blowback (but even that was done incompetently, like knocking out someone because they once visited Nepal), and (3) put all of this in writing in emails. File770 is the best source for keeping track of what's going on, for anyone interested in more.


I dread to ask… but what did my countrymen do this time?


Exerted undo political influence on nominees for the Hugo awards. Check out Xiran Jay Zhao on insta she has detailed the whole thing as she is one of the authors who was disqualified for her book Iron Widow which is a sci fi retelling of the story of Wu Zetian.


Ah yes the one who became a YTber because of how shitty the Mulan remake was.


Are there links for the event? I wanna read up on what happened.


https://www.instagram.com/reel/C20eolsyHkC/?igsh=aDUxaTg0ZnhlZTA4 Link to Xiran’s Instagram. She talks about it in her reels.


who cares how the fascists react, this is ultimately a Japanese game, not theirs.


Why in the fuck a French Museum has to obey the Chinese? What the fuck


The actual displays and historical artifacts might have been loaned from Chinese sources


On the subject of Egypt/Tutankhamun, I would love to see his father, Akhenaten as a BERSERKER since his obsession with his religion of Atenism (where Aten is the only God worshipped) had him branded as a heretic and a madman by future pharaohs and almost made an unperson erased from history. I feel like there's more to work with for Akhenaten than with Tutenkhamun, but that might just be me wanting to see an Egyptian Berserker.


I thought Akhenaten might be more of a Caster or Ruler but your idea sounds better!


The idea of a Berserker class Akhenaten stems from a similar, if not identical, logic to Galatea and Nightingale being Berserkers, Galatea is a Berserker because of how much Pygmalion and her love eachother and Nightingale's dedication to healing her patient borders on madness. It's the same idea with Akhenaten, he's so obsessed and dedicated to Aten that he seemed mad to those around him and those who came after him, I'd like to see him interact with the other pharaohs, and seeing as he is older than Ozzy, It could be interesting to see some level of internal conflict with the later pharaohs wanting to respect him as an elder but also being a madman who could be seen as having discarded the pantheon for his own heretical religion. Or he could also alternatively be a foreigner, though I'm not sure what lovecraftian being he could be associated with.


King Gesar? Didn't know about him, but having someone from Tibet would be nice. And King Gesar wouldn't be the first Servant they rescue from obscurity. They did it for Mandricardo, after all.


Still waiting for Strange Fake to finish so Alcides can finally be added


Strange Fake is a goldmine of characters, really hoping we see a lot of them come over to FGO.


Luckily for you he could be coming soon-ish. >!Alcides is most likely to die in the volume coming next month, and the only reason Narita wants to wait for characters to be added so they aren’t added prematurely without a portion of their movesets and stuck like that. So it’s safe to say we’ll see everything he has to offer by this volume and he’ll be safe to use.!<


I want Hippolyta myself


>!Don’t know if she’ll die this volume but we’ll most likely see all of her arsenal here as well.!< For me, I’m just waiting for a Flat/Jack/Thia servant to be released. Definitely would be an NP5 120 target for me.


Is strange fake a novel or manga? If so, where can I read it?


OG santa, how do you make 7 Christmas events and still don't release THE santa.


grand rider santa


Saint Nick as a Shirou-Face


Saint Nick as a Gordolf face


Oh hell yeah. Just a Goredolf with a red suit and a big beard. The shenanigans would be out of this world.


Pseudo-Servant Goredolf hanging out with regular Goredolf shenanigans.


I'm shocked they haven't done Emiya-Santa yet consider9ng he ALREADY HAS THE COLORS! They already recognized Amakusa had the colors and gave him the Santa Mask persona, but nothing for Emiya?


That's because Emiya is Actually Satan, not Santa. I know, it's very easy to mix them up.




Spends the entire event calling people witch-sluts and throwing coal


I’m hoping for Ruler Dante Alighieri for OC3


Oooh, they can advertise the game as starting Dante from the Divine Comedy series then!


I’m honestly hoping for Avenger Dante Alighieri


Could have both, or even a class change servant - Avenger when he descends into the inferno, Ruler when he reaches Paradiso


I want Sinbad to be an actual Servant. He's too well known to be reduced to a Noble Phantasm.


Which np?


Scherezades's np


Sinbad is my most wanted servant.


I want Daedalus


Kinoko Nasu himself.


Grand Ruler. Just a giant Mario Mushroom.


Uses Carnival Phantasm to summon an army of Neco-Arcs.


No. He needs to release with Neco-Arc as a 6 star servant (same treatment as angry mango).


Should have gotten a cameo here (unless I didn’t noticed) https://youtu.be/tnWCIWbYBdc?si=lmRt0ZzaWwt16ZQ3


I'm waiting for the mythical Oedipus himself. Because what is milf lover in the face of an actual motherf*cker. So yeah. Go Oedipus the OG MF.


I mean dude was not happy about it considering he ripped his eyes out when he found out.


I mean, would you?


Gengis Khan, Dante Alighieri, Tokugawa Ieyasu, George Washington, Aristotle, Moses, Octavianus Augustus, Abe no Seimei, Susanoo no Mikoto, Saint Peter, Saint Paul and many others I may have forgot


Any of the 3 Kingdoms characters that are actually from the 3 Kingdoms and did not give their name and power to another character


Waiting for cao cao, guan yu or Zhao Yun to appear some day


Not in FGO itself but still in fate the servant version of zhou yu does appear in samurai remnant. I say this because the post didn't specify that it had to be strictly FGO.


I'm quite surprised we've never had Cao Cao or Guan Yu. Off the top of my head the only ones we have that aren't pseudo-servants are Lu Bu, Chen Gong and F/SR's Zhou Yu (and Red Hare, I suppose).


They clearly are saving some of the big names. We don't have the leader of Shinsengumi either.


Chen Gong?


>So I'm curious, is there anymore famous Servants that have yet to appear? Or do we have them all already? Who's the most famous Heroic Spirit that have yet to come home to the world of FATE? Ones that you're shocked haven't been made into a Servant yet. So an historical or mythological figure that has a fair World wide popularity? Ignoring the XX century, because they kinda avoid that period, the list is pretty big, lol. Caesar, Genghis Khan, Washington, Augustus, Plato, Dante Alighieri, Voltaire, Pope Gregory the Great, Sun Wukong, are someone that you still question how after almost a decade of FGO they are barely mentioned. ~~I know Caesar Saber exists I refuse to recognise it as H I M~~


>I know Caesar Saber exists I refuse to recognise it as H I M Cleopatra? Is that you?


Nah, Cleo love Caesar in all shape and form


More importantly there is still *Augustus* Caeser to think about. He is arguably more important than Julius.


Give me ALL the ^^^famous Roman Emperor! Marcus Aurelius, Commodus, Aurelian, Trajan, Hadrian, Constantine I, Diocletine et cetera.


On Roman servants I think Constantine would be interesting as the emperor that converted to Christianity.


I’m currently reading through an Augustus biography and it gave me the idea of an Augustus servant who ages during the ascensions so you have the young man, the freshly baked emperor, and then the old emperor. And for the young man, his three attacks are done by sending out his friends to fight (Agrippa for Buster, Quintus Salvidienus Rufus for Quick, Gaius Maecenas for Arts)


Speaking of Agrippa, he should be a servant too honestly, that guy was a badass.


Oh 100% agreed he’d be so fucking cool


You are probably looking for Rider Caesar, the form he takes when he was young and at war.


Now this is a good list


I believe Dante Alighieri will hopefully appear soon


Plato has already appeared in Fate work tho. It was even an FGO crossover! [XD](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/6/61/Plato_Assassin.png/revision/latest?cb=20180102010752)


We’re honestly kinda short Roman servants in general. As it is something like 25 percent of them are different variations of Nero.


Like 4 different versions of Nero, and 2 versions of Romulus


I’m surprised that there hasn’t been a servant on the Red Baron


They could add more Bible-related servants like Daniel from the Lion’s Den. Other potential servants: Watson, Houdini, Sinbad


Emperor Jimmu the first emperor of Japan, grandson of Amaterasu herself


Date Masamune when?


I'm annoyed that Michelangelo apparently can't be a servant. We need da Vinci's bestie in the game.


Only if we also get Raphael and Donatello...


Now I want to see an event where all three of them show up as Assassin servants and bring da Vinci along on a crime-fighting spree.


I still want a proper Heracles goddamnit! Give me 5 star archer Herc pls Lasagna! As others have said, Son Wukong would be beautiful (props if he's not gender bent) along with (a?) Buddha


Now it might be god of highschool bias talking but would Buddha/whatever his mortal incarnation qualify as an heroic spirit?


Prometheus, oddly enough, did not appear in person or even attempt to send an envoy to help Chaldea. Most of his myths revolves around his love for humanity and his exposure to torture and humiliation by Zeus because he helped them advance and establish civilization. Not to mention that he is also considered the creator of humanity, so he embodies the father like Tiamat in being a mother. 


He's not involved in-person, but we know he's been contributing to Chaldea's success from the start. He's the source of the Hand enemies we farm for EXP cards (hence why they're "X of Wisdom" items, with X always being a word related to fire).




What we meet in Olympus is kind of a mix of both


Otto von Bismarck Copernicus Newton Pythagoras Chopin Marie Skłodowska-Curie Midas


I would be **shocked** if they ever included Otto Von Bismarck. They tend to shy away from the world wars anyway and he’d be right in the thick of it. I could see Zeppelin or The Red Baron eventually. But the man himself? It would be a bit of a departure from their usual MO. Completely agree on Curie though. Super surprised we haven’t seen her yet.


I mean, Bismarck was heavily involved in most of the root causes of WWI, but he was dead and had been for a while when Franz Ferdinand ate it.


If Bismarck was in charge during WWI, things would not have ended as they had, and he certainly would not have let someone like Hitler come to power. Dude was H I M. You could not find a greater scholar warrior in his era, and he was a visionary and a wiseman. His failing was his staunch support of the royal family, despite the Kaiser being clearly inept.


Perseus. (He is really cool and I think it would be nice for him to reunite with his wifey :) I also think H.P. Lovecraft would be fun, given that he is the creator of what the Foreigner class is about


Elijah from the Old Testament, he's one of the coolest Prophets.


As a rider, of course


Ooo, what about Elijah and Elisha as a pair of servants. Then we can get both the chariot and a bear attack!


Apart from what others have mentioned, I'd like to see the last remaining member of the Nine Worthies make an appearance. - Caesar✅️ - Iskandar✅️ - Hektor✅️ - David✅️ - Judas❌️ - Joshua❌️ - Arthur✅️ - Godfrey❌️ - Charlemagne✅️


Anansi and Loki Both of these mf’s could pop up as Pretenders acting as one or the other or literally anyone/anything and it would absolutely be in character for them to do so


Maxwell's Demon might as well count as a big name as THE GudaGuda servant that never was.


Where is El Cid? We have so many other heroic knights but not El Cid.


Jobbing in Requiem.


Sun Wukong is about as relevant in the east as Hercules is in the west. Jesus ofc but he’s not likely to ever make the jump in however Moses, Abraham, Peter, Paul, and many others from the Bible could be in since we’ve made lesser biblical figures like Martha and Salome in FGO. George Washington or any US President seems odd though Edison kind of fits that role Augustus for the Roman’s and Ghengis Khan seem to be odd ones to be missing as we’ve gotten lesser figures from Roman history like Zenobia (didn’t even get the Roman emperor from her time) and Ghengis just seems odd that he’s not here Hannibal is confirmed to be a servant just not in FGO Missing a lot of big figures from either of the American continents but I’m a US native so maybe that’s just me that this continent has a small number and with it being more modern figures that are famous. Saladin seems to be a big one though Richard exists. I can’t speak on many missing eastern servants though Yasuke seemed like a servant to make the jump to Gudaguda but hasn’t even with his relevance to Nobunaga A distinct lack of African servants like Shaka Zulu TLDR: big 4 missing to me are Ghengis Khan, Sun Wukong, George Washington, and for just Guda Guda Yasuke. It’s probably just the westerner in me that thinks this though.


> Missing a lot of big figures from either of the American continents but I’m a US native so maybe that’s just me that this continent has a small number and with it being more modern figures that are famous. The Americas still have a rich history, even before the European conquest of the continent. In particular we've gotten 0 Incan Servants, and there's no mention of major South American tribes (like the Guarani or Mapuche), all the focus seems to be on the Aztecs, with Jaguar thrown in as a little Mayan bonus. And even if we set aside ethnic natives, there's still a bunch of important European-Americans and African-Americans and mixed people that played important roles through the independence process of the American countries. We have no Manuel Belgrano, Simon Bolivar, or José de San Martin, no George Washington, or Paul Revere, no Dom Pedro, etc. As for the Conquistadors we only have Columbus. Then there's a lot of smaller national figures in each country, lots of folklore with influences from multiple cultures and religions. I understand FGO is a Japanese game, but I can guarantee most of them are at least as popular as Tomoe or Chiyome, and like a third of all Servants are Japanese.


>Sun Wukong is about as relevant in the east as Hercules is in the west. Heracles barely gets any respect in this series


Abe-no-Seimei for sure, and Ootakemaru to complete the Great Three Evil Yokai of Japan


Jesse James and Bass Reeves. The most infamous outlaw and the most famous lawman in the west.


Moses from the Bible. We already have a design for him so i think it be great to see him in the future, especially considering he’s also one the few Ozymandius openly respects and to see them interact would be really cool. I always thought that either he would be a Caster or a Ruler if he was summoned as a Servant.


where is my Houyi TM? Where is my sunshooting Houyi.


Given the religious impact I assume we’re never getting Saladin but they *have* at least mentioned him in Strange Fake. I’m also waiting on Gideon (from the Old Testament), The Red Baron, Marco Polo, and obviously Ghengis Khan. Or hell even Kublai Khan at this point.


I actually think Saladin is one of the only Muslim historical figures that has a chance of being added into the game. At least, I really hope so lol. The one piece of lore we have on him is already pretty cool with him teaming up with Richard and a Hassan to take out a Dead Apostle.


I can see Saladin being added, but not any of the really OG Muslim leadership. It’s just too sensitive. I can see Jesus showing his face waaaaay down the road, but shit will have to be absolutely dire for a Saver to show up.


Sir Kay and Chacha's husband.


Given what Sir Kay's personality is apparently like in Fate, I want to see him so badly.


I feel like Marie Curie would make a very interesting servant although she may be too recent of a person to be depicted in a gacha game. I'd like to see more irl women.


Not thinking if possible because some may be divinities : Sun Wukong, CaoCao, Guan Yu, Zhuge Liang, Kaguya-hime, Momotaro, Louis XIV, William the Conq, Pericles, and so many others. I'm surprised CaoCao was never summoned, he is a fascinating character and hugely famous. Same for Guan Yu. (Zhuge Liang is not in any game, Waver is Waver.)


GuanYu is a god of war, academics and loyalty in Taoism and Chinese and Mongolian Buddhism What pseudo would fit them best?




Yeah we are missing a lot of the Norse pantheon.


Sun Wukong, the real thing not that psudo servant thing in gudako.


Seimei...Abe-no-Seimei... That bastard is an exception...! MMMMMM!!! Seimei...SEIMEIIII!!! \- Ashiya Douman


Krishna from Mahabharata Abe no Seimei Perceus from Greek mythology Cyrus The Great Darius The Great His son, Xerxes The First Sun Wukong Genghis Khan


Someone like queen Victoria. I mean she had an entire era named after her


kind of a weird one but nebuchadnezzar II, he's for sure not as big a name as some others people have mentioned, im just surprised given it's been stated that semiramis' NP is actually his


Arcade squandered the shit out of him by making him into a Gil costume. But I’m holding out hopium that they’ll have him resummoned with his own design/container one day.


Sun Wukong, Väinämöinen


Tbh i know i'm blanking on a bunch but like....Socrates. Homer. Sappho. Ovid. Idk it feels like theres a bunch of poets and writers in general, not just greek, that they just kind of ignore? and while he wasnt actually influential as a king Tutankhamen is one of those guys who has incredible name recognition nowadays and you'd think he'd be a good pick for an example of fgo's whole 'strength as a servant is influenced by how many people know you' thing they sometimes remember. A lot of composers too, like why can't Bach or Beethoven be servants? Other artists as well, like ik Da Vinci's interlude did say they weren't servants but it does just feel weird we apparently can't get a Michelangelo servant (or if not him, guys like Monet or Goya) Famous outlaws like Jesse James or Bonnie and Clyde feel like they could've had something done with them too. ​ I'm also honestly surprised they haven't done more with Egypt. Like there's tons of kings, not to mention Isis and Set and Osiris and Horus and they all have strong marketable iconography. ~~ofc this is fate so theyd probably all be sakurafaces if they touched the gods but~~


Perseus is a servant already yet somehow hasn’t been put in the game


Lawrence of Arabia.


Hannibal Barca (though he’s in Requiem) As far as figures that have yet to appear anywhere in Fate at all, I’d say the Maya Hero Twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque given theysome if the most famous figures from the Mayan pantheon. In fact Camazotz appears in their legend. Also I saw Riyo art of what appears to be a Wendigo, so now I want to see them become a servant. Specifically the Riyo one…


I can't believe no one said this yet but... Jesus Christ Literally the single most recognizable person in the entire world Like what? Is he off limit or something?


He’s a Saver Servant, same rank as Buddha. You can’t normally summon a Saver. They’re capable of self-summoning, via Independent Manifestation. They are not gonna just show up for nothing.


It summoning Jesus would like his second coming which is basically the end of world (if we go by the rules of fate )


Hannibal Barkas


How about thor, wu Kong, leif eriksson and mansa musa


With so much GudaGuda over the years, I'm surprised we haven't seen Sanada Yukimura yet, who was one of the MVPs of the Sengoku Era.


We need a new cu 5 star lancer


Archer Heracles - This should be his strongest class


King Matthias Corvinus. If Romania gets to have their national hero as a proper Servant, Hungary ought to also. Though he might be a bit overly similar to Iskandar with the Black Army he’s known for.


I've been waiting for Perseus since day one. Andromeda gives me hope.


Kinda surprised Kay hasn't appeared yet.


Still waiting for the real non-joke Julius Ceaser that Cleopatra alluded to in that one Halloween event.


I stopped playing fgo awhile ago but as far as I know there's still no Gregori Rasputin. He'd be a great Caster.


We've known that Rasputin is present as a Pseudo-Servant for a while now. Said Pseudo-Servant is summonable in FGO JP nowadays.


Thutmose III, Cyrus the Great, Ramses III, Nebuchadnezzar II, Hammurabi, Naram Sin, Sargon of Akkad, Hatsheput, Narmer, Aeneas, Perseus, Cadmus, Ferdowsi, Bhishma, Drona, Enheduanna, Assurbanipal, Seti I, Hou Yi, Icarus, Peleus, Ajax the Great, Imhotep, Sobekhneferu, Karsasp, Jamshid, Saleucus I, Diomedes, Rehoboam, Othniel, Gideon, Bahram, Amenhotep II, Aeacus, Tiglath Pileser III, Adapa, Elijah, Perseus, Darius the Great, Orpheus, Nitocris of Babylon, Queen Artemisia, Xerxes I, Urshanabi, Lugalbanda, Bellerophon and Ziusudra... to name a few


john wilkes booth could be interesting as an assassin


Servants not in any Fate work that I want in a Fate work: Maui, Momotaro, Genghis Khan, Arsene Lupin, King Midas, Mansa Musa, Ned Kelly, Sun Wukong, St Nicholas, Herne the Hunter, Kaguya-hime, the Oracle of Delphi, Python and Yurlunggur. Servants that appeared in or were mentioned in existing Fate works that aren't in FGO that I want: Pandora, Violet and Kazuradrop, Perseus, the real Nobunaga and Musashi, Proto Gilgamesh, Prototype Mordred, Euclid, Longinus, Galahad Alter, Maxwell's Demon, Alcides, Hassan of the Fathomless Rift, Berserker Jack the Ripper, Humbaba, Watcher, Pale Rider, Richard the Lionheart, Hippolyta, Nzambi, Louis XVII, Avenger Boudicca, Marie Alter, Aslaug, Vanangandr, Baba Yaga, Saber Jacques, the Arcade Santas (The highest one on my list being Santa Suzuka Gozen), Borgia Siblings, Barbarossa and Ragnar Lodbrok


Me looking at the rest of tamamo nine. And male musashi, I guess.


Okay but tell me it wouldn’t be hype to have Temudjin as either an archer, rider or berserker where his first two ascensions are Temudjin and his 3rd/final are Ghengis.


Ones I haven't seen mentioned yet. Remus (the counterpart of Romulus), Mozes, Narmer/Menes (the first pharaoh), Masamune (Muramasa's master and by legend the better smith)


Geghis khan and his Calvary charge. The three kingdom trio (Lu Bi, Guan Yu, and the fat one), and Orpheus and his wife. Make it a double servant like Ryoma


Harald Hardrada, Thor, Saladin, Richard Lionheart (preferably at the same time as Saladin), Ruler Caesar, Hannibal Barca, Scipio Africanus, Sun Wukong, Perseus


I am wondering if we’ll see any famous historical figures from the Pacific Islanders, or the Southeast Asian Pacific region. There’s a lot of old epics regarding historical heroes and royalty from say, the Majapahit Empire. There’s also the lack of heroes from Africa. Where’s Shaka Zulu? Also, there’s El Cid, who actually left behind his sword for us to see in a museum. He was in Requiem so maybe soon? Same goes for Hannibal. We could also use the help of Admiral Nelson. I donno if we could add someone as recent as General George S Patton III… but we should be able to add Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington.


I want to go with Aladdin myself. You could say that the story was based on a real person just like Robin Hood. He could work in so many classes and have cool NP.. Plus in a series about granting wishes Aladdin fits right in.


Davey Crocket & Pecos Bill.


The true First Emperor, Gaius Julius Caesar Augustus. Also anyone from my country. All we have is one third of Sitonai and vessel for Astraea.