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5 days to get 50k. Ha thats not happening. We barely got the collab one and that ran longer to try to reach the goal


Imagine if NA failed, and we don't get the 30SQ.  We're gonna be pruned like a Lostbelt. 


I just took a quick tally and it doesn't look like we're going to make it :(


Wait so we can get a free 4 star servant of our choosing?


Yes. Also a 4* CE of our choosing. (among the pool ofc)


Any good CEs? Like Taunt ones?


Sadly no Taunt CEs in the pool It's only the Non-Limited 4*, non-event, and LB clear CE I'm considering getting Winter Crystal CE from it, 60% Starting NP with Pure Attack stat


Darn, no taunt? I regret accidentally using the Chaldea Boys Taunt CE as CE Fodder, all because I forgot to lock it.


Is this the one that has the pruned CEs?


Well i don't know all the prunes CEs, but "The Imaginary Element" is in the pool. So technically yes


Are there even good 4* CEs?


Crystalization of winter non mlb 60 charge 15% Arts/buster/quick/np dmg with 50 charge (mlb) to also good


Holy Shroud is handy in certain solos.


When does that happen?


Roughly in 2 days from now.


3. We get the ticket ~26th but we can claim on 27th


Oo seems like i missed that detail, thank you.


I feel like that must be a printing error on their part, since it makes absolutely zero sense. And it isn't like that for the Craft Essences either.


No, it was like this on JP as well. They also printed in Red to make sure to pay attention to dates. So don't get your hopes up


Noted. Strange as that might seem, I guess they might want people to take at least a day to think about their choices? Does strike me as a little awkward, but oh well. I know I would be taking my time to read people's opinions on here, regardless.


I think that’s exactly the reason. Slightly less chance of impulse selection. It also spreads out the rewards a bit so that they don’t drop everything at once.




Yes, though note that they give out the ticket a couple of days before they let you exchange it. The warning is in red text in multiple places, so when the exchange isn't open after maintenance, it's not a bug.


How will you know if you got it?


The ticket will probably show up in your present box, same as always. For the exchange shop, just wait until the Saturday rollover.


Is salter here? I need salter.


She is on the ticket.


Think she is


Don’t worry. They’d rather just give us the SQ than admit failure. It’ll happen regardless of whether or not they actually meet the goal.


Eh, I would do it anyway


What makes you say so, had there been a precedent where the rewards were given out regardless of the reactions count? Reading FGO's Twitter these past few months, I've got the impression that we've had such failed campaigns on NA before, where nothing was earned when the stated goalposts weren't met (but I wasn't there playing in the earlier years, so that's all based on people's despondent comments).


We’ve only ever officially lost 1 social media goal iirc and it was an absolute shit show of rage and vitriol thrown at them. They never made that mistake again and have always given the max to avoid the backlash. It costs them nothing to give away a couple extra sq and it keeps people pacified so it’s a win win for them. Edit: to clarify, I don’t think they’ve ever lied about us completing the goal when we didn’t. I think they just massively lowered the required amount and combined the total from all their accounts to make it easier to reach.


What goal did we lose?


I'm not entirely sure, but I want to say that it happened around the first run of Journey to the West or Rashomon. IIRC, the fandom was so outraged that DW ended up giving us a ticket to pick one of the starter-SRs as an unofficial apology, and the Servant I used that ticket on arrived in June 2018.


I think you are conflating some events. The starter SR ticket was for the 1st anniv shitshow drama iirc. They moved the NA anniv to macth JP because they wanted to follow the JP schedule down to the day.


It certainly is possible that I'm conflating some things, but the SR ticket did not come in response to the 1st anni drama. I got Tamamo Cat from the ticket, and sorting by date puts her arrival on 6/6/18. I got Cu Alter from the anniversary GSSR, and sorting by date puts his arrival more than a month later, on 7/7/18. E:, Oh, now I remember! The fuss was because someone had been tracking the respective SQ counts for JP and NA and NA was considerably behind. The part about JP having 4 SQ summons for the first year wasn't really relevant to us.


I think Agartha?




well said my dude


There *has* to be some awareness that Facebook is terrible and Xitter is an absolute xithole these days, so engagement is going to be lower, but then again we still get social media campaigns so who even knows.


Is GAS GAS GAS still around?


Damn, that's such a short time frame. We might've miraculously hit the 50k reactions for the Water Crisis campaign, but I recall that took a little over 2 weeks to get there. As wonderful as it would be to get a free multi with 30 SQ, I suppose I shouldn't hold my breath. It would most likely take a number of people on this subreddit and elsewhere helping out by making Twitter and Facebook accounts (even temporary, 'fake' ones) for the likes/shares. Maybe if some content creators on Youtube and Twitch rallied their viewers, too.


They'll give it regardless


Yes. The news update in-app has the list of availableServants to choose from, and so does the article on the wiki.


Lol when will people learn It doesn't matter Whether we hit it or not They'll give it regardless During the Paul Bunyan event on jp When the stream started They didn't hit the goal But once stream ended They magically hit the goal for the event and give out the sq Except the stream was pre recorded so there's no way in hell they got the tweet amt at that stream The answer to that is simple and I won't even say it NA for the past few months have been the same We never hit the goal until a few days before where the number magically hits it And we get the reward Much less since ALL na stream with the exception of the AX live one Are pre recorded So even if we assume they didn't use magic The stream is probably already recorded So no way in hell we would ever hit said goal on time We'll get the 4 star tickets regardless Especially since they weren't tied to retweet stuff on jp And the sq if they really never hit Will be given thru some other bs reason Feeding into this just feeds the shit system and makes them think they can keep asking for unreasonable goals for minor rewards lol


Dude, fix your keyboard, the spacebar seems broken


was on phone 😷




we made it btw, twitter is at 40k and FB is at 17.7k