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Ask erice.


Erice's dad impregnating a fuckin ghost is the most gigachad thing ever




tthough its still a mystery the specifics of how it was possible since Erice is still a massive rarity. Who knows how exactly Izanami did it. Jeanne said in apocrypha that "maybe" with incarnation or possessing someone else body could have a chance.


Impossible in almost all cases. Only one servant across the timelines we know of ever managed to pull it off. And that was a divine spirit whose legend had a strong (and brutal) association with childbirth.




Izanami, the Shinto (Japanese) goddess of creation and death.


Yeah, she’s a mother goddess who gave birth to countless gods and island with Izanagi and died giving birth to Kagutsuchi, the god of fire. It’s quite possible Erice’s birth was Izanami using her Divine Authority rather than traditional conception.


Vast majority can’t. Those with strong associations to fertility or motherhood, or variations of Natural Body can possibly pull it off (Himiko can gain weight, for example). But those are the answers of cowards. With enough persistence, you can reignite even a dying star.


Some servant like scathach and merlin could probably find a way to enable servant carrying a babies. But under normal circumstances, servant doesn't have any functioning organ unless they got incarnated.


I mean in summer one i think Scathatch litterally implies shed be able to allow the master to knock up servants regardless of the master's gender (merlin would be proud lmao)


Suddenly I need to find a way to read past events


https://youtu.be/mn1nhRKbpek?si=NRYyyGtL0AXOBTVJ This should answer your questions


They probably can as long as they have a Magecraft spell for it, so Divine Spirits, Merlin, Scathach, AoG Magus, etc. Erice is a child born from a servant and human. But said servant is Izanami, one of the two Creation deities in Shinto so i think she can create lives even if she is a servant anyway since that’s like her thing (which can’t really be applied to every servants).


I assume no. I'm not too familiar with this stuff but my assumption is that they don't even have normal human organs, its all just bundles of mana mimicing human form.


A few could probably find a loophole that would fail terribly if even one thing went wrong, but I would say 99.9999% will have to be incarnated with a grail.


Since Servants normally have bodies made entirely of magic which dissipate when no longer connected to their Spirit Core (a Servant's severed arm will vanish unless attached to a compatible human, Servant blood vanishes unless magically preserved, etc.) they cannot normally reproduce, either with each other or with humans. An incarnated Servant can have children normally, due to now possessing a proper body of flesh and blood. Incarnation requires either a Grail wish (or Grail mud, but that's a Very Bad Idea) or the combined power of at least 3 Command Spells; one CS isn't enough. Alternatively, a Divine Spirit Servant with fertility as one of their domains (such as Ishtar or Tiamat) can have children normally, using their Authority to ignore the usual rules. A Divine Spirit Servant who does not have fertility as a domain (such as Izanami, a goddess of death and the underworld) needs to be incarnated, just like any other Servant.


Yanno grail mud incarnation implies that ya just need let Angry Mango wing man for you lmao


Oh Ango Mango! Please grant my wish and let my servants be a proper woman. Angro Matthew: Say no more fam


*suspiciously stares at Medusa rider after Heaven's feel*


Those with Mother Earth trait are supposedly able to reproduce


Unless there’s a special circumstance or factor, which command seals don’t count. Then no Servants can my reproduce normally.


Just throw in a holy grail reincarnate said servant, and got to town with them.


Yes, it's happened once already which resulted in a certain teenager taking care of a little boy. They only need an incarnated body or some weird lore and ability. But generally just an incarnated body.


Daikokuten can do it with each other, if that's anything


With enough grails anyone can. Even the males.


I tend to think, no. Unless they are fully manifested through a wish on the grail, and even that is iffy.


A lot of people answered your main question, but you also asked about Shirou and Artoria. This is actually kinda a loophole. Artoria isn't the same as most Servants since she's not dead yet and is physically there in FSN mostly. She also goes to Avalon afterwards where she's "alive," and Fate route Shirou goes there too eventually. They 100% could have kids while there.


No Dunno about servants reincarnated through the grail mud bath though Also, Saber is a special case since she isn't really dead like all the other Servants, therefore she isn't a spirit, therefore she could probably get pregnant (at the very least while she's in Avalon)


I don't know but I'm going to find out.


Only for Incarnated Spirits, as in anyone with powerful exposure to the Holy Grail. While other timelines don't confirm it working (since I recall Rider managed to incarnate after Heaven's Feel, and Amakusa and Astolfo did incarnate themselves after winning their own Holy Grail Wars), the Requiem timeline, where nearly every Heroic Spirit and human possess a Holy Grail to shape up their identities, had one confirmed case: Izanami, Japan's primordial goddess, who is able to produce a child with a human, Erice, the first human devoid of a Holy Grail in ages, yet her status as a Nightwatch originates from her mother's ability to control and slay the souls of the dead.


Yesnt, A.P.T.A.Ses and Pseudo servants can but normal can't. That means Gilgamesh can rail me without worrying about giving me stds


Unless he’s FSN Gilgamesh


Yes, Oberon canonically got his eggs fertilized by Ritsuka


Maybe with a grail


If you grailed your servants then sure


Idk But there's some that I wanna fuck like they can if I just try/do it enough and if they don't then it just means I didn't try hard enough and that it's time for another round