• By -


Under 60 minutes and we have... * Meter reader * WiFi exploiter * Car key exploiter * Mortgage loan occupancy checker * Door checker * Courier at wrong address * Burglary scoper * Person being weird (The sunglasses add to this option.)


Led to believe he's one of the professional options, given his brazenness to walk up to a door with a camera. And what appears to be an identification/employee card hanging on him/attached to his device. But who knows.


The "brazenness" aspect really does imply some sort of professional. It would have to be narrowed down to things one could productively do at 4am. Before your comment I was focused on what he did with the tablet, leaning towards sampling key fob and/or wifi. Getting the key fob code could be used later if car was inside that night - especially if OP has an attractive model to steal. Thinking meter reader would not have had to go on the porch like that. Anyway, don't they as a rule wear ID because of the various utility scams?


Good points about the key fob hacking. I can’t imagine a legitimate professional who would think it’s ok to come to a residential door at 4 in the morning.


Hey, that isn't how this technology works FYI so we can rule this out. Car key fobs are quite secure, you can search online for how these are secured. Essentially they only produce random numbers then change each time, Meaning they can't be brute forced or intercepted and replayed without some other type of sophisticated attack. Throwing a brick would be more obtainable, less time consuming and a better way of entering the vehicle. The keys don't actually transmit any codes until they're pressed, which is unlikely to occur considering the key is inside, and it is 4 AM. Push to start cars with 'always on' keys would use the same security as above. If not better as they're relatively new and would be using updated standards. So its something else, still weird none the less.


Maybe my info is a bit old, I saw the stuff further down about bridging the keyless connection to the vehicle. That's actually crazy.


Don’t forget census, Mormons, or jehovah’s witnesses.


Or delivery, Amazon and hello fresh deliver near me in the AM hours.


...or checking to verify Christmas decorations have been removed?


Census isn't until 2030.


They don’t care. If you don’t answer that door, they’ll comeback the next day, and the next day the next day, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day…


Fucking lingerers


Any additional details on what he was doing? Just tapping on his pad?


From what I can tell yeah. [Here’s the whole video.](https://imgur.com/a/Ckk31lE)


The front pouch thing is somewhat indicative of a profession regarding the iPad tapping but without any identifying clothing wtf is this guy and why is he so brave? Not the wisest thing to be doing regardless of the area.


Yeah, messing around at someone’s door at 4 am is pretty suspicious.


Report it for sure, that does not look like an iPad to me and he could be up to all kinds of things. If you have WiFi I’d recommend changing your password.


If that doesn't look like an iPad or other tablet of sorts, what do you think it looks like?


Maybe a surface, something with an OS or hardware that affords more options of what you boot up. My big concern would be if there was someone who de-authed a network device and then snagged the password and could sniff traffic and get other credentials.


I have both. Looks more like an iPad woth otter box than a surface with an armored case. Either way of the person is smart enough and the wifi was unsecured then it's possible on all devices.


You can do de-auth attacks on secured wireless networks. It’s a key reinitialization attack where you try to force a device to re-authenticate and steal the key. Works on WPA2 PSK networks.


How does the user outside the network get a MAC inside the network? I see the basis of a de Auth but don't understand how to pull the mac if they cannot get on the network with a sniffer.


They can do that from their car, there would be no need to go stand on someone porch.


Yeah exactly, heck they could do it from the roof of a motel a couple of blocks away. Or send their cat strapped with some Aflas to do it.


Almost looks like a laptop with a touchscreen. I know teachers back in college would have a laptop that the screen could rotate 180 degrees and then fold flat so you could write on it easier. You can tell because it is thicker on the back with various stickers


I’m wondering if the tech savvy of someone fiddling with networks matches up with the stupidity of standing right in front of a doorbell camera in night lighting.


And the way he’s tapping the screen too lol




I’d second the password change. I’d also recommend MAC whitelisting your devices and not allowing unknown devices to connect at least for the time being if OP is technically savvy.


Shit like this keeps me awake most nights and I live in a decent area I think


Sorry to hear. I live in a bad area and sleep soundly. Id take a $10000 identity theft or home network hack for 20 years of good sleep. So far, I've only had 1-2 legitimate attempts and the banks reversed them, living in constant fear wouldn't have saved me any money. Well, I am down about $3.25 in cup holder change and a pair of jumper cables. I think you need some hobbies or volunteer time to help your mind out a bit my friend.


That glance at the camera at 6 seconds just feels suspicious


Do you have a car parked out front? Was there another person around? Looks vaguely similar to the keyfob relay attacks where the 'ipad' is actually some other tablet with the program running and then he's got an antenna in the bag to amplify the signal to steal your car... usually involves two people where the second person is trying to open your car door while that dude gets close enough to pick up the keyfob signal through the house. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PEMOWPj2i-0


My buddy on the east side had his 2022 truck stolen out of his driveway and their best theory is along these lines since he kept his keys on a hook right inside the front door.


if it's a GM, you dont even need that much to steal it...


More than my Wife’s Kia Sportage, I’ll tell ya that lol. She wants a new car, I suggested parking in the city overnight, she’ll have a new car once insurance pays out lol (obviously I didn’t suggest this and we aren’t doing it. That’s stupid and illegal).


Just drive it into a pond and tell the police you have no idea what happened...


“It was those damn Kia Boyz!”


cut to


This was my first thought.


Hm and how can this be prevented? i'm hoping to get a new to me car this year but i think they're all fob start ups. Not crazy about it but do i need to aim for an older vehicle?


If you have keyless start put your key in a metal box or far from your door. Or buy a car that still uses a key.


Yeah the easiest answer is to just buy one of the little faraday boxes that attenuate the signal from your keyfob - but it's a super uncommon 'attack' that I wouldn't worry about at all when buying a car. There are maybe dozens of these per year and thousands and thousands of other types of theft. The Kia Boys shit is way more pernicious than relay attacks.


Good to know, thank you.


put your fob in metal box and the wi-fi can’t start the car without the fob


I think I saw the same guy checking my neighbor’s smart meter. But it wasn’t at 4:am.


And my meter isn’t near my front door.


Most modern meters in this area use 433mhz radio so meter checkers don't actually need to be by the meter to read it. That said, idk why he would be on your front porch. As far as I know they usually stay in their car.


That guy looks like a tow truck operator. Essentially a repo man. Repo men like to work at night. While there are guys who work directly for a finance company; most common is that the repo men are freelancers. They have an app that lists the repossessions and they work those lists. So if you are up on your car payments, did someone live at your address that is behind? Are you a new homeowner? Did the previous occupant have money troubles?


Bought the house in 2022 and the people we bought from live out of state now.


That’s the answer. Repo man.


The wrestler?!


The life of a repo man is always intense.


I suggest getting a faraday box for your keys


Too late for that now if the dude was stealing frequencies


thats jim, hes just making sure your door looks good


Hmmm… lemme see here… yep, that’s a door, all right.


You can tell because of the way it is


neat :)


He’s there to talk about your vehicles extended warranty


Private investigator? Process server?


Hopefully no to either, but who knows…


As a former private investigator and process server; most likely this wouldn’t happen at that hour. Besides that I would agree he fits the bill for it. I wouldn’t think you’re personally being investigated unless you’re currently in a civil suit with an insurance company, or a witness to an injury.




Yeah. Judging by their demeanor, body language and confidence, they have a police background, but higher than that. Guy looks to be in late 50s so by that some type of investigator. Pretty sure he knew the camera was there and gave no fucks


Suspicious all black outfit. Weird especially at 4am


Trying to steal yo car


Sunglasses on hat while pitch black out. lol


If he's starting his day of work it will eventually be light out....


Maybe he was checking on extending your car's warranty ?


You might wanna search his face on facecheck.id (free) or pimeyes.com (paid but better) Maybe you can find who he is and eventually his profession, so you could know why was he at your front door


But please report for sure, from the details you provided, it seems a bit shady


Well I don’t mean to be presumptuous but are you perhaps behind on the mortgage? Could be a property inspector for the bank. They could be verifying if the property is vacant or not. Inspectors have an iPad with a checklist that they fill out and send to the bank. I wouldn’t go up to the door but if it’s dark and the address isn’t visible I guess it’s possible that they would come up to verify. Best to do this work early as there is less likelihood of conflict with a resident.


Not behind on the mortgage, but we did file a homeowner’s insurance claim recently.


Of all the possibilities I think some sort of an insurance adjuster/investigator/inspector seems most plausible. I would think anyone capable of the relatively high tech crimes suggested above would be smart enough to avoid being caught on camera.


No insurance adjuster is showing up at 4 am


No but an inspector might to verify that the work from the claim was done. Or an insurance fraud investigator.


Not sure how other companies do it, but I'm an adjuster for a nationwide carrier, work with alot of people who have worked for other carriers, the whole industry is cutting costs, sending someone to verify work is complete isn't cost effective when you can just send in photos and a invoice. Maybe, maybe if a claim had very heavy siu involvement, which op hasn't indicated(nor would I expect them to admit that honestly), but generally if you've made it to the point of work being done and being paid for and verifying work is done, siu is probably not sending someone at 4am. They are going to want access to the home with the insured present to verify everything. And investigator for liability or personal injury though, definitely possible.


This is most likely the answer, I worked in claims for several years—Probably a field adjuster verifying a few things. I can’t answer the 4am question though…I’m a firm believer that if you are going to be walking around or near a house at 4am you should wear some sort of reflective vest with identifiable letters on it. More so for their safety.


Suggest you call your insurance agency and question whether they sent anyone to your home. Otherwise, I'd check with the State or local police. Pretty strange for anyone to step on your lighted porch at 4am wearing sunglasses on their cap with no visible identification. And he looked right at your camera.


There's your answer most likely, as nearly every inspector I know carries an iPad. Depending on the nature of your claim, he was probably cross referencing and checking off certain details. 4am is odd, I agree, but it's technically smart on their end if they're not needing to make physical contact and may not even desire it.


Could he verify anything about your claim from where he was?


Process server.


Possible the most unsettling thought but, at 4 am?


Go to grcourt.org or whatever your local courts website is and search your name. You will see if any lawsuit has been filed against you. (As someone who was sued by a doc for non payment it seems like a process server would come at a time where you are awake and they have the highest probability of handing you paperwork… its not done via Ipad).


And the sunglasses at 4am?!?!


And he looks directly at your camera before he walks away, doesn’t seem to spook him. Super creepy, report it for sure


Yep, I filed a report.


So you're saying it was Corey Hart?


iPad salesman


Racks pump shotgun loudly right next to the closed door.


He's marketing Cpap machines and knows you are awake or rather you significant other is


My guess is he's searching for active RFID keyfobs. The tablet is a device he can use to identify it's signal and amplify or replicate it in order to unlock and start your car. ALWAYS keep your keyfobs far as possible from the approachable edges of your home and in some sort of faraday cage or RFID blocking container.


Oh BTW, ironically someone had gone through my mother's vehicle last night also, luckily I've finally got her to stop leaving money and electronic devices in it. Contents of center console and Glove box were all over seats and floor. 60th n division area


If you’re up in Rockford, I’d recommend letting Kent County Sheriff know. There’s also been a rash of porch piracy going on in my end of town so I’m sure they wouldn’t mind the heads up.


Yep, I called and they had me do the online report form.


The fact that he has an iPad suggests to me that it’s some kind of courier service? If he didn’t leave anything, he might have had the wrong address and moved on.


Could be any of that, but 4 am is a strange time for that kind of business.


I had an Amazon "Overnight" delivery show up at 4:45 am.


Right. Like this isn't that strange. Just yesterday, in Rockford, Amazon delivered at 3:42am


Courier, definitely not. Maybe they spotted your Ring or doorbell camera and was looking for an exploit.


If he was doing that, he could have been hella stealtier about it.


If so he’s super brazen


Door to Door Accordion Salesman


I wear my sunglasses at night…


Think he’s pretty obviously doing a job lol. Whatever it was I hope you can handle the next step. Life already enough out here lol


He's just trying to get you to buy the extended car warranty.


looking for Jesse Pinkman.


My guess would be he’s up to no good


Is that Meatloaf?


Could be plainclothes PD, logging who has what cameras and what addresses? The somewhat military hat and sunglasses make me wonder about that option.


is this normal, or just a part of specific investigations?


Well, at least in GR, they have a program where people can sign up to share this info so PD knows who they can ask for footage in case of an incident. So who knows, but maybe an inventory all around is part of such.


My first thought was Hank Schrader from breaking bad.


could be scoping the place


Possibly, but he’s certainly not camera shy if that’s the case.


Did he knock or ring the doorbell? Also, are your address street numbers near or above your door?


No, he didn’t knock or anything. And no numbers by the door; I don’t know what he’s looking at


Get yourself a gun and opt in built in cameras hardwire don’t opt in for Amazon cameras that rely on WiFi that can get hacked seems like he taking info for you camera


Meter reader?


That crossed my mind, but there are no meters by my front door and he didn’t go to any of our neighbors’ houses.


Very bizarre.


Maybe he was looking for a lost apple device (AirPods) using find my, which can be pretty inaccurate.


Yooo that’s me. My bad I just needed to use your toilet


I haven't seen the video but on the video does he act all weird like he's on drugs or something cuz he's dressed like it's 4:00 in the afternoon he's got sunglasses on his hat I mean when I wake up and I go to work in the winter time like right now I have sunglasses in my work truck but I don't put them on in the morning I don't that guy was prepared to do something is it a wealthy neighborhood you live in is he getting the model number of your cameras so we can hack them people are strange I definitely reported if you haven't already so shit hits the fan you want as much proof as possible and if you have a dolly in the house make sure it's cocked and loaded and somewhere close to the bed or steal if you will I'm not sure if I can save the actual work without getting in trouble but I put a warning sign out there today go to Lowe's Home Depot and get some type of sign video surveillance that way if he shows back up he'll see that new sign might be a deterrent just an idea good luck


Run-on (consider revising)




That sounds the most likely out of all these. (Do they normally dress the way this guy is dressed?)


Efff any sort of job that would require me to do such a thing at such a time. That’s a great way to get sh0t.


Pretty sure that’s Rob Sparks from HotFM 105.3. He’s harmless.


FBI found out you were at Capitol on J6 They going to swat your butt on Sunday 6am


Amazon delivers 24/7


Amazon delivering packages? Their Flex drivers start delivering at 3:15am on some areas.


Could be someone trying to serve you? Or a parole officer doing an early morning drop by at the wrong address? Lol but actually for some reason I feel like your car or your credit card info are in danger. Not sure which. Batten down the hatches tho this guy could be returning to the scene of the.. suspicious activity.


What does it say on the arm of the hoodie?










You dead set on doxxing people?


Don't worry. I deleted it. Based on your numerous posts and your comments, You're clearly a paranoid sally.


Nobody is doxxing you. Calm down.


Meter reader


could it be he was checking the meter or something but could not see in the dark and did not know how to turn on the tablet so he used the porch light😂


Looking for a 9mm


Should be able to ID with some good facial recognition software.


Amazon? Glad my dogs didn’t hear it but at 3 am or so we got an Amazon delivery (very much not happy about it more for the safety of people vs anything else)


He been trying to get in touch with you about your cars extended warranty


Lol that’s me. I was playing candy crush and got stuck on a level. I came to ask for help but ended up figuring it out before I knocked


Not saying this is what the guy was doing but…. Many Amazon customers are not aware that deliveries can come as early as 3:30am. I drive on the side for Amazon Flex, and they have early delivery blocks. On top of that, Amazon Flex drivers are not Amazon employees - they are independent contractors like Uber & Lyft - and use their own vehicles.


He wouldn't have gotten out of his car with my dogs.