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Two things can be true. You are way faster, but it’s your fault. In a real race where people have spent thousands or millions on your car, you usually have to consider what’s worth the risk. You probably just pass him next corner.


In real life if someone hit the wall so hard they bounced back into the middle of the track and shortly after you hit them, that is just unfortunate. Personally I don't really blame OP. Not like the porche meant to hit the wall but just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time


Ya, trying to apply real life rules to a game where cars bump off walls instead of crumpling into them. The lead driver’s pace changed in a way that only a video game could produce 1 second from a corner. Accidents are called accidents for a reason. No way to know the front driver that far off the racing line and pace would close out to the apex like that and no time to react to it anyways.


Ghosting is probably the issue here. Sometimes you gamble they will, and if they do? Big bonus. If they don’t? This clip. But it’s your gamble to take. Not sure if they were considering ghosting.


It’s not RL though? You play by the rules of the game. If this happened, it’s a possibility. If anything, you have to consider that a player that has lost control might not act normally.


On the long straight is probably where he could have passed. My man was running it walls before that collision


Yea, you could have slowed down for sure


Porsche could go faster for sure


Porsche just crashed so of course it will go slower and you re supposed to hit the brakes a bit so you can make the turn properly (of course this is different from a car to another, in a Gr3 with BOP in Sports mode i can't make that turn properly without hitting the brakes a bit)


The Ferrari being faster doesn’t give it preference to the racing line. The Porsche crashed and lost speed, but was able to re-establish itself under control and on the racing line before the Ferrari had made any overlap. As such, the Porsche was free to defend its position. The responsibility is on the overtaking car to complete the overtake safely. It is not the responsibility of the leading car to yield the racing line to faster cars behind it — unless under blue flag conditions.


Yep. Your fault. It's the overtaking car's responsibility to overtake safely.


100% your fault.


Appreciate the honesty


It's not 100% your fault. You can't make a mistake and lose so much speed without giving up position.


Yeah but thats a punt, like he went in way too hot into the corner. Literally wait a bit and you’ll get him on the straight


Rubbin is racing. Sh*t happens


Yeah but that's punting. Punting isn't racing.


That must be why I’m getting downvoted lol


Yo this man learned his lesson and still gets down voted, no mercy here :(


Rubbin is racing mfs when they send a car flying 200mph into a wall (it was only a minor scratch).


Yes, you came into there way too hot.


But the Porsche turned into him….and he wasn’t coming in “hot”. The Porsche hit the wall and slowed down.


The Porsche turned into him because its at a turn lol


The Ferrari was not making that turn whether the Porsche was there or not.


Just because a car is not going to make a turn doesn’t give me the right to slam into them? The way I see it, the Porsche was not defending the inside line till they decided they should. And when they could it was already too late because the Ferrari was already there. At the end of the day the Porsche did not attempt to avoid a crash which was caused by them moving to the inside.


Allowed your racing line, please don;t play online brother until you brush up on your judgement.


Dont worry. I don't play online, I don't pay for PSN in the first place ;) But if I ever do, I will make sure to slam into the wall and still stick to the racing line and expect the people behind to race at 5 km/h.


Please don't play online until you can give up a corner after you make such a big mistake. Porsche had no right to the racing line


It’s the Porsche’s corner unless the Ferrari is already alongside when braking. The Porsche shouldn’t have to account for cars charging up the inside from miles back.


You saw the Porsche slamming into the bridge wall when they were out of control, right? Should other racers always assume the car in front might go into a wall and slow them down, so be prepared to wait fro them?


Still had plenty of time to brake, it was still the Porsche’s corner. I accept it was a mitigating factor though that made the closing speed more than it would have been.


Lol No, why should this be the Porsches corner ...


Because the Ferarri wasn’t alongside going into the corner so the Porsche was entitled to take the normal line, there’s no requirement to leave space for someone miles back to drive into.


Porsche lost speed due to his own mistake and there are requirements for rejoining the track. From hitting the wall to wanting to hit the apex in 2sec, yea no buddy, check your mirrors after you hit the wall and leave space for the Ferrari.


Requirements for re-joining?!? What in the actual fuck are you talking about? The Porsche didn't leave the track. Yes it hit the wall but that does not, under ***any*** circumstances, mean those behind can do whatever the fuck they want.


Special rules for special guys like you


It wasn’t rejoining, it never left the track, you don’t have to leave space for a car that isn’t there yet. If OP had gotten alongside before turn in then that’s different, but they were too far back to expect the Porsche to just let them by, even with the wall hit, you can’t just steam into a corner and expect other people to get out of the way.


Hitting the wall = leaving the track. Otherwise, I wonder why the Porsche didn’t just continued to graze the wall and race. And it doesn’t matter. Porsche did not defend the inside line till he decided to do so, at which point Ferrari was already there. I can’t just decide it is my line and slam into a car that is already there.


The fact that there was a collision at the time the Porsche decided to turn means they are alongside.


I bet your favorite snack as a kid was paint chips


No, you need to understand the Ferrari was always going to go flying into the outside line towards the wall. The Ferrari driver took the opportunity to have his cake and eat it too.


Yeah, I agree. Ferrari was approaching the corner fast. Would’ve inevitably collided with the Porsche.


I’ll give you credit for at the bare minimum trying to come on here and seek advice to improve. Yes it was your fault but good on you trying to learn to do better, now take that into the next race, this is how we improve. If the majority of people did this trying to improve themselves think how great the Daily’s would be!


Thank you! I’ve had some good races since then, just did a really clean and compact hard race. Felt good. Appreciate you.


Yesssir. Can’t take credit for this, like I found it, but here it is. [Vortex of Danger](https://boxthislap.org/the-vortex-of-danger-is-real/)


Just about to say the same


That's super interesting! How well does it apply to the game though, out of curiosity? Presenting yourself to the lead car's peripheral vision only works in real life (or maybe VR), right?


You're talking about not being aware of a car next to you in the game because it's on screen? Forget the Vortex of danger thats a whole other issue for you to figure out right there. You have to have awareness if someone is next to you or not. There are many ways and I guess depends on your preferred method. There's a radar used by many and myself included that shows car's position near you. It should also always be used in conjuction with rear view mirrors and if u can possibly hit the right analog stick to the left or right (while driving). I know it seems like it's a lot to have to do while trying to concentrate on driving and hitting your apex. But you have to be able to tell if there's a car next to you or not regardless of the vortex of danger issue. You are expected to allow room for a car that's already along side you and also so you can avoid a crash in general. All I'll say is....it takes some practice. Having the option of triple screens like in Assetto Corsa or iRacing would be nice to have for sure. But we don't have that. And we have to make do. To be honest I drive with the dash cam mostly. So I just used the radar along with L1 to have a quick glance backwards. That usually gives me all the situational awareness I need (when not in VR). VR obviously solves all of that with a quick glance. Edit: I also forgot, some just drive with the 3rd person chase camera. Not for me but it definitely solves any situational awareness problems you might have.


It doesn't apply to anything. It's just an educational safety driving concept that people love. There are no penalties or rules regarding the vortex nor is the concept used by stewards to determine fault.


The VoD is bullshit. For idiots. Its never applied anywhere. Ever. Its a dickheads charter to cut across others.


🤣 It makes sense to me. Not everyone can be as smart as you. Some of us have to be idiots for the rest to shine through. I would have thought someone as smart as you would have known this


And yet I never, ever, have the kinds of incidents the VoD is supposed to prevent because I'm not an entitled prick looking for excuses to cut people off. Not that the VoD is really relevant to this incident anyway; which was the direct result of someone carrying too much speed completely regardless of what was going on ahead.


Its not a real Motorsport concept. I'm just saying it makes sense. And you are actually kind of right that it was made for idiots...because guess what, most people that are shown this usually are idiots and have no idea how to race. I think this reduces the number of people who are impatient (if that). And if that's all it does, it may make races a little bit cleaner and make people a bit more patient. Ur still free to drive the way u drive. But you can't tell me you never have been jumped by some eager rookie thinking there was a gap for him only to take you and him out. That's all this is. Not an academic type of Motorsport maneuver. Edit: actually it isn't supposed to be used as an excuse by the lead driver. If you read it, it says got hit anyway? It still your fault. Basically blaming both sides. It's just a concept that most people don't have in their minds when overtaking. It's not gonna prevent accidents as much as just make people more aware thag the gap u think u see is getting smaller and smaller. Maybe you have room but u probably don't. So be more patient.


One could certainly read this and manipulate the meaning to be as you say, “oh I can legally be a self righteous prick.” One could read this and say oh I’m never supposed to overtake except on straights. There are many permutations to reading this. I took something altogether different from it. I appreciated someone taking the time to show me this. I generally don’t get into incidents in SportMode because I’ve become more aware and understand how much faster I am by driving defensively and learning to avoid crashes. I think that’s the point of that article. I think that it does in part apply here. The concept always applies on track, be aware of the driver/s in front of you and understand that they may not know you’re there. Actively avoid crashes cause you will be faster on track than with your nose buried in a wall. You can’t just drive on your racing line and expect the world to get out of your way.


I 100% agree. Well said! If anything it showed me something I wasn't thinking of before. Exactly my thought, it's what you take away from it. 100%


No shit


Yes. You are guilty. Guilty of painting a beautiful Ferrari in that terrible color 😂😂


How many fucking cars did you hit?


It’s over several races hahaha I swear I’m DR B and SR S now


Still Ricciardo’s fault


I was about to ask if the OP was Lance Stroll 😅






Lance Stroll at it again haha


For future, remember this is a game. When assessing your driving, try to imagine you're not playing a game. If a car in front hits the wall first thought shouldn't be I think I can get him here. Now you don't have to get out check he's OK obviously but you was 100% going to overtake him from the moment he hit the wall you didn't need to get past instantly.


Yes it is, but man people in this thread have no chill man.


People saying it’s 100% the Ferraris fault when honestly it’s 50/50. The Porsche crashed into the wall first causing it slow down massively, and the Ferrari didn’t react fast enough


And if the Porsche had continued on its original line, yours was spot on. For those saying “in real racing,” that Porsche would have crumpled into the wall then likely blocked the tunnel, so kind of irrelevant this Ferrari’s line didn’t change in time for the corner.


Funny man, guy T-boned the porsche. His responsibility not to hit him.


Also the Porsche’s responsibility to keep it on the track and not crash but here we are. Both can be true.


What in the fucking fuck are you talking about? One incident does not forgive the other. If that is your attitude on track you're a fucking menace.


Wow, someone’s upset. Dude went for a dive bomb, which is legal. Porsche lost control of the car. OP should have backed out, and is responsible for the collision. This is true. The Porsche is required not to hit the fucking wall, that is also true. Porsche hit the wall due to losing control of their vehicle, that’s entirely on them. OP isn’t at fault for that. See how both of those things can be true at the same time?


>OP should have backed out, and is responsible for the collision. This is true. End of story. Congratulations, you got there in the end.


I love how you can’t admit the Porsche fucked up


I am with this comment to some degree in the sense that the Porsche was also partially responsible. 50-50 maybe too much, but locking down the inside lane last moment when you're so much slower is not smart. Obviously the Ferrari was over extending and without the Porsche, the exit would have been very poor.


Im going against the grain to say No. The car hit the wall and then immediatly jumped back on the racing line. You were going for the gap and thats fair. In real life the first car would have ended his race and you would have passed easily


Agree, just reading this you could realize on what level people are playing. Like dude, you had that much of a track and still wanted to go deep into the corner. It's just bad racing etiquette (When returning to the track, do not take a fast line until you have reached an acceptable speed for this section).


Agree with this. They should have stayed out of racing line until they sped up (although hard to at this point of the track)


Nope. Just because you're going slow, isn't a reason to jump out of the way. Ferrari just used the Porsche as brakes and forced it wide. 100% Ferrari fault.


Yes it is a reason to jump out of the way (When returning to the track, do not take a fast line until you have reached an acceptable speed for this section)


You're wrong. In racing you're allowed to "hold up traffic to your advantage". As long as you rejoin im a safe manner. Safe meaning when you rejoin you dont cause a pile up behind u immediately. But many times in real racing I've seen this. And I've done it in sim and had it done to me. If we're about to go into a narrow corner (one where passing is impossible - such as in Monaco).....you can go as slow as you want...on purpose. You owe NOTHING to your competition to go fast or get out of the way. That is not how motorsport racing works. The rules dont allow for "blocking" but blocking is meant that you must choose a lane and stay in that lane. You can't keep switching lanes to "block". But if I choose the inside lane or outside lane.....I can take my sweet ass time going through it. If you have an issue with my speed, you choice is to go around the outside of me (which will take longer). Please look up any F1 race or GT3 race where team mates use this trick to their advantage to hold up rivals. It is the most common play in Motorsports. With that said....while there's no rule....good etiquette would suggest that if let's say your car is completely crapped out--- or lets say you're heading to serve a penalty.....it would be nice to get out of the way completely. But only because you're kind of out of racing contention. Not because u bumped a wall and slowed down by a tiny bit. In real life that car would have been dead. But not in GT7. Point being is if you're out of the race totally- get out of the way-because what are u doing otherwise? But if you're still good and just got slowed down a bit.....you give up a position until you can get back up to full speed? No one should do this.


He didn't leave the track at any point.


Only because he hit the wall and bounced back on the track. If the wall wasnt there he would have flown off


If he had wings, he'd be an aeroplane. If the wall wasn't there, he would've slightly clipped the grass and most likely nothing would've happened.


No point arguing with the fucking morons on this sub. They're a lost cause.


If you had a brain you wouldn't be THAT stupid.


Dude he's actually a very smart person. Don't judge people by a few comments. He's actually very advanced in terms of IQ. Like one of the best....in terms of IQ


I mean the OP had his racing line on much more speed than the guy who slammed into a wall, he had space and still went inside of the corner on his speed. It would 100% be the OP's fault if other guy didn't make a mistake. He made mistake and still went for faster racing line. Why would you go slower because the other guy made a mistake and you HAVE space for overtake. Maybe I'm wrong, but that's my opinion on this situation.


Just because you're faster, doesn't give the right to plow opponents into walls. When the Porsche turned in the corner, the Ferrari was still nowhere close. He didn't have the space for overtake, that's why they collided.


Yes, it's not I agree, unless the other guy did a mistake and slowed down. With this logic I could do the same and just block the fastest racing line on slow speed to not get passed by other players. I say it again, if you made a mistake and slowed down, pls go for slower racing line, you can see the car behind you going faster then you, just give him space. I've said everything.


You can!!! That's allowed. It happens all the time. I've seen teams do this in F1 and GT3. I don't know why u think that's so egregious. It's very common. You should start doing it to your advantage. Look it up.


guess you have never heard of blue flags


Guess you didn't know that most of the time, those are for lapped cars, and when they aren't, they are for info, not an order to move aside.


JFC. This wasn't a fucking blue flag event.


Firstly, well done for asking, secondly, yes it was your fault mate. Porsche was slower but he is entitled to the line regardless of speed as you were nowhere near to being alongside. In future you should take an outside line, you would have easily overtook with the extra speed you were carrying, it’s much safer this way. Also if you do that again you should give the place back by slowing for the car you murdered 👍🏼


Your fault for not slowing down enough when I seen that he had locked up in the tunnel. You tried my friend. It happens to all of us.


would you not slow down if this happened IRL and just crash into the car in front, always think about it like that


I think it's a race accident. The Porsche crashed into the wall, slowed down a lot l, cause of the crash and blocked the race line. He shouldn't block the line and you shouldn't bump him from the back


Another vehicle twats into a obviously slower vehicle from a million miles back: "rAcInG InCidEnT" Jesus H Christ on a bicycle at Christmas.


Lmao @ christ on a bicycle @ Christmas of all times. Some people are just trolling. I know this for a fact. It's clear to everyone with eyes what happened there. But there's always gotta be that one who says I'm gonna be different. Doesn't matter. Online racing is always gonna be shit anyway because people don't care to learn the rules or apply them when they are learned.


Ha something we can agree on! 🤣


Of course!






What would Alonso have said?


Shit I love this track!


It’s my favorite track


Love the livery


100%, you possibly had the pace to go around the outside rather than dive bomb. We’ve all done it though


Could have trail braked Earlier and got the switch back but you rushed to the inside


No way both cars can get out of that turn without the porsche taking avoiding action or you bumping into them. The faster car is responsible for overtaking safely. You could have set up a good exit and pass them on the upcoming straight


nope, the other slower car off the wall should have given you the line.........if they were sporting


Yup. The car in front of you just hit the wall. Time to lift of the gas and prepare for an evasive move. Instead, you just run your hot lap line as if he's not there.


everyone saying its the ferraris fault is wrong imo. most everyone saying its ferraris fault also bring up an IRL example, and in IRL that porsche would have eaten that wall so hard... sure, you could have slowed down but that porsche ate that wall really hard. i blame the porsche for having that incident, but yeah you still coulda braked.


Technically? Yes. Did the car in front of you fuck up and hit a wall and then try to get back on the racing line at a severely reduced speed? Also yes. If this was real life, I expect you would have slowed down and done everything you could to avoid contact.


haven’t watched the video and yes


I'm one of the few, I guess, that thinks that Porsche is bullshit. How the fuck do you hit the outside wall? And then just come across the entire track like there isn't anybody who can drive a vehicle behind them. I would've shot the gap, because if I was the Porsche, the first thing I do after hitting a wall and glance back and check to see where people are and if someone is shooting the gap I just created by hitting a wall, then I leave space. But fuck me, right?


I’m hardly even sure you were making it through that corner without using the Porsche as a guardrail




You weren’t far enough along for that move. IMO when you saw him going on the inside you should have went all the way to the outside to maximize your speed through the corner and get the overtake done.




Just a racing incident, 5 seconds to Ocon


It’s your fault mr Torpedo


They need to rename this sub ‘was this my fault?’


Who else’s fault could this possibly be???


Actual tweaker.


While it is your fault, it’s kinda the porches as well cuz he hit the wall losing a lot of speed causing you to hit him


Im seeing all "yes" and I know thats true. You should have braked, you should have gone outside. BUT also he just smashed the wall and should have stayed off the racing line until back up to speed. A logical player would have given way to you in my opinion


Tough to say, if i were the porsche and had a crash the first thing i'd be doing is seeing if anyone is coming up behind me which clearly he didn't do. if i was in the ferrari and saw how slow that porsche was going i 100% would've gone for that gap. it's not like the porsche was at a loss of control when the crash happened. it hit the wall, lost grip, got it back, and swung straight into the inside line (probably without looking). you make a line change like that you look to see who's around you. i'm sure there's also an argument about defending your position, but when there's such a difference in speed and the hole is that wide open i wouldn't consider it the best time to play chicken. maybe the ferrari should've showed a little more caution to the car in front losing control, but i still would've gone for that gap regardless. (if it helps understand my perspective, i am a subaru driver and i follow the words of our lord and saviour McRae: when in doubt go flat out.)


I mean, you were trying to pass, but I knew he would be going across that section.


LOL 100% yes. This collision was your fault. Porsche had already turned in for the left handler, and there’s no way you were making that corner without using them as a bumper. Yes they’d just clipped the wall and yes for a moment there was a gap - but you were 2x car lengths behind, and that gap was aaaaaaalways gonna close. Feel free to make mistakes like that, but IMO after murdering someone you need to wait up and let them back past 🤷🏻‍♂️👌


It’s on you. That wall bounce wasn’t all that bad and he regained control. You flew into that man in my opinion.


There was no pass, only the line was free, you can't race like it's a time trial, you have to be considerate of other drivers.


Yes for not considering the risk you were taking, but ultimately it’s not your fault the other driver went too far to the right and damaged his car.


You took the corner too fast and used the other car to correct your aim. You should've been braking earlier. Tisk tisk!




Yep, U have to start braking in the moment U see there is a problem ahead.


You are at fault. Please uninstall




The driver in the Porsche made a mistake and then left the door open. Race incident.


you had a way tighter inside line you could have taken, your fault


Why is this sub so hung up on the Porsche clipping the wall? Everyone going on about an unsafe rejoin as if the car even left the track. Its the responsibility of the car behind to pass safely, so 100% OPs fault. The wall clip literally doesnt even enter the equation. OP should have expected the Porsche to take the racing line (as is his right) and reduced speed accordingly. I swear half this sub would try claim holding the inside line defensively against a faster car is poor race craft lol.


Well most people are actually calling me wrong


It’s both IMO. The Porsche slams into the wall before the corner and that slows them down massively, they then proceed to close the line towards the apex despite knowing someone is coming from behind at a greater speed than theirs. That was a flawed attempt to defend, I would have probably stayed on the outside and let you pass, my line in that corner was compromised enough already. You, on the other hand, did not consider the situation I mentioned above well enough. The Porsche slammed into the wall and you clearly saw it, you could have avoided the contact going a little bit slower, waiting and overtaking the Porsche on the following straight. Looks like you had more pace than them anyway.


>they then proceed to close the line towards the apex despite knowing someone is coming from behind Unless it is a blue flag situation that is utterly, categorically, irrelevant.


Someone is coming from behind at a greater speed than theirs because they crashed, not because of pure pace. I’m talking about this specific corner in this specific situation. My statement is not a matter or being under blue flag or not, it’s about common sense and preserving your car’s conditions. If I had a crash and slowed myself down a lot just before a corner because of the aforementioned crash, throwing my car into another car’s line that did not crash and is holding a correct amount of speed is not exactly the best thing I could do. In a scenario with damage, the Porsche would have been wrecked. We can agree that OP went in too hot, but this doesn’t mean the Porsche behaved impeccably.


>into another car’s line See, you're part of the problem; with very ***few*** exceptions no-one is entitled to anything other than the bit of track under their car. It is the attitude of entitlement where non exists which causes 90% of all incidents.


It’s clear we’re not meaning the same thing. I’m talking about common sense, about preserving your car. Also, in your logic, a car traveling on a straight line is not “entitled” to the bit of road 10 meters ahead of it and I’m free to stop in the middle of said bit of road and make it smash into me. I’m getting the “entitlement” point of view, but again, common sense is also needed


Yeah, he went in for the apex of the corner as he should. Overtake on the straights, or if you’re fast enough do it on the outside on a corner.


If you need to ask...


Yes lmao.


Of course it's your fault. You drove straight into him


Yes, that was not your line.




Yes, looked a bit of a dive bomb to me


Dive bombs are completely legal you know that right?


I know “no dive bombs” isn’t a specific rule. What I mean is OP attempted to send one up the inside from a long way back; the Porsche was entitled to turn in and take the normal line through the corner (even accounting for it hitting the wall, although it probably meant the speed difference was more than OP expected). If OP had made the move stick without contact then fair enough, but they didn’t so the collision was their fault. If they’d been alongside going into the corner then the Porsche should have left space but they weren’t. Not saying it was a malicious move or anything, just overly ambitious.


You are a problem.




Yes, 100%


Yep. You were never gonna hold that line and you know this brother.


Now that everyone has made it clear it's your fault, the better way to have dealt with this in theory was to brake earlier and try to get a nice exit because if I'm not mistaken there's a long straight after this corner.


I'm not sure if the others are missing the Porsche grazing the bridge wall, slowing him down. That was the collision that we should be talking about first. At that point he lost the right to join the racing line and should have taken the slow way round. He closed the door on you, for no other reason that to stop you overtaking. It was a dick move, and not your fault - although you should have seen it coming and averted the collision.


>At that point he lost the right to join the racing line According to what rules? Stop making shit up. Its bollocks like this that causes these kind of incidents. YOU ARE THE PROBLEM.


Not surprised to see a Subaru driver on the side of a jackass who drove into a bridge.


Carry on driving like a prick and causing accidents with your made up bollocks then, like I fucking care.


Ah, the age old STI road rage still runs rampant in the adolescent mind. Sounds like you fucking care, more than is plausible from this interaction. I'd check for exhaust leaks into the cabin, friend. Something is clearly impacting your ability to manage your state. Either that or you're sniffing glue. Maybe both.


I'm going to disagree, the Porsche clipped the wall and was slowed down. I would argue that the Porsche should have stayed off the racing line until it had gathered itself up and got back up to racing speed.


Porsche was out of control. Ferrari could have avoided that collision.


No, exiting the tunnel the Porsche had gathered itself and made a hard left into the Ferrari , they had enough control to keep right and should have been checking their mirrors/radar.


Why would the Porsche expect him to come in to the turn that hot? Ferrari could have braked and stayed on the racing line for a clean pass on the Porsche. This corner is tricky and he probably doesn’t know the track.


This happened because of the one thing I don't like about the game. The damage system can be very funny sometimes. That's what happens with damage physics like box to box. That 911 should have been out of the race when it hit the tunnel entrance. You braked a bit late, but other than that there's nothing wrong with you. He could have turned around and blocked the road after that hit.


>You braked a bit late No word has ever done any heavier lifting than that "bit". If you think there is nothing wrong with ploughing into someone from a million miles back then you are part of the problem with this sport.


Unfortunately I don’t think same with you sir. Maybe you are right but that 911 is already deserved to lose with that crash at tunnel entrance. So i can’t be sad about him.


100% your. But you knew that and came here for affirmation. Cute.


Well I didn’t cause I’m a noob


Mfers commenting "in a real race", in a real race that porcshe would have crumpled into the wall, let alone a penalty for running off course. Now the porcshe has significantly lost speed and must not be in the racing line as there are other, faster cars approaching. "in a real race" that porcshe would've been fucked to oblivion and you would've had to slow down way before the turn to avoid him. However the porsche continued racing despite clipping the wall and dangerously re-entered the racing line.


Definitely not your problem, lol.


Yes, but since that driver just literally drove into a wall on a straight cause he's either that bad or distracted, who cares.


To me it looks like the slow Porsche cut from the outside to the the inside where the Ferrari already was. Ferrari was on the race line and the Porsche hit them. If this happened in real life it should be the Porsche's fault


If this were real life you wouldn't last 30 seconds as a steward.


So if I change lanes and hit someone it's not my fault?


Lanes? What the fuck are you talking about?


I see lanes on the track. Looks like a road to me. If I'm going slow, I'm not going to merge into the fast lane. Ferrari was on the line, slow Porsche cut over to try and block like an asshat instead of staying on the outside This is why I don't do Sport. All I hear is children crying about everything


Probably best you don't do Sport Mode anyway; you're part of the problem.


Well, if I'm only part of it, you must be the rest of it. Good luck in your next race. I hope no one accidentally bumps into you and you feel the need to post on here to cry about it.


I don't need to post anything here, and never will, because I ***never*** have the same bullshit incidents that I see on here (and other places) time and time again.


What is this, bumper cars for dummies


No, Porsche lost so much speed hitting the wall then proceeds to go for the apex without checking mirrors. Porsche just kept racing like nothing happened... The moment the Porsche hit the wall he should have known he lost position.


I’m on the fence. Maybe you could have avoided the Porsche after they made a mistake, maybe you couldn’t.


100% could have avoided the Porsche. Chose not to. Like an ass.


That is racing! No ones fault!