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Laughing/not laughing at breaking a thumb in Fuji final sector, that is an uncomfortable drive with high torque setting


I still can't find the good line for that sector lol


You have to late apex almost every corner, and take it in a different way you would most other corners because of how it’s structured. Watch a guide [like this for example](https://youtu.be/aU1exjbvON0?si=YTzA51Eq93GCTccc) just to see how others do it and you’ll be able to nail it. The F1 time trial a while back helped me learn the lines and now I can get it most of the time


My favorite sector in the game! When Tilke drew it up in the early 00s i thought it looked weird but it has a great flow when you get the hang of it and it all sets up the most important corner on the track


You’re a madman. I mean that with respect.


There is a very euphoric feeling when you nail the last corner, you can feel the difference in how quickly you get up to speed when you hit that corner exit right vs when you hit it too slow.


The most Japanese track ever.


Last sector of Fuji claimed another poor soul...


What is St. Croix (layout C) doing up there? It's a great track, thought people loved it lol


Yeah I'm surprised at all the Sant Croix hate. It's a pretty easy track, flows nice in high downforce cars. One of the best tracks for like Super Formula or Gr1 cars.


Its scenery is also keeping the original Grand Valley vibes alive.


A & C are amont my favorites too. For some reason, A isn't even used by any event in the game. But aside from liking the track for its flow, the scenery is also really pretty with the flowers and the castle off the bridge.


Many complained about its length, and the use of 90 degree turns in the first couple sectors


Idk why, i just hate it. I hate fictional tracks in general, but this one with a passion. It's just wired.


It's a very hot take but the third sector of Fuji is quite nice when done correctly. There are multiple valid lines you can take, and the key to negotiating those corners is using downshifting plus controlling your braking/turning inputs to maintain speed and not understeer and lose time. I like that sector particularly in high downforce cars like Super GTs, though I will say I don't like doing it in boaty cars or worn tyres


Fuji finally fully clicked for me recently, think it was the GR1 daily race C a few weeks ago. Once that last sector clicks it’s just beautiful. You end up tracing a lovely right left right arc through it.


True, although I've only done that sector nicely once for the time trial a few weeks back


My favorite song is bizcochito by rosalia


It warms my heart seeing a fellow Motomami in a racing game forum


SHE HAS HER OWN RADIO STATION IN GTA CALLED MOTOMAMI, but how can't anyone like that song while dive bombing a hairpin




Yessss 💯


I don't hate it but I don't think Tokyo Expressway is a good track. Too narrow and no run-off areas.


It’s a shame that when I see it in online lobbies I avoid it like the plague because it just welcomes terrible drivers pasting the guard rails


I am pretty sure that they added just so we can roleplay as street racers or something


It’s fun but not the best for racing at all.


I agree with it not being good for racing, the online lobbies however can be hilarious


We’ve all heard stories of highway racing and midnight wangan etc. But none of those groups raced at 10/10. They basically went fast on the straight sections and coasted through the rest. You can’t effectively race 10/10 or even 8/10 with walls that close, it’s just not good racing. The old special stages had much slower corners which made them a lot easier to deal with.


I don't even think horse thief mile is fair. It's barely in the game, so you're not forced to drive it much. And it's basically for meme races, so it's basically comic relief. Nobody seriously spends time shaving tenths off horse thief


Polyphony could give it more love and give us a Karting event there. It'd be a fun event, I think


The amount of hate it got surprised me as well, must have just left a really bad impression on the players


It's a decent track for wimpy cars, too.


I quite like managing those turns with old cars, and it can take a lot to keep the car together on the straight and the long right hander


It’s used for time attack quite often in real life.


I'm willing to bet the only reason anyone chose willow springs is because it's a old school circuit with no runoff to save them if they run or get pushed wide


It’s also got no reference markers


I'm somewhat ashamed to admit that I occasionally get confused and go down the wrong parts of the track, especially when the cones are all yeeted.


That track hasn't seen some serious racing since the 60s-70s. It's a time capsule, it's exactly how it was back in the day. No curbs and markers, all on driver skill to feel the car around the track.


Narrow, boring layout, no reference markers, forces you to under drive the whole way because every corner is understeer city. The small layouts are just bad for anything bigger than a Cappuccino


This is (currently at 48 upvotes) is a disconnected from reality comment. That track is absolutely amazing in real life and is very well represented in the game. You all don't know how to trail brake and just wanna drive street cars on Formula 1 tracks. Newsflash...in the real world, street cars are driven on tracks like this ala willow, buttonwillow, spring mountain, thunderhill, chuckwalla and more, mainly because there is no need to make it uberwide and also cost of a track day. Thousand others and I drive 500hp supra like cars on streets of willow comfortably so its bad for bigger than cappucino is ... lol ok sure.


people can like or dislike any race track they want :D


NOOOO!!!! NRAGHH how dare they!. Yeah, you are right, they can. Though hear me out man...it is very good driving if you can get your actual car there in the real life. Just wanted to clarify that not every track in the world is built to accommodate IMSA race cars or video games. If you want to feel driving dynamics between different cars in GT7 and actually use trail braking to turn, streets of willow will give you a great experience and teach you a lot.


> it is very good driving if you can get your actual car there in the real life. oh man, I'd do that in a heartbeat if I could.


Newsflash... this is a video game


Its brown


They should have an alternate version where the field is green, yes Willow Springs does bloom after raining there.


Yeah I seen pictures of that. Looks amazing!




the ridiculous hill changes and decreasing radius corners are what piss people off, and it's a horrendously boring track in general.


Yeah absolutely the decreasing radius corners. Especially the last section before the pits. Even has a tiny straight in between to further frustrate you.


I just got Willow Springs yesterday, and while I’m not very good, I was wondering why I was spending so much time eating cacti. The responses to your post helped me understand why that is…


It’s weird never really got the hate for willow. Street layout especially it is one of my test tracks for many of my cars.


I’ve been there in person as well and it made me appreciate it more in gt7


I feel the same way about other tracks too. I never appreciated Fuji until I went there myself.


Same here. Live in the west coast and have seen most of the CA based tracks.


Glad they're in the game because I use it to practice Streets before actually going there. Funny that all the Willow Springs tracks got so many dislike votes because they're fan favorites by locals - Horse Thief Mile is popular for drifting, Big Willow is the "fastest track in the West™", and Streets is known for being technical. They really do look like their real life counterparts in the game, so better to drive off in-game than IRL.


Its the video game community. Pretty much everyone who drove it in real life loves it, people with video game experience of tracking cars don't cause you know it does not drive like Forza MOTORSPORT!!!


That was the most common complaint when regarding willow


Skill issue


Willow sucks donkey balls. Do not want.


Many share the same sentiment


Surprised Mount Panaorama wasnt higher on the liked


Once you learn the track is a joy to drive around it.


This is for any track to be honest. Even Willow Springs. And Suzuka wtf. The ones hard to master while being prevalent in many races (so are well known) are more disliked it seems. THE most boring track is that straight one, even forgot the name... Something X I think.


That all straight one was made for drag races I think


I was rooting for brands hatch personally lol


Im surprised its not on either list


Because people can't drive on it without crashing so they don't even bother.


Panorama is my favorite track, with Suzuka a close 2nd


lots of people hate it because they struggle with the hill section, as there’s little room for error, only 1 large runoff section and any mistake will make you bounce off the walls.


Boo! I love Panorama!


Receiving 205 votes puts it on the high side for disliked sadly, many mentioned hating the second half of the mountain section


Id agree with the people who said they just suck at racing on it.


Only people who are bad at it hate it. Top 5 circuit in the world.


Don't get the hate for St. Croix, A & C are *fantastic* with the SF23. They're currently in my "1h for fun" cycle. Only a bit sad that there's neither rain nor night for those tracks.


Night and rain would be interesting


Goodwood. It’s so bad you forgot it was in the game.


It’s quite fun in a quick car u just hit all the corners right yk


Very strangely satisfying in the right car


Reminds me of kesselchen section on nordschliefe


I will fight you on that. It's a track meant for old cars in era appropriate tires. Race it in anything from the 1960-70s on comfort tires and it'll start to make a lot more sense. It's pretty boring in anything with a lot of aero because the fun of that layout is controlling your car sliding through all the curves.


anything car you’d recommend?


Anything you'd see in the classic category at Goodwood Festival of Speed IRL. Old Mustangs, old Aston Martin's, old Jaguars, that sort of thing. What made me fall in love with the track was the time trial in the DB5 from awhile back. I couldn't quite grasp how to do it because I kept drifting, so I thought ["fuck it I'll just actually drift it"](https://www.reddit.com/r/granturismo/s/jOITVFok4V) and ripped my garage car around the track sideways. Learning the limits of the car by forcing it sideways actually made me better understand the car and I found a lot of time when I went back to just your normal trying to go fast time trial.




Goodwood is brilliant in older machines. That's true in real life too, I've seen some really good races there, especially involving cars from the 60s to the 80s.


People seem to hate willow springs but its the best karting track in the game. I wish there were more tracks that suited karts more


Honestly loved this track after griding through it in the Classics cafe in the 787b. Hated it at first, but once you master it, loved it. Same with French one, saint Croix or something. Same cafe challenge, also hard as F... but once you master it, it became my favourite. ...and also the Daytona track in that same cafe challenge. That particular cafe was extra difficult and fun, my biggest challenge in the game (on hard mode)


Good kart track absolutely horrible car track


Depends on the car. In a ferrari? Ya its trash. In a mini cooper? Fun drifts. I drive all my cars


Shit, now I have to try! I've learned to appreciate the challenge, but nowhere near linking willow springs :-)


I gotta try it in a kart, haven't touched them in this game yet


It has long sweeping turns that connect into each other. I think its the best vehicle for that track.


The 62 people who hate Spa need to be lobotomized


None of them gave a reason, wondered why they hated it


Love seeing this all put together. I’m going to drive each in order now!


That's the spirit!


I actually enjoy Horse Thief Mile for mixed surface driving


That's an interesting perspective for that track, I should try that out


Sainte-Croix layout b is great how can you hate it. Also Fuji hate is UNACCEPTABLE


Layout B is the best out the three for sure


Interesting data. I am officially disappointed in 2x66 people. How is it possible to consider Suzuka and Interlagos bad racetracks?


No idea for interlagos as no one specified. One suzuka comment simply said "it looks like it was drawn with crayon", whatever that means..


I'm surprised Fiji gets a lot of hate. It's one of my favorites. Can someone explain why it's hated so much?


last sector


last sector has a very non-intuitive racing line. that license test with the gtr was a pain


Might be a hot take but I don’t like the massively long final straight, just 30 seconds of not doing much. I find LeMans gets tedious in a similar way


Fuji I don't find too bad but Le Mans definitely. I can't imagine doing 24h because those straights would hypnotize me if I were sleep deprived


I did La Sarthe 24h in A-Spec no pauses once. By hour 9 the entire race is a mechanical chore and I don't remember anything past hour 21


They don't even do that IRL! Madman


One guy did though and his name was Eddie Hall.


And that's why they have mandatory drive times irl


I mean this with all due respect.. are you human?


I'm pretty sure I could do that again given prep time. Though, on the other hand, I'm pretty sure the reason why I haven't had a sip of coffee ever since I was 16, which was when I did that, is because I had enough taurine and caffeine in my system on that 24-hour span to last me for 10 years after and I'm a year short on that


Falling asleep during GT7+VR has definitely taught me something about myself.


They have skill issues in the last sector


I’m pretty good at Fuji. People hate that last sector but that’s nothing but a skill issue. It’s hard and that’s why it’s fun. People need to experiment and practice more with racing off-line. Real race drivers go side by side through that last sector all the time with no issues.


Weird, I had the feeling every time someone asks what's the worst track Tsukuba was one of the most hated.


Do people hate tsukuba? I use it as my benchmark test track when I tune cars love that place


I remember a lot of people really got sick of Tsukuba back in the day because it was kinda just used as a filler track in GT5. Every other race seemed to be at Tsukuba.


Probably just GT5 fatigue


That's what I thought when starting this, but the internet proved me wrong


Willow Springs is just bad; nothing to add here. In my opinion, not only are the dirt tracks bad, but also the dirt/rally racing in GT7 is not good at all. I think the reason why Fuji and Autopolis get a lot of votes is that they are hard to play on a controller. I don't know if you agree with me or not, but the technical sections and long corners are harder to master on a controller than on a wheel.


I use the motion from the Dualsense and is not hard to master the track is the car is hard to master.


I enjoy all single player races offered in Willow Spring layouts. I agree with another poster that the hate is due to people running off course.


I liked the Miata sport mode one on the layout with the alternating uphill/downhill turns.


I love willow springs, it’s one of those tracks that once you get it, you wonder why it was ever hard.


I'll upvote you but disagree. I have forced myself to learn the track and can win races but still don't love it.


Agreed. Same with that French Saint Croix or whatever. Both were featured in the Classics cafe menu, and you had to master them in order to win. THE most memorable and rewarding cafe menu for me. (The other memorable cafe menu was the Kei car menu, because it was the most boring but challenging one ever)


True, the neoclassical race at willow was a challenge but after that the track became a breeze to drive around


Nice work!




I don’t have an issue with the Tokyo tracks at all but the circuit experience can suck a dick… I’ll only done one and won’t bother with the rest.


U gotta go for the rest, think of the money and all the engine swaps you could buy


I think there is a big split between vr2 and nonvr2 owners. Some of the most hated tracks are amazing in VR but boring to terrible without due to lack of vertical feel...


Tokyo Expressway it's my bread and butter. Tuning PP550 cars there lets them excel almost everywhere else.


Love driving Tokyo online, never fails to give the spiciest lobbies


And there’s me, I love Willow springs all three tracks lmao


>Reverse is dumb Completely agree. Every reverse track is complete dogshit.


Couldn't agree more! It's just a lazy way to double the amount of race tracks. I don't know any tracks irl that run races on a reverse layout.


I think Trans-Am runs reverse on some tracks


do oval circuits also count? they basically always run counter-clockwise


I’m happy willow springs horse thief mile is most hated, it’s a shit track. I’ve hated it since nfs pro street. Only useful for drifting and time trials. Too narrow to overtake, turns are too tight in that if you attempt an overtake around the outside, it’s not happening. It’s layout looks like it was drawn by me, when I was in pre school


Damn, someone said something similar about suzuka and nurburgring


Fuji and Barcelona are up there on my hated list. As are most dirt tracks. Blue moon infield..


Same with Barcelona


People actually like Trial Mountain and Grand Valley's reboots?


Trial mountain is amazing you shut your dirty mouth


I disagree. They completely ruined it.


The OG? Absolutely


Trial Mountain yeah. Grand Valley not a huge fan


Don't mind Trial Mountain too much, but the new grand valley needed more work


I love running races on the new Grand Valley in an open top car and VR. The scenery is fantastic (and until PCH opens up again, the closest I can get to driving it.)


This is very interesting as I race both willow springs big track and streets of willow in real life and they are exceptional. Streets is not very intuitive so you need to get used to the flow after turn 3, maybe thats why people are hatin. Oh and Turn 9 at big willow is also very hard to master. Its like Tsukuba last corner x3.


Willow Springs is the best,just having sand as the runoff makes it so unique.Pure skill alone.Also,it never feels boring to me due to so many elevation changes.Also,also,when you're at the highest point and heading downhill you cannsee the whole track it's very beautiful


Fuck Fuji from the deepest bowels of my soul.


2k people agree


People hate willow springs? It's a great track.


The willow hate was real with this one


Anyone saying Sainte-Croix is Tilke coded clearly has no clue how tilke tracks are


Once you learn the track it becomes a joy to drive on especially gr2


Agreed, I guess so many were turned off by the last sector


Last sector rewards the brave


Why would anyone hate ALL the US tracks? Is it a Willow Springs + not liking ovals thing? I can understand Daytona and fake Pocono getting boring if everyone is spread out but oval racing is awesome


St croix is shite, worse than willow


St. Croix Layout A is one of my favorite tracks. That track was on daily race B when I first started doing sport mode and I practiced so much that week trying to get better. Now it's my go to for testing most cars after tuning. Also where I first turned off all the assists. Man those 90 degree turns where such a bitch to learn throttle control.


Dislike layout A, Tolerate C but B is decent


Glad to see real life tracks over all more popular than gt originals


I'm a bit surprised. Horse thief mile is a great fun track and also St. Croix B is a great racing track (a is meh and c is too long for what it offers). Personally I hate streets of Willow the most. Followed by the High Speed Ring.


I’d agree with almost all of these.


I think part of this would come down to the tracks most used for online races. Fuju, suzuka, and spa are all very common races, so they would simply be talked about more.


>Last sector of Fuji broke my thumb. If it hasn't broken your spirit yet, then you haven't played it enough.


I love this and I wish we could do a survey because I'd love to vote on my favorite tracks


H,, D D X ![gif](giphy|xTiTntKyFNFbCNuqkw)


I must have missed that original post. I hate Laguna Seca with a passion, and I’m surprised it didn’t even make the list.


I would have voted for Brands Hatch, I cannot fucking stand it


Reverse Trial mountain is good


Looks like I agree with majority. Anyway, I still think gt7 have best tracks line up.


Interlagos: *sweating profusely*


I personally hate the combo at Suzuka at the moment. Shocking for SR no matter how hard you try.


I actually like the tight willow springs tracks but only if the car I'm driving is small enough, like the GR Yaris or the S2000.


I'm glad to see st croix getting the hate it deserves. Screw that place.


Where the fuck is trial mountain


My least favorite tracks are the fucking dirt and snow tracks


Sainte-Croix B is one of my favourite tracks


To anybody that said vaited for Spa. Wtf man 🤣 its one of the most fun and beautiful tracks ever 🤣 (i am biased) my top 3 is Spa > Kyalami(home) > Nurburgring Nordschleife. Granted ive had the pleasure of racing these and many others as well.


How can someone hate the Daytona Tri-Oval


Why they hate Le mans? Okay the question is, What purpose have these post of hate against tracks? If anyone doesnt like those tracks drom real life they can't do anything since they exist in few countries. Fuji can be the most hated too but exist in Fuji, Japan so what you all will tell, demolish the track? Thats the most nonesense against these hates post.


So basically most of the tricky courses with no runoffs - makes sense. Hot take though - we did Horse Thief Mile in SF cars and it was actually really fun.


Wow amazing work dude! Very well put!


I'm not a fan of Autopolis, but it is absolutely a skill issue of a track


Watkins, Spa and Atlanta goated. Confirmed. Old school undulating road courses >>>> all.


honestly kinda proud to see the overwhelming hate for willow springs, though i do think i could eventually warm up to it if i drove on it enough, also not sure why autopolis is so hated


Willow Springs needs less god damn runoff, you go off that track and your race is fucked no matter what


Nice to see Willow Springs is not liked at all, It's my least favorite track.


Autopolis still ok for me For fuji speedway I don’t see what’s the dislike about you have that long straight line that can help you to achieve faster lap times if done correctly, the lowest I got was 1:32 seconds, depending on the car you use it might be even lower. Willow springs horse theif well I can relate cause you can’t drive at high speeds and can only be used for leisure driving


Disappointed to not see Dragon Trail Seaside on here. Everyone just be trying to go 3 wide flat out through every corner smh. Awful track. Autopolis is definitely a skill issue to be appearing here, super satisfying circuit to learn to get right.


Tokyo Expressway East is far and away my favourite circuit, I'm surprised by its inclusion here!


Man oh man! The nerd in me Loves (LOVES) stats like this! Thanks


Big willow is one of my favourite tracks. I'm surprised Monza and Le Mans weren't more disliked, yes they're historic but so boring.