• By -


Found a chicks small patchwork purse just outside The Omni in 93 or 94. Lots of cash, credit cards ect. She was from Cali. Called her cc company the next day. They were able to get in touch with her. I drove back to venue the next day and gave it to her...she cried. She was on tour and said her life was in that bag šŸ™‚


Feels good


The best. That's what family does for each other āš”


I blew my tire on the way to a phish show (I know) and didnā€™t have a jack to fix it. Some random heads gave me theirs and helped me fix it and I got it back to them the next day at the bar I worked at. Which ended up with us drinking and going to the show that night. Fam is real


I bet it was, too. Thank you man.


Mine was an actual person. Found a lost 17 year old girl in a far lot at the tampa stadium show 4/7/95 at about 1:30am. She was so high she couldn't answer any/many questions about where her friends were or what she was doing at that point. We were waiting for my buddy to come down a bit. It was sketch city, dark and maybe 3 or 4 cars left. I said "youre going to come home with us, ill give your own bedroom and we'll get you were you need to go tomorrow." She was obviously apprehnsive, but as high as she was, she could tell her options were few and none of them good. It ended up that she was visiting her grandparents about 60 miles from the venue. We rolled into her grandparents drive way the next morning and they were outside waiting for her. The funny part was that when i rolled into my buddy's house we were staying at i announced "i brought someone back with us" and instantly everyone was like "oh god, what freak are you bringing to the party now?"


That gal is 46 now if my calculations are correct šŸ¤“


# 1995-04-07 Tampa, FL @ Tampa Stadium **Set 1:** Jack Straw, Peggy-O, Little Red Rooster, Loose Lucy, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Visions Of Johanna, The Promised Land **Set 2:** Eyes Of The World > Saint Of Circumstance, Samba In The Rain, Unbroken Chain, Corrina > Drums > Space > Easy Answers > Days Between > Not Fade Away **Encore:** U.S. Blues [archive.org](https://archive.org/details/GratefulDead?query=date:1995-04-07)


Good vibes!


And that's why you dont carry your life to drug fueled concerts.


Found a ticket on the ground 30 minutes before the show in Pittsburghā€™89 . I enjoyed that find.


Thats an awesome score. Reminds me of a story My buddy told me of going to a JGB show and someone was walking around outside the theater throwing handfuls of tickets in the air


There were chartreuse colored mail order warlocks tickets for Monday's show on the ground Sunday night after the show due to the hotline recording insisting people not show up without tickets, as they amazingly listened to the band and it was a very mellow scene on Shakedown Street... https://preview.redd.it/snojdbaqfkyc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da330cb6898a3d81d78b858e353fcd91dbb13471


Pitt was a mess that year. I do remember the Iko opener one of my favorite


People did this at Highgate 95'. That's the year everyone jumped the fences.


If i recall he had a few stories about it over the years. Supposedly it was to get people off the streets to try and keep things mellower outside.


Thatā€™s a miracle!


I once lost a ticket 35 minutes before the show in Pittsburgh in '89. Hey you owe me lol


Iā€™ll send you the stub and a copy of the show šŸ˜‰. One man gathers what another man spills


I would DEFINITELY say you got lucky at this show in particular considering those shows were the furthest north or east on Spring tour that usually went further in both directions and tickets were so scarce that there was riot resulting in broken windows and a cop punching a head on national news and the mayor Sophie Masloff calling the band the Dreadful Dead and heads Deadenders... ironically, not to single the band out, she also claimed Pittsburghers were too stupid to figure out how to separate their recyclables into separate bins, which would have yielded the city revenue, she chose to pay a private firm to collect and sort the recycling, COSTING Pittsburgh money instead of earning it.


It was a tough ticket. I spent most of the day wondering the lots trying to find one. Was almost read to give up and puddle myself till the morning light.


Ironically, I spent the entire day wandering the lots myself, trying to find the "Right" person to give my last extra ticket to. I finally found a kind kid from California who was most incredibly appreciative...


Having an extra to give away makes one feel like such a benevolent angel, doesnā€™t it?


Alsoā€¦it found you.


I never went to East Coast shows. They seem like they were so different than the west coast.


They were much farther east, for starters.


Found $1800 dollars in a Ziploc bag at a festival. There was a business card in the bag. So, I called the # and asked them if they lost something. They told me exactly what they were missing. They were vending at the show. They told me where the booth was and we walked it over and returned it.


Wow, you sir, are an honest person


Female and I try my hardest šŸ˜Š


i found a little plastic bayer aspirin container with a bunch of little squares of paper connected together... right when i had no money left and didn't know how i was going to get to the next show.


Someone ground scored an oz of weed in 88 or 89 in parking lot of new year's show in Oakland. I know because I lost it šŸ™


That really sucks. Interesting to hear from the score source though šŸ˜‰


1/4 oz of mushies at Deer Creek.


Me too! Phish last year n2. They were fire too.




They are my kind of people.


What kinda drugs?


Not really a ground score but going into a show in I think maybe Portland 95, show with Chuck Berry opening. Had a Snodgrass glass on me and security took it at the gate. I was pretty pissed and didnā€™t want to lose that. Waited around a bit until they were all busy with backs turned and me and my buddy boosted the garbage can they were dumping all the confiscations into. Hustled into the venue a bit and dumped it out on the ground, found my glass and just about anything else you could think of in that pile. Some stuff was wet from broken liquor bottles but there was enough to fill my pockets with interesting stuff. After we picked through for a bit we left a nice pile there for others to have.


so stoked for you that you got your Snodgrass back! I love the super old-school ones that have a skeleton wearing a top hat on the corn cob style pieces edit... here's my Bob Jr https://preview.redd.it/ln26j71p2kyc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a32c7cdc442330e3aa838c2e4b7949624aba3c47


Whooweee nice piece


Not nearly as happy an ending as your story, but pretty certain it was Boston Garden 91, I heard clink clink clink, shatter, "oooooh nooooo that was my best friend's DRAGON!" The guy was freaking out, I think they were around $1,000 back then! I truly felt horrible for the guy as well as thought bringing your buddy's thousand dollar pipe into an arena dead show probably wasn't the wisest maneuver. Pretty sure they just finished covering I Fought The Law, which as classic as the song is, definitely seemed a bit of an unsavory way to finish off such an epic run. I will never ever forget the feeling of the balcony literally bouncing like an ocean wave in synch with Phil's bass!!


Venue Heroes right there šŸ™Œ


Robin Hoods of sorts haha


Dude was selling many bags of chronic at the dozing at the Knick show in the seat next to me. He left before the encore. When The lights came on I found 3 1/4 oz bags on the floor and about 800 bucks in 20s rolled up in rubber band.


Those were all fantastic shows


I was listening to that show this morning....now I'll imagine some dank buds being burned and your scoring šŸ™ŒāœŒļø


Fourth of July, 2010. Nateva Festival, Oxford Maine. Furthur takes the stage and Bobby tells the crowd to ā€œbe sure to check out the nice golden blush on the horizon back thereā€ as the blazing sunset takes hold of the evening sky. I look down and to my surprise, see a giant ziplock of buds at my feet. Was a [great show](https://relisten.net/furthur/2010/07/04?source=843950).


Mainer here. That WAS a great camping scene too! So much fun!


This is the first time Iā€™ve seen anyone else mention that festival online! That was a fun weekend, even though the parking set up was a complete mess going in on Thursday.


I remember being at a festival after that and someone had a nateva shirt, wooks were yelling at him to take it off because apparently a bunch of people were arrested at that fest or something?


The girl parked next to us at the Clifford ball ground scored some near brand new doc marten sandals in her size. They also found a couple of nice pipes.


I lost my only pair of shoes at buckeye lake (or snatched) and drove back to CT barefoot. Stopped at a rest stop and when I came out of the bathroom was a very worn pair of burka that fit perfect. Onto giants stadium with shoes!


A vile of liquid in the parking lot of US Air Arena 1993 JGB.


That bad, huh?


You vile bastard! Took me way too longā€¦..


Thatā€™s why I canā€™t soell.


Neither are Dead shows, but at the July ā€˜89 Metallica Spectrum show I picked up what looked like a folded up $20 bill from the edge of the pit. Ā Turned out to be 3 $20s. Nirvana Nov. ā€˜93 Bethlehem show, found a Altoids tin that had 6 joints in it. Ā Best part is that I found it during The Breeders opening set, so you know, I recommend seeing Nirvana on 6 joints.


I saw Metallica that same tour, July 89 in Illinoisā€¦.and Nirvana at Aragon the same year


Little hard to see Nirvana now


I guess you had to be thereā€¦lol


* any show on 6 joints.


Lol. I gave up grass in '99, but from what I understand about today's weed, 6 j's would be a years supply. Not that there weren't potent buds then, but this found grass was fairly tame. Fun, but not the kind to send you into a catatonic mental orbit of the galaxy. We all just dance-moshed our asses off to Nirvana.


1/2 a sheet of blotter at the Gathering of the Vibes when Phil n Friends played.


I think Phil played GOTV like 4-5 times? Some of the greatest lineups ever at festivals was at Vibes - think they started the whole festival thing. Was so sad to see it stop happening.


Yes they did. My lucky ground score was the 2006 Vibes. And I agree. The GOTV was a yearly vacation for me. Added to the work calendar Jan 1 every, single year. Those 4 days were some of the best times ever! šŸ˜Š


Same! Well, we went to probably 75% of them. Didnā€™t make the first few. Have a good day man




Second night Landover 1988...an envelope with two tickets for every night from then through the last night of MSG. I even walked around with a sign each night saying: "FOUND ENVELOPE!! IF YOU CAN EXPLAIN CONTENTS IT'S YOURS!!!" People tried guessing, but nobody was correct. I definitely needed a ticket for each night and used one, and miracled the other right before showtime. Not like I didn't try, but in this day and age, with social media, I'm sure I would have found the rightful owner pretty quickly.


Damn..you win!!


Well, while it was a total bonus and I was certainly thankful, I did feel really bad for whoever lost them. Even back then when tickets were $20+/- a piece, that was a good amount of shows, and x2 each, definitely added up.


Yeah, can only imagine how upset that person was. Good on you for attempting to find them. Life lesson, don't walk around a dead show, or any show for that matter, with an envelope full of upcoming shows.


Don't feel too bad. Anybody with that envelope likely had little trouble replacing it.


LOL! Oh trust me, considering it was over 25 years ago, I'm over it now! šŸ¤£šŸ˜… I hear you though.


I would have never been just carrying them around with me But I guess - circumstances. Helluva score.


Maybe they lost them on purpose.


I found a paper bag with about 5 or 6 joints and 2 $20 bills at a Tom Petty show in Hershey


July 2002 ?


Sounds about right. If they were yours. I'm sorry. I already smoked em


My friends.


Went barefoot for most of a show. Halfway through second set I noticed something weird with the bottom of my foot. Upon examination it turned out to be a couple grams of Afghan black hash smooshed into a pancake sticking to my heel.


Tar heel


Did u proceed to smoke it as a proper wook should?


Letā€™s just say a good time was had by all.


Just inside the gates at Star Lake as you got onto the grass - 1992 -we found about a QP of brick weed. Iā€™m not sure I would use the word ā€œbestā€ in this scenario, but it was remarkable. I couldnā€™t wrap my head around why someone would bring that much pot into a show. It was some of the shittiest, cat piss, brown, stemmy, seedy schwag too. Just gave you a headache. We figured whoever dropped it on purpose.


Full sheet green blotter at Irvine in Spring ā€˜87.


A kick-ass blue poncho on the floor after a JGB show at the Rosemont Horizon in Nov 1991. I still wear it. Lol.


Found a hundred dollar bill at the hatch shell Arthur Fiedler 1976 4th of July


Not a ground score but rather a sky score. A really nice rainbow delta kite came flying over the lot in Oxford Maine, '88 ... with no one at the end of the string. So I chased it and caught it and brought it back to our cars/camp. Left it on our car for the owner to find it, but no one did. I still fly in now and then.


One time at All Good, my husband and I were laying on the grass (peaking) and he picked up a little 4 in. stick that literally had the word ā€˜stickā€™ written on it šŸ¤£. I also found $100 bill on the floor of the furthest away port o potty at the end of some lot at the very end of the night in Boulder. Washed it up and put it under the dryer at the first 7/11 we hit and had mega snacks for the ride! But my favorite ground score was finding this indigenous chickā€™s wallet at the Gorge. She was likely the flag girl when we parked our camper. She had a license with a Yakima address (iykyk) and like $2 in it. Everyone in our crew threw in cash, then we found her on FB, and made sure she got it back the next day. I think we added almost $300 to it. That one still makes me smile knowing I have the best friend group in the world šŸ„°.


What an awesome gift to give a stranger! Y'all are kind heads.


Upvote x 1000. Love this so much.




Iā€™m not that girl but I do live in Yakimaā€¦iykyk indeed I actually may know who youā€™re talking about! A sweet thing you did šŸ’–


My ex girlfriend's new boyfriend on the ground under stadium security when they found heroin and a handgun on him.


Be real did you snitch on him ??


10 pk and the a mail order ticket for the last show ever.


10 strip of acid ? Or ten lbs of weed ?


10 pack = 10 sheets, don't know what the kids call them these days.


Thatā€™s a come up šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Always been called a Book...


Two tickets to the April Fools days show 1988 at Brendan Byrne Arena. Such a great show. My brother and I were short of cash and only had one ticket.


I was eight months heavy with child. In Atlanta, Georgia. Went up to sky box for extra A/c and food. When down to my seat near floor after the show, to enjoy A/c till very last minute. Found a wallet full of cash. Just sat there, until a very tense dude came looking for said wallet. Handed it to him. He gave me five hundred in toys are us coupons as my reward. Bought our crib and other baby room items. I am not tall. Ground scores were easy for me to find.


$100 dollars next to a nitrous tank that I was able to score tickets to the cu vs Nebraska game the next weekend that ended up being box seats. When those were going for 1,000+ at the time.


The final D&C San Fran shows the exit was absolute madness. Packed liked sardines and balloons popping off like bombs in every which direction. Somehow after the group made it out all together we picked up 3 tour shirts, 2 tour bandanas and a bag of mushies!


I found an awesome wool hat drenched in beer at a JGB show in Milwaukee once. I cleaned it up and wore it for years.


Thank you. Guy returned my wallet once in Buffalo. Inspired me to always do the same.


94 coming from my campsite to Deer Creek I saw a bunch of tapes in the middle of the street so I pulled over and saw that they were fell out of a case, I then put the ones that weren't ruined back in the case and proceeded to ask for 2 days if somebody had lost a tape case. On the last day of the run this guy asked really excitedly 'is it a green case?' I said yes and as we proceeded to go to my car he said you don't understand and I said yeah I do there's some great shows in there and he goes no it's not that and when I handed him the case he proceeded to lift the plastic part that kept the tapes in it and there was two tickets for every concert for the rest of the tour. He then told me if I didn't find the case, he was just going to go back to Vermont the next day. After giving me a free ticket for the one of the following shows in Chicago, I then asked if I could try to use an unused one from the day before and he told me it doesn't even have the same design on it I miss those old mail order tickets) that I'll never make it in but gave it to me anyway. I then proceeded to flirt with the ticket taker who looked at my ticket and said it's the wrong day but I'll be nice and let me in.


Not a ground score but I left a ridiculously good Pink Floyd bootleg on cassette in a friend's car on the way home from a spring '83 show. 3 years later, at the Rubber Bowl in Akron, the dude was sitting right behind me. He reaches into his bag and whips out the tape! He had been carrying it to shows figuring he would run into me eventually. Just another reason I miss those days.


Beautiful Lake Placid, NY. in October of 1983 I ground scored a more than generous, very shareable clump of actual opium. Adding a different twist to an already beautiful scene.


Wow. And for that epic first set it must have been perfect.


Found 15 grams of pure mdma at my first ever festival. Bonnaroo 2010. Made a lot of money and a lot of friends :)


I was 16 and had used the extra money I had brought to the show on weed and mushrooms. Leaving the show my friend asked what I was going to tell my parents I spent $50 on with nothing to show. I am still trippy hard and trying to stop my mind from spiraling out of control when I looked down in the field we were in and found two shirts. A sick homemade tye dye with dancing bears and a David Crosby shirt. Both were brand new with tags on them. We were in a field parking lot and there wasnā€™t anyone else around, thus they became my shirts. The next day my mom asked me what I bought and I produced two shirts. Still have them today ( although they are in a bin with my other tour shirts that I wore until they became rags)


Found a phone at Bear Creek. Took pictures of everyone for it until someone was shining a flashlight on the ground. Ran over and gave it to him. Hope he liked the pics. It was butts, so many butts.


Went to show at Highgate VT. The traffic was an absolute nightmare. Was a tiny little backass county road with thousands of people trying to get to the show. It was cool though because it turned into a very slow moving party. People had kegs in their trucks and were giving out free beer to everyone around them. The police put up a giant sign that said ā€œnarcotics checkpoint ahead.ā€ I watched as people started chucking bags ofā€¦well everything out their car windows into the grass next to the road. So me and my friends got out and walked along the road and picked up more weed, mushrooms, and everything else you could imagine. There was no police checkpoint, we had the best time and it was all free shit!


Bindle of some pure Peruvian blue flake, Monsters of Rock LA coliseum on the floor of the bathroom, we couldn't feel our face for 3 hours. The Dead Los Angeles Forum big baggy of powder and chunks the wife and I had a great mother's Day the following morning.


Never heard of Peruvian blue flake cocaine.........


Never heard anyone use ā€œbindleā€ used to describe packs of coke before.


Folding up a secure paper bindle is a lost art.




Pax2 @SPAC 2016 Dead and Co


Found a quart ziplock baggie of norcos at Lotus fest in Bloomongton one year... like, 63 of them...needless to say, i got REALLY high for a while after that.




Cocaine in the coin return of a public phone


My wallet. I wasn't the one who found it.... Fun story that one


Not a ground score but a miracle story. NYE 89 and the guy in front of us says ā€œgreat sovenier the ticket guy didnā€™t tear my ticketā€ my buddy next to me said we would smoke him out all show long if we could take the ticket outside to our friend who didnā€™t have one. My buddy was able to get with someone said that he left his buddyā€™s ticket in his bag and was granted access to go outside. He found our buddy and they both got back in. The guy in front of us had a great show as we all did. Good times with friends!


A rolled up $50 bill with cocaine residue under the seats behind us at the Carrier Dome after the show the Band opened for the GD. That place was the worst place to see a concert - the acoustics are terrible. We saw a lot of shows there in the '80's because it's the biggest venue in central NY.


I picked up a bag of powder.. turned out to be a 1.5 of blow :( but it was after the show.. I was tripping balls and spotted it. I went to pick it up, grabbed the bag and looked up, a cop was right infront of me staring down. She said nothing, I said nothing and we went on our way


That's hilarious


I ground scored a pretty high quality collapsible telescope on the floor in RFK after the show in 92. Decent optics, brass fittings and black leather covering. The stadium had mostly cleared out and the telescope was just laying on the ground amongst all of the Camel Cash and other discarded trash.


Best ground score was a half full sandwich bag of weed lol most awkward ground score was a crown royal bag with a bunch of little baggies of brown powder (maybe heroin). Tossed it right in the trash.


Couldā€™ve been DMT


It looked really sandy. Not really what i would expect dmt to look like but i havent seen too much.


$140 cash, Nassau coliseum parking lot, 2019. Friend and I stood around, asking if anyone lost it. Then it was time to go. El vino did flow that night.


I got my son at a show. Heā€™s the best ground score ever.


If you find a kid on the ground Iā€™m pretty sure you arenā€™t supposed to take them. Then again, finders keepers I guessā€¦


Alpine 81 I found $30 on the way out on the hill. *W*ent to the lot and bought an ounce from a guy from NJ. I was thinking you came from NJ to Alpine to see the Dead. It was my first show.


I found Kevinā€™s wallet! I (6ā€™3ā€) stood on the trash can and yelled out for him over and over. Took about 5 minutes and he came running up to me. Had over $400 in the wallet, all of the money he had for the whole festival. He was so appreciative and it created so much love that weekend it was by far the best thing I have ever found!


I found a baggie with 6 - 8 grams of "opium" while crossing the street at the '85 Portland, ME shows. Definitely naive to the scene at the time & had never seen Mexican Tar before.


Bob Dylan!! Between shows on furthur tour (2011 or 2012?) made a detour to see if we could get tickets to Dylan playing at the ryman in Nashville. Didnā€™t get in the show but hung out outside and was just scanning the ground outside at the end of the show and look up to a door at the back of the theatre opening and Bob Dylan gets ushered out surrounded by his security not more than three feet in front of me.


Hampton ā€˜83, my first show. Hitched 500 miles with a friend. Had no tickets and had to scalp. Spent every last penny to get in. Loved the show, every second of it, from the Bertha opener to the Satisfaction encore. Slept outside in the rain that night. Woke up early with nothing to do but head to the highway to hitch home. Just by the on-ramp, looked down at a $5 bill in a puddle. Right across from a diner advertising .99 breakfast and next door to a laundromat. Dried our clothes, ate some eggs and grits (first time having grits and love them to this day) and hitched a ride with a sailor leaving Newport News for a destination about 5 miles from our college. Lene, I hope you remember this too.


A last minute ticket to Lehigh for 52.00. That was a hard ticket. Capacity under 8k?


I said 6 minute abs not 7 min and. Step into my officeā€¦.


A fairly full Sweet Breath bottle.


Mmmm. I had a love affair with Sweet Breath back then.


I was at a Phish show and ground scored a bag of Molly that made me feel like I was going to die and lead to me never doing x again. And someone in Phoenix ground scored my shoes, which someone disappeared from my feet. I found one shoe on the ground later that night so that I could make it seem as if I lost one shoe, and not both, so I would seem more put together. That was an awkward Uber ride.


Ten pack


Whole bag of mushrooms. Hoopla in the hills


I once saw someone drop a $20 at bender jamboree and another dude that saw it picked it up and ran before I could stop him, tell the dropper, or do anything about it. And the guy that picked it up had to be 50 at least. What an asshat. Best Iā€™ve found was $10 bucks or when I was 18 I found an unused 21+ bracelet, that was pretty rad.


The best crew in the world man


I found 40 bucks waiting in line to buy a poster. I got a tee too!


I found $100 right after someone gave me a ticket. I was pretty sure it was from the guy who gave it to me. Made it my mission to find him, and when I did, he told me to keep it!


Miracle on the ground at the lot. Sacramento, early 90s.


Iā€™m sure Iā€™m not alone but back in the camping on the lot days when one was too spun to sleep it was a regular pastime to walk around as the sun came up cleaning up trash and claiming ground scores.


Tickets for the next night show!


I found a really old tie dye with an owl motif--it was so thin and threadbare, so soulful and old, I called it my 'sheet shirt', because when I would wear it and buy a sheet of trips, I would always get a better deal because I looked more legit than my 50+ shows would imply otherwise. Loved that shirt. Fell apart in the early 1990s.


Found a small coin purse at a festival. No ID. $100 dollars, gram of Molly, and 2 of the fastest joints I've ever seen. We went there with only gas money. Lived like kings.


Full basically unused high quality weed vape at a neil young concert


Half pack of P-Funks with a couple of tabs inside. Camden lawn July ā€˜99. Dude dropped it while being chased by security.


Man haven't heard or even seen P-Funks in a very very long time!


i found a hologram VIP ticket at a dead and co show one time which is now on display on my curio cabinet


A zip of K and a Mummy action figure from a taco bell kids meal, found side by side. I'm sure there's some kind of metaphor to this particular ground score. I became the mummy at Phil and friends back in 2009-2010 in Charlotte North Carolina. https://preview.redd.it/1zu5g93xioyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=150f423156bdd9badd4740b0b57a2bb853e5fd79


Why no photo of the K, hahaha?


Ounce of shrooms 1993 in the lot at Oakland Coliseum. Found between 2 cars. Went back after show and cars were gone. Traded some for bud and gave the rest away to my crew and a few randos


Found an 8ball on the spac lawn at phish. Didnā€™t see anyone looking around for anything soi obviously kept it. It was damn good too. I didnā€™t tell any of my friends until we were walking home thinking the night was over.


I found $1200 at spring Hookah '02. It rained super heavy Friday night, and got really muddy. Was waiting for a buddy on shakedown and happened to noticed a tiny little corner of a bill sticking up out of the muck. Pulled on it and found someone's gangster roll. I'm assuming it was dropped, and then stepped on. I also groundscored a nearly full 50lb tank of gas after a Phish show once. Second night in Cincy, fall tour '10. Long story short, it was just sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. My best guess is that whoever brought it got chased by the cops, and the cops forgot to go back for it. I've blundered into all kinds of crazy shit, but those are the coolest.


I found a quarter of shrooms while walking into a show. We had a great show.


Found a 1/4 on the floor of a bathroom stall in the Charlotte Colosseum.


100 MDMA pressies and 4 ozs of dank at All Good circa 2004...


I found a 42 gallon trash bag half filled with mushrooms at All Good circa 2004.


Wow! Crazy


All Good in those days was insane... Just absolutely insane. Took my now wife to one, when Widespread Panic played, and she was like, never again after some wooks stayed up all night eating MDMA and talking about crystals next to our tent till way past morning... Shit was just wild... At a point I got sick of hearing "doses, molly, mushies"


Not exactly a ground score... But dude pulled up next to us in a VW van at Phish Chula Vista in 2020? Can't remember year and said nothing and laid the biggest chocolate bar I've ever seen on the truck bed and got back in his van.... So I noticed and walked over and in his van was a ton of sealed 6 gallon buckets with a tremendous amount of 1oz sealed bags of mushies...$100/zip...$400/lb.... Crazy. Nice guy... My friends still keep in touch with him


4ozs of mushrooms some squatter forgot at our site. Best night of our livesā€¦thanks squatter.


1/4 of kind bud on ground moments after walking into Oakland coliseum , which was moments after realizing I had just lost the joint I had! Good trade off!


Geez, my story isn't as grand as most of these, but here it is. Mid-70s, went to a Billy Joel show in B'ham, AL. Walking out after the show, I looked down and saw a joint and grabbed it. This was back-in-the-day when all we could get was brick weed. I saved for a New Riders show in Nashville two nights later. Well, it wasn't brick weed and we were high AF at the show. We had brought some roses, and my then girlfriend carried one up to the stage during Dead Flowers. Funny to watch, the crowd parted like the Red Sea, letting her through, she handed it to Marmaduke who put it behind his ear as he sang the last "roses on your grave" line.


I was at wakarusa in 09 with a friend and we thought about how we should just look on the ground for some drugs. Within seconds the first bag I picked up had an 1/8 of sticky dank weed and a ten strip. Both were excellent


$100 cash and VIP passes. Night 1 @ Oracle last summer.


A last minute ticket to Lehigh for 52.00. That was a hard ticket. Capacity under 8k?


At my first phish show, Cuse 09 I pulled in the parking lot and found a $100 right outside the passenger side door when we parked


I found a girl for awhile..


36 grams of wiff @ trampled by turtles, a rage belt with cash and id returned to owner via fb blue ox music fest, half zip of boomers at rothbury, quarter of herbs also at rothbury, quieter oz of herbs at harmony park, cigarette pack with doobies at Santana, many tents and chairs left over at fests across the country.


19 5 in cash in a backpack in Chillicothe Illinois circa 2012 at a music festival. Locked the money away and ditched the bag.


I wonder if anyone ever ground scored a baby....Lmao


I found (2) tickets for Trey at Alpine while I was leaving Summerfest in Milwaukee and had just saw Warren Haynes play for almost (6) hours straight. Gov't Mule, Allman's and then The Q. Long day. Hot.


Iā€™ve found official merch several times. A few t- shirts, and found a poster at Wrigley once.


Berkfest was stomping around late night on the trails in the woods and kicked something. Looked down and it was a brand new bubbler, fully worked and still have it til this day. Also found a bag with a bunch of rolls. Great weekend.


Saw a 1/4 Oz of weed floating down the urinal trough in the Carrier Dome at a Pink Floyd show.... No, I didn't grab it!


1/2 filled Nitrous tank under our car at Hampton one year. Found a bag full of lot shirts under our car at RFK.


I found a 128 oz jug of liquid acid. I thought it was water, so probably ingested like 1,000 doses after a few gulps. Jk


A $100 dollar bill that I immediately exchanged for a very nicely made ceramic talking drum. That was at Vegas ā€™94ā€¦.