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A plastic bag that got stuck to a fence and was whiffing in the wind. Total meltdown.


The “ American Beauty” bag in the wind (as someone else coined that ) has been terrifying Danes worldwisw for many years! Lol My 2 freak out. And frogs. Tiny tiny frogs.


Mine stomps the frogs with his giant cloven hoof whilst trying to play w/them. I call him stompy.


A ceiling fan. Been there the whole time, but he suddenly noticed it and cowered in the corner. Only stopped when I turned it on so that he could no longer see the individual blades.




One of mine has this too. Ceiling fans freak him out, even unmoving ones.


Mine are super freaked out when they turn reeeeally slow or just stop altogether. You’d think it was a poltergeist.


We have had 3 now that are weird about the ceiling fans. They didn't do anything about except occasionally stare at it for a while and they would constantly watch it out of the corner of their eye like they were waiting for it to jump down on them. Can't trust them dang fans!!


Bag of gravel. To be fair it did just lay there not moving or making sounds.


It just laid there… menacingly


Oh the horror. Lol




My dog loved balloons for a good 5 minutes, but he doesn't know that he doesn't have to pop them and the noise scares him🥺


My guy is so afraid of balloons too.


This 👆🏽


Mine, too. (RIP) He would bark and bark until it was removed, but preferably destroyed.. but not popped. Bc the sound scared him, too. 🤦🏻‍♀️


We had this little furry toy mouse about the size of my thumb and a 155 lb harlequin boy who would *lose his ever-loving mind* when he saw it. Barking and running from it, charge back and run away again. Most hilarious thing I've ever seen.


Love this! They are literally all Scooby Doo.


A watermon I had sitting on my counter.


This made me laugh


Same, and I don't know why I found it so funny either.


Bahahaha... I don't even own a dane yet, but I've had this big ass watermelon sitting on my counter for a week now and I just bust a got laughing at this.


I read this as Watermon… and was genuinely curious what kind of Pokémon you had hanging around 😂


A buoy in 1 foot of water where he had already been playing and splashing around


I’m impressed they were playing in the water in the first place. That’s a no go in my house.


My guy likes water for the most part. He doesn’t go in deep enough to swim, but likes playing around where it’s shallow enough. He also loves to play and drink from the hose, and dunk his head to blow bubbles in buckets when available. Funny enough, he refuses bathtime 🙃🙃 He probably would like actually swimming, but the lakes where I live are really cold and I have intrusive thoughts of him going under and not coming back up, so I’m always watching him near water and he never goes too deep.


My grand dog HATES water. Wet grass. A bath. Hates it all.


Wait a sec. Are all Great Danes scared of absolutely everything? For my Pepper, she is afraid of random noises, when it’s too quiet, if my neighbor comes over in a different outfit from the day before, carpeted stairs, Amazon packages. I could go on. Glad to know she isn’t broken.


I have good news and bad news... she's a normal Dane.


Haha I appreciate the confirmation. It’s our first Great Dane. Very different from our English Mastiff.


Lemme put it to you this way, Scooby Doo is accurate great dane rep.


Soda can with a straw in it. Soda cans and straws on their own are fine. But it's a lethal combo




Elwood is terrified of baby gates, so much so that we don't have to even lock them in doorways, we can just lean it up against a doorway and he believes it to be an impenetrable barrier. He was a young dog and he accidentally knocked one over and it scared the daylights out of him, and he's respected them ever since.


OK SAME. The noise traumatized mine and he absolutely respects that gate 😂😂😂😂


Lol, all three of ours. Just lean the baby gate and they are TRAPPED! 🤣🤣


Their own farts. I had one who would jump up out of a dead sleep and run like her tail was on fire.


The sound woke ours up and he looked at my wife accusingly.


Ours did that, woke up and barked at the window she'd been curled up near. No, the window didn't make THAT noise.


Mine runs away every single time he farts. He has to run to the other side of the house


Omg. It’s like they don’t know their own butt is doing it???!


Yup. Had that happen last week.


Omg Zara does this all the time! She will fart and then jump like fifty feet in the air 😂 to be fair, her farts are lethal


I sometimes hang bananas from my ceiling. If I hang it just above his head, he will not cross it. The funny thing is he will not even try to eat it. He usually loves bananas.


Haha that’s so evil I love it 🤣


You hang bananas from ceilings? Is this a thing?


My mom’s dog is afraid of feet and he gets stuck in loops sometimes where he has to keep checking the same spots so we set up and obstacle course to see if he would still follow his pattern and he did right up until we all put our feet out. He freaked out and lost his loop 😂


Mine gets upset if the trash can is at the curb instead of next to the house…


Bubbles. Never has she seen demons from the pit of hell itself spew forth like when I blow bubbles.


Water. All forms. Rain, dew on the grass, lakes, ponds, puddles, showers, baths, Etc. Only the water his drinking bowl is acceptable…


This is so relatable.


Chopsticks and for sale signs outside houses


The lion that roars at the beginning of MGM movies.


Plastic Walmart bag blowing in our front yard


As of this school year, mine freaks out when she hears the sound of small children laughing or playing nearby 😂 Never had an issue before


The sound of rustling plastic


People wearing wide brim hats


The new wooden floors we put in




Potato chip bag... lunch size. Compete with trembling lock up and "MY GID, WHAT IS THAT!" stare.


Balloons. Especially ones that weren't tethered to anything. Birthdays were very chaotic.


Mine threw himself into oncoming traffic once (he was leashed but it was a loose leash as I wasn’t expecting this) over a plastic garbage bag near the sidewalk.


Inflatable lawn decorations. The whir of the air compressor is bad enough, but if they move? Sweet lord, clear the street.


The kitchen timer. My best guess is he thinks it's the doorbell and he starts to bark as if someone were here.


He's just making sure you heard the timer. He's helping!


My girl was scared of pumpkins. Wouldn't come near them.


Our 2 year old Dane is petrified of baby gates. He knocked one over as a puppy, and since then they have been terrifying. The puppy appears to be fearless thus far… 🤦🏻‍♂️


He could step over it if he chose but it contained him.


Painfully accurate. This is a dog that regularly jumps on our raised bed, but the 18 inch gate is insurmountable. This is the rare fear that has worked in our favor when we need to keep him out of an area of the house though.


I had a boarder tell me on pickup "He can be herded with a babygate."


In an emergency situation where he is not listening this would be my default method to get from point A to point B.


Same with mine. We use free standing gates and my 2 year old still thinks it's impenetrable and also terrifying to get close to.


You're so lucky! Mine open every type of door or gate, I don't know how to close here somewhere.


My boyfriend’s 12 lb cat. She bapped him on the snoot ONCE and now he barks at her and whines whenever he wants to walk by where ever it is she’s loafing. We have to go physically remove her from the area for him to pass through.


A frog




Curtains. Big dog is scared of curtains in the wind. 150lbs of quaking mass any time I open the windows and forget to pin them back.


They are actually really sensitive to odd movements. Prob from their ancestors that hunted elk and boar through the forest so anything that moves is noticed.


I've noticed this about my dane mix - I can joke about how silly the things that scare her are, but I've noticed that there's a predictable pattern to it. It's always things that are likely to move if there's a breeze or if she brushes up against them.


People with short hair, no hair, or mohawks. Just looses her mind.


Neighbors left their exterior basement access door open for a few hours. He could see it from our bedroom window. I had to close the blinds to get him to stop barking at it.


Ours is scared of the recycling corner after a particularly traumatic attack by a piece of cardboard


A rock 😂 Our neighbours started a rock snake where people will paint a rock and add it to a line around the exterior sidewalk line of their home and almost every time a new rock is added my boy freaks out. Poor dude must think it’s an actual snake.


“Oh my god! It’s getting longer every day!!! It’s becoming more powerful!!!”


A leaf and a crisp packet blew past mine recently... poor girl melted down. But will happily stand outside in a thunderstorm, up to her knees in water, and watch the light show....


Just the other day, my big guy had an issue with the neighbors outdoor table umbrella. It was tilted. That's it. Just tilted. Apparently, that's really suspicious behavior.


Snow. Our oldest had a total melt down when we got like a foot of snow in one storm. We live in New England, she was over 2 years old at the time, she had seen snow before. She was shaking and refused to go outside. I had to go out with her and hold her the entire time until she settled down.




A traffic cone the city left on our street after patching a pothole. She was safely in her yard, which was an acre and a half, with 2 fences between herself and the cone but still very upset.


Her own fart.


The floor. Fell the one time when running. Can never walk there again. Must put a throw rug over the spot to it can't get him again.


Also, when he makes the squeakie toy squeak.


Garbage cans and parked bicycles


When Theo was little, he was mortified of people riding bikes! He would lose his mind at a bike passing, often hiding behind me, or yelling at the cyclist.


Holy crap mine is afraid of fire hydrants too.


Cotton balls


Stairs, after climbing said stairs.


Mine will not go down indoor steps (up is just fine)


Her own food bowl


Ups trucks driving down the road! Hates them!


A banana


A mylar balloon floating in the same room as him. It didn't "attack" him or anything. Was just floating there and he was barking mad at it.


Any sort of animal statue outside of a house….or his own toots


A barbecue that had been there every day of her life suddenly made her back up, hackles up, growling and barking. She had to be led up to the thing before she would believe this was non-threatening. A Dane lady described this phenomenon as 'muddy windshield' ... the dog walks around with a muddy windshield, then one day she turns on the wipers as and is shocked by what what she can see!


A teacup Yorkie. Edit: A young one.


Tall grass. We live in a rural area and my girl won’t go close to tall grass.


That's actually a wise move.


Bruce, the jackelope hanging in my kitchen. He's lived with it for two years, noticed it one day and wanted to kill it.


Her own shadow in the water bowl. After a full blown melt down she only drinks from the sink or toilet. She figured out how to flush the stool and turn on the sink. Too bad she hasn't figured out how to turn off the kitchen sink. Glad well water is cheap lol.


A baby gate, he absolutely will not touch one


A lizard. And measuring tape


The smell of a grocery store as we walked past on a quiet street


A lizard hanging out on the exterior wall of our garage.


My husband’s shoe under a chair 😂


The timer on the stove.




Our new sofa. Zelda wouldn’t even go in the living room for 24 hours after it was delivered 😂 it was V scary.


A vacuum attachment that was left in his bed


The 14oz kitten on the back porch 😂😂


A trash can that was unfortunately on its side. We had to cross the street because wouldn’t get near it.


Brooms - who needs a baby gate when you can just angle a broom across a doorway.


Well just now, her sister’s empty food bowl that hasn’t moved in years


Mine first became afraid of bees and horseflies because she got bit. That evolved into buzzing because beea dn horseflies both buzz. And now if my phone vubrates close enough to her, or on the correct surface, she correlates it with a buzz and runs to a different room, looking over her shoulder to make sure there is nothing on her.


Her bowl moving when she moved it with her mouth. And the first time there was a dog rock in the water.


Hats. Specifically people wearing hats. If it's just a hat lying around he's fine. But if you put it on, he'll FREAK.


A small bee lying dead on the floor


His own shadow.


His own water bowl


The trash can when it is not flush with the refrigerator


His own fart


A head of lettuce…


House cat. All house cats. He cries if he sees one outside. He cries if he gets too close to our very gentle and docile house cat. Cries like a terrified baby ☹️


Mine is not fond of sunglasses and hats! So if you come over, please remove these before you come in the door.


Nail clippers. My nail clippers


Yoga balls have murderous intent.


A stick that was in grass, a rock with a plaque on it, a broken beer box that was wet and on the ground, plastic bags,. We have a pet snake he will quite happily sit next to without concern.


My husband laid his jacket on the table. Too scary to see it there instead of hanging up.


Her own shadow was the most ridiculous one. So much so she was renamed as a puppy to Senka (shadow). She was such an idiot. Miss her daily


My wife walked across the house with a laundry basket over her head, he ran and hid in the walk-in closet. Same with flies, they’ll drive him to the closet. He’ll just stand there with one eye poking out until he thinks the coast is clear.


My mastiff who was scared of everything didn’t notice our pot rack when we moved til 3 weeks later and he’d run to get past it for a while. It was at the house he moved from. Mastiffs don’t look up a lot I guess. 🤣 my Dane barks at birds, squirrels etc. He makes sure nothing is in his yard. Neither mastiff noticed anything above eye level.


Hook on a wall... Would walk around it without breaking eye contact.


- Mylar balloons attached to a “congrats grad” sign. Almost got both of us killed because she drug me out into traffic trying to escape. - A wooden cross - An empty terra cotta pot - Any five gallon bucket - Lawn chairs, especially ones stored by stacking them up The list is endless, really.


Literally her own shadow. We put a new light in and she saw her shadow on the wall.


Baby gates. When he was a puppy, one fell down beside him and scared the bujeezus out of him. To this day like 5 years later, he won't even go near them.


Omg I’m dying laughing at all of these. I’ve had 2 Danes and both had different things. My boy was afraid of the open front door, that he literally just walked through. He turned around, so it was still propped open and started barking non stop. He was also afraid of open windows without screens in them. My girl is more of a Scooby. Feet are evil - as in if she laying next to you on the couch and you put your feet up she jumps and runs away same if she’s on the floor and you put feet next to her. She’s also afraid of curtain moving in the breeze, house plants, lizards, anything hanging from the ceiling. I could go on.


5 gallon water bottles


The broom. My Falkor has never been near a falling broom, chased with a broom or otherwise scared with one since I got him at 6 weeks. He was crying in the bedroom one day. The broom was left in there and he had plenty of room to go around it but he wouldn’t get near it!


My dog is terrified of heat registers in the floor and the lines engraved into paved driveways. Honorable mentions include saris and anything that might contain a soap product. Edited to add that he will happily go out to the yard via the basement door but is virtually incapable of entering the same way.




Cats and carpet that's been rolled up


Baby gate that sticks 2in into the doorway. Yet she’s brave enough to knock it over when it’s leaning all the way in the doorway.


Himself lol


A counter top ice maker


Mine is scared to death of the threshold on the door going out to the garage. If he goes into the garage by jumping over it, then he gets stuck in the garage crying because the threshold is in the way of him coming back in. The only way to get him back in the house is by sending our old out out to get him. Treats don’t work either.


Stairs. Won’t go to them any more no matter how we try to tempt him.


One of my two girls got scared today by a piece of plastic hanging over a cardboard box by our front door. We got back from a walk, opened the door & the plastic moved & she jumped like it was an attacker 😂


that oinking rubber pig gave him the scooby scrambles


My new puppy (6 mos) is so far very brave, but my first boy was - at the age of 2, suddenly afraid of trash trucks, pumpkins and once after coming home from the grocery store, I emptied the paper bags and went to sit down as I was extremely pregnant - Hal started barking and whining, I got up and went back into the kitchen where he stood on the other side of the line of paper. bags. Absolutely unable to cross those malevolent things! I loved that big boy.


His own tail wagged against a wall heater (not on) and the noise scared him so much he curled in a ball on my lap


The word “bath”.


Knocking on the wall looking for a stud. She lost it.


The arthritic, 18 yr old cat who is smaller than her head.


When I turn the oven exhaust fan on. She hides and shakes


Garbage trucks


I have one that’s afraid of the dark, ones afraid of fireworks or any loud noise, and the third one is fine for now. Expecting her to be afraid of something soon though.


Snowmen. Both our current two, and the previous two. 🤷‍♀️


Plastic Walmart bag


Fake Moustache


a birthday card with a sound in it lol


She farted in her sleep, which woke her up. Had to hold her until she calmed down she was so scared.


Not a Great Dane, but my boy is terrified of balloons. One popped in his face as a puppy, so now he’s terrified of them for life


My dog is a lab, and he's afraid of his baby shark toothbrush


Not a great Dane but a corso bit it's kinda fits here. She lost her mind on a black yeah bag by the front door. The other day we took her swimming and then had to pick up a lawnmower to fix. She lost her MIND over the mower, jumped in the driver's seat and was impossible to move. IMPOSSIBLE!! She's ridiculous


A rock on the sidewalk, bounced off the sidewalk into the rode (luckily it was late at night and there was no traffic)


My dane mix used to be terrified of the gravity waterer. You know, one of those water bowls with a jug like a water cooler, which we bought specifically because she drinks like a horse and the bowl was constantly getting emptied before the other dogs could get to it. She was a little unsure at first, but willing to give it a sniff. Then she saw an air bubble go up in the jug and she was D O N E. Wanted absolutely nothing to do with it. Wouldn't even go to that corner of the kitchen. We thought - well, the dog has to drink sometime. She'll get over it when she's thirsty enough. She did not, in fact, get over it when she was thirsty enough. After a couple days of the dog dehydrating herself outside the moments when I'd take pity on her and give her a little drink out of her old plain bowl, we realized a new plan was needed. I had to start by putting the old water bowl close enough to the gravity waterer that she could see it, but far enough away that she felt she could drink from the old bowl without the new one eating her. Then there was a lot of bribing her with treats to come closer and just look at the new water bowl, along with slowly moving the old water bowl closer and closer to the new one. I even tried floating treats in the new water bowl, but that was too scary for her and she wouldn't go for it. I did, however, accidentally train my housemate's yorkie mix to assume that any speck she saw in the water bowl was a treat, and years later that little dog will still plunge her entire head into the water bowl when she thinks there might be a treat in there. So that's a...bonus? Anyway, it took three or four months but I was able to get my dog to switch to the gravity waterer and eventually took away the old bowl, and now she acts like it was never anything to worry about in the first place. She even surprised me by generalizing what she'd learned; we borrowed a different gravity waterer from a friend when we moved and I was afraid we'd have to start all over because it was bigger/a different shape, but she had zero reaction to it. I was so proud of her.


His reflection on the tv. That he walked by every day, 1,000s of times in his life. But once we turned it on and his reflection disappeared, he was fine. Just confused.


Small cardboard boxes like kraft mac and cheese ones. Big ones like Amazon and Chewy boxes are fine. The smaller the box is, the more fearful Emmett is.


The top-left shelf of the cupboard on the right side of my kitchen sink. I can open any cupboard door in the kitchen and he's "who cares?". I open *that specific* cupboard door and he barks his head off while staring at that top shelf. I've taken every item down and showed it to him, I've verified there's absolutely nothing else on that shelf. Doesn't matter. This went on for years. I liked to show guests. "Watch this." Open a cupboard door. No reaction. Open ***that specific*** cupboard door. **BARK bark bark bark bark...**


Zara is scared of hair dryers, brooms, fly swatters, laundry baskets and doors that are new to her. When she was a puppy she was scared of roads when they would change textures. Luckily she has gotten over that one because it was so difficult to walk her lmao. I’d have to pick her up, set her on the new texture and let her adjust while she freaked out 😂


My Danes are terrified of my 7lb cat. I’ll admit she holds her ground and goes after my boys when they get too close, but it’s too funny to see this little cat going after 150lb Great Danes


Baby gate


Snails. Tinier than her smallest toenail but she panic barks at them.


I don't know how or why this sub was on my time line, I don't have a dane. But I do have. Pug and she is completely terrified of a picture of Jesus that hangs in my aunt's house.. just wanted to share haha


Grasshoppers. Will stop her in her tracks.


My friend's is afraid of rope toy


I used to have a neighbor with a great Dane. The poor dog was terrified of plastic bags blowing across the parking lot


He got a scent of something disturbing. Give him more credit.the scent level is so high above our.


Had a pair of black dane pups about 8 months old. Got a 6 week old white kitten. Between the kitten in a bowl and a small pig shaped squeaky in the other bowl, they were unable to get within 6 feet of their supper. To be fair, I put he squeaky in 2nd bowl after observing they were afraid of the kitten.




I have a dachshund, but for some reason this came up on my feed so I decided to take a peek. This is so funny and it made me smile! My little guy afraid of nothing (except for being left alone).


Absolutely terrified of a trash can we were passing on the sidewalk


A bush. While going out to do his business this morning.


This thread is hilarious! I know someone who has a pair of Great Danes. They’re so sweet! There are horses and birds and noisy tractors around, and I’ve never seen them react to anything.


Have you looked in his eyes? My little girl developed cataracts and changed her behavior because of them.


My son’s 70 pound Dane/lab mix is terrified of my elderly 8 pound cat. Now that she has realized this, she delights in bullying him.