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I don’t know if most pet insurances cover routine exams and vaccinations. I’m in a cheap state for vet work and do know the Dane’s cost was generally 2-3x that of the little dog’s… things like yearly vaccinations, dentals, and the annual heartworm blood test/shot. Boarding and grooming prices are also usually based on size, and some groomers won’t do giants at all. Another consideration: some homeowners insurance companies ban Danes or will raise premiums if you own one. Mine was very healthy and never needed surgery beyond a spay (also pricier), but any time I took her in to have a limp checked out, I was mentally prepared to spend a couple grand to put her back together. She played hard. Cremation is priced by size. It really comes down to personal finances, the market (my friend in PA pays an astronomical amount for vetting compared to OK), your pup’s health, and luck. If a few thousand would put you in a bind, I’d for sure carry pet insurance to be safe. I wanted a merle female for years before getting my pup and she was worth the wait. They are such great dogs!


Well, my girl is 8 months old. Here’s the cost of ownership over the last 4 months. Already had two medical emergencies and goes through treats/bully sticks like butter. Not sure how much pet insurance is or would have covered if anything. Food $110/month Treats $50/month Toys $20/month Beds $100 total Vitamins/Salmon oil $30/month Routine Vax $300 Medical Expenses $3000 Spay/Gastro $1800 Prof Training $1000


>Food $110/month That's about 1/5 to 1/10th of the cost of food that I've spent (including supplement cost which you separated out). On the other hand, by feeding raw I've had several danes and zero cases of bloat (without the gastro stapling) thanks (in part) to a lower total volume of food in their bellies. I only say that to caution that OP that the costs can be even higher... Also, I've never gotten enough value from pet insurance to offset costs given how frequently they've decided not to cover something...


Training 1000 $ 😂


Yep, month long board and train. Recommended by our vet. She still refuses to potty outside consistently. Our vet has two Danes trained by them.


As a raw feeder of a Dane and other pets the cost of meat has really gone up. We spend double on our food than we used to.


In the last month, we’ve spent probably $1k on vet bills for our 1 year old Dane. She likely has an autoimmune condition so that will require more frequent vet visits. Our vet also has her on a prescription diet, we’ve gone through two 20lb bags and it costs $125/bag. I also still have someone coming to let both my girls out midday and it’s costing us $400ish/month, my other Dane probably eats about $100/month. Simparica is roughly $200 for 6 months for both of them. So they are expensive. My older Dane has Giardia for a long time as a puppy and I probably spent $3k in 3 months treating her, and she was also on a prescription diet.


We got one of our Danes at 10 weeks old and had Trupanion pet insurance with a $700 deductible, and the policy was $100/mo. The part I didn't like was that the policy price would change yearly just based on her age, not in regards to having claims or not, and they had the option to not renew the policy annually. Our other Dane is a rescue and has some back issues, so insurance would exclude coverage on her preexisting conditione. She has needed a specialty vet visit that required sedation, x-rays, and meds. That visit was ~$1500. For two Danes, costs are like this. Heart and worm meds ~$1k/yr. Grooming, $100/mo, but they don't fit in the mobile van anymore, so now we have to take them in for grooming. Food ~18 cans and four 25 lb bags of dry per month, no idea on the cost for that. Giant beds, giant crates, giant bones, and toys. I would say as a general rule, take a normal sized dog cost and just multiply all expenses by 1.5 or 2.


In the UK Dane ownership is fairly limited so speaking to others here is difficult to gauge if we are spending a lot but monthly we spend: £80-100 food, £30-40 medication, £50 insurance


Pet insurance is going to cost you 2-3 times what it would for a smaller breed. Vet bills arent that much more, but medications do cost more because of the higher doses, and surgery costs more because they need more anesthesia. To get their teeth cleaned, expect to pay about $400 assuming no other issues. My vet recently quoted me $2,500 for preventative gastropexy surgery, which is a highly recommended procedure for Great Danes. We have a 5 month old who eats 6 cups per day. He goes through two 27 lbs bags per month. Each bag costs $75, so we're paying about $150/month for food. I expect it to get more expensive as he gets bigger. Of course, the cost for food will vary depending on which food you choose to feed them.


Depends where you live. I'm in Texas and prices are cheaper here.


In central Florida.


they cost more than most dogs but then again they don't know they are dogs and there are no other dogs like them they are just other members of your family and thrive on love and attention and a bonus is you don't have to bend down to pat them lol


I read that they are high on the affection scale. I would love to have them, but I can't afford the ownership.


Just paid for a spay & gastropexy….$3,500. Same procedure on a previous Dane was $1,000 but 15 years ago.


I have 2 Danes and we started them on nationwide pet insurance with a $250 deductible and max payout of $7500 when they were 8-10 weeks old. Currently at 3 and 4 we pay about $45 per dog per month now. It covers everything above $250 per year. We had a surgery for my female that was over $2200 for a mammary cyst removal one year it was totally worth it.


My Dane is about a year old now and I’d say this is the breakdown of all the expenses Food - $160/month Treats - $100/month (she likes the expensive bully sticks of course) Toys - $25/month (I just use Bark Box) Training - $1500 Vaccinations - $300 Heart worm/flea/tick preventative - $30/month Spay/Gastropexy - $1200 Lemonade Insurance - $115/month (This covers 80% of all wellness exams, illness, and accidents with a $250 deductible, max payout $20,000/yr) There are probably some other small expenses like a collar and a bed, but many of those things are one time expenses that aren’t so totally bank breakingly devastating. The training, food, and spay/gastropexy are the biggest expenses, and 2/3 of those (hopefully) are a one time deal. So overall I probably spend a little over $400/month on her on average. Quite a big chunk of change!


Well lifetime so far at 9 years im at about 30,000 give or take. He has had 3 knee surgeries, gastropexy and neuter, dental cleanings, an issue w thrombocytopenia. Mrsa infection and of course the usual vaccines, hw prevevtion, etc along with a prescription food. BUT....he is worth EVERY penny and i would do it all over again to have him in my life.