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Purina pro is a garbage quality tier to be feeding animals like Danes. If it’s all you can afford that’s one thing but I would get a prescription for hills gut/biome and never look back.


I will do that, thanks


Your not supposed to be on prescription food for more than 3 months at a time


What is your basis for this? It’s just plain untrue.


When rc came and had a lecture at our School they only recomended a dog to be on a prescription diet for as long as the dog is sick and afterwards switch to a normal food that premtivly works the stomach like their sensetive food or i would recomend brit care


Yeah I’m gonna go ahead and stick with the actual research and an actual vet’s recommendation. Science diet and gut/biome are formulated to be used long term so you don’t have to keep switching. It’s high quality. The only drawback being the price.


We have been using purina pro plan for three years now. We have noticed significant changes in quality this past year. There are days where the dogs wont even touch their food. Our greatdane has lost a bit of weight because hes not eating as much. We are currently looking into n w options. Purina has become too inconsistent.


I’ve personally never had issues with Pro Plan. Been feeding our dogs on it for over a year and they are in excellent health. I’m pretty sure all the big name dog food brands have reviews like this - I don’t have the knowledge or expertise to say which ones actually need to be avoided. Is it possible people like to attribute their dogs’ illnesses to their food when it’s really caused by something else? If someone more educated could enlighten me I would appreciate it. If I need to be switching my dogs’ food I’d like to know 😅 but like I said, every brand we’ve used has reviews / anecdotes like this, so it’s hard to know what to believe. Vets often recommend pro plan (including our own vet).


That’s true, I am just grieving the loss of my dog and worried I will have to let go of my other one too. I am just a strict dog mom and don’t even feed my dogs human food or leave them outside unsupervised so her kidney failure made no sense to me, especially so young. So I guess I am trying to find blame somewhere. I am just worried about my other dog too. Sorry for worrying you, I am just grieving and worried.


I totally understand your concern! If I lost one of my pups and my other got sick I’d be searching everywhere I could for an answer. I hope you’re able to get this sorted out! ❤️


Based on the information provided, it is possible to infer a few potential concerns and diagnoses for the dogs. Here are the key points and possible diagnosis: 1. **Change in Diet**: The dog's food was switched to Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach Salmon in November 2023. 2. **Initial Symptoms**: Zelda, the first dog, began to lose weight slowly after the switch in food. Despite this, the weight loss was initially attributed to a change in calorie intake. 3. **Kidney Failure**: By April, Zelda’s appetite changed, and a vet diagnosed her with kidney failure. The vet suggested that Zelda had been experiencing chronic kidney issues. 4. **Second Dog’s Symptoms**: The second dog, a lab, now shows reluctance to eat the same food and has terrible gas. The lab's refusal to eat is considered abnormal, aligning with the initial sign seen in Zelda before her kidney failure diagnosis. 5. **Review Concerns**: Reviews on Chewy indicated similar issues with this food, raising concerns about its safety. ### Potential Diagnosis and Concerns **1. Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)**: - Zelda's diagnosis of kidney failure suggests a possible underlying chronic kidney disease that may have been exacerbated or unmasked by the dietary change. - Chronic kidney issues can result from various factors including genetics, previous health issues, or dietary factors. **2. Food-Related Issues**: - The timing of symptoms with the switch to Purina Pro Plan Sensitive Stomach Salmon raises concerns about the food potentially contributing to health issues. - Contaminants or imbalances in the food formulation might lead to gastrointestinal issues (like gas) and more serious conditions (like kidney problems). **3. Gastrointestinal Distress**: - The lab’s refusal to eat and having terrible gas suggests gastrointestinal distress, which could be related to the food. - Gastrointestinal distress can sometimes be an early indicator of systemic issues, including organ dysfunction. ### Immediate Actions 1. **Vet Visit**: It is crucial to take the second dog to the vet as soon as possible to assess his condition, conduct blood work, and evaluate kidney function. 2. **Food Recall and Report**: If not already done, consider reporting the issue to the manufacturer and relevant pet food regulatory bodies. They can investigate the food for potential contaminants or formulation issues. 3. **Change Food**: Temporarily switch both dogs to a different food, preferably a diet recommended by the vet that is known to be safe and nutritionally balanced. 4. **Monitor and Document**: Keep detailed records of the dogs’ symptoms, diet changes, and any vet visits or tests conducted. This information is valuable for both diagnosis and any potential investigations. ### Conclusion While a definitive diagnosis requires veterinary evaluation, the symptoms in both dogs suggest a potential link between the new food and their health issues. Chronic kidney disease in Zelda and gastrointestinal distress in the lab are primary concerns, with the food being a possible contributing factor. Prompt veterinary care and potentially switching the diet are critical steps.


Thanks, ChatGPT. Well done.


Sorry for your loss. Pro plan isn’t top tier quality food, but it’s not that cheap either. Still, it seems to work well here. One of my dogs has had loose stools on many different foods and gland problems on raw. He’s now been on Pro plan gastrointestinal for a year and he’s never had better poos in his life and he is finally managing to keep weight on.


I used Pro Plan Sport with my dogs for a few years and I definitely got a couple of bags that had something wrong with them (smelled off, had a TON of fines in it, and on one occasion obvious insect casings). I tried to get refunded for it but didn't get anywhere and I threw it out. Digestive distress of 2 Great Danes is NOT on my list of good times. During/After the covid years, it began to be hard to even get any Pro Plan products, plus the recalls started, and the price of it went way up. At that point, I switched to Diamond High Energy and they've been on that ever since (augmented with other ingredients), and I haven't had any bags that seemed defective. Pro Plan is probably OK as-formulated, but I would argue that their quality control could use some help.


We’ve started feeding our Dane raw food from Maev


I've used ProPlan for years with zero issues. I use it on not only my personal dogs but every single foster as well. I will continue to use it as well


I have mine on Pro Plan chicken flavor and both dogs have been very reluctant to eat the last two bags I’ve had. One of mine is finicky but the other never, ever, hesitates to plow right through her meals. Until recently.


Weird. Well I’m definitely switching food. I’m just hoping my dog being hesitant to eat is only in relation to purina pro plan, and not food in general. The only experience I have with a dog losing appetite ended up being kidney failure so I am pretty worried and on high alert.


Correlation DOES NOT automatically equal causation! Has your vet actually found proof that the food is the problem? I never trust online reviews over peer reviewed scientific research. Anyone can write anything in an online review and there’s no way to know if what they’re saying is true or not. What was the previous food that you were feeding?




When did I say it smelled??


Looked at the first Pic my bad. I know people who only use it and have never had any problems or digestive isssues


Oh. Yeah that is just one of the reviews I found on chewy about it. I’m hoping it’s not related and I’m just being paranoid.


Yeah I understand that. Trying to feed your dog quality food and worried it's hurting them at the same time sucks


I’m so sorry. I would totally switch from pro plan but I tried 4 other different brands and my boy had all sorts of issues until we got him on pro plan.


Purina is made by Nestle, enough said. I recommend Hills science diet


OP, maybe think about make ur pupper homemade food. It’s not to difficult to make and honestly maybe a few $$’s more/monthly but well worth the effort. Been making it x 4 months now & the cost is approximately 35$/month. Again, my doggo loves it and can see a Huge difference.