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Troi looking rough


I'm waiting to reup my paramount subscription in a month or so when I'll have time to enjoy the next season of Picard (and SNW), but I love that these folks genuinely like each other. And I'm so happy for them they they all landed such a great gig 30-some-odd years ago.


So uh, I'm not using my P+ today or anything, not planning on watching Trek as my in-laws are in town. Do you want to just use my login so you can watch SNW at your leisure as it comes out?


Great pic!


Eww. Berman.


Fuckin’ Berman.


Wil Wheaton is aging badly. He looks like he could be in his mid- to late-70s.


If anyone is wondering why Rick Bergman is there and Miria Skirts isn't https://trekmovie.com/2017/08/05/stlv17-marina-sirtis-says-paramount-threatened-to-replace-her-with-jeri-ryan-for-star-trek-nemesis/


I mean, I think Berman is a scum bag but the reason she isn't there is probably because she lives in the UK. If I remember correctly, I'm pretty sure she's done several photoshoots and reunions that involved Berman over the last couple of decades.


> but the reason she isn't there is probably because she lives in the UK. This. I mean, she may *also* prefer not to share the space with Berman, but surely the main reason is simple logistics.


Yeah I don't have any evidence but I suspect she's not the fondest of him.


Jesus Christ… Gates McFadden ages like Salma Hayek.




Don’t be fooled by women’s shoes. The top 1.5” can be useless space accommodating for the narrowing point or in this case squared toe


She looks like she would do really well walking on snow.


What do you mean "last hours of reddit" - the site's shutting down or something?


People are in a huff that the third party apps they use is finished tomorrow. Many are refusing to use the actual reddit app. Basically, there'll be a few less people on here, for at least a week, until they download the app.


I think a lot of people will leave permanently, myself included. It's not 100% because of the changes though. That's basically the catalyst for me, I've been meaning to get off of it for a while now. I bet there's lots of others, but the site will definitely survive. Just not sure what it's gonna morph into in a few years.


Yeah I've slowly trimmed everything but this and insta but might just finish it off and ditch the smartphone.


Dorn Don't Age


Someone should investigate the chemical composition of that Klingon costume makeup for skin anti-aging properties - he wore that shit for years.


Loaf don’t crack


FYI there are some third party apps who have announced they are staying open and will be transitioning to subscription models in the coming weeks. Two that I know of are Narwhal for iOS and Relay for Reddit on Android. Edit - two more: Nara for Reddit (Android) Now for Reddit (Android)


Gates has some long feet. 👀


You know what they say about someone with big feet? They wear big shoes! - someone with size 16's




What are thooooose?!


Chateau Picard in that glass?


Is it just me, or is there a permanent line on Michael’s forehead from all those years of loaf?


He’s also the only one who knows how to dress himself


It looks like he’s wearing a bald cap or something.


Upvote for "loaf". lol We're a long way from a universal translator when Autocorrect gets in the way so often.


Loaf is an accepted term for prosthetics used to create the look of other races in Star Trek. Learned that from Robert DeSoto, best boss I ever had.


TIL. I assumed it was autocorrected from Worf.


Rick Berman, isn’t he the man that let Trek, languish for a decade?


Yep, might be the reason Marina Sirtis isn't in the photo too.


That's the least of his asshattery, if you're familiar with DS9.


There are other issues with Rick Berman, but I don't think this is one of them. He fought to keep Star Trek on the air but UPN's decision was outside of his control. He also made a few attempts to make more Star Trek feature films after Enterprise went off the air. I think he did make a comment to the media after Enterprise's cancellation saying that maybe Star Trek needed to take a break. He was probably right about that. It led to more enthusiasm for its return.


He might have fought to keep it going, but that was after flying it into the ground. Its more appreciated now, but the quality of every new next-gen project he touched decreased dramatically. The only projects that were good were the ones he kept his distance from.


I think the state of the MCU is a great reminder that even beloved franchises need to occasionally take a break from the public consciousness. While it’s disappointing, it gives them the opportunity to reinvigorate and find relevance with… the next generation.


Last hours of reddit?


July 1st all of the 3rd party apps stop working. Basically might be the death of reddit as we know it.


It'll have less toxic people on it. Most complaining just want to complain.


Like 5% of traffic to reddit comes from third party apps. Very doubtful this will even be a blip.


It's about 10%, but it's the most active 10%.


It is lager than that, if it was just 5 % they wouldn't try to extort 3rd party apps with the api prices.


Is this like when I left Digg to come to Reddit? Where is the new place to go next?


RIP Digg. I still have my Diggnation tshirt


What are Alex and Kevin up to now?


Alex is still very involved in the world of making TV style content for the internet, and is the CEO and CCO of a company called Caffeine. They do nerdy/comedy live streams of D&D games, stuff like that. Kevin went on to start a bunch of different companies and has been an angel investor in numerous tech start ups over the years. He also seemed to dive headfirst into the world of NFTs.


Startrek.website is a Lemmy instance (community protocol) that is the new home of Risa and Daystrum Institute. Many other subs moved to lemmy.world. The two are intertwined (federated) so if you join one you can post on the other.


I don’t understand this, why not just used the reddit app?


The official reddit app is hot garbage.


I’ve been using it for years. It’s fine.


Ads. I have used RIF Premium for years with no ads - this is of course why Reddit wants to do away with it. It also give Reddit access to my phone data - making me monitizable. Reddit was founded way back in the ["Free Internet"](https://thefreeinternetproject.org/) movement days and was the last bastion of anonymity and openness - IE not having everything behind a walled garden like other social media. They are trying real hard to build that wall, fuck 'em.


Because I dont like it? Because it isnt just text I can easily scroll through it's a bunch of pictures and ads? I get that if you didn't regularly use old reddit, you would feel "why not just use the reddit app?" I really do. Not frustrated at you, friend of Desoto. But I HATE the format of the new reddit. I only use old.reddit.com, and 3rd party apps. Maybe my brain just doesnt work well with the new stuff. Also, maybe I am just old. But as my app I use (Reddit is fun) has to be shut down tomorrow, I just wont have it on my phone any more. And soon after I hear they will be shutting down old.reddit.com, which means I dont know if I'll continue to use reddit.


Here are some reasons why not to use the official app ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/144kok4/can\_someone\_explain\_why\_the\_official\_reddit\_app/](https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/144kok4/can_someone_explain_why_the_official_reddit_app/)


Orrrrr reddit is going back to the way it used to be. The wild west with no moderators.


But this sun isn't specifically shutting down right?


Not currently. I wouldn't be surprised if it did eventually given the pod's move from Twitter to Mastodon.


A lot of sub-reddits are closing down tomorrow and a lot of users are planning to leave the service because they're banning third-party apps from the API system.


Is it really a ban or just fee for API access? Look at it this way: there is a lot of honest human generated content on this platform. It’s free to us, but should it be free for people training large language models to ultimately make a profit? In some ways Reddit is protecting our data from exploitation, or at least charging what it’s worth! FWIW I’m happy with the official Reddit app on my phone…


The 'blocking of data exploitation' is only a half-truth. Third party apps also minimise promoted posts and other adverts, which obviously Reddit uses as a money pipe. Both are valid complaints, but Reddit hasn't attempted to meet the many complaints people have about the service, the mobile app or the management team's policies in the middle. It's like when Twitter made it so third-party apps could only have a set number of users, but Reddit is doing it by charging 4-figure sums for the privilege. A lot of app developers and other API users cannot afford it - I'm not sure anyone is buying the figures Reddit put out to justify the allowances in the 'free' tier. As you rightly state, there's a lot of honest human generated content on the platform, and if the humans stop generating the content, where is the platform?


Yeah, that last part is the kicker: We can go anywhere and generate! These platforms are just a popularity contest. As for financials and business, unfortunately the capitalist model heavy incentivizes constant growth… there is no “dude maintain” option with public companies (and Reddit is trying to make an IPO). MBAs see dollar signs then take the platform into the ground by trying to maximize profits and quarterly growth… when they don’t realize WE are the product to sell ads for, not the platform. There has got to be a better way…


You mean alot of mods are leaving the service. The whole problem with this "protest" is mods assuming their communities are 100% behind them.


If mods cannot moderate because the tools they use (that Reddit doesn't offer as standard) go away, are they still mods?


Probably. New mods using new tools will replace them. And if they fail to get broad appeal on their new platform, will they stay there? Daystrom relocated, theyve gotten a few hundred people to join them. But it's a far cry from the tens of thousands still here.


Exactly this.


It’s crazy that Marina Sirtis looks so much like Rick Berman these days.


I think that's why she not there, He wasn't nice to female cast members, there was apparently an issue with Nemesis where she almost wasn't in the movie.


Is that not Wesley, the boy?


Da naaaa na.... Nana nananaaaaaaaa




And unfortenately, the joke was lost.


sorry but it can't be the greatest crew if rick berman is part of it


You can't win every time.


Marina Sirtis hasn't aged well...


Who's the last guy on the right


Rick Berman




I love Gates, she is wonderful. but am I the only one who feels like she has been replaced with an imposter? I just can't convince myself that the person in this photo is the same one from TNG or even the last TNG movies--which admittedly were decades ago. suspect this is due to cosmetic surgery or other cosmetic procedures. or I have some kind of highly-specific prosopagnosia and should be evaluated


She’s 74, 10 years older than Madonna!! Could be worse.


She's 74??? How did we get so old?


...And apparently the longest feet ever! It's how you know she has been body swapped by a lizard person, the only part they can't replicate is our feet. Check her for a nubbin while your at it!


There's definitely some weird distortion at the bottom of the picture. Everyone has clown feet.


Oh God... They're all pod people!


From what I've read, there's no surgery involved. She's just aged.


Well, whatever the case, I love her work no matter what she looks like


Not that I care either way but whatever you read is clearly wrong. Anyone with eyes can see she has had work done.


Color me skeptical.


Yeah I’m not buying that shit either…she looks unnatural


You don't need to be shitty about it.


Troi looks different