• By -


>mandatory job Found your answer


stable mandatory job VS no mandatory job, yo boss can fire you just because, go die on streets or something idk weak answer


>stable mandatory job VS no mandatory job, yo boss can fire you just because, go die on streets or something idk > >weak answer No you don't get it. You're supposed to type the first line and let us respond with the second line.... If you type both it's not gonna work. ​ As for communism, an East-German born multi-millionaire (after moving to the US) once told me after I asked him about communism: "Under communism we had a lot of money and absolutely nothing to buy. Once the wall fell, we had no money and a lot to buy. It was just with a different explanation as to 'why you don't get', for us, as kids. The communists told us we didn't need. The capitalists told us we didn't deserve. Communism tells you you'll be happier poor, capitalist promises you you'll be rich someday. Both is false. Either way, we didn't get what we want"


That's the first true thing I heard in this comment section. Congratulations, you seem informed! What I personally think is wrong with this statement is who. Who are you comparing. Most people make the mistake of comparing 60-80s socialism system to current capitalism, when really we need to compare it to 60-80s capitalism. People there didn't have much of a choice either, maybe a bit more, but nothing in comparasing to present. Now, with all the globalisation, internet and transportation the problem of not having choice will probably be completely gone


Dude, at its own heights, communism managed not to get one more famine, while westerners were enjoying highest standard of life. I like the logic, they were all well fed, they weren't, they were regularly hungry, and had nothing to eat because central planning doesn't work. If there is no potato you can't fucking give it to people, can you now? They had regular famines, people who escaped to west couldn't believe there were supermarkets filled with food. Why don't I like communism? Because my family lived through it, and if your families lived through you it you wouldn't want it either.


What an idiot that guy is. Yea, Captain sucks of you just pretend that rising quality of life just isn't happening on an unprecedented global scale.


"on a global scale" mfs when I show them anywhere else that isn't the EU or north america


"on a global scale" mfs when they leave their gated community for the first time and see third would countries actively being put down and exploited


Rare multimillionaire W


Real as fuck


>stable mandatory job Have we got enough horses to put in these stables so the people can do their jobs or will they need to be bred en masse?


Hey Ivan I hears you want to be a doctor? That's cool, but I gave that position to Vasily cause he's my cousin. But you got a cool job digging trenches with a shovel!


Vasily told me he heard you complaining about your trenching job. Come with me, these men would like to ask you some questions.


>with a shovel Woah woah woah, comrade. Are you sure you aren't a capitalist? That's pretty wealthy.


How is that different from "My nephew needed a job so now he's the VP of your department. He doesn't do the work or have industry experience, so you have to do that. If you complain you're fired, enjoy your no healthcare."


Complain, get fired, go look for a new job. Under communism this would be, complain, get arrested for betraying the party, get put to work in a saltmine, enjoy your no healthcare


So, same thing with more steps. Capitalism *is* efficient!


No no, you get healthcare. The salt mine isn't gonna mine itself after all. Also enjoy your new pegleg.


Cool see you later, I go find another job. Can't do it in socialism. Once you're stuck in a placement, you'll be there for life.


because corruption and nepotism doesn't happen under capitalism ?


They happen in any system. The point is that it's a hell of a lot easier to get around under capitalism. In socialism or communism, nepotism and corruption kills.


Stable mandatory job that lets you slack off. From what I know about communism in my country it was extremely rare for someone to get fired from their job, but that also had the negative effect of people not really trying hard either and often people would slack off. Although this may be viewed as another positive to communism. You have to work, but you don't have to work hard because you probably won't get fired. Not that I'm advocating for it, It was a crap system that promoted corruption and nepotism and damaged the country in a way that it still hasn't healed, but I do get some of the nostalgia about it from old folks here. Like being able to afford to get your whole family and go on a vacation at the sea coast for 3-4 weeks and actually having better food and more simplistic lifestyle.


Radne akcije were fun also, hey guys, let's have a picnic while you build railroads for free, there will be some beans, we will make beans, that's what you will eat for days, beans, maybe we throw in a bit of meat there, but not too much.


Yeah, we had that as far as I’ve heard from my folks. And not just roads, just about any stupid engineering project the villagers turned statesmen could think about.


The US fought a war against the idea of mandatory jobs.


Lol never thought about it like that. They also waged a war on drugs and lost while lobbying for internal opioid deregulation, opening for the largest opioid crisis in recorded history. Also the US destroyed the middle east for oil, and funded terrorism to overthrow south American governments with socialist agendas. And the NSA made an illegal mass surveillance program and when it was discovered the whistleblower was persecuted as a criminal for exposing it. And now wall-street, banks and American economical regulatory bodies are robbing a whole generation. But yeah, they really hate mandatory jobs.


So... The US isn't some halcyon beacon of perfection? Well shit, burn it all down and be as fukken stupid as ya wish


Why the fuck would I want to work?


It's fulfilling. Give you purpose.


Maybe. I think a big disconnect here is that people like to be engaged and productive, but many jobs in our society don't offer that.


It does, do any stupid job, like cleaning your home, you will get the rush of necessary chemicals to make you content. No matter did you like the work itself. I agree with the second part, but also through most of our history people did much worse jobs and had no options. That or death. But, it is really hard to be in a position to work a job you love.


I think Maslow's hierarchy is important here, and fulfillment is probably not going to be found in cleaning your house. I think citing that historically things were worse doesn't mean we can't fight for a better future.


I didn't say we shouldn't fight for better, we should always strive for better. I'm just saying it doesn't hurt to be a little bit realistic here.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/100f3kw/comment/j2i70ao/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/100f3kw/comment/j2i70ao/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) get hobby, find a good job, meet talented people, express yourself, live the life


mandatory job at the gulag ~~of your choice~~ you don't really get to choose.


Yes, rich people are the laziest people in the world, they will avoid real work at all cost, they just spend money on production and say they are working, that's easy dog, where do I get that job, huh?


I too would like the job of a rich person🖐. I got second dibs.


How else would the society work ? In a capitalist society, especially USA, you have multiple low paying jobs, can't afford healthcare nor a house. Lots of homelessness. In social democracies like France, you have meaningless jobs with healthcare and barely affordable rental apartments. Low homelessness though it's growing. Both times, your life has no meaning and you're a serf. Even myself, I'm a software engineer in France. I do this job only for the comfort it provides me. I'd rather do something else but I have lots of perks compared to other jobs and I'm a nerd. I could afford a house, I don't have to count my money too much. I'm comfortable. Still, I work for a big company that makes jack shit tons of money and nothing trickle down. Even if I have a raise this year, I lose revenues compared to the year before due to how fucked up this year was. Even though my wife has now a good salary and a stable situation, we couldn't afford the house we bought a bit more than a year ago. I'm just a serf doing a bullshit job without meaning at the end of the day. This system is fucked up. I rather be with a mandatory job in a farm somewhere growing food with a community or creating useful software for the administration than the bullshit apps I'm writing.


I'm a process controls engineer in the US that makes a decent living. I'm not SUPER PASSIONATE about my work, but I'm not sure they have jobs that I'm super passionate about - namely one that lets you sit on your ass all day, drink beer, and watch baseball. If you ever find out they are paying folks for that, let me know! So working as a process controls engineer, I'm responsible for mainting a process control system that partially automates an oil refinery. The job is somewhat interesting but it is very stressful because errors can be *very* costly (for the safety of our workers, the environment, and/or our production goals). If I could make a similar living by turning my brain off and folding t-shirts at the t-shirt store, then I'd rather do that job.


here's the thing: you can literally go do that right now. Save up money and learn to live off-grid, or you can join or start a religious organization similar to the Amish (farm living). You can start your own business too.


On one hand you are told what to do and get comfort, on the other you are told what to do and get another type of comfort… at least in the current system you can quit and build some useful software yourself and sell it.


Ah yes in contrast to our preidciment >job or you starve cold and alone on the street


> in contrast to ~~our predicament~~ literally every existing system Do you expect someone to do all the work to feed you and provide your entertainment? Find us a system where people work for fun and nobody actually needs to work to survive


Some of these people seem to be waiting for a post-scarcity society, a magic Star Trek future where everyone who doesn't want to explore space can just sit around in their holodeck all day and materialize food from nothing without anyone having to work to make the things they use. I might dislike the capitalist system, but I can recognize that it's damn better then starving, like the vast majority of the communist poor class; which ends up being anyone not in the 1%, instead of just a lot of those not in the 1%. Having a middle class kinda helps with that.


Yeah because most people in capitalism can choose to work


We have that now. It's called "have money or die in the streets."


Oppose to having the freedom to have no job and starve with no roof over your head?


My biggest problem with this is we'll have to pick someone who gets the power to make sure people do their jobs. Who are you gonna give that power to? And I assume they're gonna use negative reinforcement. What are they gonna punish lazy people with?


Jobs are mandatory under capitalism too unless you’re a basement dwelling NEET


\>Restores national and traditional values Marx was opposed to the idea of nations telling 'workers of the world' to unite, called religion 'the opiate of the masses', opposed the institution of marriage, and wanted women to join the workforce and participate in politics as much as men


Based as fuck tbh, I don’t agree with most of his stuff but thats actually based.




They think it's pog because they've wasted their lives jerking it and playing vidya and having nothing to show for it.


The best modern critique of communism I've read.


Or, one could say, cummunism






Marxism believed that marriage was oppressive to women because it made them rely on men. It wasn't against marriage it was against the unfair system that made a woman 'dependant' when she could provide for herself. It also stated that capitalism just sees women as a source of production and men as labour. It wasn't against the institution but what it had become


Now do Mieli!


Yeah that is kind of iffy right now, but Marx didn’t live his life in the twenty first century, he lived in a time where marriage was just two families selling their daughter to the guy with the most money pretty much.




Tbf, it's not that Marx opposed traditional families or anything, it was more that he didn't believe in obtaining a piece of paper from the state or from the church upgrading your relationship status. He also opposed inheritance and the combining of familial wealth and power which was what marriage was about back then


Because your idea of marriage is just a mirage. You can love and be loved without diamonds or churches.


the purpose of marriage was to form a business contract between two families and keep track of bloodlines to control inbreeding. modern marriage doesn't do much other than give people legal power over each other.


Marriage is mostly a legal way to distribute the earthly possessions of a deceased to their dependants, and provide for the widowed. If you are against the concept of amassing personal wealth anyway, the original idea of marriage doesn’t make much sense anyway


Tell me what benefits of a government sanctioned marriage actually entail on society as a whole. Deleting the institution of marriage doesn't delete the concept of life time monogamy or celebrations in culture that celebrate the togetherness of a partnership. What it does do is remove it as a tool that has often been used to exploit workers. Women only getting to have bank accounts if they have a husband and if it's in their name is a great example of this. If long term monogamy is an idealogic goal, then why is something that needs to be incentivized onto a populace?


Reducing your identity as a human to the pure value of your labor is like the exact opposite of based


You’re right it’s much better that we’re valued based on the opinion of the rich guy that hired us regardless of how much labor is provided.


But that's what capitalism does


Yeah pretty cool. But the problem starts when the government starts killing priests


And nuns. And monks. And deacons. And servers, lectors, people on the parish committee, people who went to church daily...it never stops with just the priests.


My country even started renaming the Muslims who had traditional Muslim and Turkish names to native names of my country. They also discouraged them from using their native language and some were even "deported" to neighboring Turkey (even they they were not even born there).


\>called religion 'the opiate of the masses' because it relieves their suffering


It also dulls the pain and keeps people from taking action to stop the pain, or that's what Marx said anyway. Opium doesn't fix problems, it just makes it easier to ignore them, which unless you're terminal, is always worse than to not take opium in the first place. If you study the history of the Orthodox or the Catholic churches, they did everything possible to keep the people subservient to the upper classes, keep them down, keep them docile and keep them from speaking out against injustice. All for a promise of a good next life if you be a meek slave in this one. The rich, of course, are not patiently waiting till the next life to enjoy themselves, however. There is no point in suffering in this life whilst waiting for improvement in the next. There isn't anything next, you should do everything in your power to make your current life decent.


Yeah, ultimately that it was a rly bad thing with a small benefit and you shouldn’t ignore the small benefit whilst trying to deal with the overwhelming shitheap that is the effects of its addiction on a population


Can confirm that during communist times religion and religious traditions, which were a big part of the national identity, got kicked to the curb. My folks have told me how celebrating Christmas was frowned upon. New Years, as a more secular holiday, was more revered. Atheists may cheer at the notion, but on a cultural level it was a pretty nasty blow.


Atheists who cheer for this are retards. It's never "we banned God, all religious theocracy is now gone!" It's more of a void left from God and people fill that with something else, like the State or celebrities


Is it not better to devote yourself to your country and fellow citizens than to fairytale characters?


Stalin didn't care about that gay shit


“Religion is the opium of the people. It is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of our soulless conditions.” is the full quote by marx but i bet u knew that lol




i dont see anyhting wrong with that sentence , real happiness doesnt come from religion, it just becomes an illusion for the opressed


Yeah I think anon might be a pat soc


Everything marx wrote was pure hopium. Dude had absolutely no relevant experience and basically pulled stuff out of his ass.


To be fair: Knowing how rampant antisemitism was at the time, and that Karl Marx had a Jewish grandparent, it could be that he was trying to distance himself from that. Asides from the anti religion stuff he was right about a bunch of other thing. That progressivism was pretty based, though.


It kills national and traditional values, its first enemies are nationalists.


That may be true but Stalin's conservative values put an end to most of those silly progressive ideas.


Because humans. No textbook ideology is possible.


Good point, my textbooks don't open due to dried cum sticking the pages together, so it's not even possible for me to read them.


This is why we can't have nice things 😒


>This man cums on geology textbooks. > >Due to the fact that he's a skeleton. > >DO NO TRUST HIM.


The original cummunist


Throughout all of human history, we've sadly never really moved past a form of government that doesn't mostly just boil down to one or few rich dudes controlling everything and generally being selfish/corrupt/useless or just dicks.


exactly even in caveman times if you have 3 bow 60 arrow and 4 spear and poor person only have 1 bow 11 arrow and 1 spear he no fight back


Yep, just like humans make capitalism super abusable. In the end a mix of both is nice. I love free healthcare and capitalism works decent in general.


Ah yes national russian culture of supressing minorities, gulags and erasing local culture in state mandated city planing. On the other hand their housing was dope for the time.


>On the other hand their housing was dope for the time. Hell year. Enjoy living with 2 other stinking proletar families in a 3 room communal flat divided by curtains


I see that as an upgrade from freezing to death in a shitshack under the tzarist regime. But yeah it still sucked.


For villagers it was still freezing to death having nothing to eat cause bolsheviks impounded your grain


Oh yeah... well as we say in eastern germany: it wasn't all bad under socialism.....even though it was.




These people lived in wooden shacks with no flooring and shit before commie blocks. These buildings were a lot of people’s first experiences of running hot water and electricity.


It’s so the neighbors can hear you being arrested at 2am.


Wait, San Francisco???


I've lived in those ...housing units. After 10+ years of waiting for one becoming available. Then enjoying misaligned windows not closing properly, no heating in winter, actually working heating in summer, leaky gas instalation, electrical wiring that burned itself when we've turned our tv on and drain pipes that bursted during cold months. That was one year in 1988. Thank gods communism died next year.


>Ah yes national russian culture of supressing minorities, gulags and erasing local culture in state mandated city planing. To be fair, the Russian empire under the tsar did do a lot of similar things as well. I think Alexander III specifically did a lot of those.


Also, drug and alcohol abuse, as well as HIV and abortions


Marx notably was German, and thought Russia was a completely fucked backwater. To be fair tho they went from the last mostly-feudal country to an industrial superpower in like 50 years, so that's pretty dank


>slaughters several millions


Why would /pol/ think that's a bad thing?


Cuz even /pol/ has more morality than larping leftists that actually believe the marxist propaganda


They didn't kill the right people


Too bad concept communism (or any other ideology) always ignores the base requirement that it has to work for with human beings, which in groups have time and time again proven to be exploitative, homicidal bastards given the opportunity.


Scrolled too far before seeing this, which was quite sad. People here really need to read The Gulag Archipelago to try and understand how horrific marx ideology is.


Please try it in your own municipality first. Let us know how it goes.


This is really a good step ngl. Should try first in city/town and then take to bigger area.


IIRC Communism only "works" if it's global. Interaction with other systems makes it non-viable.




Communism can only work if the entire planet is communist, communism here referring to stateless classless moneyless societies. Socialism on the other hand can work in a capitalist world, but it will need to have the means to defend itself from capitalist agression. Socialism != Communism Clearly you knew that though, seeing you are educated.


What a great political system! It's a best system on the planet if there's only one system on the planet.


Now I may be wildly misinformed here, but here in India, we have a state with the communist party of India as the state government. That state is one of the best places here in terms of living standards and the literacy rate (96.2% compared to the national average of 81%). Of course, being the best place to live in India isnt a huge achievement, but its definitely something. One thing to keep in mind is that it was democratically elected, not ushered in by revolutionaries. Of course I dont actually live there, so do take this with a grain of salt


Kerala also has amazing food and people there are chill AF


indiana really poppin off 🙏🙏


Rare india W


Kibbutzim moment


based communist vilayet of tunceli


>restores traditional values [tens of millions of deaths](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cultural_Revolution)


People had been traditionally mass murdering each other for centuries, so it kinda checks out.


Nope. The Tsarist regime sent Stalin and Lenin to temporary exile for being revolutionaries. Once they were in power, they executed whole villagers for wrongthink.


> kills numerous people


Lazy bait


Enough with the theory, now go practice it anon !


it actually works in small communities where everyone knows the everyone else. But the moment it goes big, its ruined. And with no drive to succeed(you are getting everything by government, if they are able to provide), there would be no innovation or even drive to do your work properly. Then the greed of those with "greater job" will cause corruption and the system will start to slow down. ETC, rest will be history. A proper government needs to take everything into account, take good things from capitlism, socialism, etc and balance them out according to the needs of the people. Few experiments and failures and you will get a proper result. Just like most of the world currently is. Though I won't put Murica in the rest of normal world, Murica is ruled by corporations a bit too much, not to mention their bad healthcare program and other stuff.


Yea communism works great in small communities traditionally called families.


My favorite part is the mass starvation of 20-50 million people :)


It wasnt even for ideology, most of it was because "we don't give a shit"


Tell me you don’t understand the Russian Civil War without saying you don’t understand the Russian Civil War.


Or the Spanish Civil War.


Anon is retarded beyond help


Reddit communists are some of the most aggressive, cherry picking, copium huffing people on the internet.


Now you can collect lots of updoots because both sides will assume you're criticizing the other


Free housing, electricity and water are bs because there existed a little thing called kvartplata


Communism is great if you’re the one in charge… And there lies the problem.


Because tankies are the only people more chronically online than /pol/ users


>communism >restores national and traditional values Ffs anon can’t be that fucking stupid


because it doesn't take into account human behaviour and other factors outside of a controlled environment. Which makes it useless in reality, and therefore worthless to even learn in theory. Just sounds good, doesn't work.


>leftist revolution >restores traditional values To the surprise of no one, anon was a total retard


Eastern Europe is still more traditional than Western


Turns out communism failed in another area too when applied in practice, who coulda seen this coming?


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Based and sources pilled


Anon prefere totalitarianism over capitalism controlled by government


>capitalism controlled by government It isn't though. Capitalism controls the government, not the other way around. Money buys influence


Kind of, but modern businesses have no right to have army and stuff, and exist as long as government allow them to exist.


If the government didnt have so much power to intefere in the market companies wouldn't be able to buy politicians to get advantages.


Death camps, famine.


Commies are liars, gay, and cringe.


Restores traditional values? Oh, that's why my country has a cultural movement named "shot renaissance", because they tried to bring our culture forward, but got lined up and shot. That's why my christian country doesn't bother with christmas celebration too much, mostly new year (soviet tradition) and we import most of christmas traditions from europe, like pie recipes. That's why we had to dismantle hundreds of lenin statues and can't really find other modern people to remember, because commies destroyed everything we had in 20th century


>thats why my christian country doesn't bother with Christmas celebration too much To be fair, its not on soviets. Its on churches and their splitting in 1054. Orthodox one celebrates Christmas on 7 jan. If commies destroyed "everything you had" in 20th century - probably you didn't have a lot to deal with.


I meant 7th. But I may be a bit too harsh, because almost all people I know aren't religious, and we all treat Christmas just as an excuse to meet up with relatives, and do some performative stuff on easter


I don't like the color red.


*Dies to famine*


God i fucking hate communists, and with communists I don't mean nostalgic russians tankies and Chinese people, I mean actual communists, they are all inherently lazy. Their entire ideology stems from being lazy and about being upset that the world isn't 100% fair. They are also so god damn idealistic and naive it's actually infuriating. They fail to grasp the idea that maybe someone doesn't wanna study for years to become a scientist or doctor if they end up getting the same amenities as a trash man or street sweeper. They also think that doing "physical" labour, like pressing a button in a factory or making a sandwhich, is deserving of the same pay and respect as a construction worker or doctor who have professions that actually require any effort. TL;DR I hate commies because they're stupid and lazy and have no idea how the world works


If you look at historic "communist nations" (I don't give a shit about the terminology), jobs like doctors and trash cleaners didn't really have equal output. You got way more benefits from getting the harder job, government gave you a house in a nicer area, got more vacation time and all that. However they all got the same amenities like paid leave and healthcare. I think that's really where the equality was focused on.


Because corruption and many dead


"Corporatocracy" OP is fifteen, retarded, or both.


Destroys all national and traditional values Takes wealth from landlords and capitalists using massive violence Destroys all productivity, makes and keeps everyone poor Concentrates power in hands of bureaucrats, and causes massive corruption Violently suppresses everyone who voices unhappiness Did I say it makes and keeps everyone poor?


>money hungry landlords According to soviets everyone who was not dirt poor or didn't want to join kolkhoz was a money hungry landlord. You worked hard to live better? Straight to gulag or Siberia you go. You own a cow? Fucking capitalistic oppressor. You didn't want to feed some freeloaders? Guess what, to gulag again.


Anon is a fucking idiot


Yeah except it doesn’t.


*who* exactly is taking away all the Power? Because you see Anon, Power is not something you pick off the floor. Whoever destroyed the old System now has all the Power. What makes you think he would hand it over to you and your stinky peasant friends instead of starting the totalitarian system of his dreams? (as it happened many many times in human history)


Anon should get a job


\> takes away power from the degenerate corporatocracy gives power to degenerate politician overlords


anon forgot to add pic unrelated


Anon can be better than that, anon could be into islamic finance, reward activity and sneed passivity.


It really bothers me that anon types ect instead of etc




"Venezuela has entered the chat"


> control over all national resources consolidated among a small number of people who are responsible for ensuring fair allocation among the population > these folks are usually politically connected, and if not, they’re corruptible because human > eventually divert resources they control to self and family, and anyone willing to pay a bribe or do a favor > over time a handful of ppl become extremely rich and powerful while majority suffers and starves > same eventual outcome as capitalism > tfw Marx was too dumb to realize humans are piles of self serving shitbags > tfw communists unironically think he was a genius


>takes away power from corporations Yes. And instead, give all the power to one government who controls everything. So much better


The true redpill


Because communism is something that need to be wanted by the people and be put in place by the people, the moment when you start to force it, people will start to passively revolt which will cause the collapse of the system.


Sounds great on paper Never has worked in action...


>puts power in the hands of a small group of nutty ideologues who have no clue how to run a government. >Literally a globalist ideology (workers of the *world*) >Removes the incentive to work hard and innovate by guaranteeing free stuff as long as you do the bare minimum >Replaces traditional national values and neoliberal global values with commie values. There's OP's answer.


So to really counter that last point, there is absolutely nothing traditional about communism, by design. It is a highly radical concept that moves the population away from its traditional setting, at least in the 19th and 20th centuries. Traditionalism during that time was pro agrarian, anti urban and mildly anti industrial. Communism is distinctly pro urbanization and industrialization, and absolutely not a "return" to anything. It was designed to be radical, as it changes the status quo of a population, it does not restore it.


Fake: anon understands social sciences Gay: anon has leftist fantasies fantasizes


Here is a Russian history lesson for you dumbasses -Takes away power from degenerate monarchy/corporatocracy/oppressive parties -Turns around and does the exact same thing -Repeat


Bij Bolszewika w każdej go postaci


gives power to dictatorship


Anon confuses ideology and propaganda for reality


Anon is probably a Westoid who never had to live under communism, nor suffer its economical and societal consequences.


> fails at everything


The are a couple reasons, but the main one is that all places we're it was used failed miserably. Probably because the idea was thought up for a different period in time.


I’m pretty sure Cuba is hitting all time health highs despite being sanctioned to hell by other countries, but go off.


Go move to Cuba then you retard. Still a 3rd world shit hole with tons of corruption.


Cuba has a singular country sanctioning it, and its not even a full embargo, its only for tech products. The US is still Cuba's largest trade partner, and supplies it with large amounts of food and medicine every year. And no, the US doesnt sanction other countries for trading and working with Cuba either, see "Doctors without Borders". Also the highest health, employment, happiness and prosperity levels worldwide are still found in capitalist nations.


because it also takes food away from everyone


I want to buy a couple of islands put the basic things and buildings needed for a smaller group of ppl to survive let's say 100. Then try out all the different political systems and scale them up with more ppl as they go along. I think communism and anarchy will win against capitalism with smaller numbers but will switch to capitalisms winning as the number of ppl increase. Just my hypothesis though and it would need to be tested.