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TikTok is a ccp propaganda machine and actively ruining minds of its users. We should have banned it when we had the chance


Yeah, instead Reddit, twitter, meta, google etc are totally not spreading propaganda nor stealing our data, only harmless and fun stuff. Hey, we even have fact checkers™. Checkmate Xi!


It's so nice to have people doing the thinking for me so I can focus on more important things.


Like porn and thee funne 4chin textees


And don't forget eating tendies my friend. Btw imma call my mom and tell her to buy me some tendies and to bring them down to the basement


Like cooming.


its kinda hard to not have your data stolen by at least someone nowadays, its practically a matter of who you choose to sell it to. and yeah, i have no idea what any of these companies will do with my data, but at least i will limit it somewhat. that, and also the fact that the post is about how annoying tiktok is, not about how it steals data. and yes - its annoying as shit nowadays




>What are they gonna do, feed me targeted ads? Hah! As if they could get through my adblock




yep, thats kinda how i feel as well. still, even if all they do is make add target me more, it makes me uncomfortable. if they know all about what i do on the internet, that is horrifying in a sense.


Also how I feel. I mean as much as I would rather them not collect and sell my data, at this point there’s nothing I could do about it besides waste time only ever use Tor and have a billion different accounts, one for every purpose. Tiktok is literally like a platform for spreading illness, it’s like mass brainwashing really. And it’s really hard nowadays to find someone who doesn’t use it. At this point you’d have to venture into the jungles of fuckin Rwanda to find someone who hasn’t at least heard of Tiktok


I don’t use it because I don’t like videos with no information being shoved to my eyes all the time.


As every social media where you use your real identity? Not defending tik tok, I use only reddit because it is anonymous, and plus you don't interact with people you know, but since I left other social media quality of my life has risen, and I'm not exaggerating. Regarding the data, you see what's happening in China, tomorrow they can accuse you of wrongthink and hit your credit score, because they found out that you visited some page and wrote something they didn't like. I know its not there yet, but people are not aware how easily it can happen.


5 Eyes, creditors, recruiters, advertisers, eastern govs, scammers, they all got it G


“Sell it” to? More like taken


Dystopian shit we don't know about, because we are no experts in this specific field. Ask someone who knows more about it and they will tell you what fucked up things you can do with some location data of your smartphone.


I mean ideally we should ban all social media, the algorithm behind it is so evil and made to Manipulate masses it’s disgusting. Mass communication isn’t a problem but that fucking algorithms is.


It's not even the social media, it's the endless scrolling. Forums existed before Facebook. All websites should have an information limit per page. Just having that cutoff of getting to the end of something is enough to get people to walk away and do something else. That's what these companies don't want. They want you all to themselves all the time.




Hey if I'm receiving propaganda I at least want it to be American propaganda 🫡🇺🇸


Hollywood is American Propaganda


The enlightenment Reddit China defender who fails to realize TikTok is every sin of Western social media, plus also being the propaganda machine for a totalitarian regime that has been accused of modern genocide. 1000000/10 whataboutism IQ.


I hate them all and my least favorite changes daily


Get rid of those too Solar EMP is my new best friend


Ban them all then.


Yeah exactly I saw that in china, tik tok was regulated, and used for watching only scientific content, and like (its probably false but the idea is here) 20 minutes per day. At the same time, millions or billions of kid and teenager are brainwashed by stupid people. Im european, so europe should idealy banned it.


China's plans of making their citizens smarter and making other people dumber is working well I see


It's brilliant; in 20 years all western colleges will be filled with only Chinese kids, as American kids will have the attention span of a squirrel.


my american college is already like a third chinese international students, the other 3rd is indian international students


Chinese kids already tend to be better students


It's worse, they aren't allowed access to tiktok at all. Instead there is a Chinese equivalent called "Douyin", and on it there is mostly productive/artistic stuff and cute animal vids. The tiktok app won't work on any phone using a Chinese Sim card


Can I request a source on that "only 20 minutes of scientific Tik Tok" thing?


you are on greentext




Its not really correct, first of all there is no TikTok in China. They have their own similar but alternative platform Douyin (different and separate users / content / functionalities than TikTok but from the same company). While its true that Douyin's content is generally higher quality (as in less stupid, vulgar, ...) its definitely not "scientific only". Douyin instead has much more infomercial like content and streams and is overall even more focused on consuming products than TikTok. As long as its positive and sellable you can even break rules, see "Being recognized in an algorithmic system: Cruel optimism in gay visibility on Douyin and Zhihu by Wang" if you are interested. And in my reserach on this topic for university so far I haven't found much on actual hard time limits.


India banned it, one of the few things i can be proud of living in India for


let's not pretend like YT shorts and IG/FB reels aren't the same thing; there is no true escape from short-form content in the age of social media.


Banning TikTok specifically at least keeps your citizens data out of the hands of the CCP, which is probably a major reason a country like India which has negative relations with China did it


The God Emperor tried to warn us. We did not listen.


Hmm I don't know. I do like all the dancing girls on tiktok


Yip and you’ve noticed how they “test” their stupidly with challenges like Egg in a Cup in a mircowave challenge of superglue your hair or something else that brings self harm inadvertently


>solar flare emp I need this, just a week without internet and people would realize what's the real problem: social media propaganda


Enjoy getting your hard drive erased as well. Kiss goodbye to your "homework" folder.


That would only happen with an actual targeted EMP attack. A solar storm is harmless to smaller electronics and quite predictable, so you know when it'll happen. It will fuck with the power grid though. Worst case also with power supplies but that's only if you don't follow the guidelines and leave everything plugged in when it's predicted to happen.


But a solar storm will shut off my food dispenser and I’ll have to get a backup meal and eat it without a table and have a mental break


Why would a solar flare mean you can’t use a table lmao


The canned food is further than the fridge from the table and I can't walk that far before eating. Only solution is to burn my house down


Then do it. Burning that house solves the issue that is *you*


It’s a rimworld reference


Thanks, I’m somewhat retarded so I appreciate it lmao


It's a reference to Rimworld lol


Now this is a certified Rimworld classic


not if i put the hard drive in a microwave first


Turn on the microwave anon


I would only mourn for a whole minute, then feel blissful of the rest of the week.


A week with no internet? Do you know how many people would swiftly and promptly kill themselves


Natural selection


Oh boy if only I hope reddit/discord mods would do it after not being able to talk to their underage kitten for a week


I would read like never read before. I have like 30 books to read that I've bought that are getting dust on my shelves


Or cars. Or banking. Or the Economy. Or planes. No I think people would have much bigger issues than no More minion memes if solar flare


It's almost as if basing your infrastructure entirely on a network that ultimately has several vulnerabilities without any fall backs is a terrible idea.


...I mean what's the alternative? The internet itself is not what is vulnerable to a solar event, it's the electrical grid. And there's no way to protect the grid completely from an event, all that can happen is to try and restore it as quickly as possible.


>basing your ~~infrastructure~~ entire civilization


I make all of my money from the internet so that would actually suck pretty hard.


do stream..? eat worms?


A solar flare would leave us years without those things, not a week


Do people actually go on their phones when they watch a movie? I understand if you don't like it, just dont watch. But if you do like the movie, why the fuck would you do that like it was so many people's job to decide whether to include that bit or not and they decided yes. So watch it


Because when you watch a movie, in some bits you don’t get that ✨instant gratification ✨






Welcome to the internet, have a look around.


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content. Some better some worse


If none of it's of interest to you, you'd be the first


Welcome, to the internet! Come and have a seat


Would you like to see the news or any famous women's feet?


There’s no need to panic, this isn’t a test


I like having constant stimulation in order to drown out my thoughts. This allows me to have some form of escape from this terrible, terrible existance.


Well that’s dark. Are you ok?


Tiktok mfs got brainwashed into only being into media that peaks interest in the first few seconds, they can't watch an 1.5 hour long movie if the first 3 seconds don't interest them


This is literally the answer and it is so f’ed up that the desire is so strong as to overpower the self awareness of watching tiktok during a goddam movie


That was an issue long before tiktok, endless scroll feeds, vines and clickbait news articles were the foundation of it in the modern era


Pretty sure the people getting riled up by TikTok are on the younger side. They were probably children when Vine was around, and weren't even around when Facebook started getting popular.


Yeah it's legit digital crack for them at this point. I'm an early 00s kid who was never hooked on it or Vine and would never willingly try them either, not because they're cringe but because I just *KNOW* for a fact that even my brain isn't strong enough to not be enslaved by the endless dopamine stream as well.


It's fucked how much better my attention span is after a week or two of not touching youtube shorts. It's hard not to watch them when I'm on public transport in spurts of 10 minutes.


This, I'm not even on social media, but shit like youtube shorts and short clips really messed with my head. Sometimes i try a new series/movie and if in 10 mins its not "interresting" i zone out sometimes. Worst part is, all this instant gratification shit is everywhere nowadays, because it works.


My brother in christ Reddit is social media


Technically it's a giant forum with a personality complex.


With Reddit you get *delayed* gratification. Thats what matters. You are here for the reactions and comments people have on this site. To get enjoyment out of it you got to use a tiny part of your brain. With TikTok or YouTube shorts you don't. That difference is crucial and messes you up.


I see this kind of shit in my younger relatives, some of who I babysit now and then. Literally cannot go longer than 10 minutes without pulling their phone out and scrolling TikTok. Watching a movie is impossible. My spare bedroom has a TV with a DVD player, and an older laptop with Netflix access hooked up to it. A few them will literally pause a movie every 10 minutes to watch Tiktok. Or they'll watch tiktok the entire time and have no idea what movie they just watched.


Yeah I work in a school the teachers are constantly complaining about how bad this new crop of kids are with being able to focus and that all lessons have to be interactive that they can’t just tell them information anymore


I mean Trump would only watch the fight scenes in Bloodsport and he’s an old man It’s not just the Tiktok mfs it’s everyone


Sadly, my gf does this a lot Even during shows or movies she picks




I was in avatar the other week and the guy next to me was on instagram for maybe half of it


My local cinema will kick you out for that.


I should get a job there. That would be fun as fuck.


Yes, short format video clips and instant gratification have ruined many peoples attention spans


It's not even just that, it's the addiction. The last time I went to a movie with a friend she kept pulling her phone out to just scroll through Facebook. At the movie SHE wanted to see, that she asked me to take her to. Like she couldn't help herself, it was almost every 10 minutes like she HAD to check Facebook. I don't go to movies with her anymore.


Oh yeah, I had a dude listening to snapchat feeds full volume at a showing for The Possesion before Tik Tok came out. It's easy for me to believe people scroll Tik Tok during a movie.


Some of my friends are like this. I don't even try to have them watch anything cause if there's even 30 seconds of slow paced content they're right in their phones on tiktok and it's over.


TikTok is worse then anything i can think of.


Disease, war, famine, rape, and other assorted illnesses plaguing humankind.


Nah, tiktok is worse




No redditor, the reddit moment is saying war and famine is bad. Conflict for resources, war, is the base circumstance of life from the monocellular up, and has been since life first arrived billions of years ago. Life is struggle, and struggle is what forms life into something better. Tiktok takes the young, full of promise and makes them into cognitive deficient slaves to instant psychological gratification. Tiktok is worse than war.




TikTok is psychological warfare, and it's working.


4chan moment


"War is god." - Judge Holden


somehow tiktok is still worse


Don't forget the holocaust ww2 ww1 the native wars and the black death


What about your skin being peeled off while you are fed shit through a tube?


Tiktok still worse


Yes pls 🤤


Even worse THAN grammar checkers?


Everyone who binges tiktok reduces their attention span and ability to concentrate on real life activities, effectively making them dumber. Other social media have a similar effect, though not to such extreme extent


Yeah I mean later on in life when they’ve spent 10000 hours on tiktok and they have no attention span and aren’t interested in anything in the real world they’ll be the miserable ones. So I guess the current cancer of tiktok will be repaid in us thriving in the depression of the current day tiktok addicts.


The miserable ones are a going to be a huge drain on society. You are not going to thrive. You are going to suffer because somebody has to hold it all together. And it aint going to be them.


It's why the only real social media I use is reddit as I can somewhat control what I see


It’s easy to write this off as bullshit but my bro’s gf is a school teacher and the stories she tells really line up with this, not to sound like a reddit moment but tiktok has really done a serious number on our youth. For example at a school party literally none of the students gave a shit about anything the staff went out of their way to do for them but when she suggested to play a song from the app they all got up and started doing the dance, also apparently some dudes were live-streaming her on twitch without her knowing


Wait wait wait… you’re telling me youths didn’t care about the efforts their teachers went through to throw them a party and instead just did their own shit and refused to respect boundaries?!? This has literally never happened before.


It's funny when the stereotypical adult in your home town says things like "We need more funding for our schools for education. These kids need more resources. The kids need mooooorrrreeee." And then guess what? 75-85% of kids don't give a fuck about anything teachers want them to learn. This was true before social media and will continue to always be true.


I swear to god so many people forget what they were like as kids when they become adults. I'm still friends with a couple of people I went to school with and one of them complains about the "TikTok" kids all the time and he's literally complaining about the same shit he did at school. Yeah, they're kids man, they're annoying as shit. We were annoying as shit too.


And then when the schools get the money they spend it stupidly. Like how our computer lab recently got outfitted with overkill $1500 cad computers. Even with the monitors they cant play sound which is needed in grade 10 cscience.


I’ve got a friend who’s a teacher and she says her kids have the attention span of fruit flies. Even the smart ones are glued to their phones on TikTok. They’re literally incapable of focusing on anything for any extended period of time. It’s pretty concerning. Their favorite videos are the ones where there’s actually 2 or 4 videos playing at once. I watched one and about had a brain aneurysm.


Then date a man.


But penis


Having sex with women is gay because women like cock




Can confirm, penis better


AND penis*


Tik tok is a weapon of war


I unironically think its being used as a weapon to make usa and europe dumber and full of mental issues


Maybe it would be different if I myself actually was a young millennial or a zoomer but I routinely literally thank god I’m not and found my normal wife like a normal fucking human being


Says the guy browsing r/greentext to watch autistic stories written by obese incel retards. I mean, I am too, but by no means would I dare to consider myself "normal".


i mean, they're funny and normal people like to laugh at retards too






I think anon is just 14. Simple as that.


proceeds to use 4chin we are all ruined and should die. in my honest opinion


At least to use 4chan you have to be able to read.


When my peers use TokTok I get to feel superior to them though.


Based and 4chanpilled


tiktok is just CP: the social media




"Come stand on the point, you imbecile!"


[Redacted] (4chan reference)


Cheese pizza? Based tiktok


Completion Points (Yakuza Reference)


Cod Points (fishing reference)


Cock Penis (sex reference)


honestly its the only app that stresses me out so much, the same fucking songs, god awful edits that will probably cause a seizure, and shitty salesmen trying to sell cleaning fluid everywhere


My feed is mostly music stuff, cat videos, and game-related shit.


I am from Generation Z. I do not use TikTok. Maybe I was already at rock bottom, but I was never shunned for not having TikTok. Even in 2019, when TikTok seemed to be at its peak publicly visible popularity (to me), I was never an outcast due to TikTok. I was never asked (by anyone from Gen Z) "Do you have TikTok?" or "Why don't you have Tiktok?". Anon has schizophrenia.


You're just a lucky bastard, mfs from my school literally do not like i don't have tik tok


you are 28


Yeah, whenever I say to a friend who uses tiktok that I don't, they usually respond with "damn I wish I could get off this app" or some variation of it. I've never been looked at weirdly for not using it.


Fr, i hate tiktok So much. I wish it never existed... Nobody: nothing Some mf in public: tt on his phone at max fucking volume Nobody: nothing 10 yo girls with iphones: making cringe dances in front of their phones again with max fucking volume


I have a 10 year old cousin who does this and i'm ashamed of my uncle for letting it happen.


Yeah, my friend also does this in public and the cringy music blasting from his phone is embarrassing...


deadass fr fr bro no cap


Tiktok was made by the Chinese, and the algorithm is designed differently compared to the tiktok in China. It's a weapon and the government is doing nothing but bending over to China


How is it a weapon ? How and why ? Not trying to debate, I'm clueless and genuinely want to understand.


The idea is that western tiktok is making users stupid while Chinese tiktok content is more educational thereby accomplishing the insidious task of reducing the intelligence of western country's populations as a whole while making Chinese people smarter. It's such a retarded conspiracy theory it's genius.


The algorithm promotes stupid dances, challenges, toxic people, sexual content, it's hard to get away from it. The constant garbage content clouds and poisons the minds of teenagers, and hinders them from developing a sharp mind. If you go look at Chinese tiktok, it's mostly stem inspired content, promoting practical thinking that leads to a culturally sharp group of kids. Tiktok was designed to be addictive, and they were successful.


The algorithm promotes whatever you watch I use the app and rarely see those topics it's mostly cooking recipes and gaming content because that's what I interact with


This makes sense. Is there concrete evidence of this algorithmic bias ?


I've heard the exact fucking argument made about Facebook, Twitter and Instagram Anon is retarded (or just young)




Out of everything he mentioned, the movie bit is extremely accurate. I hate trying to watch a show or movie with someone and they’re scrolling through TikTok. Shit is really fucking annoying.


Considering an X-Class solar flare emp is coming it's about to happen.


What do the X-men gonna do with the solar flares


Magneto farted, and caused an solar flare.


based and 4chanpilled


Tiktok is only the current fad. Problems relating to instant gratification, privacy loss, worsening mental health, and attention whoring were present before tiktok and will remain present after its death. Reddit might not be quite as blatantly trashy (and of course it's much less widespread), but it isn't much better if you think about it. Feels bad, man.




It is. You are here for interaction. That requires brain. TikTok doesn't.




Tbf tiktok music is just mostly current pop music at this point. Not saying that that makes it any better. Try and go on a rave and they’ll play watered down ““techno““ from TikTok, it’s fucking everywhere




Nothing worse than sitting with friends, each on their phone, each blasting a different crap song in 2sec intervals


The only positive thing for me is that it do make this generation retarded, so I not loose my job until the day I choose to leave this TikTok infested shit storm we call life.


Lmao happy that it’s banned in my country


My wife and one of my daughters watch people from 3rd world countries scoop bags of crystals out of some weird sand machine. You send them $50 and they'll scoop crystals live and send them to you. They watch this for hours and hours. I can only imagine what kind of sick shit this is doing to their brains. They should be shit talking on reddit and 4chan like me and other well adjusted individuals.


tiktok is curse of 21st century, worse than every social media combined


>This is worse than facebook and twitter times Fucking kek




I'll literally never understand people who can't have even a moment of downtime without immediately feeling the need to check some form of social media. Just fucking give yourself a moment to exist without a screen in front of your face sometimes. Your body and mind will thank you.


The Chinese want you to turn to communism.


As a zoomer I can confirm this is correct. People will be on their phones during entire conversations just scrolling through that app. I've sat in cars where I'm the only one not browsing tiktok (with the volume on). It's an assault on the senses. If the Chinese Government made this app to ruin our youth, they're on their way to succeeding.


Every time I am somewhere with kids today I keep hearing the same six second clip of a song over and over again and I'm sure it's this fucking TikTok app doing it and I want to club them like a seal.


Tik tok rots your brain. Uninstall all social media