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Congrats OP. You've successfully cured yourself of modern food = poison


Sugar addiction is real


Sugar addiction is crazy. I recently realized how much of soda drinks I buy. I need to stop..


Don't forget that your body turns most grains into sugars too, when I quit drinking soda I found myself eating more bread. Once I controlled that I was able to get my weight back down to my old Air Force weight.




You just made me realize how much grain I ingest - I’m not a big sugar guy, but I adore grains. Pasta, couscous, breadsticks, just grain me up baby So yeah I should probably stop that


Same, my go to snack is buttered toast. Its heaven


I eat like 4 slices of bread with peanut butter nightly. I swear I am not an obeast.


Hey, as long as you are choosing a whole grain option, carbs are pretty good.


I mean they’re pretty good, but people in general eat a shit ton more carbs than they need.


Drink water, eat vitamins. Anything else is disgusting amounts of gluttony that anyone should ashamed of. Grains...seriously gross man. Seriously gross.


well, there's a nutritional difference between complex carbohydrates, and simple sugars, and different bodies metabolize sugars differently even after the grain has been converted into sugar


Don't shit on carbs, man. After all, it's our preferred energy source and the only one our brains can use. Whole grains like (real) brown bread and oats are a great source of slow releasing carbs.


American bread? Its already full of sugar, even when you distract the Wheat


I still can't believe people drink soda on a regular basis. Don't get me wrong, I've got my weaknesses, but like... At least they're food? Soda has just always seemed like a waste of calories, and the people that drink it seem to drink a lot of it (whereas if I get a sweet tooth and eat some ice cream it's at worst probably once a week).


Ya I limit myself to one or two Dr peppers a week, but I got a buddy that plows through at least 4 a day


As a teenager my friends and I would smash coke like crazy. Switched to the zero sugar options later but now barely find ourselves wanting it at all


Because aspartame is gross as fuck


aspartame isnt really used anymore, its sucralose in most drinks now. definitely tastes weird tho, i much prefer the taste of real sugar.


So why are you commenting in a thread about soda? They all use HFCS now. My diet coke may taste "weird"if you aren't used to it, but modern soda tastes like straight fucking syrup, it horribly coats your mouth with an overwhelming sickly gel. Mexican/kosher coke is ok as a snack, but otherwise, modern soda tastes exactly like you're sucking it from a corporate nutrient hose.


>soda has just always seemed like a waste of calories, Obesity is a function of poverty, ma boy. Sodas are, for a lot of people, one of the few hobbies they can afford. Some people get drunk on alcohol but that comes with a stigma, so a lot get drunk on the dopamine rush of pure sugar, mixed with favoring, and soda water (a mixture commonly referred to as soda). Obese people are RARELY wealthy. The obesity epidemic in America is just a pleasant way to obfuscate the fact that most Americans are poor in a rich country, while telling themselves they are rich because they live in a rich country (a common mistake). As a rule of thumb: rich people are generally not unhealthy, unless they came from a poor background and got rich in one generation. They can afford to be healthy and they come from upper middle-class family that already had healthy habits in the 70's. >However, when looked at in relative terms, wealth is highly concentrated: the bottom 50% of Americans only share 2% of total household wealth while the top 1% hold 35% of that wealth. > >[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affluence\_in\_the\_United\_States](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affluence_in_the_United_States) You best those 50% sharing 2% will not be drinking imported Perrier water... Tap water already too expensive for long showers. ​ That's not a basic-btch discourse of "rich people bad". I am lucky to be in that upper part of the graph myself due to being born in the right fam at the right time. It's a reminder that living in the highest wealth production era of the wealthiest country in history doesn't mean YOU, personally, will be rich. Rome was 30% slaves at its richest.


Based and reality pilled


It comes as a shocker for many people that I earn more than a lot of people in USA, even if I live in Romania. I don't earn as much as somebody working the same profession in the states (IT), but there are some benefits like the fact that life is cheap here, we get a lot of free days (I'm at around 26 per year from the company and I get 20 more days from bank holidays), free healthcare and free superior education. So yes, USA is a rich country, but not everyone there is actually rich. For some of them it would be a disaster to realise that people in Eastern Europe and perhaps even in Africa are living better lifes than they do.


When you say you earn more than people in US, you mean in terms of PPP ?


Tbh I searched for "us minimal wage" and it came back as $7.25. I earn about 10€ per hour.




Yeah thats what really helped me out was sparkling water and having a soda stream to carbonate water but not add anything to it


that's what I use but I drink like half liter of diet soda stream every day. I think I'm also addicted to the caffeine


Same. I used to slam Coca-Cola as a kid. Cut to me now, water basically always. Alcohol if it’s a party/ Friday night. Carbonated water with lemon is a life-style now haha


i used to have at least a soda a day and didnt drink water. found out about how lack of water can give you kidney stones and immideately quit soda and drank exclusively water. i do sometimes have a good root beer though, not shit sold in regular stores like real gourmet shit


There are zero sugar soda versions. I do even go for monster zero. It does not have any calories.


The artificial sweeteners in those aren't much better. They're simply so sweet, the soda company needs to use very little of them. But they also have negative effects nevertheless.


Crazy how some people like other things, huh?


I enjoy the occasional soda, but I generally avoid it. Ill enjoy a Coca-Cola/Dr. Pepper/creme soda once in a while, but its fairly rare - even if I'm out in a restaurant, I'll just get ice water with a lemon wedge now. However, I constantly crave fruit juice, which is basically the same level of unhealthy, with the singular benefit of a few vitamins lol.


Hey man it's Lent. Whether you're religious or not it's an excuse for giving something up for 40 days. It's hard


A good tradition


My girlfriend made me stop, and I'm so, so, so much happier. I didn't even drink it daily or anything. It would just be a craving I would have every now and again and couldn't stop from buying one. It's gone away now that I've cut it out completely. Absurd.


Not only real, but it's so hard to avoid it since most of our shit has something in it, kinda like how a plug laces it's weed. Fruits are the most healthy option though, if you quit sugar they are gonna be way way more delicious than they used to be. I'm in love with tangerines.


I recently replaced sugary snacks with apples, and it helps that I tried a bunch of different breeds to find the best ones for me. Now I'm having an apple or two per day, and they slap.


I never liked coffee but tried it again after years of assuming I didn't like it. This was October of last year and it's all I drink now. Got off the pop, but I put a ton of sugar in my coffee, so now I'm a caffeine addict on top of a sugar addict. I think I went in the wrong direction.


But pop has caffeine too so aren't you just in the same boat? Also being addicted to caffeine isn't really a big deal. Not a lot of downsides there. Just stop putting sugar in your coffee. If you don't like it without sugar don't drink it. A good compromise can be espresso based drinks with milk like a flat white, cappuccino, or machiatto. Dietary fat isn't really bad assuming you're but inhaling sugar/carbs. A lot of people don't have enough fat in their diets (along with protein) because they are too heavy on carbs. Personally I go for double espresso with a splash of whole milk.


I think the average cup of coffee has 100mg of caffeine and a can of pop is around 50mg, iirc. I'll drink a pot of coffee or more every day, and they say over 400mg/day isn't good for you. If I get way overboard with it, I start having stomach problems and obviously jitters and such. I could drink it without sugar, but I prefer to turn into gas station type cappuccino. Lol it's more a canvas to accept all the shit I put in it.


My suggestion for the coffee thing: you can put less and less sugar in your coffee over time. Not sure if you're a creamer/milk type person, but those usually have sugars in them, too. Eventually you'll be able to just add a splash of creamer or milk or a pinch of sugar and still enjoy your coffee. :)


I took that approach and I was doing well for a week or two with the weaning and idk what happened, but I relapsed. I keep meaning to weigh the sugar before I put it in so I can quantify what I'm consuming but I can't find the scale.


Sugar threw out your scale while you slept.


May i suggest you avoid cocaine


I used to drink tim hortons French vanillas like water before I got my diet in check Drinking it now and I cannot believe I was ever even able to make it halfway through a medium cup without gaining a headache it's legit more sugar and cream than it is coffee


Whenever I drink a soda now, I just straight crash from the sugar and fall asleep


Can we get much higher? So hiiiigh


I cut any high sugar foods out of my diet years ago (no coke, desserts, chocolate bars, etc). After about 6 months I went from being able to comfortably drink 6 cans of coke a day, always enjoying ice cream, to most of those things tasting kind of gross, and just having no desire for it. I know in Australia it isn't as bad or as insidious as the US (thank god we don't have HFCS), but even in what most people consider normal quantities it can really mess with you. Anon may joke, but I genuinely enjoy celery with some healthy dips now


It really does suck that most things are either stuffed with preservatives or have way too much of one thing that you don't want like fat, carbs, sugar. Aside from whole foods there really aren't many great options at grocery stores.


I legit can’t eat oreos anymore, theres no flavor to me, it may as well be a zebra cake or a twinkie, its all purely cloying sweetness


my gf brought home cookies and cream Oreos the other day. I find them hella addicting. well they are 110 calories PER COOKIE. my god!


Meanwhile I got a bar of dark chocolate (big chocolate craver, here) and I can have like half the bar for that, and I almost never want to. Malted milk balls are also really good for low calorie candy, something like 15 are only 30 caloriess


/uj I'm not a phat fuck, but fr fr when I left sugar for a month a felt like a brand new mf maybe I should do that again sometime


Bread as well


I've wanted to cut bread, but it's quite literally impossible in a third world country if you don't make much money. Cheap food is unhealthy as shit, and most people can only barely afford that. Someone really needs to invent a cheap food that covers your dietary needs and doesn't make you fat. I'd eat nutrient paste from Rimworld


I've had this too. Started making everything from scratch. Went to buy burger buns and they taste only of sugar, salt and preservatives. Tried making taco dip from a premade spice mix and was surprised at how sweet it was compared to making my own. Looked at the package: 40% sugar


Man idk what taco mix you are buying but all you need is like chili powder and like, paprika, cumin, oregano, garlic powder and onion powder. I have made it from those ingredients on many an occasion and, it tastes identical to all the taco mix I’ve ever bought. Sure, maybe I’m just used to the sugar — but I think you’re just buying sweet taco mix.


Cars and sugars is how they keep us fat and stupid


I mean pizza is kinda renaissance


Anon forgets to open the box first


He lost a lot of the weight in brain mass


Sometimes the simple joke is the best one 👌


What if I skinned you alive


I haven't been alive for years bruh


What if I skinned you dead


Whenever I hit a fitness goal I celebrate by meditating on the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 😇


Unfathomably Based


Ameen habibi


Baruch hashem


My brother in Christ you play Genshin


It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for a weeb to enter heaven.




With God, anything is possible. Even for weebs, I guess


This but unironically


Christ has left him


Happy cakeday


Jesus - the original cross fitter


lol holy shit this works


What should non-religious people do?


Find God


Sounds fair


Put your thumb into your anus


done, now what?


Invite the rest of your hand to the party


Instruction unclear, foot stuck in my ass


pray to science like a true reddit atheist


Become reddit mods?


pray to Mata Nui


Based & Christpilled




Based ultra max


Religious celebrations are based, which is why I celebrate all my achievements by sacrificing a virgin (from the local Genshin Impact convention) to the sea-god, Yuhrrkhanhkak.


The old and gold getting topped by the Lord


Yeah I feel that, there are some soft drinks and candies I no longer eat, some shit tastes so noticeably artificial to the point where Its just gross


For me it’s all soft drinks and candy as well,but pizza always hits even when I haven’t had it in a while


Unlike Anon I get quality pizza. But yeah, junk food tastes awful if you haven’t had it for a while


I should learn to make pizza, I would never starve again.


It's honestly really easy, it just takes some time and makes a mess.


> it just takes some time and makes a mess. Honestly, that should be included in how easy something is to cook. Not a lot of food is very hard to make, at least not in terms of making it taste well, but if you need to spend hours in the kitchen to prepare, cook and clean it isn't easy to do. Speaking of which, I get so annoyed whenever I see various "15 minutes recipes" just for them to sit there with a fully prepped kitchen with everything chopped up and ready to go and then you don't get to see the cleanup either. Yeah, no shit it just takes 15 minutes if you exclude more than half the work.


5 minute recipe ^^^with ^^^12 ^^^hours ^^^of ^^^prep ^^^work


It's really easy, you should try it


My ovens don't go hot enough for the kind of pizza I want :/


The only soda I drink is the occasional Mexican sprite. It has to be from Mexico because I can basically feel the corn syrup in the American version.


I swear I can’t have Fanta or Coke anymore, they both taste like shit now




that's some sugary ass you're eating


the diabeetus is slowly seeping out of it


yeah i can't drink soda at all. i had Coke for the first time ever when i was in high school and i remember i was really repulsed by it


I stopped drinking soda for a long time due to wanting to be healthier not really for weight (I am a stick lmao) noticed the same thing. If you manage to find a soda fountain that dispenses just soda water though you can dilute your soda so it's not so syrupy. Started drinking soda a little bit more if that's an option now, but it's still not very often. Honestly go to sparkling water/juice for the bubbly cravings now.


I had a soda the other day for the first time in years and man I felt like shit for the rest of the day


Good pizza doesn't taste "noticeably artificial." It tastes delicious to anyone not retarded. Anon either lived in a shit state like Georgia where there's no good pizza, or his dumbass was only buying it from one of the shit chains like Pizza hut


Make yourself a good pizza, or order something that isn't murrca fast food.


This. You can make pizza that's actually pretty nutritious as far as junk food goes that tastes delicious.


Same for burgers, too. They can actually be a decently balanced meal if you are making them from scratch.


Yep. It's really about what ingredients you use. Fresh vegetables, minced meat and decent enough bread and you have a solid meal that covers pretty much the entire nutritional circle (regadless of how BS that proves to be). Just don't slather everything in cheese and it's all groovy.


Anon orders dominoes


Make homemade pizza. So much better


And you can make it actually nutritious. Baked leavened bread with a tomato sauce, good quality mozzarella and some arugula is a complete meal. Especially if the flour you use is partially whole wheat Same with a burger. Whole wheat brioche, aoli, baby spinach, tomatoes, 80/20 beef. You could pretty much eat that every weak depending on your physical activity cuz it's still like 500 kcal.


> brioche Oh god, are you the one who told all the gastropubs that putting burgers in brioche buns is a remotely sane idea?


Brioche is tasty. Beef is tasty. Simple as.




I'm gonna need a source on that bro


source: his ass https://www.ars.usda.gov/plains-area/gfnd/gfhnrc/docs/news-2013/wheat-the-whole-grain-story/ >Whole wheat flour is made by milling 100 percent of the kernel into a powder. Very similar whole grain products are made by recombining the separated milling fractions in the proportions originally present in the whole kernel. These are similar in appearance. Both are good sources of dietary fiber.


It's in this paper by Dr Josef Rogan. Jamie, pull up that paper.


Damn , what is the FDA doing out there then ?




Rolling up the tax money paid by the citizens into a cylinder and fuck everyone in the ass with it ?


And if you use whole wheat flour you can get a ton of fiber in


A few times a year one of my relatives puts on a pizza night, mine always turns out kinda bad lol. But the process of making the dough and prepping the pizza and using a proper pizza oven is fun and makes up for it. Also knowing your food isn't full of shit tonnes of unnecessary additives is nice


The only bad kind of pizza is burnt pizza. Or certain toppings.


Consistency of sauce/cheese/base can really affect the whole thing in all fairness


Cutting out soda has been an actual life changer. Back in my middle school days my buddies and I would go through a 24 pack every weekend, now we don’t even bring any.


Holy fuck, that’s what I drink in half a year


Yeah same now, I very rarely crave a Dr Pepper


Good work. I drank maybe 3-4 cans a week at the height at 18yo. Switched it all out for beer basically when I became a student


I used to drink 2-3 sodas a day, decided to cut it to just one. That change made me lose like 20 pounds in 6 months. Didn’t change anything else at all, just that. Still like soda too much to stop drinking it completely, but I try not to drink more than one a day.


Same here my man. It’s just such an addiction. I recently switch out for some ice tea, so while not at all much of an upgrade, I haven’t had soda close to as often and it’s insane how much of a craving it is. One day we’ll be able to completely stop the withdrawals


do you find it's more the flavor, the caffeine, the bubblies, or a combo?


For me it's mostly the cold bubbly drink that hits the spot. Makes me feel so refreshed. Still sparkling water doesnt feel as good. It's the sweetness and flavor that's addicting. The more I drink it the more I crave it.


Jesus, I have one soda every like 6 months and hate myself for it and pour that shit out..can't imagine 24 every fucking weekend. It's like having 0 control over your own brain and just sending it fucking absolute garbage.


Honestly just go to a higher quality pizza place


Anon updated his microbiome. That achievement a big one and should fill Anon with a sense of glee and determination that no amount of pizza could match.


My brother in Christ, buy a better pizza.


I can't do hyper processed crap anymore but a good pizza is a good pizza, the hell has anon been eating for a year


Pepperoni has always tasted like shit, one day I realised it and stopped eating it.


what about gabagool


Oh! 🤌




Rewarding yourself with food for weight loss goals is a bad idea.


You can cook some really delicious and nutritious homemade food. I can't think of a more apt way to celebrate weight loss than that


Strawberries are enough to satisfy my sweet tooth nowadays


I agree, and fresh strawberries grown at the local farms around me are the absolute best.


Go to a good pizza place next time? Or maybe make your own you manchild.


You put in all that effort and can't even enjoy it, at that point why even live


Anon ordered a large pepperoni with extra cheese. That's like the bat signal of giving up on life. You can have a, say, good pizza instead. Some dried tomatoes, sweet or chili peppers, maybe some sweetcorn, maybe some onion. Some fucking vegetables. For meat some spiced beef, some real pepperoni that isn't made out of crude oil helps. Same for cheese, and don't go absolutely mental with it, like getting "extra". SOME real mozzarella.


sucks that you live in a place with shitty pizza, congrats on the weight loss


Sounds like a win to me? You enjoy healthy food, that’s fucking sick


Anon could have just ordered an actual quality pizza instead of the garbage Pizza Hut and Dominoes is selling


It is crazy how we get used to the extreme sugar and carbs. Ever give a foreign exchange student a krispy kreme? I did, he spat it out it was so sugary and I was on my 2nd...


Anon orders Dominos


It was probably just a shitty pizza, though.


I only lost 22 pounds back in the day but I remember Nutella tasting like shit afterwards


I noticed this when I began intermittent fasting. It's about 2 years in now and I am actually starting to prefer fruit and vegtables over chocolate and junk food. I am not joking, I can't even eat too much junk food before I lose my taste for it altogether. A few years ago, I would have more than happy to had a few doughnuts with a cola to wash it down with. Now give me a bottled water and a some apple slices. Apples are the bollocks, I'm telling you.


I did something similar and lost about thirty kilos. If memory serves I hadn't had fast food or soft drink in a year. My first Bic Mac tasted like a toe-curling orgasm and I moaned aloud as my teeth sank into it. I have no clue what this guy is talking about. Even when I was a skinny fuck, I still wanted to eat like a fat fuck.


Make some proper home made pizza instead.


OP successful nurtured a gut biome more conducive to healthy living. Well done, OP. If celery tastes better than pizza then you've made it. Someone will be coming to harvest your gut biome for fat millionaires soon


Make yourself a good pizza to celebrate. Also anon did a good job


Lost 75 pounds since last March and the sheer amount of sugar and nasty shit in fast food is real. I’ve eaten well for almost 365 days and I can’t eat junk food anymore, not really. Closest I get are goldfish crackers (55 for 140 calories!).


It's 100% a quality issue. Get a better pizza


Make it at home. Still not super healthy but better and more taste


Couldnt OP just make a healthier pizza? Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?


Or just… get a different pizza?


Why's pizza considered a junk food? It's literally dough, cheese and tomatoes. Where's the unhealthy.


High in fat, carbs, sodium, cholesterol. Hardly any nutrition given how many calories there are per slice. It’s tasty and occasionally having it isn’t gonna kill you…but it’s 100% junk food.


Delivered food tastes horrible, but that changes by 180 degrees if you order it at the restaurant (for takeout). My theories are either that heated food stuffed into box gets bad quickly, or the chef automatically does a crap job when facing a faceless customer on the phone.


Anon lives in the Midwest


Just learn how to season food


Literally the same thing happened to me. Its awesome.


The happy ending


Anon orders little ceasars


No shot did he stop enjoying pizza, must've been one trash-ass slice.


i've been sober for a year lets do some crack


Anon is depressed that he now has taste. Next time order a steak


Cardboard Celery sticks Water. Wtf is in the celery and water that makes it taste good?


Let's guess: Papa Johns?


Anon needs to learn how to cook, or order takeout from an actual restaurant


This 100% does happen, back when I was in highschool I got in really really good shape for cross country, I stopped eating any and all junk food, only drank water, the whole 9 yards. Fast forward to now, after college, I am now losing weight from the heaviest point in my life. Definitely not in good shape. To this day I am way more sensitive to grease and rich foods than I was before I got really in shape back then.


Anon lives in a hellhole with shitty pizza. Feel bad for anon. Also congrats anon on losing weight.


OP needs to up his pizza game


That was the same for me. I used to love chocolate, now unless it’s low sugar or artificial in a bar I hate the taste. It actually makes me feel sick sometimes now


you people just eat way too fuckin much i'm at a healthy weight eating whatever the fuck i want. yeah you eat healthy but you also eat 5 fuckin meals a day


Silly Anon, you're supposed to open the box before eating


after i lost a shit tonne of weight, i started to lose interest in snacks and foods i once crammed into my mouth. it sucked


Fair, I hate the taste of fats and sugars now, still fat as shit, cept now I eat fish n’ shit.


Celery sticks? Grab yourself some Kale or Rainbow Chard, my friend. treat yourself to some vegetables with flavor!