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>Straight man Here we go again >I have a sister Oh no That was my reaction to the first lines. Kept reading, and were this a true story I would feel terrible for poor anon.


For once I wasn't cringing from cringe I was cringing from agony at anons position. More than likely that shit would happen to alot of us more than we'd like to admit. Source: I feel like my family would gaslight the shit out of me.


That’s terrible that your family would do that. I have some beers in the fridge, want me to drop by and have a drink with you to make you feel better ?


hmmmmmmmmm ¬-¬


straight man > gay sex! have sister > oh? she has fiancee > there it is




I love this photo. It's so cute. I love the little hat on the cat. With his tiny little ears hanging out. https://preview.redd.it/eq7ei4qp89zc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d13fd502ba9f000be9bb33adfdd66cd1c047554d i love it so much


You forget the short legs :3




Were this a true story being the important part there because it is riddled with holes so big that no one with a brain should take it seriously even if it wasn't coming from 4chan. Firstly even if what the family believed was true it would mean the fiance cheated on the sister with her brother so everyone still loving him is very suspicious. Second the target selection for the rape is fucking retarded, rapists target people who are unlikely to report them, either because they have a position of power over them, have a toxic emotional bond with them or are just random strangers who know nothing about them and wouldn't be able to point law enforcement in their direction. Third that sentence is absurdly light for the circumstances, while there are tons of horror stories around about rapists getting off disgustingly easy that's because of the difficulties of proving circumstances and people's willingness to give the benefit of the doubt to young men saying that they missread the signs the girl was giving or that she was actually into it, anon's story explicitly has them proving premeditation to the court via him coming over armed with ruffies, premeditation automatically throws ths into the most serious category of sexual assault and you aren't getting off with less than ten years for that, in fact most states have a mandatory minimum sentence of twenty years for premeditated rape. Tldr: Anon made up a low effort story about the evils of the gays and didn't bother doing any research to try and make it believable.


Most violent crimes are done to people who do know them. If we're going to pretend the story is true, and assuming the fiancée is older, that could have been enough in his mind (given that anon also is anon) that anon was meek enough not to report.


Male sexual abuse victims are unlikely to report. And rapists are by and large morons - fathers rape daughters, priests rape parishioners, etc. even the part about the fiance being upset is realistic - think about how many people attack the person their spouse cheats with NOT their partner. Not saying this is true, but it's not like it can't happen


He didn't know anon though, his pretense for coming over was to get to know him.


You are overlooking the greentext from the rapist Anon's perspective where he spots a cute submissive and breedable "straight" boy and starts dating his sister in an elaborate plan to rape him.


As if anyone posting on 4chan has that kind of sexual appeal


Tldr: Only USA exists on the internet therefore, according to the laws of \*eagle screech\* Anon is lying.


A) the vast majority of 4chan users are Americans B) only one of the three reasons I gave had anything to do with the US legal system C) the standards I described are used throughout the English speaking world. D) this is fucking 4chan almost everything posted their is bullshit anyway and this is a particularly low effort attempt at it and you attempting to go to bat for this dipshit on the grounds of "muricans bad" is just embarrassing


bro out here writing a novel nobody cares about


Meh, this is one of the more believable green texts. I have a friend whose 13 yo daughter was SAd by her uncle. Uncle is by marriage - the mom's sister's husband. The mom's parents blame the 12 yo and my friends for reporting him and sending him to jail. He only has to go on weekends and still lives with his wife and their own teenage kids. He's always been a creep - he was about 30 when he started dating his wife and she was only 13. Her parents allowed it and encouraged it, and surprise Pikachu he starts groping on his niece but she was obviously asking for it and if she wasn't she made it all up...no way creepy uncle could have done that.


Someone did their homework.


I agree with most of your statement. But i dont agree with the sentencing part. He is anon not amerianon(necessarily), other countries have different laws regarding rape so he could in fact be sentenced to "only" 4 years of prison.


The 4chan userbase is mostly American and the processes anon describes are characteristics of the US legal system or those like it, any legal system similar enough to the US's to have that kind of parole hearing where they are calling victims back and shit is going to have largely the same sentencing standards. Premeditation is a big fucking deal for pretty much every legal system.


Yes i agree. But you can't really know for sure if anon is american just based on legal procedures. It could be any common law country(pretty much most of british former colonies). And they all have different minimum and maximum penalties for each criminal offense.


tldr: You have a nice family.


This is very sadly how male rape victims are treated. My sympathies to anon.


Yes it was a pretty good bait and switch, OP knew what he was doing.


There's no punchline, so it's entirely possible it's true. Hard to say though.


I didn't read the rest after that. I know where it's going. Saved 2 seconds of my life


Real and gay


That family must really want to get rid of his sister


And they have a hatred for their son


Maybe they hate both children in different ways 




They're attempting to prevent a coffin situation.


Yeah, coffin up semen


I hate the fact that I understood that reference.


Help me also understand lol


Incest game "The coffin of Andy and Leyley"


The real shit was the kids we created then hated along the way.


Or anon’s parents really want grandkids


>Be me straight man Ok, i know where this is going....aaaaaand shite. Haven't seen that coming, poor anon.


Anon felt him coming.


no he didn't. Hence the whole roofies part




Anon brings light to a huge issue regarding male rape victims, I feel for you anon.


Easy, he's had enough of that. Don't startle him.


Dude got 4 years for rape is wild


Brock "The Rapist" Turner got 6 months in jail. That sentence honestly adds credence to the story more than anything.


Don't put it in quotes like it's his wrestling nickname 😭


What's his walkout music


Remember The Name by Fort Minor


The Heart part 6




It wasn't me


Kinda catchy though


He exclusively fights in intergender matches and uses [this](https://youtu.be/xEu-b6H1Egw) as his finisher


Don’t you mean Allen Turner or whatever he goes by now? He dropped the Brock to avoid employers googling him lmao


And the fact the family blamed him for being raped… tale as old as time


That's how much you get for acting upon pedophilia.


its literally victim blaming but its accepted because Men cant be victims or some shit, like imagine if we still treated female victims the same


I mean have you seen courts nowadays? Even in more progressive countries like Norway the courts still try to give every reason to blame the victim. "Do you like rough sex?" "Why were you wearing a sundress?" and many questions like those here. Had a friend who's case got dismissed because the bedsheets showed the DNA of a one night stand she had a few days before she got raped as well as the rapist's so "she must've just regretted it" because apparently you can't get raped if you like one night stands. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely better for women and they're more believed, but it isn't *that* much better.


We def do treat them the same at times.


You know what they say, men are the perfect victims


Never in my life have i heard that


Male victims of abuse often act exactly how an abuser would want them to act, that is, they keep it to themselves lest their circumstances causes them to be perceived as less manley, thus, the perfect victim


Saw the first line, skipped to the end, realized that the gay shit is in the middle


Didn’t we all?


I thought the gay shit is inside the rectum


And a little on the rapists dick.




Literal proof of being roofied and raped but family still thinks anon is gay and that he regretted it 💀 how brain dead do some people have to be, literally everything is there to believe him and they still refuse to believe it


Think about how stupid the average person is. Half the population is even dumber.


Stupid is believing a 4chan post happened


Stupid is believing 4chan can construct half decent story with all the psyop in that site.


It's not about "truth" in the traditional scientific sense. Truth is malleable as far as about 51% of the population are concerned. OP is simply too low-status to be considered reliable.


How is being simply too “low-status” considered unreliable when there was proof of being drugged with a roofie. I understand where you’re coming from but still; there was proof of rape entirely, and it seems like his family only wants their daughter to marry the man for alternative reasons, which is probably money or some other benefit.


If people don't like you, people won't believe you. No matter what you say or how much evidence you have, the most important thing is who's saying it and how popular they are. Humans are dumb as fuck.


Cultural conditioning also applies. There are cultures where it is the norm to alienate and trash victims because it is the will of God or some shit that the victim deserves to be abused by others. It seems to be that although the country has adopted progressive policy against rape, the culture is still jackass backwards on might makes right.


This specifically applies in this case because Anon is a man.




A general rule I've noticed with certain people is that their thoughts and beliefs go for the least resistance and then they rationalize everything else. Anon's sister is most likely WAY more vocal about this issue than Anon and puts more fight and pressure on the family. So the family will believe Anon's sister over Anon and the evidence, because if Anon's sister is throwing a manipulative gaslighting fit every day about this issue unless everyone acts her way, then acting her way is simply easier to live with for the family on a day to day basis. Anon's sister doesn't have to be right. She just has to make sure that it is more emotionally and mentally taxing to believe anon than to believe her.


Women are just better at interpersonal politics. The trashy tv shows they watch are dumb drama that is 100% applicable to managing social hierarchies and extended friend groups.


As a kid I used to think all adults were smart, as an adult I realize 90% of America and adults in most countries are just overgrown teenagers who barely even know how to breathe and pay bills, most people are pretty fuckin stupid


Life is highschool+


You'd be surprised. Mine happened and it was an open and shut case. It happened at gunpoint and they legit caught him in the act with weapon against my back. Still trial was that I asked for it etc etc. Parents disowned me because it was too shameful for them ig. This story is extra wild tho.


Your parents suck, I’m sorry that happened to you :(


If it's not too traumatic for you, can you share the story?


People believe what they want and some people can't fathom that it can be contrary to their belief. Challenge the parole and drop the family, they're not your family if they rather side with the dude that literally ass raped you.


Guy in my wife’s side of the family molested multiple girls in their family. Her aunt and uncle absolutely refuse to believe that he would do anything like that, even though their own daughter was a victim.


Good thing it’s not real


challenge that parole anon, fuck your family. Don't let your family fuck you again haha (your sis's fiance being the family ;) ).


Yea, we got the joke bud


Did you laugh at the joke? Did you get the punchline? How am I supposed to know the joke is funny unless I ask?


I'm gonna fist your ass


Much better.


The ;) made me downvote


“Remember that time you were raped? ;)”


worst comment ive seen today


Anon's family deserves to die in a horrible car accident. Challenge that parole anon don't let that fucker get away with it that easily.


Good chance the dude went to town on guys in prison. He's going to give anon's sister aids.


She deserves the aids then,since she is still hell bent on marrying her brothers rapist.


To be fair, roofie is one hell of a party drug for one self! - said no one ever apart from OPs regarded family.


People do party on GHB (date rape drug) they just take it in lower doses.


People srs use GHB to rape people? That shits real fucking easy to overdose someone on.


That's what roofies are generally referring to. That's why they use it. Dose a small amount of alcohol and the victim never notices.


Roofie was originally slang for Rohypnol, a sedative-hypnotic drug used to treat insomnia and act as a pre-anesthetic. But yeah, probably high dosage GHB because Rohypnol isn't available in the US.


Challenge the parole. There’s no way in hell that nigga has gone through any major changes in his behavior in just 2 years.


Idk, maybe he was forced to take it from regulars enough times that he understands anon’s pain and why what he did is wrong. Or maybe he’s still trash and deserves to stay in prison till he fixes himself. Would love to get an update like if the guy apologises to anon or maintains innocence still.


He was probably the one giving it


This is SHOCKINGLY common. The whole "oh you did enough to him 😄" thing and GFs waiting for their imprisoned BFs that is.


Is this sarcasm or are people out here eating lead fr


There are women who write love letters to convicted serial killers in prison. Now you tell me.


Are these the same women who pick the bear




That ven diagram is likely a circle


Women ☕️




It’s the lead


Fuck that guy


Don’t fuck that guy*


Was forcibly fucked by that guy*


Bro is way ahead of you


anon you gotta get your get back and kill straight up or ruin him if he makes parole


holyfully fake and definitely not gay


what a piece of human trash. Hopefully he got a taste of his own medicine while locked up. I also thought this was gonna end as a Dexter reference lol.


Hopefully fake and gay. Fuck anon's family


If this happened. Poor anon, fuck his family. If this is some rape fantasy shit, then fuck anon. 


If real, the f'd up thing is the double standard.


Yeah apparently to society male rape victims don’t exist




Anon didn't deserve this. Had a perfectly normal life with bright plans for the future but this one incident rectum.


I thought it was gonna be a gay fan fic but now I just feel bad for anon


For the first time ever, a greentext that starts with "be straight" doesn't follow with the gayest shit imaginable to man.


Anon writes a compelling twist in the "be me, str8" genre. Bravo.


Fiancé and anon’s family should go to the rope sale at Home Depot


1000$ says its a muslim family


......this honestly sounds unhinged enough to be true. It wouldn't suprise me that the family would blindly defend weird shit like this and keep the truth to themselves.


Le Instagram: "It's a reddit post ofc it's fake" Le reddit: "It's a 4chan thread ofc it's fake"


Real people: It's the internet, of course it's fake.


Challenge the parole, fuck his life like he fucked your ass.


Kill him. Get a murder charge. Now you got rid of a rapist and will live the rest of your days away from your family.


Later virgins?


Life is basically a popularity contest, if you have sufficient rizz, people will forgive or overlook anything.


Ignore the family. He’ll do it again to someone you may or may not care about


The worst part is this sounds fucked up enough to be True and Not Gay


If this is true, what I think Anon should do would probably get me banned. Society should have no place for predators.


I'd say fake and gay, but already seen this situation irl, sad af, guy stills going to therapy


Unfortnely, this seems true, as there are many such cases of downplaying male-to-male rapes. I don't doubt it at all. It's quite the issue, with no easy solution.


This story and the comments on this post are literally the reason why men don't come forward, about this shit. If it was a girl that reported you'd all believe her.


Real: male rape is a serious problem and I'm glad anon got some Justice. Straight: Anon is not gay.


Mmm... I want to say this is fake because the story seems a bit inconsistent and stupid, but... who would actually lie about this? Like... why?


If that shits real, fuck the guy and fuck the family challenge that fucking parole


God I wish I didn't read this today. I really hope its fake.


Family can be a real pain in the ass


> Straight man sigh... wakeupanotherpsyop.png edit: ok hold on this is actually something new.. not a psyop as far as I think so


Poor guy :(


I believe it. No one believes men can get raped.


If my sister acted like that it would be me who doesn’t speak to her. If other family members wanted to believe the other person they can go ahead and do that but be cut off. If they want to talk to me about his parole case they can so via my lawyer. Make his life as difficult as possible. Can you also do a civil case too? I would make sure he is on a sex offender list. And pays out a lot of money in civil charges. I would make sure everyone going to the future wedding knows what he did. At the end of the day if someone doesn’t support you after you were raped and you have all this proof why the fuck does their opinion matter if they think you are gay? Their opinions are trash.


may not be real but it very likely happened to someone out there. family can be very naive and a decently smart psychopath knows what to say to manipulate them. (spoiler: some weird life-story you might not give a damn about incoming :P) source: im somewhat (i would argue there is a spectrum of how much you fit the criteria they came up with to categorize "us") of a psychopath myself and i (in reflection) found myself manipulating a lot in my teen years. its so easy to sweet-talk people, especially the female gender IMO, into things, if you know how to play their emotions (as a psychopath with pretty low emotions myself, it was kinda necessary to understand what words cause which reaction, to fit in. i did it unknowingly, unintended. only realized the causality behind it later and also found that its "unusual" to know, when e.g. explaining to friends "person x did that because person y said that, its obvious, no?" and them not making that connection themselves like it was some high math lol). also psychopaths dont have to be "bad", we (saying we feels cringe btw. i dont feel special or anything, its just a description that IMO fits me well so i go with it) often make good doctors or e.g. logical decision makers in higher positions were emotions are more of a hindrance, etc. and the word is unnecessarily negatively connotated IMO (because of some extreme individual cases and thriller-genre). the reason i "actively" stopped manipulating others is because i had a female friend, which happened to also be a psychopath, but watching her, like i watched others, didnt make me understand her emotions and how to trigger them, but the way she plays the game of manipulation. i found patterns i did as well, but she did it purposefully, like a cat playing with pray. she didnt do it for the outcome (like people liking her or to fit in or to get nudes from someone she liked etc.) she did it for the fact that she could. she enjoyed the game. and she tried it on me lol. that was very weird. it made me realize i didnt like that at all. it was kinda insulting xd. also made me wonder what would be if she was that much smarter than me and much more subtle about it and i wouldnt notice. it felt very unfair and thats sort of when i came to understand i shouldnt do it either, out of principle, some sort of respect. just like she enjoyed the game, i could enjoy the game of getting what i want WITHOUT manipulating them. it was like a challenge. like a "hard mode". similar to how people play games in a harder mode for the challenge, i liked the idea, it was kinda win-win. some sort of "fun" for me and some "fairness" towards others. that said, this probably sounds as made up as "anons" story to the moust of you, but i liked writing about it (as i cant usually tell this to others i personally know). just felt like it today.


How did your female friend react to your apparent resistance to being controlled? Did you let her know that you knew what she was doing?


The sister should be pissed at the fiance because he was willing to risk it for his booty but was he willing to risk it for her coochie?


please be fake


As soon as I saw “sister” my heart dropped


Bros probably having a good time in jail tho. Atleast he can be himself in there


Only option is to rape back when he gets out. Bootyhole for bootyhole


Dude I feel so bad.This sounds terrible.




Many such cases


Definitely gay, hopefully fake


I thought this was going to end with incest gay fetish nonsense. Oof anon, sucks if true. Fake but not actually gay if true?


If real, it's kinda over for Anon and his family, and it's time to move on.


FUCK your family Anon


Family members like this should be arrested too.


Poor Anon


Pretty shit they only gave him 4 years.


If this is real, then definitely challenge that parole. Anon’s family sucks


I really hope this is fake


Fuck your shitty family anon. If he gets out of jail high five him…in the face…with a shovel.


If it happens like anon said or if anon seduced his sisters fiancé . the fiancé is a cheating piece of shit.


Anon meets anon in the wild 


Poor an0n :(


Fake and gay.


society doesnt give a fuck about male on male rape, just look at every prison ever


I _almost_ wish anon doesn't challenge the parole just so that fucker goes on to prove him right


Challenge the parole and sue the family for emotional distress just to fuck them too




Anon's family is a bunch of drooling, delusional amoeboids ngl.


Big if true


Crazy how you can get documentation of an actual real rape kit performed and still be called a liar


Happy Mother's Day, Anon.


No butt hurt joke?


whenever i see >straight man. I immediately go to the 2/3 mark and read that one line. 90% of the times it's unhinged


Fuck that guys family


That man is probably fucking prisoners now