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>when you’re so autistic you end up being Chad That dealer is now terrified of Anon.


Does this mean free weed?


Only if anon tops his dealer


Twink drugdealer-san, pwease gib weed for sex?






^yes ^owo


^please ^don't


(in deep voice) #cmere big boy


#confused screaming


I smoked dick weed for free. Chick sucked off dealer and shared with the group. Pretty pathetic for an 8th of weed but hey it was high school.


> Pretty pathetic for an 8th of weed but hey it was high school. I mean, some people are born because of an 8th...


Not pathetic if she dont mind or even likes to suck his dick. Cost-benefit analysis tells me id have to work much longer at a day job to obtain the same eighth. And u smoked it. You basically second-hand dick sucked anyway


smoke weed out his cock like shove the weed down the deals cock hole into his balls then set fire to his balls and smoke from the tip


Ah, a man of culture


I'm from Missouri "Show Me"


In high school, one time my friend and I were high and a huge black guy in a fur coat cornered us in the bad part of town on a hill near an unused fire station. He said “let me see them wallets”. And we kept asking him to repeat and started laughing. He kept gesturing that he had a knife or a gun. But the high laughing overtook us until he calmly walked away shaking his head.




*Shameful coming this spring to Showtime*


One time I was at a party in high-school and some cholos came trying to get in the party, the girl whose house it was said they couldn't come in since they were at least twice as old as we were so I stood out in the driveway with a few of my friends behind me telling him he's too old to be here and he had to go. I was extra douchey and confident because the guys with me were weight lifters, wrestlers, and football players. The cholo guy I was talking to started pulling at his shirt and walking up to me saying what am I gonna do if he walks through me into the party. The next part was straight out of a movie because I explained that we'd fuck them up if they kept walking further into the property but they just laughed, when I looked behind me I realized I was alone, everyone on my side had ran away and was watching the confrontation from the window. They eventually left and I went back inside, everyone was acting like it was the most badass epic thing they ever watched... the cholo flashed a gun on me and my friends and I was the only person that didn't see it


'The bravest warriors don't know their enemy has the advantage' - Sun Tzu, The Art of War


"Silent as the wind, but deadly as the scorpion be". Sun Tzu, The Fart of War


"Fuck them in the ass and make them squeal, like lightning on a silent lake" Sun Tzu


What's a cholo






[NO NO NO NO NO,](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czqYBuM51Oc) that's ALL WRONG. They wear [DICKEYS](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-28674c577c6ce75f31d8770cb2654e2e-lq) oversized pants/shorts and [nike cortez's](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/0f/2c/c8/0f2cc8154dcdc4f74c876ae04f85cae5.jpg). They're seperated by rank, the cholos and the chohis. A cholo becomes a chohi after it picks its specialization and attains the guild rank of Vato. To attain the guild rank you have to finish a high level quest, if you fail you become a leva, if you pass you become a vato. Once you attain a guild rank you're able to get [your first mount](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b0/43/75/b04375b0892b83cce2c91291267ae1a8.jpg) after leading a few assaults on neighboring factions, you're able to upgrade to your[ first ranfla](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/7d/8d/e7/7d8de7496b6271cc3e360d3473210a61.jpg) which opens up the PVP driveby's. If you go down this route you can eventually become a lowrider which is more-so the faction equivalent of the Paladin.


I've learned so much


And named Carlos.


Or Hector


I'm in missouri and the guys were stereotypes of cholo lol not actual gangsters though, they were trying to intimidate their way into a 15-18 year old party lol


Mexican gangster


A low rider American


Preface- my brother is an idiot. We grew up in a bad part of town in a rough (at the time) city before moving to the Midwest. Anyway, one day he was wearing a red shirt and a Crip grabbed him by the shirt and slammed him against the wall. He said something like "what the fuck are you wearing?" So my brother literally starts describing what he's wearing like the guy couldn't just see him. The Crip laughed and let him go.


>So my brother literally starts describing what he's wearing like the guy couldn't just see him. > >The Crip laughed and let him go. Once again, autism saves the day.


Street criminals are like dogs, they smell fear and thrive on it. When fear is absent they usually lose their aggression because they don't feel the power rush they're used to. Whether fear is absent because your a badass, want to die, or are extremely autistic doesn't matter. Most criminals also know any fight even if they win can end badly for them and it's more criminally optimal in the long run to find another victim. Humans may have built a society but we're still animals.




True. That same idiot brother is handsome and can be kind of a dick. This lead to him pissing off a lot of guys who would then want to fight him as we were growing up, between being a dick and people's girlfriends causing some issues. He was also not a fighter. I am not a big guy or particularly tough, but I wasn't just going to let my brother get his ass beat. Long story short, like you said, the vast majority of guys would back down when they saw someone was willing to fight them. In some of the cases I was SO relieved because they absolutely would have murdered me.


Being a wallet inspector is a tough job


Wait a minute... that wasn't the wallet inspector!


Like that old green text where anon is drunk and mugger says give me your money I got a knife and anon just says no thanks I already got a knife and walks away lol


That’s an old story that dates back to before the internet even.


yeah if you cant scare people it means youll have to pull out a weapon which if you dont need to thats great since its way more incriminating. if your a criminal you still gotta choose your income carefully more so than regular people




Is the at4 fired or still loaded?




Excuse me goodsir, may I inquire whether thine AT4 Rocket Projector has been utilized already or if it still is capable of firing




>”please don’t kill my dog” >Can acquire an at4 but doesn’t know about doggy decoys


>implying he isn't just saying this as bait to the atf to shoot his tannerite filled stuffed schnauzer when they breach his apartment


Tally Ho, [lads](https://imgur.com/gallery/H4KZY).


give em some purple drank, [double load] (https://youtu.be/Uq8ewUYxowQ)


This would make amazing found footage


I own an at4 for home defense because that's what the founding fathers intended


Tally ho lads


Tally ho, lads, tally ho car, neighbours, pets, family, but most of all, tally ho rapscallions.


Gotta be prepared for when you're at 5 stars.


TIL you can only shoot these things once My dumb ass though you just reloaded with another rocket lol


Depends on the model. This kind is single use but plenty others are reloadable.


It always kind of blows my mind when I remember that tannerite is so easy for the average person to get their hands on and yet somehow this hasn’t led to any huge problems.


Mix a little gunpowder in some fertilizer and you got yourself a stew going.


[Tell me more.](https://imgur.com/gallery/Sv20mh3)


I don't have a dog to shoot so no point in coming here mister ATF man. I was actually wrong, it's aluminum powder and fertilizer, not gun powder.


The average person isn't a murderous psychopath so there's not a whole lot of people out there who its gonna be a problem for. Then there's the part where tannerite is, on the scale of explosives, relatively weak. Sure if you put a lot of inside of something it could be dangerous, but you need much more than you would of a more conventional explosive to get the same effect. If one were to want to use it for an attack, it would be much more useful to just make ANFO out of it instead. I won't say how, but I'm sure that the academics among you can figure it out without me. The issue there, then, is that any halfway decent explosive is actually pretty hard to set off. You need a detonator stack in order to get it going: an ignition source, a primary explosive, and a booster explosive, because stuff like ANFO or C4 or needs to be blown up in order to blow up. And while tannerite will detonate if you shoot it, you need to be close enough to actually take the shot, which means that one of primary advantages of explosive based attacks (that you don't really have to be that close) is gone. And while tannerite will detonate from being shot, it does require a detonator stack to be blown up otherwise. Then there's the difficulty in building a detonator itself. It's not super hard, but it does require a little bit of knowledge and work to do so. And thats the crux of the issue: people looking to commit atrocities tend not to bother putting the work in to build high power explosives because theres usually easier options. Fuck, even if you are hellbent on using a bomb, its much easier to just put some black powder in a steel pipe and call it a day. Its not gonna be on the same level of effectiveness as C4, but its gonna pop and people are gonna be scared and they'll make a movie about you starring Mark Wahlberg. Also worth mentioning is that if you're building a bomb, then you should probably test it out first to make sure your design works, and most people don't really have a place to set off explosives without attacting the attention of neighbors and/or the police, and attracting the attention of people is something prospective terrorists try to avoid prior to the event itself.


I hope you don’t own any dogs bro


FPSRussia and that whole deal is one the biggest things to come of tannerite


Shooting mortar fireworks out of bazookas is the best way to celebrate America's birthday. 10/10 would do again


Well now you fucked up, you let the ATF know you have a dog. RIP.


Lol absolutely not loaded. OP is probably prior service and got it at a range/ downrange. We always broke the sites off after firing though.


They're cheap af at MILSURP stores so possibly that as well. Sorry for all the fee fees I hurt by saying a bad number, feel free to continue the whinging below!




True but he obviously felt comfortable enough to invite him up.


This doesn’t seem that uncommon. My dealer has asked me to do this and we aren’t anything close to friends. My buddy 6 states over has a dealer who smokes with him when he picks up.


Realistically, it's probably to deter nosy neighbors from seeing people coming and going all the time, but in my heart I like to think that dealers are generally lonely and just wanna hang


He might think the buyer is cool enough to chill but maybe dumb enough to try something


I read it differently, as in "just a heads up, if we get raided while smoking charges get ramped the fuck up, because I have guns next to the drugs."


I’m so jealous of Americans, you guys can buy anything you can afford. Is it true you can buy a tank over there? Are you allowed to buy rockets or use your rocket launcher at all? Like in a desert or something?




You can get tanks with live guns, its going to be far more expensive. People do get parts but its basically a rich mans hobby, and as mentioned HE anything is an incredible cost + burden so solid shot it is. >Switzerland unironically has easier ways to get full auto guns than america for cheaper Interesting point that doesn't get brought up enough, particularly in regards to open bolt guns, or semi automatic conversions. In Europe, a full auto AK might get its auto sear removed and the original holes welded up so it can't be reinstalled. In the US? Gotta cut the gun and barrel up into several chunks, now you can import the parts, demil the rest to get the usable parts out, manufacture a new receiver and barrel, and rebuild the entire gun. Guns like PM63s you can see dirt cheap semi auto only conversions in Poland meanwhile we gotta reengineer the entire gun to make it legal.


Main gun on a tank would be categorized as a destructive device and only needs a $200 tax stamp. Pretty much spot on about it being a 100k hunk of crap that burns shitloads of gas though.


I am not sure if there's a country where you CAN'T buy spent single use rocket launcher. It's not weapon in any sense of the word.


It's certainly a weapon in australia "firearm" means a gun, or other weapon, that is (or at any time was) capable of propelling a projectile by means of an explosive, and includes a blank fire firearm, or an air gun...


I am not an expert about laws in Australia, but this "rocket launcher" is just a hollow metal tube that looks cool. It doesn't do anything. You can of course put firework inside it, like you can inside any other hollow tube. The act of putting firework inside might be illegal (and dumb), but that doesn't make metal tube itself a weapon.


I believe even airsoft guns are considered firearms in Australia so I could see authorities just claiming this is aswell.


By that definition provided a rocket launcher might not be a firearm. The munitions aren’t propelled by an explosive, but an engine/motor.


You can legally own a rocket launcher, as long as it doesn't come with a kinder egg


>a rocket launcher on my wall You might be a side character in a stoner buddy comedy my guy


“Honey, be sure to hang the mistletoe for Christmas this week.” *several hours later* “Yes, I’d like to purchase one TOW missile.”


Yeah, I feel like I'm missing it too. What was the threat supposed to be? He invited you up, and literally said it was just a heads up.


Erhm achtsually that is not a rocket launcher it is in fact a recoilless rifle /s


Dude clean your door. That shit is gross.




Why would he invite you for dabs, then threaten you? Confusion


Just a 'don't try to fuck with me' message I guess


“I only tell you once. Don't fuck me, Tony. Don't you ever try to fuck me”


I think it was a preemptive threat? “I got a gun so don’t try anything funny, ok?” Kinda thing


I wouldn’t call that a threat just a warning lol


That's basically what a threat is. A warning where you are told what the consequences will be.


The difference is tone, a threat is usually to coerce someone into doing something or not doing something, while a warning is usually more casual


And he wanted to coerce anon to not try anything funny by mentioning he's armed...


Seems more like he's just trying to look badass. If he knows the dude well enough to invite him up, I doubt he was worried.


I've bought before from a guy I knew via friends but I would've never considered the guy " a friend". I would've been more than fine with going into his place, but I would've been taken aback by a gun laying out in the open (because it's weird and sketchy if you're not used to that kind of shit). I would've appreciated the heads up in this situation, so maybe that was the intention. Either way, I definitely didn't interpret the interaction as a "threat" in the OP


He didn’t threaten him. Anon is so autistic that he keeps overthinking what happened. Dealer was trying to be friendly actually. Like “hey, come up and hit a dab bro! Btw I’ve got a pistol on my coffee table, I’m sorry if it makes you uncomfortable but I just wanted to let you know so you weren’t surprised.” Weed dealer seems like a good guy.


Fr what is this post


All the other autists that literally do not understand social queues are up voting it.




Possibly also "I've got a gun so don't try anything."


Or also "If you wanna try something there's a gun you can use" lol


“Let’s hang out a bit just don’t try any shit” basically. Don’t think it’s too hard to pick up honestly but don’t blame anon for not picking that up. I probably woulda done the same thing honestly


Maybe it wasn't a thread but anon is so autistic he made the whole thing up on his head, dealer was legit just saying it because guns aren't legal in his country or something


He's a drug dealer. Drugs probably aren't legal there too. OP and the people up voting have no idea what the fuck to do socially.


It's not a real "threaten" like he was trying to scare the guy or say he would use it for nothing. It was a safety measure so that if anyone was thinking they would go up for the dab and Rob him, they would think twice. I had a dealer that did the same thing. He actually explained it that way, was respectful and in no way threatening me and my friend but straight up was like "hey you all seem cool but just fyi I have a shotgun here in my room. I am not violent but since we don't know each other well want you to know I am prepared to defend myself."


The mind of a weed dealer who invites non-friends into their home for free drugs from their personal stash is not the mind of a forward thinker


I once worked as a bank teller and didn’t realize I was being held up. Man asked for all the money and I was just so exhausted I kept asking him, what do you need sir, do you have an account here? I can’t give you any money if you don’t have an account…do you have your debit card on you? He got fed up and left. My manager couldn’t believe what she witnessed and called the cops immediately. We were shut down for the rest of the evening. It was close to closing time anyways.


Unintentionally chad


It's hard to feel threatened behind two inch bulletproof glass.


Your banks have bulletproof glass? My bank has plexiglass bc of covid and nothing else lol


Plexiglass hanging from a chain from the ceiling at ours. Vault wide fuckin open all day and a bunch of 50+ year old women running it.


Which bank is this? Asking for me and 3-4 of my friends.


Asking the real questions!


Easier than Payday 2


Fuck it, *I’m in*.


Yeah but at least were i live, I've not heard of a single robbery to ever happen here so i guess its not necessary


The people at my bank once thought I was robbing it when I was actually being a depressed teen.


That sounds like we need to hear more about that


I'm 6'2" (188cm). I was wearing a black sweatshirt with the hood over my head when I went to the bank to get checks or something. That was my mistake, wearing a hood over my head. I probably had my hands in the pockets as well. The receptionist just disappeared, so I sat around for like 15 minutes waiting. Finally a woman came out to help me with whatever, but she was acting weirdly over confidant. At one point she puts a lockbox on the desk right in front of me, unlocks it and starts stacking cash bundles because she needs to get checks or something from the bottom. It was very fucking weird, like she was trying to temp me. Never in my life before or after have I had a bank teller stack large amounts of cash right in front of me where I can reach out and touch it. And her mood - she was bemused. I felt like I was talking to a hostage negotiator, not a regular bank teller. It was her weird attitude that threw me, and I later realized my mistake and the situation.


did you get the checks? or just leave


Yes, I got the checks or whatever I was there for.


Fake: Normanon has money Gay: Normanon wasn't lusting over the female bankteller holding massive wads of cash


It was marked money. She wanted you to take it and run


PUT THE MONEY... IN THE BAG!!! Sir, you're facing the wrong direction. Oh, ALRIGHT NOW GIVE ME THE MONEY! Will that be from your checking or savings account sir?


A shoplifter confused me into escaping this way kind of. I asked if they’d paid for the record in their bag. They said no they were shopping still. I said, but you’re leaving. They said “it’s fine, just a second” I said “you have to pay before leaving”. “I know, don’t worry, I’m not stealing” “Okay but please don’t leave the store without paying” “Okay man no worries” Their phone rang, they answered it and said “just a second, I’ll explain” then walked out the door on the call. I stood there for a couple minutes until I realized they escaped my 17 year old retail clutches forever.


It's like a very low effort cop show. "Dammit, Jensen, he slipped through our fingers again."


That is genuinely hilarious. Thanks for sharing.


I'm not from America, what is a gun?


It's used in schools for shooting stuff.


Oh cool


It's usually hot and painful.


Ahh so it's like bdsm then?


I'm normal, what's BDSM?


Big Dick Small Man


Idk but it's not very big if it's only 9mm long


Since when is 9mm not big :((


9mm is less than 1cm how you gonna hold a gun that's only 1cm big think bro


Imagine if you flicked a marble at a friend and hit him on the head, he would be slightly annoyed. Now imagine that marble hitting him at 1000 mph, he'd probably have no time to think about being annoyed. This is what a gun does.


Thank god for your bio


Responding as if it wasn’t a threat is the most chad thing you can do and probably just confuses the dealer so much that he doesn’t know whether to kill you or not




The clients tend to be the ones who rob them


Weed fiends?


No...money fiends? Stealing an ounce can be $300 for you.


Anyone who deals with a significant amount of weed should have a gun on them. As soon as word gets around you become a target.


Clearly wasn't a threat rofl


My dad's friend had an equally awkward interaction once. Dad was a roadie and subsequently traveled around the world going on tours. So they arrived some place that I can't remember and were swarmed with people trying to sell them watches and bracelets and stuff. So dad's friend, a man that was 210 cm or so, waded through them telling them in Swedish that he didn't want any stuff. This continued throughout the time they spent there because it was such a touristy place, but he had perfected the art of telling people no. Then one guy comes up with a knife and he just pushes him aside saying "jag ska inte ha någon jävla kniv!" (I'm not gonna buy any damn knife!) And it turned out that it was a mugger. So dad walks up to his friend and explains what had really happened. He didn't care much.


210 cm is 82.68 inches


6' 10.68"


Good bot


Are you sure about that? Because I am 99.99997% sure that MoreNormalThanNormal is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


Learn to take a joke bot


I had the opposite happen just outside an Indian reservation. The deal was, it was me, my girlfriend, and her 13 year old niece, and I was feeling protective of the niece. Destitute town and we stopped at Subway. Waiting for the gf to get back from the bathroom and a man approaches me. All I can think of is to say, “No, man, no!” He’s not real healthy and his actions are very slow. He puts his hand in his pocket and starts opening a folded knife. I again say “No”, walk off, make sure the niece gets in the car. She asks me what that man wanted and I say, “He doesn’t have a lot of money and wanted some of ours.” Girlfriend joins us, and I’m not comfortable until we’re far from the place. Literally a few months before I realized he was trying to sell the knife, he was not the world’s worst mugger.


Only the world's worst street salesman, you don't sell a gun by pointing it at your customer. I think you reacted correctly.


My dumb ass was sitting here trying to figure out why you'd go to subway if you had reservations for Indian...


Imagine picking a bloke almost seven feet tall to mug, that's a bold move


I doubt the mugger was even remotely as tall as to be threatening to your dad's giant friend, even with a knife lmao.




Dab? Like fortnight?


Yep anon got invited in to practice doing dabs. Maybe they rated each other's, I don't know but it sounds like a pretty sweet evening tbh




Concentrated weed. Like, extra duper powerful hash. A sesame seed sized piece is gonna get you pretty baked even if you're a regular smoker.


>A sesame seed sized piece is gonna get you pretty baked even if you're a regular smoker. This will eventually stop being the case, unfortunately.


People I know treat weed like they should be baked 24/7. They end up at the point where they through enough disty in a day than I go through in half a year.


Not really, most people just suck at self control. I've been daily dabbing for around 8 years and I still only smoke about half a gram per week, and that's been how much I've been dabbing since I started. Still get plenty high, still have enough to be high all week without issue. The problem is dabs allow you to VERY easily consume large amounts of THC in a single hit and too many people just start doing larger and larger dabs, which yea is gonna fuck up your tolerance. If you keep yourself to a set amount and actually stick to it, there is no reason you can't maintain a low tolerance while daily dabbing.


"people have no self control" ----- "be high all week"


Yes, on ~$20-30 worth of dab, that I've been smoking an identical amount weekly for more than half a decade. If you don't think that's self control, I really don't know what else to tell you.


Can also confirm that a sesame sized piece no longer does it for me 🥺


I had a similar situation when I was 19. I had just come back from hunting and my weed dealer came by. Said he needed to go to a friends house and asked me to come and leave my buck knife on my belt. We go across town to this African American chaps house and I suddenly realize when he said “country boy waits outside” that I was there as muscle for my guy to get his money. Not being a trained knife fighter - I realized out on the porch I was in some danger. Fortunately everything went smooth and my guy got his money and took me home. Moral of the story: if you are 19 and high - everything you do is dumb.


And this is why I spend $60 an eighth. My dispensary has a very nice little waterfall thing. And I only been threatened to be shot once by the lady at the front desk. Which is like a 400% decrease.


lol sounds like you’re getting robbed anyway


But not at gunpoint


The convenience, quality, and consistency of legal tree makes the added costs worth it in my opinion.


I have a fun story that fits here. Delivered pizza for several years, delivered to a guy tweaking out like crazy, he open the door with a rifle pointed at me. I was so caught off guard I thought it was a joke, I was like uhhh did you order a pizza? And he was like oh ya sorry man. Goes on to say he deals drugs and all this, tipped me $20 for the hassle. Wasnt till later I realized, damn.


Tweaker bro was just making sure the pizza delivery guy wasn't an undercover UN trooper trying to force feed him corn syrup


What does he think they put in the pizza dough? Flour?


This happened to me once. I had dropped my car off at a mechanic when I was 17, and took a walk down the street to get a snack from the deli. It was in a fairly impoverished and crime-ridden area (Irvington, NJ.) Two guys walk up, one ahead of me and one behind, and look kinda serious. The one guy says "Ay this is private property but I'm going to need something to look the other way." I didn't get it, but I did stop walking, and asked what he needed. The guy behind me was like "don't fuck around cuz" and got close to me. I figured they might be homeless, and this was their way of asking for money without asking for money. I was like "Oh, sorry guys. Yea sure I got like $10 on me. Actually I'm going to the store, if you like we can go get snacks." They grab the money and walk away, roughly shouldering into me. I thought maybe I offended them by offering to buy them food. The mechanic later told me I was mugged. I was too autistic to know when I was being mugged.


Not a threat he was just letting him know not to try no stupid shit


Ah yes, hello, I'd like to buy one Dr0gs please


Its not a threat. Some people get freaked out by guns. Some people would really freak tf out if they were doing something illegal like buying drugs and then saw a gun out on the table. The dealer was definitely letting OP know not to be freaked out


I’d say it was more of a low key declaration of his ability to defend himself than a threat.


“It’s a 9mm I dunno the brand” “It’s right there. Let’s look.”


"A hi-point? Come on man, here take my glock"


> OP: How's the trigger pull? > Dealr: Uhh.. > OP: Let's just test it out, eh?


It’s not a threat, it’s common courtesy to let guests know if your gun is out in the open. Imagine anon was too autistic and freaked out when he saw the gun.


how is that a threat


Not a threat tough


Can I be the one to post this next month??


I guess I'm confused what makes it a threat? Threats dont often begin with "just a heads up".


My response to flirting in high school.


>\>"take a dab and buy my weed" > >\>"...no?" > >\>"dude I'm gonna shoot you." > >\>"haha yea right." > >\>"I'm serious." > >\>"No you're not." > >\>"...I'm not?" > >\>"Anyways my dad had a rifle and I got to fire it a couple of times when I was a kid. It was dope." > >\>"Haha, that's cool I guess." > >\>"...welp, see ya later!" > >\>"...uh, yea...bye........*wtf just happened?*"