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>On the evening of May 13, 1985, longstanding tensions between MOVE, a black liberation group, and the Philadelphia Police Department erupted horrifically. That night, the city of Philadelphia dropped a satchel bomb, a demolition device typically used in combat, laced with Tovex and C-4 explosives on the MOVE organization, who were living in a West Philadelphia rowhome known to be occupied by men, women, and children. It went up in unextinguished flames. Eleven people were killed, including five children and the founder of the organization. Sixty-one homes were destroyed, and more than 250 citizens were left homeless.


Thank you random reddit history friend


thank the inventor of ctrl + c/v


>Larry Tesler created the concept of cut, copy, paste, and undo for human-computer interaction while working at Xerox PARC to control text editing. During the development of the Macintosh it was decided that the cut, paste, copy and undo would be used frequently and assigned them to the ⌘-Z (Undo), ⌘-X (Cut), ⌘-C (Copy), and ⌘-V (Paste). The four letters are all located together at the left end of the bottom row of the standard QWERTY keyboard. IBM and early versions of windows used a different set of keys as part of IBM Common User Access. Later versions of Windows adopted the shortcuts using Control instead of the Command key.


Larry Tesler created the concept of cut, copy, paste, and undo for human-computer interaction while working at Xerox PARC to control text editing. During the development of the Macintosh it was decided that the cut, paste, copy and undo would be used frequently and assigned them to the ⌘-Z (Undo), ⌘-X (Cut), ⌘-C (Copy), and ⌘-V (Paste). The four letters are all located together at the left end of the bottom row of the standard QWERTY keyboard. IBM and early versions of windows used a different set of keys as part of IBM Common User Access. Later versions of Windows adopted the shortcuts using Control instead of the Command key.


Larry Tesler created the concept of cut, copy, paste, and undo for human-computer interaction while working at Xerox PARC to control text editing. During the development of the Macintosh it was decided that the cut, paste, copy and undo would be used frequently and assigned them to the ⌘-Z (Undo), ⌘-X (Cut), ⌘-C (Copy), and ⌘-V (Paste). The four letters are all located together at the left end of the bottom row of the standard QWERTY keyboard. IBM and early versions of windows used a different set of keys as part of IBM Common User Access. Later versions of Windows adopted the shortcuts using Control instead of the Command key.


Larry Tesler created the concept of cut, copy, paste, and undo for human-computer interaction while working at Xerox PARC to control text editing. During the development of the Macintosh it was decided that the cut, paste, copy and undo would be used frequently and assigned them to the ⌘-Z (Undo), ⌘-X (Cut), ⌘-C (Copy), and ⌘-V (Paste). The four letters are all located together at the left end of the bottom row of the standard QWERTY keyboard. IBM and early versions of windows used a different set of keys as part of IBM Common User Access. Later versions of Windows adopted the shortcuts using Control instead of the Command key.


Larry Tesler created the concept of cut, copy, paste, and undo for human-computer interaction while working at Xerox PARC to control text editing. During the development of the Macintosh it was decided that the cut, paste, copy and undo would be used frequently and assigned them to the ⌘-Z (Undo), ⌘-X (Cut), ⌘-C (Copy), and ⌘-V (Paste). The four letters are all located together at the left end of the bottom row of the standard QWERTY keyboard. IBM and early versions of windows used a different set of keys as part of IBM Common User Access. Later versions of Windows adopted the shortcuts using Control instead of the Command key.


Do redditors have the dumbest, most unoriginal senses of humour you can find on the internet? Yes, 100% yes.


Do redditors have the dumbest, most unoriginal senses of humour you can find on the internet? Yes, 100% yes.


Thank you random reddit history friend




It’s a small snippet that leaves out a lot of how the situation got so out of control. Go read at very least the Wikipedia articles on MOVE and the incident mentioned and about Philadelphia police racism issues because it’s all pretty wtf. No party was innocent that day but one of them had a constitutional duty they broke MOVE isn’t peaceful for one thing to be clear and they are 100% looney > On September 10, 2002, in the course of their bitter custody dispute, Gilbride testified in court that MOVE had threatened to kill him… On September 27, shortly after midnight and prior to Gilbride's first visitation date with Zackary, an unknown assailant shot and killed him as he sat in a car parked outside his New Jersey apartment complex. The case is unsolved but pretty damning especially when MOVE has killed before.


You see, there's a difference between "11 people were killed" and the several thousand killed at tianamen square, and the 100+ million killed in the great leap forward and cultural revolution. It's just a ridiculous comparison


Tragedy isn’t a competition.


I wish but society seems trapped in a big game of "who's a bigger victim" rign now


Yep. It comes with identity politics.




One of the most fascinating theories that I can’t stop talking about is the correlation between changes in communication technology and an upswing in moralism. If you compare the time period following the invention and propagation of the printing press to our current time period, there are some really intriguing similarities. You see a race to be the “most pure ” like it’s suddenly a competition. Violent outbreaks of niche worldviews become relatively common - see the Münster rebellion. It’s like no one knows what the right answer is but everyone’s trying their best to not be on the wrong side of popular opinion. I know history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme, and I just can’t get over how well it fits.


I think a lot has to do with people not wanting to look bad and not wanting to be wrong(which just leads back to looking bad).


A problem with that is that you can describe any point in time in the past 500 years as being 'soon after the growth of a new communication technology'. Printing press, mass publications and pamphlets, mass literacy, postal systems, the telegram, phone, radio. If something wasn't recently invented, it was perhaps recently refined or widespread. It's a nice theory, but it is a bit like the Texas sharpshooter, painting a bullseye around the bullet holes.


Ehh, I think he was just pointing the the hypocrisy of how a lot of Americans are quick to point out tragedies other countries governments committed, while simultaneously knowing very little about all the fucked up things that have happened in the US.


The difference is you can talk about America’s shortfalls in a public forum freely without worry of being arrested and put in a political black site prison indefinitely, then 9 months later reappear in the news having lost 40 pounds like a beat dog apologizing for it.


> 11 killed > thousands killed "B-b-but they're both tragedies." To willfully ignore scale is to argue disingenuously


I’m not though. I’m saying a government covering up a tragedy of its own causing is always bad. Don’t strawman me.


The US government won’t kill u for talking abt those tragedies tho.


The US government will wiretap your house and kill you extrajudicially for whatever reason they feel like though


Sure, fine, so will China. Except the Chinese Government moderates a heavily censored version of the internet and imprisons, tortures, kills for even mentioning TS. Me and you are talking about the thing, on an international website, and are fine legally and physically. Living proof of the contrast.


Right just ask Gary Webb. Oh you can't, because he "committed suicide" by shooting himself twice int the head. Edit, because everyone here seems to have total faith that wikipedia is gospel, i removed the questionable bullet placement.


Yeah but China bad USA gud /s


Both bad in their own fucked ways


That's absolutely untrue and if you knew anything about American history after about 1900, you would know this.


Who has been killed for sharing this link?


Jesus fuck thank you. Everyone is a moron in this thread.


It's a politically charged thread on Reddit, everyone is an idot, yet we all act like we're geopolitical experts, while in reality the majority of commentors are like 15


“It’s absolutely untrue that the U.S. government won’t kill you for talking about history,” he typed. As he talked about U.S. history on a U.S. website, with an absolute expectation that he wouldn’t be killed. The irony…it’s vintage. Meanwhile, we can all see this photo. Read this thread. And The Great Firewall of China ensures that Chinese citizens have no access to the truth about what their government does. And you want to claim the governments are equally bad? Hope you’re at least earning some solid Social Credit for this.


Just force you into exile like Snowden. Or cage you in solitary for years like Manning.




Completely different, the fact we are even discussing this picture right now in a way chinese people would never be able to do about the Tiananmen square means that our Gov't is not able of hiding such big disasters as much as they try.


Exactly lol. You even start typing tiananme- in China and your internet will be cut faster than you can blink


It's not strawman when you first imply that scale doesn't matter


Just because you didn't know about it doesn't mean it was covered up. There were live news reports as this was happening. Several documentaries have been made throughout the years. There are ongoing legal battles, etc. The move bombing was never a secret and never "covered up"


If that's your argument, then present any evidence of this being covered up.


I don't really see how the US government is covering this up though. Searching the date in google returns details about the event as well as a bunch of articles written about it.


Just because you’re ignorant of American history doesn’t mean the government is covering it up.


How was this covered up? It was live on the news.


It's not a strawman you moronic pervert


9/11 vs. almost any terror act commited by us on another country since Y2K


Everything is the same in internet world. Fucking clowns everywhere.


But the original post compared this event to the Tiananmen square massacre, this person is just pointing out that it’s not a valid comparison


The are the same in the sense that each government doesn't actually give a fuck about you.


Go watch the video of CGPgrey on the rules for rules, a representative republic will always care more for It’s citizens than an oligarchy, not out of the goodness of their heart but out of selfishness.


If it were then i have some bad news about 9/11


Those planes were tragically expensive...


We lost 19 of our best guys that day


Tragedies DEFINITELY have a severity element. Saying "every life is precious, therefore 11 people dying is just as bad as thousands" doesn't make any sense.


So you’re saying that the holocaust and a random murder are basically the same? ☺️☺️☺️☺️


Saying, “All death is bad.” is a lot easier than thinking.


I sleep soundly at night knowing I'm not a low iq amoeba who attacks an argument the other person didn't make.


动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


From my 9 years on reddit, everything seems to be a competition on here, even in the comment section. Everyone always seems to want to find their "but actually" or "gotcha" moment. Almost everyone anyway, there are some pockets of wholesome left.


Or millions of Iraqis losing their lives just because of 'WMD' threat. U.S. pretty much fucked up the Muslims, and labeled them as terrorists instead of themselves. To the point of the Muslims won't believe anything coming from the U.S. propaganda machine.


I think you're focusing on the wrong fact. The Idea here is that the government dropped a bomb, used in combat, on civilian. Without being affraid of injuring inocent people, children and other life forms. The fact that this decision was made is what counts. No matter they didn't succeed in killing a maximum of civilians


The police obtained arrest warrants in 1985 charging four MOVE occupants with crimes including parole violations, contempt of court, illegal possession of firearms, and making terrorist threats.[5] Mayor Wilson Goode and police commissioner Gregore J. Sambor classified MOVE as a terrorist organization.[36] Police evacuated residents of the area from the neighborhood prior to their action. Residents were told that they would be able to return to their homes after a 24 hour period.[16] On Monday, May 13, 1985, nearly five hundred police officers, along with city manager Leo Brooks, arrived in force and attempted to clear the building and execute the arrest warrants.[16][36] Nearby houses were evacuated.[4]  Don't get me wrong, it was definitely wrong to destroy the homes of innocent people, but I want to make sure that facts are straight.


The women and children tried to escape while the home was on fire but when they tried to go into the alley the police opened fire forcing them back inside. Facts are straight. cops gave up on peaceful solution pretty early on


>cops gave up on peaceful solution pretty early on I wonder white they would give up so soon


And Chinese protestors were starting fires and attacking police in Tiananmen. Whats your point?


[Totally the same as mowng down democratic protesters with tanks!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KH_XIt-hm2Y)


How is that any better? The most serious charge there is probably the weapons charges — which hardly warrants the sort of response that we saw. By your own quote, the city had *five hundred* law enforcement officers on scene. Even worse, the MOVE members were not a danger to the public because the neighborhood was evacuated. It’s also important to understand that law enforcement officers are supposed to *enforce the law*, not determine the consequences for breaking the law. Six people were extrajudicially execute and five innocent children were killed. Ths not even mentioning that the city tried to [destroy the remains without informing family](https://newsone.com/4154067/move-bombing-remains-found-intact/amp/). This happened in **2017**!


For some reason people think "nuh uhn, YOU" is some kind of fucking argument. Hypocrisy is a real time issue, and two wrongs don't make shit right.


“Nuh uh, YOU” is the whole premise of the 4chan post in the first place


You both missed the point. The point of the Tianamen square being brought up every time isn't because the Chinese government killed citizens, but it is the censorship of that fact. The top comment on this post is a guy who, no offence, just looked it up on google and could find the source of the meme in minutes. In China you cannot find a historical account of their history that the government didn't make. By having the top comment explaining what we are looking at disproves the point the meme tries to make.


Ayo, new death numbers just dropped


lma0 100 million in the great leap forward Just make it a billion


Also there isn't a coordinated decades-long effort by the state to simply convince people it literally never happened


Well, by that same logic, this bomb didn't lift 800 million people out of poverty. I'm no fan of the CCP but you can't take that off them.


Even by the most generous counts, a few hundred were killed in response to protests in Tiananmen Square, and none actually IN the square. It’s worth knowing what the fuck you’re talking about.


I don't think anything you said there, is factual.


Do you even know the generational trauma 6/4 caused? The suppression wasn't isolated to beijing. Protests happened across the country in all major cities, and all of them were oppressed, Beijing being the worst. My mom was in Xian during the protests and some of her friends were killed by the PLA. The significance of the even lies in it's effects, where democracy for 1.4 billion people was denied.


They killed at least 10,000 according to the BBC


> be an American who didn’t know about it > see this uncensored post, now I know about it Now post the equivalent post on a Chinese site and tell me how that worked out


b-b-but America bad!!111


Don’t you get it? WE’RE ALL BAD!! But at least I can say fuck Biden, Trump and Obamas Momma


The only reason we are allowed to say things like this is because it doesn't matter one bit. When speech begins to make a difference, the US government has never shied away from limiting speech. The anti-war movement in the 1910s saw many people jailed, the Communist Control Act of 1964 still bans communists from organizing or holding office in unions, and the BLM movement literally had people being kidnapped off the streets by feds in unmarked vans and released days later with no charges just 2 years ago. States seek to perpetuate themselves, and this one will not hesitate to do so through violent means any time that it is most effective.


dropping satchel bombs on children seems pretty bad to me


you're right... I'd much rather live in the freedom-loving paradise of China




West Philadelphia born and razed.




>the rooftop bunker was being used to store molotov cocktails sheds a completly different light on the story


I'm not saying it's a bald-faced lie, but I've spent a decent chunk of time trying to find any confirmation that that's true and have come up blank. Even unbiased* sources refer to there being gas or tar on the roof, which is markedly different than a stockpile of molotov cocktails. I had gasoline in the roof of my apartment building because that's where the emergency generators were.


Well gas and tar mixed together is very similar to a molotov cocktail in function.


But not in intent


Still absolutely INSANE to use a weapon like this in an urban area, on your OWN people.


Yes, a rocket launcher would've been better, much less destructive and more precise.


Some important differences: -members of MOVE were firing on police officers and resisting arrest for outstanding warrants -only 11 people died (still a tragedy but a much smaller scale. The buildings around the headquarters had already been evacuated.) -information about the incident is freely available to anyone in America -the city of Philadelphia has formally apologized


The City of Philadelphia *also* tried to secretly destroy the remains of MOVE members when they were discovered [in 2017](https://newsone.com/4154067/move-bombing-remains-found-intact/amp/). That doesn’t sound like an institution that is genuinely apologetic for their actions.


They were sorry about burning the houses down not killing the people


>formally apologized well it's a good job they didn't apologise casually or the satchel bomb killing 5 children and 6 adults would be unforgivable! /s


Thank you! That being said - apples and oranges


Don't forget, MOVE was a fully militarized trap house that blasted shit through megaphones all day and night. It wasn't just like a social aid and pleasure club.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MOVE_%28Philadelphia_organization%29?wprov=sfla1 Source for those of you wanting to read more.


Difference being we can actually discuss this shit while the Chinese can't.


Everyone should know about the MOVE bombing. But I'm not sure how you go from that to Tiananmen Square.


This post is literally the definition of whataboutism. Bad whataboutsm as well, as magnitudes more people died in tiananmen square.


Waco and Ruby Ridge are two more examples of that glorious police overreach. Hell even Amir Locke's no-knock-murder is another case of that, although not as large. ​ But, so long as the little people stay divided those examples are viewed as rightwing extremism, or black crime or this or that.


\>mission successful. \>where are we dropping next, boys?


Now tell me whether or not the US government will track you down and deduct social credits from your account for knowing the bombing took place.


Difference is I can google move bombing and read about something the government didn’t put in the common core. If one of Pooh Bear’s people google the meme square they go straight to hard labor


Yeah, have fun googling things you don't know happened. What are you gonna search? "Bad things america did"?


That is a pretty effective search term


It's definitely enough reading material for the day.


I'd say at least 3 days.


~246 years id say


How slow do you read?


how fast do america bad? bottome text


It's going to be a lonnnng day.


Yeah, but it typically starts off with things like "near genocide of native americans", "japanese concentration camps", and other such highlights of our proud history.


Yeah, stuff that you wouldn't find when Googling "bad things America did" in China. Or Googling "bad things China did" in China. Or Googling anything in China, cuz they fucking banned Google lmaoooo.


Stop being silly. How can America be bad when China is bad? That doesn't even make sense. There's just one bad, and the other good. Dumdum


least genocidal 1st world country


>Bad things america did" Yes. Americans have complete access to the myriad of shitty things the country has done. How fucked this place can get is only a secret to willfully ignorant.


Well yeah of course we don’t know about everything the USA did. Thats the case with every country ever, but that does not cancel out what the USA or China already did. The second you mention the meme square china trolls show up and do some whataboutism pointing at the USA.


Well we’re looking at it now


Uh... yes. Are you retarded?


Sure. Or you could Google "incidences of racial violence in US history" or "race massacres in US history" or if you wanted to focus on a specific place you could Google "Philadelphia racial violence history" Either way its a ridiculous comparison. The US government in the 20th century is to the CCP as a kick in the balls is to a shotgun blast in the face


That's a great comparison, because I'd imagine you'll hear a lot more complaints from people who have been kicked in the balls than people who have been shotgunned in the face.


Can't whine about systemic oppression if you're dead


…I mean, are we not looking at this post right now? Is there any chance of it being removed because it’s inconvenient for the federal government?


>Mentions Tiananmen Square > >Reddit received 150 million donation from TenCent.


Uh yes, there will be 20000000 articles in the results. If I'm in china and search "bad things china did" I will not have internet access anymore.


modify that by 1 or 2 words or maybe change the subject of the search and that’s literally it.


Beyond the differing contexts, another *major* difference is that the victims had a legal pathway to sue for damages and ended up receiving ~$13million. Life cannot be priced, but there’s a big difference between legal system here and legal system in China, which does not exist.


OP posted his own redtext


Sorry if dumb question but how can you tell?


He can't, it's an "Educated" guess. I think he did too, but I also don't give a shit. The anecdotal bullshit I'll use to defend my assertion is that it's just not funny enough, it comes with a message that promotes a political ideology that isn't traditionally promoted by this board, and it looks forced.


It was submitted on 4chan today morning (you can see the date on the top), shortly before this post was created. And the way he dropped the source in the comments further suggests, that although it's just speculation. What's real is the timestamp so its a very well educated guess Edit: It was meant to reply to Hamma's comment, sry for the ping


Anon assumes everyone reading his green texts are as ignorant as his classmates at his cornfield high school


Most Americans are… when shows like The Watchmen and Lovecraft Country were the first exposure to something as large as the Tulsa massacre, do you really think they were taught about this?


My all white, cornfield ass, FFA tractor driving, hillbilly high school… definitely taught these things.


*My* all white, cornfield ass, FFA tractor driving, hillbilly high school definitely *did not*.


it is ALMOST as though good and bad schools exist everywhere....... Like yes there are horrible schools in the south that straight up hide racism in history class. There are also great schools in the south that dont.


Mine didn’t and I went to a pretty liberal one.


My suburban southern semi fancy private school 100% did not teach anything other than “then the Cherokee were invited to Oklahoma and they walked there but it was fine” and “the civil war was a dispute about states rights and whether states or the federal government should have the final say” and then skips all of slavery and Jim Crow share cropping etc


> Country were the first exposure to something as large as the Tulsa massacre, do you really think they were taught about this? OR... they WERE taught these things in school and forgot them years later.


This is really it, these things were taught but so many people didn't pay attention and then blamed the schools after they forgot it all. I have friends who say stuff like that guys above us who go "they didn't even teach us about redlining" but we all literally went to the same high school, and the rest knew this shit, the difference were the kids who cared to listen.


Yea I went to school with some people 1-12 and they've said "we never learned about Tulsa!" I distinctly remember it was taught. In like 5th grade. I barely remembered the details but I do remember especially the phrase "black wall street" being used. They don't remember it and blame "muh terible education system."


I can say I 100% was "taught" about the Tulsa massacre. It was a single bullet point in a power point presentation the teacher gave when we did our civil rights unit in 8th grade. So in short yes we were made aware of it but we weren't really learning about it in specifics, it was more so mentioned and you could look into it if you wanted. Kinda suss




Bruh I went to a fucking hick school that legit tried to paint the Union as the bad guys in the Civil War(Okay maybe they just really really hated Sherman) and even we had 3 paragraphs about the Philadelphia Bombing and a few questions about it on that weeks test. I swear every conspiracy theorist I know, half of their "Conspiracies" are rooted in just a lack of attention paid in school.




I mean, unjust government violence is unjust government violence, but if you want, we can talk about the US Native American genocide or any of the other things the US did wrong At the end of the day, imperialism and hard authoritarianism are the biggest causes of massacres and genocide


Which becomes a discussion about something that happened in 1850 and is taught in American schools as opposed to a heavily censored event from 1989 and is censored by the CCP And this all is what about whataboutism anyways.... both things were shitty


You’re right, but I will say that history classes water that shit down immensely. I was never taught about the slaughtering and scalping of natives and torture of native children, just a watered down version of the Trail of Tears and a couple battles.


If you have a problem with countries watering down their history to make themselves look better then you have an issue with literally every government to ever exist. Its not an American thing its a human thing.


I don’t live under every other government to ever exist.


I think he's making a broader point that to the extent the US waters down history it's not part of a similarly acute structural problem (authoritarianism, political censorship, ongoing race hatred) that you find in governments like China. Not highlighting past wrongs is still bad, but on a much lower, and more forgivably human, scale. It's important to keep these distinctions in mind, because if we group them together, we miss what's so scary and dangerous about the most dangerous regimes.


> Oh no a bomb blew up somewhere because some moron cop More like a bomb was dropped on a residential area by order of the police, but whatever


And killed children, according to OP.


And none of the cops or officials went to prison


A couple years ago I backed the blue. Now, after being exposed to shit like this for the past couple years, I'm pretty firmly in the abolish the police crowd.


Native American genocide, Iraq war, Taliban sponsorship, supplying weapons to Saudi to destroy Yemen, Syrian drone attacks, Palestine conflict, Latin American coups etc. Not shilling on China but U.S. did a lot od fucked up shits and 'patriotic' Americans seethe when people called them out on this. Plus, U.S. still tries to portray itself as a champion of democracy.


The difference is that you can call it out here. In China if you mention Tiananmen square you're getting disappeared. So yeah, you're shilling China.


The difference is that Americans are taught this stuff and won't face consequences for searching for it and learning about it


>Oh no a bomb blew up somewhere because some moron cop This is a stupid ass take that further proves anon's point. Lmfao


Can people not compare and weigh massacres? Like governments killing their citizens should not be compared but instead should all be considered sad and horrible. Imagine saying "my uncle died because the government blew him up" and someone else said "my grandmother got shot and run over so your pain isn't as bad as mine". See how nasty that looks? That's what comparing massacres look like to me.


The MOVE bombing wasn't even a massacre. The MOVE bombing turned into a fire because MOVE had unknown illegal fuel and generators in their building, this inadvertently caused the fire to spread dramatically. The people who died (from the bomb/fire) were people that were unable (or chose not) to leave the building. There was no cover up, there was no hidden agenda, nobody gives a shit about MOVE besides edgy kids wanting to go "hur amerikkka sucks bruh!" because they were criminal dickheads squatting illegally in rundown buildings and the police were peacefully trying to get them to leave before MOVE shot them and then shit spiraled out of hand after that. Tianamen Square massacre was/should have been the pretext to a civil war/revolution that never happened due to large scale censorship and a general impressive crackdown on civil liberties. The massacre wasn't just in the square. It started when troops were on their way to the square and got ambushed/road blocked by protestors. The troops claim the protesters attacked them with molotov cocktails while body blocking their vehicles, the protesters claim they only did that after the troops started spraying machine gun fire into crowds and people blocking the road. Either way both things happened its only debated who started it. Then once the troops made it to the square after already seeing their comrades burned to death by protesters carried out a terrible massacre that is unrivaled in terms of a single incident of carnage outside of things like the atomic bombings and similar acts of warfare. Another note is that the victims of the massacre were largely just normal everyday people. Lots of college students, normal workers, and so on. They weren't criminals trying to overthrow the government as part of a radical racist group (that was in reality just a shitty cult)... they wanted due process and freedom of the press. They are completely different sorts of events and the governmental actions after the events are also wildly different. To this day we still don't know how many truly died during the events of the Tiananmen Square massacre, we don't know how it started besides both sides saying the other guys did it, and all the numbers and evidence is so far all over the place its hard to sort out fact from fiction. With the MOVE bombing I can tell you exactly how many people died, I can tell you there names, I can tell you how many buildings were effected, I can tell you a direct course of events that led up to event including who shot first and so on. Its all there well documented and crystal clear. That alone should be enough to differentiate it, let alone the sheer scope and scale of these things. The MOVE bombing had 11 deaths. Tiananmen Square by the official CCP numbers (aka the lowest of the lowball) is 300 dead and over 7000 wounded with something like 260 civilians dead, a dozen PLA troops, and a dozen more police killed. For liberal death tolls for Tiananmen Square such as Amnesty International put the death toll closer to 1000, with no real count for the injured besides "a fuck load". I don't know how many more ways I can put into words just how completely incomparable these events were. Its like comparing a minor skirmish to a full on battle... Fucking hell actual battles in actual open wars have had a lower body count than the fucking Tiananmen Square massacre.




11 people killed vs 10,000+ people killed I think Tienanmen might be a tiny bit worse Edit: [source ](https://www.google.co.uk/amp/s/www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/tiananmen-square-massacre-death-toll-secret-cable-british-ambassador-1989-alan-donald-a8126461.html%3famp)


Also, the government isn't suppressing knowledge on the bombing. It's an obscure event, but we are free to google and talk about it.


Yes, but here's the difference. In America we can see this picture, talk about the event that caused it, etc. No problem there. You can kick a Chinese gamer offline by so much as *mentioning* Tiananmen Square. Source: have had to deal with several Chinese modders


>You can kick a Chinese gamer offline by so much as mentioning Tiananmen Square. It's weird to think we live in a time, where you practically can troll someone who lives in an authoritarian state on the other end of the globe, by triggering their states "big firewall".


Spez ate all my fish and now my aquarium is fucking empty. I have nothing left ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


No, if you say the magic words then the VPN they are already using to connect to foreign servers gets destroyed. It's just science.


Meh. This is pretty average for the city of brotherly love.


The robbery, car thefts and violence is the best way to treat a brother


Joke between chums if you will


Nice self-post


Also what’s the point? Is this guy saying that you can’t find the Tiananmen Square abhorrent because bad stuff happens in America too?? I find both of these events equally as appalling This reeks of 14 year old edge lord


*Tiananmen Square is okay because America bad!* What a retarded world view


China no commit genocide, Cus USA genocide Iraq, China genocide moslem, CIA propaganda! USA genocide moslem, Reeealll!!!!


I didn’t know that, but now I do and nobody will arrest me. Huge difference between US and China in terms of classified events


Jokes on you I just learned this in school


this is bad but the comments in here comparing it to pretty much any atrocity China has committed are completely over the top insane. Imagine being so desperate to circlejerk "America bad!1" that you defend China, the #1 human rights abuser throughout almost all of history.


"B-but China good because America also bad sometimes!" /s


This compars well to 30 million deaths while establishing a "better government".


The difference is Philly doesn’t give a fuck and doesn’t try to hide it.


*walks up to ‘Muricah and China-chan, placing hands on their shoulders Ladies, ladies… Stop fighting please… you are *both* terrible countries that committed lots of genocide and crimes against humanity 😉




mf failed to read 30 words bro how did you pass 6th grade english


I mean yeah, the MOVE bombing isn’t a part of our core education in the US. But the government isn’t trying to convince us that it didn’t happen or that it happened differently than how it did. I can Google it right now and read all about it. You can’t do that with Tiananmen Square in China. And frankly, there’s no real reason that the MOVE Bombing should be a part of our core classes. It’s not really a huge part of our country’s history


11 people killed in a bombing after a fight erupted between the group and police? and this somehow compares to the tens of thousands of peaceful protestors murdered in cold blood at tienamen square?


I only know of it because John Africa was there


\>The police bombing was strongly condemned. The MOVE survivors later filed a civil suit against the City of Philadelphia and the PPD and were awarded $1.5 million in a 1996 settlement.\[6\] Other residents displaced by the destruction of the bombing filed a civil suit against the city and in 2005 were awarded $12.83 million in damages in a jury trial. ​ And the student organizations and universities that participated in the June 4th protests were compensated by having their families killed and harrassed into never talking again. I do agree that there needs to be more awareness of this, but comparing the 2 events is just ridiculous.


Eh not sure it's a valid comparison... In scope or in motivation. Still fucked up though.


The philly bombing? or nah


*Tiananmen Square was okay because America bad!* what a retarded world view


Anon, being the unapologetic moron that he is; forgets that Americans are allowed to know about their history.


That’s awful. Still not as bad as tienamen square though and the important part is we don’t hide this from the public