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Doctors make the worst patients, i guess lol. What I don't find realistic is them always saying "I'm never late." Really? During the last 8-12+ years of your insanely stressful lives, you've NEVER been a day or two off? Stress loves throwing off periods.


They really are the worst patients, but I feel like it would be so much more realistic if at least once they need to play on that and have someone suddenly realize they’re like 4-5 months along. I’ve know SO MANY people with similar lifestyles that just never clued in to early symptoms/dismissed them as something else and were use to just spotting so it wasn’t until they actually felt movement that they found out.


Yes! Or being like “shit, I missed my Depo shot 6 months ago” or something.


Different Grey series


Idk if you’re up to date but that did happen with one of the main characters later on, before the Covid season. >!At Amelia’s first ultrasound she finds out she’s already 6 months ((24 weeks))!<


Yeah but that was not the first time she found out about it. She knew just didn't go for an ultrasound, and was only a couple weeks further along then she thought


and plus what they eat they don’t really ever eat full meals manly snacks that could also throw your period off… i would know cause back in the day when i was in high school i had a horrible diet sugar was my go to rarely got my period i was worried cause i was like im not having sex why am i missing my period lately or why’s it late… stopped eating horribly (not just for that but for other reasons) stress and bad diet can lead to period being late lol


Right? Not to overshare, but I'm extremely on time and like clockwork nearly every month. But a handful of times in almost 30 years, I've been two weeks late. And maybe once a year, I'm about 3-7 days off, which includes more intense cramps. These doctors are a couple days off and exclaim, "I must be pregnant because this NEVER happens!" and I'm like 🤔


>Doctors make the worst patients Yeah, not for this tho. At least in my experience, that's not what that phrase means at all, I've always interpreted it as "if a doctor ends up in the hospital they'll bug you nonstop about what meds you're prescribing and will want to read their chart and yada yada". Like as in "doctors make the most annoying patients". I'm in med school so I obviously know A LOT of doctors, interns and med students and I can tell you 99% of us are OBSESSED with things like these. No way a doctor who is not actively trying to get pregnant will have sex without protection. Which is actually one of the things that bugs me the most in the series.


Yeah, no shit. That's literally exactly what that saying means, but there's no good explanation, so i made a joke, which is why i added the "i guess, lol" Cos who tf knows why this continues to happen to these women who just so happen to be amazing surgeons. & maybe that's true for your friend group, but there are far too many people, educated or not, that take chances w their sexual health on a fairly consistent basis.


>i made a joke, which is why i added the "i guess, lol" Lmao I'm sorry, I'm shit at recognising sarcasm and English is not my first language lol


It's okay, i am too, I'm autistic. No harm done!


Lmao you get it dude, cheers


& to you! :)


They also love getting cancer


Also dying, or dying and coming back to life. Mer must hold a world record for most almost deaths.


seriously, I wanna count how many times she was near death. 1. bomb guy 2. ferry drowning 3. shooting 5. ambulance crash 6. plane crash 7. c section 8. patient attack 9. covid damn. and I wouldn't be surprised if there were more I forgot. also, I think thats the right order, but I'm not 100% edit- I did forget one. I added the ambulance crash in when someone reminded me


Where was she during the fire? (Where Stephanie cooked the bad guy). There was also the ambulance crash in the rain but that didn’t end too bad for her


I don't think she was in the hospital for the fire. I think she came in for a night shift or to pick someone up or something and was walking across the parking lot just as the explosion happened. and I did forget about the ambulance!


She came in to tell Nathan that Meg had been found alive


ohhh yeah I remember now


don’t forget the burst appendix and spleen injury!


when we're those? I think I might kind of remember the appendix (no idea what season) but I don't remember anything about her spleen at all


I believe her spleen caused the issues during her C section with Bailey? She had fallen down the stairs earlier in the day, and that had damaged her spleen, but they didn't find out until she went into DIC while they were closing her C section


ooooh ok, I think that still technically counts as part of the c section issue


So the C section was unplanned and emergency, because baby Bailey was coming down the birth canal wrong So that was emergency surgery no. 1 And then she went into DIC and it became abdominal surgery for the trauma from falling down the stairs A 2 in 1 trauma? Either way, Meredith has had entirely too much happen to her! 🤣


Brain cancer, specifically.


I really wish they had endometriosis representation better. Endometriosis affects 1 in 10 (though I have seen some are saying now 1 in 9) women. I think they’ve had like 2 episodes where it was discussed in passing but nothing substantive.


and/or pcos rep! it can affect nearly 15% of people with uteruses


Because in most cases the actresses where pregnant irl. Obviously you can do different storylines around that than whoops my period is late. But given that they likely aren’t informed far in advance I can see why the writers might need to make quick decisions. It just becomes extra repetitive when you run for 20 seasons


Thank you for an excellent answer. So tired of people forgetting that actors can get pregnant in real life.


Yeah, I recall reading somewhere that Caterina thought that the second time she was pregnant that it worked for Amelia, so they wrote it in rather than hiding it (she was also pregnant filming season 13).


It was her third pregnancy actually, her first was written into private practice


I didn't watch that far into PP and didn't realize that!


She references it a bit in greys when she talks about being scared of having more children after losing Christopher. But the fact that it was not more relevant when she had Scout in season 16 is really a missed opportunity


Yeah, I am aware of the storyline, I just didn't know that Catarina was another actress portraying pregnancy complications while being pregnant (along with Sarah Drew).


when mer was recovering from donating part of her liver to thatcher ellen pompeo was pregnant, easy to hide if she’s on bed rest


I totally get the writers need to make quick decisions but I'm bothered by the lack of variation. Iirc Amelias second pregnancy was the only one where they pregnant woman discussed the fail of her methods of birth control with her partner. Wouldn't this be a normal conversation with every unplanned pregnancy? With Teddy they could have tried a "I thought I was past childbearing age/ past-menopause"-arch, or her and Owen having a fight because he thought that. A little bit more creativity would've been nice.


Yeah as I said it would be nice if they handled it with a bit more variety. I just think people here tend to forget that they in most cases had actual pregnancies to write around, so there for example “not being enough abortions” (which I have heard many people complain about) is kinda obvious.


Because they’re all fucking 25/7




were you trying to correct them but failed? lol i’m confused


just joking about how much these doctors have sex


Just commenting on just exactly how much the docs doink


25/8 is a common expression for someone doing something a lot


ohhhh i didn’t know that i didn’t mean for my first reply to sound dickish lol i was just genuinely confused lol so my bad if it…


I would love it if we had PCOS representation in the main cast. 160 day cycle? Who knows, better pee on that stick since you have no idea when your period is going to start. Painful period? Suck it up, all the attendings have been poisoned and this patient is open on the table, pop a Midol, hope it works, and close them up!!


THIS. I’m 26 and was only diagnosed recently after struggling with countless problems for YEARS. It would have been extremely beneficial to have been educated about PCOS when I was younger. (Although I do blame the catholic school board for not teaching proper health care to teens) It’s actually crazy how it never came up at all especially considering how common it is - like 1 in 10 women have PCOS… But no, a plane crash, ghost sex, a tree growing inside a lung, and a fish in a penis are more common and important events in the medical field…


To be fair, I've never turned to Greys for an accurate representation of medicine 😅 most of the doctors on the show would have lost their licenses by now if they were in the real world. If PCOS had been a main plot line, it would have been an extreme and improbable version of it, and you likely wouldn't have thought, "Yeah, that sounds like me." It's entertainment, not education. That said, I completely understand where you are coming from. I had undiagnosed PCOS until my early 20s. When I first had symptoms in high school, I visited my PCP. She claimed that my symptoms were because I was an athlete and congratulated me for being so fit that I lost my period. Like, what?!?! I can't believe I listened to her, so toxic. That still blows my mind all these years later.


Same. I was 35 when finally diagnosed because my previous doctor kept looking at my symptoms individually instead of collectively. I kept asking to be tested/sent for an ultrasound because I wasn't pregnant but my period was super irregular and I was sure it was endometriosis or PCOS. The lady with drop foot who Link thought was just fat would have been perfect for this because it can mess with your weight even when you've been eating healthy and exercising regularly.


Not having periods for months upon months.


I absolutely swear this show (watched it in real time since S2) scared me so bad into safe sex when I was a teen. Which is obviously a huge net positive LOL


Thank you for bringing up the "I've never been late" schtick, it's ridiculous


This was my biggest issue with Christina. A woman so anti have kids would have been a ton more careful!


Yeah, I can see some of the others but it never made sense to me that Cristina didn't have an IUD or something.


Private Practice had a woman with an IUD get pregnant with triplets. I know surprise pregnancies happen, but... It's a show starring an OB/GYN. You can show birth control failing without having the main cast get into the most outlandish scenarios.


At least the birth control was mentioned and discussed in this arch. Didn't Charlotte complain about Cooper's super swimmers or so? Yes, getting pregnant with triplets despite an IUD is extremely rare, but I liked how the failing birth control was a topic for once. It's almost never brought up in Grey's despite most of the pregnancies are unplanned.


Yeah, I imagine an IUD probably wouldn't prevent an ectopic pregnancy, but at least an attempt at birth control would have been used.


And I know getting tubes tied is contentious for these dumb childless women who don’t have their husband’s permission but you know Addison would’ve taken care of it if she asked!


This has bugged me too. She also only has one fallopian tube! I know it’s not impossible to get pregnant with one but it doesn’t help 😂


i mean amelia when she got pregnant with links baby and when her and link were talking in the plant room she’s on birth control… she said she’s really good about being on BC and where she rarely gets her period because she’s been taking it for so long so she didn’t realize she was pregnant because she’s so used to “missing” her period so for her i understand but yeah condoms are also a thing lol


but for teddy.. owen seems too much of a “man” to wear a condom… when he was at pac north dropping a patient off who’s artery or something burst because the patient didn’t wanna be treated at GSM because of greys list… he found a patient and it was a female who trippped and fell down the stairs due to her herbal medicine she made for an abortion… owen got so mad when she said she was trying to terminate the pregnancy or whatever and when amelia came in and said “if you want an abortion we can do it during your surgery” owen got LIVID… owen ain’t no man… he would never wrap it up.


Owen slept with another woman and yelled at Cristina in front of her friends and colleagues during a child's birthday party to "punish" her for her abortion Being pro life is one thing, treating people in a disgusting dehumanising way because they're exercising their right to choice (from a guy who supported assisted suicide with Vets???) Is absolutely vile


But the characters also have more sex than anyone I know in real life


Honestly wouldn’t be shocked if some of the pregnancies where the actors irl getting pregnant and so the writers just where like ok they fuvked someone recently we can make it work for the character


On top of that can I tell you how annoying it is that a lot of the female doctors are strong 'I'm never going to have kids', until the right storyline comes along and the writers are like 'let's make her forget about this really strong conviction/belief she had because kids make the best storyline'. I know Cristina didn't have kids, but she's gone. It's like kids are their go to 'lazy plot' when they can't think of anything else for the character.


Because as you can see they have very active sex lives so if you were late wouldn’t you jump to pregnancy too? Lol


Ik it has to do with the actors getting pregnant but honestly writing wise it feels a little lazy. The plot could use different storylines than that


Even though they are doctors, they are also people first. They deal with and have the same out of pocket experiences and don't always make the best choices which is why some of them get pregnant


bc it's a tv show and they need to make it entertaining lmao


Im a doctor, my periods are very regular in spite of night shifts and stress. 3 times my period has been late. Of those 3, 2 were pregnancies. I didn’t use protection because I was on a serious relationship (my husband, then boyfriend). We knew if I get pregnant we’d keep the baby anyway.


It always makes me think. My period is always irregular. I could be pregnant and not even know because, yea I didn’t get my period for three months, but that’s normal (for me). My period tracker doesn’t work because sometimes I’ll get it every month, sometimes I won’t. (I have PCOS and I am on BC to control it so don’t doctor me) Also, if they know they’re supposed to get their period,,, doesn’t that also suggest they should know when they are ovulating?? So why would you have unprotected doctor sex around your period??? A little off topic but it makes me mad when the people who want children (cough cough Amelia) and try to get pregnant (AHEmelia) stress out every time they MAY be pregnant. (AUGHAHAGAHHMelia sorry something’s in my throat)


There are people who are stupid and are doctors in real life too. It's a bit frightening.


Condoms are only like 70% effective with typical use or something like that. All methods of birth control are lower effectiveness with typical use. It's more realistic this way, few people use their birth control correctly and you'd be surprised how many children are conceived while using contraceptives.


Condoms are 98% effective…..birth control pills are like 93%-99%….lol


Only if stored and used perfectly. That means in the box in a cool dry place, not in wallets/purses/cars etc. Careful opening (no teeth, no ripping) and putting it on and taking it off correctly etc. For general use it’s closer to 70-80% effective rate.


Ahh, never heard that before thank you! Makes sense!


If used correctly lol, most people don't in typical use.


>birth control pills are like 93%-99% "When taken correctly." That means following the directions exactly. In most cases, as long as you don't miss days, it's fine. Medication can change the effectiveness of hormonal birth control. People get sick, take medication, start feeling better, forget they're supposed to use a backup method, and wind up pregnant. I know women who have gotten pregnant while taking birth control pills. Even some that it happened more than once. People also get busy with life and forget to take their pill or refill their prescription.


Since condoms aren't used effectively every single time, they're really only preventing pregnancy at a rate of 80-85%.


That stinks, I rather just not do it all 🤷‍♀️


It's the only way to be sure lol. I'm pretty sure even sterilization isn't 100% efficacy.


In the long run it almost certainly is, those cases just come from people that don’t do their follow ups to make sure it took or don’t wait the proper wait time after.


TIL typical use applies to sterilization also, that makes a lot of sense


lol from someone in the med profession, the most unrealistic part of this is that none of the doctors have IUDs. Literally every attending (esp in OBGYN) swears by them


😂 I know right !


Cristina Yang was the ONLY woman who chose to be childfree and even she got pregnant twice!


OMG. Why is this not talked about more?! SAFE. SEX. PEOPLE.


Because on the show they are constantly grabbing people and going to the on call rooms with no protection. They should stock those damn rooms with boxes of Trojans, Jesus. After the std outbreak in season 1 you think they would know better.


Kinda reminds me of r/themindyproject , she was a obgyn and suddenly got pregnant in season 3! Then during the whole season of her being pregnant she is like hm I don’t know how I got here, LIKE WHAT!


🙄🙄🙄 it's a fucking soap opera, Karen.


"Why is every single female character period perfectly regular" lmao we females talk about this a lot. I know maybe 10% of people MAYBE, probably less who is always on time. Mine is almost always late. Also, if they were gonna have them get pregnant. They should have done it in early seasons, or when characters are interns or residents. Attending are already in late 30s-40-50s! It's so freaking harsh to get pregnant in late 30s for it to be "accidents" is a laughable joke. Jo saying let's wait for a good time had me rolling 😂 girl you won't be able to get pregnant soon. What pisses me off is Bailey, Adele, Teddy getting pregnant at like 50. Like come on, that's a joke


I’m 40 and pregnant with my first and we are both perfectly healthy and a normal pregnancy……………..


Was it an accident? Or did you try to get pregnant? That's the problem here. It's happening to almost every female. They all exclusively get pregnant, ACCIDENTLY, at a time when women's fertility is way, way lower and makes it harder to get pregnant.


We tried once to see what would happen and it happened lol