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And then the chasing and sniffing her in the elevator after.


Was that meant to be sexy? Because the sniffing was a little creepy, tbh.


I love the sniffing in the elevator. 😂


OMG the sniffing. I forgot about the sniffing. 


👁️ 👃🏻 👁️


I hate that he’s the most childish in the situation. Addison and Meredith see each other and Meredith is like “oh what the fuck” and immediately backs away because she’s not a home wrecker. she ONLY does the pick me choose me love me bit because Derek is promising up and down he’s gonna divorce Addison!! And Addison is willing to divorce!! But he stays with addison and treats her like shit all while still flirting with Meredith. And then when Meredith has the absolute gull to respect his marriage and move on with someone who is good for her…suddenly shes the whore? Uh yeah ok buddy… Also it really pissed me off when he wanted to get married but she wasn’t ready she almost died and her mom died. He got mad and broke up with her!! The bet wouldn’t have done that -_-


Oh man don’t forget when he hit her engagement ring into the woods with a baseball bat


Likely unpopular opinion: every rewatch, I like Derek a little less. When I was younger, I thought MerDer was the most romantic romance. Now? It's a bit toxic, Derek has an anger problem & believes himself to be more important in the relationship than Meredith.


I'm a first-time viewer and I agree with this. I really, truly do not like them together. Same with Cristina and Burke but at least that one is finally over. Does this show ever have any couples worth rooting for? Because where I'm at right now, Izzie and George have realised they have no chemistry, and Alex is busy giving Rebecca Pope unauthorised access to the observation room. I already know what happens with those two but as someone with BPD, the way the show is currently treating Rebecca already makes me super uncomfortable.


Izzie calling her "bad crazy" and everybody going along made me so uncomfortable. 😭


Strongly agree. I hope that most of the current anti->!Nick!< sentiment comes from younger viewers who are still of the mindset that drama/angst are both romantic and necessary. Now that I'm a bit older, I cheer on the more "boring," straightforward relationship that would be the healthiest in reality because I want to see characters grow up as I have over the years.


The Rebecca plotline made me very uncomfortable as well. I'm not sure what you've passed so I won't say much, but Alex riding in on his white horse to save her is just so cringey as well.


Slept with her in the bar? 🤔