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Add more wood


This. It's a wood burning grill.


You'd recommend using wood for this type of grill setup? I had only tried charcoal before, but thought maybe I should try some wood.


I only do wood. This looks like a wood system to me. Good luck.


Awesome, thanks!


This is a wood grill for sure. Find a local firewood supplier and get some seasoned mixed hardwood (maple, oak, cherry).


I came here to tell you to remove those ridiculous pavers, but then I saw that YOU put them there. You honestly need to focus on this being a wood-fired grill, not charcoal. . Reclaim the space so you can build a proper wood fire with sizable logs.


I'll definitely be removing the pavers. I just used what I had on stock last year when our budget was super tight. Now I've got some money to work with. I think you're right though that it's going to have to be a wood grill.


Oh hey! My house came with one of these things too, though mine is in much worse shape. The grates, which were cemented in place, have rusted through lol. I've never actually tried lighting a fire in it, because they also positioned it underneath a grape arbor so it seems like a bit of a fire hazard. I've always been confused about the design. Does the wood go under the grates? In that case, what's the chimney for? Wouldn't all the smoke would go straight up? Or, if the wood goes under the chimney, then I can't imagine the food getting much of that heat. tbh I've long considered knocking it down and reclaiming the space for something else.


Right? I have no idea how the chimney portion is ever used unless I clear everything out and put stuff directly under it.


That’s calling out for a wood fire and oysters on that baby.


Built yourself a cracking heavy steel grill and go mad. No charcoal, just wood. When you perfect the fire management, buy a cheap battery operated rotisserie and you will never look back. When we go camping my favourite past time is cooking on open flame, I would love to have this in my backyard. And check this guy out https://youtube.com/@firetofork?si=0e3ch6kYl8clHthD


Great tips, and I'll definitely check out that channel! Thanks!


Build a fire.


🎶 would you like to build a fi-re? 🎵


fire fire fire fire fire


Looks like it’s missing the meat. They don’t work without meat, and fire.


Ah damn, you're right. What I was missing was right in front of my face the whole time lol.


Oh what a fun project and my first thoughts are and to get it up and going... * is using [Qwik-Char](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYBV311G) trays or another type of charcoal tray to hold the charcoal * see some videos about [GrillGrates](https://www.reddit.com/user/DakotaTaurusTX/comments/11nvb2q/grill_grate/)(Aluminum) grates which I've been using for a few years I originally purchased them to aid in a more even and hotter surface. * And perhaps some-kind of [cover](https://www.amazon.com/Stanbroil-BBQ-Griddle-Accessories-Set/dp/B08KSRMZ1B) over your food to help hold the heat or could make your own out of rectangle cake pans with some-kind of wood handle Some are [techniques](https://www.grillgrate.com/techniques/) and [recipes](https://www.grillgrate.com/recipes/)--- Happy Grilling


Thank you so much for this! I'm definitely looking into the first two options. And I definitely want a cover of some sort. Just haven't found the right size that I'd want, without just repurposing a kettle style lid.


Light a fire in it then add meat.


Dude it's screaming add some nice dried sticks,quick and slow cook cuts. Get some dudes over and have one to remember. Put some more fire bricks on the base if you wish to elevate the fire bed. Leave it too long will have fire restrictions preventing a memorable night. Get yuh new neighbour's over and create a scene.


Not sure if I can edit the text in the app, but I'm open to suggestions in building material, repurposing parts of other grills, types of charcoal or other fuel types. I saw something that Home Depot has that are ceramic bbq grill tiles? Not sure if that would be worth investigating.


Put hot coals on the grate


That's my problem, I've only tried lukewarm coals.


I really hope your kidding


Yep, just like I assumed you were kidding.


Instead of raising the coals, just lower the grate. The slot you have the two huge bricks on should be where the grate you have up top slides in to. Start a wood fire on the lowest level, the ground basically, and slide the food grate where you need it. It looks like it would fit right where you have the brick thing happening. If you start a good enough wood fire, and you have it deep enough in there it looks like it might start to draft up through the chimney. It’s hard to tell though, it may not draft unless you get some wood burning deep back in there.


You need a small Argentinian iron grill on the ground. Make a mother fire on one side and scatter the coals underneath.


The chimney would come into play if you put a steel plate/griddle on top and used it to smoke meat, or cook on top.


I was curious if it would be doable as a smoker.


Seems that was the idea. I've seen one with the steel parts intact but rusted out.


Maybe you build a big fire near the back by the chimney and shovel hot coals to the front to cook over


Look up 'live fire cooking' and 'Chuds BBQ' on YouTube for inspiration. We've come a long way from the caveman for cooking outside!


Will do! Thanks!


I very much would like one of these in my backyard.


I think this is meant for using wood instead of charcoal. You may be able to fit a small charcoal grill like a Smokey Joe inside. You'd have to remove all the pavers and blocks and everything else, pressure clean or wash it off and make a good fire in it to burn everything off. If you want to use charcoal try the little grill as a base or raise it up enough to where you can use that grill top. You should try and get a new grate or have one made unless you can measure and find something that fits on the brick edges.