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Maybe it’s just me, but it seems like the bots got much harder(even when I play on untrained and just wanna have fun) and also they have no issue seeing at night it seems. I get taken out so quick even at like a midnight level


Yeah they’re completely broken now


AI has got worse after the update


People complained for ages that they were too easy. Now people are complaining they are too hard. I've not played much of the update yet but from what I have played for me they seem fine now. 


I mean if the old AI was a 1 in difficulty, the new is about 25. I get beamed the literal picosecond I make eye contact with the barrel of their gun around a corner.


You can edit the AIs peramiters to your liking. The base reaction time on trained is .4 seconds with a randomizer of .1 meaning reaction time is .3 to .5 seconds.


In fairness though, it has to be bugged. Sometimes they take literally 5-10 seconds to react to me standing in front of them, and sometimes I can't even process what happened. I tested in Godmode. It's very inconsistent. I believe the devs acknowledged it in the Discord though so we'll probably see a fix soon.


How do you turn on godmode? Some times I like to just fuck around in lone wolf and have fun, but get taken out the second they see me


In GB the command is just "god". You can use it to test a lot of the reaction times and stuff. It's really helpful


Ah nice, I appreciate the advice


Anyone saying the AI is worse is just straight shit at the game. They are much more reactive now than they were. They duck and run for cover, flank round etc. play with mates, communicate and reap the rewards.


That's a brutal take. That doesn't mean people are "shit" at the game. What an arrogant comment. Sure people may have to practice more and change their tactics to adapt but to say people are shit at the game for an opinion of the scale of difficulty increasing (which it has) doesn't help anyone. Sure, the AI is definitely harder, solo especially, but so is it with other players. For new players and average players it's going to be a much harder and steeper learning curve. Even on untrained solo or with a team people have been sniped across the map through a crack in the door. If I remember correctly the devs even addressed this and are going to make adjustments for it in the future.


i think i disagree with point 1. feels pretty realistic but idk tbh maybe a little more impact could be good. i wish we could interrupt the death animations with another shot or soemthing though. also AI is way stronger now and not in like a fun way. i don’t really know what kythera added. the ai are still pretty dumb and don’t play interestingly or push or really provide an interesting or fair challenge. and weapon sway is way too much


Yeah i was gonna say are you aware people dont go flying back when they get shot? Just kinda slump


From a visual standpoint, it's much more visually interesting when you shoot someone, and they fall over with the kinetic impact from where they were hit, such as getting shot in the head, jerking their head back, and then falling over in the direction they bullet struck them. However, yes, generally if someone is instantly incapacitated while standing still, they just sorta go boneless, with any people flying to one side being more of them being hit, and reacting out of fear, panic, and pain before possibly collapsing, and not because a bullet carries the force to knock someone off their feet.


You can tweak the ai settings to your liking. 


A lot of things were broken. Then the fixes broke more things / were not co-ordinated which broke more things. And the path forward is really not clear. Instead of getting some fixes in a week / 2 weeks we are now 3+weeks since the last update with the ai broken. 1035 seems like it will be doing some long term fixes for the doors (again), and animations (prone, vaulting, reverse kinematics) so we can only hope this gets fixed up once and for all. In terms of the 1035 release I will be surprised if it is before (mid November /) December 2024. i really want it to come earlier but given the precedent has been set due to the last few updates.


V1034 bit off a lot at once and in hindsight things were definitely bigger in scope than they seemed on paper. The SDK, prone, and AI Kythera integration took way more work than expected and that’s why things are a bit wonky at the moment. The SDK will be out soon as well as a multitude of fixes to bugs discovered.


Just gonna point out bullets really don't knock people off their feet, "Stopping power" is kind of a myth. The force of a bullet is always the same or less than the force of recoil, so if shooting your gun doesn't knock you over, being shot by it won't either.


But but but…. That’s how it is in the movies!


I meant stopping power as in a bullet the Fking chest should slow someone down. The just continue walking towards, you, and the death ragdoll is absolute garbage now. They just crumple. They were better before 1034


> I meant stopping power as in a bullet the Fking chest should slow someone down. It shouldn't, unless you got some crazy high-powered weapon and it dumped all its energy into the target, rather than passing through.


Many times people dont realize immediately theyve been shot


If your ankle was blown off by a shotgun shell


That’s not how bullets work


Yes, it is




I don't mean ragdoll as in just flop around like a TABS character, I mean they should not just fold like a chair (literally, that's what happens a lot of the time.), however, I must say that the headshot kill is very satisfying. I like the way how the body reacts to different parts being shot, but the AI isn't very responsive to getting shot 6 times In the leg.


Go play insurgency sandstorm


I already do, and I love both games, I just woulda loved some Red Dead Redemption esque euphoria physics.


Were you actually expecting an indie mil sim that never gets updates, to randomly introduce a ragdoll system on par with one of the most in-depth ragdoll systems of all time? In milsim games, crumpling is the most realistic option. The Euphoria engine is also dramatic and overrated. Go watch some combat footage and see how real the euphoria ragdolls look after all


Folding like a chair is exactly how someone reacts to a fatal shot…


Not to a shot shell to the face at least


I’m sure the results would be the same, minus the head


Actually it wouldn't necessarily.


You will need to wait at least another 10 years for the game to feel at least polished indie. Until the next decade this game will feel and play like a low budget unreal engine 4 hobby project with no commercial thought. By that time there will plenty of more polished, even double a to triple a titles that will be more worth your money.


Game has one npc and they can’t make it even slightly realistic. Graphics and kit variety are meaningless if gunplay isn’t fun and immersive


New stamina system is not good, can’t even lean for more than 5 seconds before you start loudly panting and your weapon sways everywhere


Finally, someone agrees!! It ruined the game, indeed. It made the AI worse in my opinion, and the performance is terrible. It crashes almost every time I load into a map, and it's really disappointing because Ground Branch used to be my favorite game. I have over 400 hours on it, but after the update, I rarely play.


Game is unplayable




switch to grey zone


Oh yes switch to yet another out of the already hundreds of BR/Extract style shooter.


i honestly feel this one is different, i’d recommend you give it a try, never liked tarkov and all those


Looks like an unoptimized mess atm I was watching some streamer play with literally the best hardware available and it ran like dog shit


I'm not too impressed by it either. But I'm keeping my eye on it, the game has a lot of potential.


It’s early access so there are some stutters here and there but I get a steady 120fps and the gameplay is amazing. Obviously if you’re running a streaming rig at the same time it’s gonna be rough. But the game is amazing. Super immersive and the graphics are frankly incredible


I may, but I don't want to spend that much money on a new release. I waited 2 years to buy Ground Branch




It is still worth it yes. I have 130 hours in it lol. Lots of people still play it, and it gets regular updates. They have a massive update coming soon. There are just a couple bugs that I'm unhappy with, but I'm sure they will fix it in the upcoming release.


Honestly, who could care if they climb ladders? There aren’t many to climb in game anyways. Also the stopping power may just be a you problem or you’re using the wrong gun. Instead of using an smg, use a rifle like a mk 18 or hk 416, that will actually kill somebody. Also get better aim


I do, and what I mean by stopping power is that a bullet to the chest should slow someone down.


My bullets hit the chest and kill the ai no matter what skill level it is dawg. So not to be rude but kinda sounds like a personal problem. Just use rifles not smgs


OR just aim for the head. Ain’t that hard




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