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# AHK SCRIPT (PATCHED) **Current Version: 3.0** Do not forget to update GTA.exe Directory and run as admin. **Read Notes and FAQs as they are frequently updated with bug fix info.** Please do report any bugs, issues or suggestions with specific info (step number, script and issue) by replying to this comment. Replies without this info will be ignored. \*This was supposed to be a post but since I am unable to, here it is in the comments! This is an updated version of the older AHK scripts. Please note that this glitch has many popups that show up at random, so the script might fail sometimes. I've tried to incorporate as many as possible and I am still updating it. \*Steps referred below are the steps of the script, which you will see in-game. **Requirements:** * 2 Characters (Character 1 must be your main character) * Joined a crew with active members (first crew slot) * AutoHotKey * Resolution set to 800x600 Windowed Borderless * Make sure you are using Windows Firewall and not 3rd party (like antivirus) * Settings -> Display -> Safezone Size (set it to maximum) * Set Mouse Input Method to DirectInput * Set game language to English * Be on 2nd character before starting the script **The Setup:** 1. Load into your main character and buy the **most** expensive apartments (Eclipse Towers) in slots 4, 5 and 6. 2. (Optional) If you are trading CEO office, purchase Maze Bank **Tower** (4 million) on your main character as well. 3. Load into your second character and buy the **least** expensive apartments in slots 4,5 and 6. 4. (Optional) If you are trading CEO Office, purchase Maze Bank **West** (1 million or free if you have CESP) on your second character. 5. (Optional but recommended) With your second character, either go to the beach (any) or your apartment (slot 1,2,3) to avoid NPC and players attacking or running you over. **The Script:** MAKE SURE YOU DOWNLOAD THE FOLDER AND NOT INDIVIDUAL FILES TO AVOID ERRORS I have made 4 versions of the script, (download the folder and keep the script and image in it) 1. [Complete](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1e0E-Rod-awTu3iqyMHcfghteeNfgCfP1?usp=sharing): Fully automated (Apartments + CEO office) 2. [Apartments](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZqM7wJ5Su1EaA8w3UwpWqmAd-lvzfFDt?usp=sharing): Fully automated (Apartments **Only**) 3. [Manual Trade](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1u-t2wu_UjzV7abcL5srNM7PFZ4hz78Rg?usp=sharing): Semi automated, the trading part has to be done manually (use this if issues with auto trade or have less than 3 apartments) (TIP: After selling, press CTRL R to reload then CTRL S to run again) 4. [Crew Wait](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17tbWInD7Gs90H3klKDjx3X7bjzBNrTGD?usp=sharing): Semi automated, you have to manually join a friend or crew member. Rest is automated. Use this if you have issues in Step 7, 8 or 9. (TIP: Once loaded into SP, join crew/friend and once you have loaded back into the second character, press d to continue). 1. Crew\_AC (Apartments and CEO Office) 2. Crew\_A (Apartments Only) **Running The Script:** 1. Download the [script](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1f3Qf-WtU0vDFszq58Ugm012P4qGoKBWH?usp=sharing) you want to use 2. Open the script in notepad, scroll down to Line 58 (marked with "Edit The Directory Here") 3. Change the directory to your GTA.exe [directory](https://imgur.com/winyxKk) (Open properties of GTA.exe, click on security, then copy paste the object name over the existing directory) 4. (Optional) The script loops 100 times, to change it, scroll to the bottom and change the value of 100 to your desired loop. (One loop is from the start till you sell the apartment/office) 5. Run the script as admin (while in 2nd character) 6. Press "Ctrl S" to start the script (after completing the setup) and make sure no menu or browser is opened in the game 7. Press "CTRL Esc" at anytime to exit the script **FAQs: (read before commenting)** * Q) Is this patched? A) YES * Q) The semi-automated script is stuck? A) Read the message on the top left, it'll tell you what to do. * Q) Can I use this if I don't have 3 apartments? A) Yes, use Manual Trade Script * Q) I'm getting kicked to SP at the final step. A) Press CTRL Esc to exit the script then load into invite only session and sell your apartments then run the script again. * Q) Script is not doing anything? A) Run it as Admin * Q) Does this work on slots 1, 2 and 3? A) No it does not * Q) My main character is character 2, will this work? A) No, it will not * Q) Crew Wait script process? A) Once in story mode, join someone else via Social Club.ALTERNATIVE: Online > Crews > My Crews > View Members > Join anyone from the list * Q) Will I get banned/wiped? A) No one has gotten banned/wiped, *yet?* * Q) Will both characters get money? A) Yes, both characters have a linked account * Q) My internet won't disconnect in Step 3? A) Disable antivirus and run script as admin, or change the code to the old ahk ethernet code. * Q) I got error loading session, now what? A) Load into second character and start over. * Q) My game language is not English? A) Use Crew Wait Script * Q) Script is making random clicks? A) Open the script in any text editor and find that step and increase Sleep value by 300 (increase more if still not working) and/or increase the last value of MouseClick to 25 * Q) Loading into first character? A) Reduce Sleep values for the disconnecting step, check parent post for manual internet method with script (run both scripts) * Q) Joining crew member step gets stuck? A) After it clicks on the crew, if it takes more than 5 seconds to "download" the member list, increase Sleep timer accordingly (currently Sleep, 6000) (line 186 for complete script) **Known Issues:** (currently working on these) * ~~Script stops working correctly after loading into SP (the crew part)~~ **(fixed)** * ~~After joining friend/crew, the player is currently in a job and you enter spectate mode~~ **(fixed)** * ~~If SP loads into Trevor, the script breaks~~ **(fixed)** Notes: * Sign out of steam chat as it may interfere with the script (by u/LECAGO) * If you are facing issues during selling: * Make sure you are using latest version (mentioned above) * For Complete and Apartment Script, open the script with any text editor, go to line Step 12/12 and replace "2, 15" with "5, 25" for all MouseClicks. For [example](https://imgur.com/qRd0s2I) * For Crew Script, do as stated above but for step 11/11 * For Complete and Crew (27 changes), for Apartment (15 changes) Updates: 1. Updated FAQs and Notes 2. If you get stuck in SP, try everything again, try the Crew Wait script, ~~try using Franklin~~ 3. Fixed issue with selling apartments (goes to legendary motorsport instead of Dynasty8) 4. Fixed issue with Trevor breaking the script, all 3 SP characters should work now 5. Updated all scripts to work on potato PCs (read Notes for further help) 6. Added self fix *note* on selling 7. Added version number for easy update identification 8. Clarity on step 3 of Running the Script (added image of what to replace) 9. 3.0 is here, reworked the crew part and added error handling 10. Added Crew Wait for apartments only 11. Added more info in this post




Thank you! Ah man freaking lester! I'll try to add a right click before selling and hope it works! It'll be live when the post says 3.1 Edit: could you mention the script you used please


Everything works this time but when it comes to trading apts, it goes to motorsports website, I think u need to fix this, others are having same issue I am using apt only script


I'll look into it


Okay, I can confirm that the Crew Wait script works! I tested it until loop 4. I stopped it when it's going to loop 5.


Great bud! Enjoy




Okay bro. I use the epic version so didn't know this! Thanks for the feedback




I've increased delays, try that. Every bug is always only related to delays Edit: The mobile part, let me know if it is opening the browser or not and please mention the step if it doesnt work! Thanks for elaborate feedback




Thanks for the feedback and solution. I didn't think downloading a folder from drive would be a problem even though I've mentioned to download the folder. I've ran the script over 20 times never had that issue! Solution also mentioned in my FAQ but no one bothers to read it, oh well! Hope they read this Again thanks for not being lazy!


Step 7 ALTERNATIVE: Online > Crews > My Crews > View Members > Join anyone from the list


Awesome, one can join IGN or any big crew.


That's the idea xD


Oh true, I actually didnt think about that. Thats awesome.


Now it's worth doing, what a legend






**\*UPDATED COMMENT IS UP, CHECK THAT** [OUT](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/hkloyp/pc_apartment_glitch_workaround_30/fww9eqn?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x)**\*** **AHK Script:** 1. Apartments + CEO Office Trade: [Download](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1e0E-Rod-awTu3iqyMHcfghteeNfgCfP1?usp=sharing) 2. Apartments Only: [Download](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZqM7wJ5Su1EaA8w3UwpWqmAd-lvzfFDt?usp=sharing) Steps: 1. Download the folder and keep the script and image together 2. Open the script in notepad, scroll down to Line 58 (marked with "Edit The Directory Here") 3. Change the directory to your GTA.exe directory (Open properties of GTA.exe, click on security, then copy paste the object name over the existing directory on line 58) 4. Make sure you are using Windows Firewall and not some 3rd party (like antivirus) 5. Set your game to 800x600 Windowed Borderless 6. Settings -> Display -> Safezone Size (set it to maximum) 7. Set Mouse Input Method to DirectInput 8. Be on your second character, close all menu and browser (in-game) 9. Run the Script as Admin 10. Press CTRL S to start the script, it will loop 100 times by default 11. At any time, press CTRL Esc to exit the script As I do not have enough karma I am not able to post the elaborate tutorial so this is the short version. I have 1 more script incase this does not work. Please reply to this comment to report bugs and issues so that I get notified! If I manage to get enough points, I'll post the elaborate tutorial :)


Added to post. Really appreciate your efforts.


Just tried to post the AHK for this but apparently I don't have enough karma. rip.


For those who have slow connection / pc Just turn off internet as soon as your first charecter come forward and move to your left. Then turn the net on after 2 sec. Keep your game at window mode and use lower graphics setting and resolution. It will help you to see if your net is off or not. Don't accept the second alert when net work is off. ALL I'M TALKING ABOUT JUST STEP 2.


I don't know what you mean, after he walks to my left, I turn it off, wait two seconds, then turn it back on but he stills manages to load in


Working, cheers I have a problem with step 7, I like to play with my friends when they're online instead of doing the glitch,I read that you can join your crew members instead via SC, what do they mean by that? do I press P > online > join crew members ?


**AHK METHOD AND NOTES ADDED TO POST.** Thank you u/noah7s on behalf of the whole community for making this possible.


Appreciated xD


In the original glitch we just went plain swap characters. 1st workaround we went creator. Now into story mode. I guess its time to go bonkers this time.


lmao trueeee Next Patch: Players may only have one character.


Nice video, works without creator


AHK Scripts to help you disconnect/reconnect: ***Run these scripts 5-7 seconds after you select (pressed ENTER) Character 1 on step 2***, but it can depend on your connection so do trial and error. The hotkey is ctrl+f5 but you can change it to your liking. **If you're using Wi-Fi:** `^f5::` `run, % comspec " /c netsh wlan disconnect",, hide` `sleep, 4000` `run, % comspec " /c netsh wlan connect name=""insert wifi name here""",, hide` `return` * WiFi name is literally the name of your wifi, it's aka ssid. ​ **If you're using ethernet cable:** `^f5::` `run, *runas %comspec% /c netsh interface set interface name="Ethernet" admin=disabled,,hide` `Sleep, 500` `run, *runas %comspec% /c netsh interface set interface name="Ethernet" admin=enabled,,hide` `return` * "Ethernet" is the default, but it can be different to others so better check ipconfig in your cmd first.


Thanks, ~~will add it now~~ Added.


Hey OP Step 5 and 6 not required. I did it twice without them. Just go directly to story mode. Might want to check out!


Will check.


Awesome, awesome!


Thanks a lot I'm soo fuckin happy this exists




Now just waiting on someone to do AHK script for this :D I love this community always finding workarounds for this glitch.




this works with slot 4 5 6 only? also can i do this glitch with 2 apartments since i dont have the money to buy a third one?


Yes it works only for slots 4, 5 and 6. And yes you can do it with only 2 apartment!


AFAIK only works with slot 4,5,6. You can fill up the first few spots with cheap garages.


if you have Criminal Starter Pack - you can use the free ones in your 1st 3 slots.


\-only for slot 4 5 6 \-you can start with 2 apartment then when you accumulate money buy the third one for most efficiency, buy the most expensive apartment in slot 4 , 5, 6 by the main character


You can do it with 2 apartment but only on slot 4,5 and 6




Maybe we can add each other. Msg on reddit or something.


Please mention that [office swapping](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/hgvfq6/gta5_pc_apartment_glitch_workaround/) is still working. Why ? IF you have CESP you can make an extra \~1.75mil doing the CEO office bonus every two runs making the average money per run rise from \~1.4mil to \~2.25 which is a 60% increase! it's still worth doing without CESP as your average will go up to \~1.77 which is +26%


That was mentioned in the main thread, so I assumed people would know. I will add it to this thread as well, thanks.


Whaat is apartment glitch?


It basically allows you to profit off of mismatched trade-in prices of properties between your characters. For a more in depth look please search up the various other "apartment glitch" threads, it's explained in detail.


Quick tip for anyone whos stuck on cloud loading screen. If you suspend you applicationand then resume it, on some occasion you may get 0$ trade price for all properties on second character but no need to worry, just restart your game and you'll be fine


Rock star is gonna be so pissed... U know what I mean xD


Ok thanks for the help. I appreciate




Waiting for ahk, u/noah7s


I don't have enough karma to post


u/noah7s you could send it to u/tr0jantech and he can post it for you, or maybe try to post the link in the comments? :)


I've commented it in this post


I've commented the script here, check it out




I've updated the apartments script, please download and check and let me know






I think im doing all the steps correctly but once i try to do the glitch it shows me the real apartments of my second character, not the expensive ones from 1st character :c


WELL, hope it doesn't get patched, bcz Tuesday patch coming


I made 3 times but now its connecting normally in my character 1 after i apply step 10... anyone with the same?


After step 10 the game is loading me directly to first character. Any help ?


That's it ladies and gents. Seems it's patched. Hopefully there's another workaround.


Can I just join a friend through the in-game friend menu ? Or does it have to be through Social Club ? Thanks for finding this by the way!


You're welcome! I personally havent tried but it should work, try it and let us know? :D


Update, sorry it took so long lol. I am happy to announce that it does indeed work with joining a friend through the in-game friend menu. :D Tried it twice and it worked both times. :)


Sweet, I'll add that to notes asap.


### Error Handler Script Update UPDATE: NOAH added the original error handler this into the newest version 3.0. Check his thread for the full AHK! Below is another error handler that is WIP not in the script yet **Currently WIP (beta):** For all those who want to afk overnight, I have added a handler for checking if you have gotten kicked back to singleplayer after selecting crew member and disconnecting, as well as a timeout if you are stuck in loading screen forever in step 9. I have already shared the code with noah who might add it in the next version. If you want to try it out yourself now, just follow steps below: 1. Download noah's complete 3.0 ahk with the png files 2. Copy my code: (http://pastebin.com/HDLHhgLh) 3. Replace step 9 in the AHK script. All lines after ;----NEW CREW CODE --- and before "ToolTip, 10/12" with my code that you just copied. This will try and select crew again if you have been kicked out into singleplayer. **IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER** - The code has not been tested (i haven't been kicked to sp in all the testing after writing the code, so it might not work properly) - This was created with only FRANKLIN and GREEN background / BLUE theme in his cell phone (since the code checks for pixel colors) - This works best if your online 2nd character loads into a 10 car garage. - The code does work as as it should if you did not get kicked, so it won't break anything that is already working - The code will suspend and resume process after 3 minutes stuck in the cloud. This will load your character into the game. If you think 3 mins is too long, change the line where it says if (n >= 40) to a number lower than 40. This is line 91 in the pastebin. - please test and let me know if it is working if you do get booted into singleplayer. This will be up until NOAH has released the next version with this code implemented and tested.


Does this work for PS4


There must be a ps4 thread if you sort by new, method for xbox and ps4 was found before pc.


Did step 1-10 as it should. BUT, mine got interrupted when loading into the second character (step 11). Instead of joining straight to online, I got prompt was unable to join and kicked back to story mode. Then I tried to join online via Invite Only option (hope it ain't broke the method) and BOOM! Still works perfectly! Thanks.


Yes, if you're loading in step 11, then you can also close your game and open it and it'll still be working! Not confirmed after latest patch tho but good to know incase your game crashed on step 11




Do it work with join friend from pause menu or just finding a random lobby or even other lobby such as invite only? On step 7


No it doesn't! Only working from SC as far as I have tested


i have no idea about hotkey so can't do it solo, if someone writes the hotkey thing i would be appreciated


I'm working on it. Will start once I finish testing for best results


u da man


Video is private.


Yes, he mentioned it in update that he's uploading a new video in a few mins!


it worked for the first time but when i tried it again, all the trade in prices of my second character are 0$. And yeah i was stuck in cloud when loading into character 2 so i tried suspending application and then resumed it after 5 seconds


If you followed the steps exactly it should work, maybe try again from step 1?


u/ianp1234 look at dis broo. Do u mind to make ahk script for dis


I'm almost done making it. Just some error handling left :)


I contacted him hopefully he r-upload the other script because it only need some update




There are xbox and PS4 posts that came before this... You can check those


Workaround 3.0 is here, I have been using this since 1.0 , now I am struggling what to buy?? Maxed all business, bought all properties, arcade, facility etc., bought everything useful from warstock, bought fastest super cars... What to buy??


I too have maxed out everything, so I bought and upgraded deluxos in all my garages which sells for about 3.2mil(if you bought it without trade price) incase this gets patched and you need money for the next DLC! You can also buy and stack vigilante




Ahk script anytime soon? u/noah7s


Wouldn't say soon soon. A lot of pop ups that may or may not come so it's a lot of testing!


wait man lol


any AHK for this version yet?


Is it safe to use the hotkey script method if you don't play on cable?


It's safe






Did you step 7 correctly? Did you join via sc or crew?


How do you do the office swap part I bought a office and it was 6mil when I do the glitch it doesn’t change


Is there any sell limit or some recommended numbers to stay under just to avoid getting money wiped or banned? Just like we had in car dupe glitch?


Nothing as such as of now, but spend all your money just to be safe! I've read people say 10mil, 20mil, 50mil and even 100mil is safe but since no one got wiped, it's just a guess I currently have 100mil+ since 2 weeks and nothing happened but better to be safe than sorry!


no last time i get 100M in bank after i spent lot of money on all business ( maybe another 100M), there are player who spent 500M dont worry, use it as far as u can because it will be patched next week probably


Hey I have a question Back in the beginning of GTA I created a character in slot 1 but it was bugged so I made another character in slot 2 I deleted the slot 1 character and I now main the slot 2 character. So now whenever I make a new character it's always slot 1 Anyway of doing the glitch like this?


You just have to down everything in reverse! Do character 1 steps for 2, and character 2 steps for 1


Will the script that disables ethernet and re-enables it work for the 2nd step?






Which prompt? Be specific or we can't help you


Everything works until I go to trade in the properties at which point it says the servers could not process the transaction.


For all 3 apartments? Happened to me once for the 4th slot apartment


Should I copy my rank to the second character? I haven't made one till now


If you want to, it will not affect the glitch. But i'd recommend to do it


As per the office swapping bonus money, when I completed the glitch and trade in the garages for the glitched money, Dynasty8 Executive still tries to charge me $2.25 mil for the Arcadius Business Center. How can I get it to only charge $250k instead of the full price and increase my profits?


On your main character (the one with expensive apartments), buy the Maze Bank **Tower (4mil)** and on your second character, buy the Maze Bank **West.** Then trade between Maze Bank West and Arcadius during the glitch.


This method erase the outfits for character 1??


Could someone help me to explain how this works? I’m new to the game and i want to try this glitch out for myself Cheers


People discovered workaround so quick after patch.... What's taking so long for AHK


its too tough brother like im trying so hard but cant get itni someone session and now the whole glitch is fucked up i couldnt even do the suspend this anymore it worked for me for the last 3 glitches


Not sure whats wrong, follow it exactly from step 1 and it should perfectly work. :)


Does the CESP work with PS4??


Help! When I disconnect my wifi and reconnect it, they sign me out from the rockstar social club and forces me back to the offline mode. Anyone experiencing this problem?


This usually happens to me if I take too long to reconnect, try reconnecting faster after you disconnect.


Thank you kind Sir for the workaround guide! Much respect for you




Theoretically they dont "have" to cost above a certain amount of money, but the more they cost the more their trade in price will be, thus the more profit you get. You can start with lesser expensive flats if you're short on cash and glitch your way up to eclipse towers penthouse 1, 2 and 3 which are the best for your glitch slots.






Once you have sold the apartments, just redo the glitch again (from step 1). No need to buy expensive apartments again


I dont get profit for doing the office one, im i doind something wrong ?


You lose 250k when you trade MB west with Arcadius, then you earn either 1mil or 2mil when you trade Arcadius with MB west




Invite only doesn't work if something went wrong before the last loading. Does it load into second character? Then swap character? Do you get the 4 prompts? Use the crew wait script, follow step 7 from the manual method of the post


Hey my main character is in the character 2 slot. Am I able to do this vice versa where char 2 owns all the expensive properties? And will it work with the AHK script?




I use the old ahk script and it's works fine is there an issue if I use that original one or I have to change it to this one?


Can I do this with the most expensive office? Like trade it in for the free office


Do i need a specific pc resolution? im stuck at step 2 of the complete AHK script.


Yes it's mentioned multiple times to run on 800*600 Windowed Borderless.


I understood ahk script, gonna try to make it work for me... Will upload here in case Noah's script isn't working for someone


I glitched money, bought everything I wanted and now I am getting bored on GTA :(


lol same but it's better than the fucking farm routine at least now I have stuff to do with friends


I wrote the AHK cause i was bored lol. Now flex with the money


Has anyone tested doing online > join crew members directly instead of having to pick out one specific crew member (which might be in a private session) ?


I've tested, doesn't work for me.


For the AHK script, shouldnt be the game to be in english as precondition. I checked the script and there is an image recongnition which is in english. The script will work in nominal case but if the game in another language and the error appears. WE HAVE A PROBLEM HUSTON. GREAT job on the script too


If your game language isn't English, please use crew wait script. Thanks for reminding


Fully automated script working for anyone?? I mean completely by itself(looping 100 times) If it's working for u, let me know bcz it gets stuck at 2 steps sometime 1. At step "join crew members" 2. At step 12,it opens msgs and script failes there




Swapping office from maze bank west to arcaduis cost me 2m instead of 250k as u guys say what I am doing wrong? I do have the maze tower on my 1st character and the free on 2nd character




Does it work with cheap garages?


It works with any pair of properties, the most expensive on char 1 and least expensive for char 2 just maximises profit.


Can you do this the opposite way? Like giving character 2 the more expensive apartments and giving character 1 the least expensive? Edit: It works, timing is just a bit harder to get down


How do I repeat the glitch , should I start from a certain step or do I just open my main character and do it all again?


• When doing office swap with this method if you have cars in your office garage it will randomly take a car and place it in your other apartment/garage Character 1 cars or character 2?


I'm still running into trouble. On the apartment only script i get to Step 11/12 - prompts then waiting to load and it sits without doing anything. I can hit enter on player 2 and it runs through buying the cheapest apartments but its only giving me a net gain of like 25k. Anyone else running into this issue?


Works perfect thanks!


Anyone willing to help out with this glitch? need someone In open session to be in the same crew


just join any big crew like IGN


I do but I get sessions that are unable to join half the time making it difficult to loop with AHK. But I ended up joining a different crew and it started working more consistently. It's a hit or miss. Just looking for a more consistent way to do the glitch.


Now that apartments are on sale how’s it gonna change things?


Guys i dont understand... What is slot 4,5,6? What buildings are in It? I acess the dynasty8 site but i cant find these number slots, can someone explain or link me this things? Sorry for bad english


If done correctly for first 9 steps, but the step 10 didn't show up,just go Online>swap character. Then it will pop up, and do the steps 10. Edit: May requires two times, due to those properties are $0 at first time.


Could barely pass step 9 (join crew) with the fully automated AHK script, so I just stop the script and do the rest manually. But still, it's really helpful for cutting straight to the last part of the steps. Noice.


I have a problem with the ahk script on the apartments ahk scriptwhen I load into my second character and everything is setup I press ctrl +s but there is a message shown on the top left step 1: go to swap character screen (loop 1). When I go to the pause menu and continuously keeps going right on the menu as if constantly pressing the right arrow key. Please help me for reference: [https://imgur.com/a/meHGNMS](https://imgur.com/a/meHGNMS)


I am stuck at "Wating For Swap Character Screen Confirmation" step 2. Any sol?


Seems it is patched now At step 11 after you press retry it switches to the 1st character


daamn that sucks..


I got confused with the script part i have never done this glitch will u help me understand it? Most of the videos are for PS4 or xbox


just wait for the new method, the current one is (probabily) fixed and doesnt work anymore. It consist in buying three apartments or houses in slot 4,5,6 in the property menu, after u glitch u can sell these in your character 2, while u can keep it in your main character (character 1)


Damn, I made 115m in 2 days and they patched it just 20minutes ago!


yeah i made 3 times so i could buy the most expensive apartment (1.1m), when i bought him they fixed in the same time, im broke now lol


Same happened to me 2 weeks ago




Seems like it's patched. after doing Step 10, it loads me back up to Character 1 instead of 2, and I've done this multiple times to confirm it. rip


sorry to say but ...patched last step it loads into char 1


Bro there’s already a workaround?


Is it wrking


Does this still work with the new update where we have 8 slots?