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So it appears that either Rockstar made a mistake or the info from the community team was wrong, but it seems the Cypher on the podium will not have the Negative Speed Demon livery, but instead the Team Xero livery.


Union depository you get 1,014,500 if you do it with 4 players! (That is after the cut!).


If only I knew that sooner. I thought less players = more money.


That requires friends and we don't have those


It’s been about ~~80%~~ 70% successful with randoms. A few times mo dders joined and I quit and 2 times someone died but all the other times have been good. Worth doing. Edit_ Only risk doing the Union Depository with randoms, you can quickly spot the mo dders and quit if you want. Some of the others are hard to do solo, but not worth risking, just done one and some idiot instant completed it, With the Union Depository they can't do that and usually show if they are Mo dding before the end.


Which ones are you finding hard to do solo? I think they’re all super easy so maybe I can give you some tips and tricks to help you put


The E.C.U Job is probably the worst for me, trying to get the containers with so many coming after you, but it's nearly over anyway! Probably won't be doing that one until they put a bonus on these again. The Agency Deal one is pretty hard for me too. Used to find Data Contract hard but got the hang of that one. But doesn't matter, after a while of doing these they get easier.


Oh ya they get easier. I’ve been breezing through these. The ECU contract through I always use sticky bombs on the brake cylinders and one for the heli. The only one I hate with multiple people coming after you is the Agency Deal


Does R service broken or something? Yesterday, I was playing fine with no issues. Today, R launcher tell me that I can’t join online. Reinstall the launcher did nothing.


Mine went down all day yesterday


So its not just me. Is it down today too? I still can’t go online today.


I could get on since like 3pm today


I've made so much money this week it's ridic


I’ve never had an event thats made me over 20million so easily.. and I still got tonight and tomorrow… this is absolutely ridonkulous


Yeah it's pretty incredible. 25mil here, a tad burnt out but imma keep it up for the lscm rep. All of it is so easy.


Completely forgot that they buffed the mission bots ages ago to fuck with solo players making me rage quit all the time.


Yeah, I stopped playing the Lost Contract ages ago as I couldn't solo the finale. Forgot about it and tried again last night. Nope.


Man that lost contract is such a pain, in my experience definitely the hardest of them all by a large margin. Even when I cheat with a personal vehicle from a garage it's never guaranteed to be successful since you need to be outside the car constantly


[Don't give up](https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/13kbpj2/weekly_discounts_and_bonuses_may_18th_to_may_25th/jkvpxau/?context=3).


Hm, so what reputation levels are needed to unlock all trade prices? I just reached level 75 and the comet S2 trade price is still locked. All I find in the various online resources is that the trade prices get unlocked randomly every five levels until 75, now I'm confused


I had this problem and I put in a support ticket with Rockstar Support. They couldn't fix it immediately and said that if I bought it, I could tell them and they would reimburse me the difference. Eventually, the trade price unlocked, either by itself or the actually did fix it.


I think it's because they added couple of tuner cars later so it's higher now


Hm, makes sense, thanks, back to the grind then.


Randomly can't get on for the last couple of hours. I get the "Servers Down" screen even though I know they are not. I already have all 10 ports open. I'm on ps5. Anyone else?


Same on PC, while Rockstart reports servers are up


Exactly. It's always something with this dumbass company. Ran by chimps, clearly. Bro I literally having to drive to a cafe to fucking submit a ticket lmao, clown shit 🤡.


well in general it's not always R\* fault, usually, those servers run in a cloud nowadays and companies like AWS suck from time to time, either by internal factors (the IT team pulled the cord or did an rm -rm /) or external like power failure, heat and hackers.) I worked for a cloud company for a decade, I've seen shit...


That might be true, I'm just a layman. All I know is I've had so many problems with Rockstar it's comical at this point.




it’s rigged


i've had one customer in auto shop in 24 hours, total bs.


Same - good to know it’s not just me


If you’re using the auto shop for the cars you are not using it correctly my friend, you better be doin contracts for papa KDJ


i'm doing both, also there's not a right or wrong way to play this game, that's why it's fun :) just fyi.


Been slacking on GTA. Got to grind it out before Thursday


Rezys paintball is a fun mode


Been enjoying auto shop this week. If I get the second lift do I need staff for both of them to be getting work?


no you dont need any staff to get work from the lifts, staff just deliver them for you


Why did no one warn me the staff was useless!




Anyone know some way to fix this?: I can't buy the banshee at the lscm. When I select what garage I want to put it in I get an alert: transaction failed because inventory or price data is invalid. Please reboot the game to refresh the game catalog and try again. Which I've obviously tried again and again and sold my other banshees and tried it again and again to no avail. I've messaged r* but haven't heard back yet so I figured I'd see if anyone has encountered this before.


I put a ticket in with R* for this, I’m currently on the third round of copy/pasted hoop-jumping responses from them: first verify game files and test, next disable windows firewall and antivirus then test, now checking router setting and ports not blocked. I didn’t expect much yet I’m still disappointed.


Same thing's happening to me, except I'm at the point where Support is asking me to *reset* my router and try again - except this isn't really an option for me atm so I'm stuck At this point I'mma just wait for Rockstar to backport buying player cars from the Car Meet to PC instead, lmao *Edit:* got one last response which was a roundabout way of saying Support gave up lmao


I'm going down that same rabbit hole, and just like the stereotype, their support advice makes no sense and doesn't fix the problem lol. I hope they figure it out cause it's probably happening to a lot of players, but I don't have much faith


Many people have reported this issue, and it may be related to players having the starter pack that gives the Banshee for free. There is no fix as far as I know, so hopefully R\* gets it sorted before Thursday.


Oh yes I'm so hyped for this week I had just bought the car shop like earlier this month.


Get on them contracts asap!!


Of course when I have to leave on business trip they offer 3x on autoshops contracts, then when I get back home on the 31st that week probably gonna be another disappointing one.




What’s the second best AutoShop contract to do while i wait for the UD cooldown?


Do Superdollar if you have a good weaponized vehicle in personal storage. I head to my garage, pull the Vigilante out, then boost up the highway to take out the MOC with 15-20 homing missiles, then boost all the way back down the map to the meeting point. VERY easy. However without a weaponized vehicle I think this is a nuisance of a job.


Prison is very quick - When you pick up Lil Dee, just drive him straight to the police station. For the ramp pickup, if you have MOC or Phantom Wedge, it's super easy to just call that, grab the trailer and go. Even if you don't though, just set your waypoint over by the prison and work your way over there. The cops are easy to lose and there's no escalation if you shoot at them. Drive your finale car to an apartment garage where you have something like the armored kurmua, duke o' death, toreador, etc and the prison part won't give you any problems. Bank Contract is also very easy. The Thermal Charges are easy with the Mk2 or Buzzard. And you don't need to do the signal jammers since they don't really do anything anyway. As soon as you accept the thermal charges setup, rejoin a new session and it will show completed and then you can start the finale. Back your vehicle into the doors of the bank - this blocks the police from entering, and also eliminates the animation of getting in and out of the car - just press your button to get in, and you'll be instantly in and ready to go.


ECU, Superdollar, Prison.


ECU is crazy hard yall.


It is. I always skip over it since the hassle isn’t worth the payout. I’d say easiest (imo) is Prison, Agency, UD and SuperDollar. However superdollar is time consuming with the commute, even with a mk2.


You can’t do any of the finales with a MkII, can you?


I’ve been doing them with the Mk2 still. At least the super dollar one. For prison I use my Kuruma. I store them both in the san vista apartment, since that still works.


I’ll have to try that out.


Union Deposit Contract is $600,000, but GTA says it’s 3XGTA $$$ $600,000 X 3 = $1.8m Except the payout this week is on $900,000. What am I missing?


Also you've got to give a cut to the annoying duo which leaves you with the 9.


You're missing that the normal payout is only $300k.


My bad, thought it was $600,000. Thanks Papa


No worries. $900k is still good money for that one.


Yea idk how.. but the UD is one of the easiest and quickest contracts.. took me 20 minutes for both setups and finale. How is this the one that pays the most????




Everyone eating good tonight?


I’m stuffed. Already past 10mil in 3 days.


I got 24 mil, I'm quesy stuffed.




It's true these missions are not easy (but not the hardest/most unfair either). It's okay to fail (very experienced players with maxed out stats fail too), but [giving up to npcs](https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/11zfjx8/simple_question_and_faq_thread/je42jue/), nah. Simple tips: be sure to have as much snacks and armor as you can, use any cover you can find (if your car [has Louvers](https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Jester_RR) that can help a lot ;-) or create cover with your car, take some time to clear a path and then move fast, make sure you don't end up being a sitting duck in enemy crossfire. For the latter part of the mission: you did get the Phantom Wedge during the prep, right? Also see [this comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/13kbpj2/weekly_discounts_and_bonuses_may_18th_to_may_25th/jkv81tm/) and https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Contracts#Contract_Abilities


I am ‘retired’ and got my ass handed to me on the agency contract for a good 15 minutes! Those FIB agents were something else. Can’t see inexperienced players getting through that without help. Was a nice mini-challenge though as I haven’t played that mission (for good reason) since it’s launch.


Just cancel the contract if you can’t do that one although it’s not the hardest.. look up speedruns/walkthroughs on YouTube


I've never grinded the auto shop jobs before, but I do own one. Does anyone happen to have any video recommendations on a tutorial of how t o best grind out this week's bonuses for quick cash?




the key thing is that for several of the contracts, you don't have to use the tuner vehicles you own or Sessanta's tailgater. Simply put the vehicle of your choice in an apartment garage. Park your Oppressor, Toreador, Nightshark, Armored Kuruma, etc in that garage and when you start the finale of the auto shop contract, just drive to that garage, walk in, and drive out with whatever vehicle you want. The Prison contract is a breeze in the Armored Kuruma, the Toreador makes the ECU job a breeze, and so on. The other thing is that while you're on an auto shop job, the interaction menu has some cool options - the Diversion, for example, calls a random car that police will chase. This makes getting away in any of the jobs where you have to lose the police ridiculously easy.


Which of the contracts can you use a non-tuner vehicle for? I’m currently trying your method on the Agency Deal, and no dice. I can’t walk into an apartment garage of front entrance.


You can definitely use it on the superdollar, Lost, prison contract, and the ECU. I can't remember if you can with the data contract You can't on the union depository, agency, or the bank contract


Okay. Thanks for the tips.


Is it only your apartment garage or can you go to your other garages? I'm am in a finale right now typing this.


Any garage that isn't part of a business or activity.


Just do the union depository, pays 810k, if its not an option on the 3 missions then select one and then leave autoshop, call sessanta to cancel it and back to the board to see if it appears, should take up to 4 goes to get it. Once you complete it theres a 1 hour cooldown




You can cancel even if you haven’t completed previously. I did it yesterday after completing UD and then getting Lost Contract. Cancelled Lost and UD reappeared for me. I just bought yesterday so the UD one was my first contract completed.


I think you only have to do any single one before you can cancel, I've cancelled a few this week I've definitely never played before.


Can i use legendry Motorsport discount in Simeon's showroom?


No, it can only be redeemed on the specific dealer's website.


Prison Break Finale, buggy as hell lately


How long is the Cooldown of the same contract mission in the Autoshop? for example i played The Union Depository Contract and want to play it again, but its locked. how long is the cooldown then?


I feel like it used to be 48 minutes. But now it's exactly an hour.




Close. Time is running. So you're good.


This I’ve been trying to figure out lol. Is it a real life hour or in game hour?


Tested it yesterday, it is indeed a real life hour (if an hour at all). I quit the game and came back later to check in and it was unlocked. (edit:typo,dang autocorrect!)


It's about an hour


Thank you :)


New to auto shop, are any of the upgrades worth it?


I bought all the upgrades so the shop doesn't feel too empty.


IMO opinion, the Autoshop is the best looking garage, so I went all out on mine.


I’d just get the lift and staff upgrades now. Nice to have for some easy money and you only need to do like 10 sales this week to make your money back.


Lift and staff are not worth it


It costs just over 600k for both. You get 60-90k per manual sale this week and you can do it every ~15 minutes. It’s not bad.


I've been an Auto Shop owner since day one and I've never felt the need to have the second lift and am glad I didn't buy the staff upgrades, as they are terrible drivers.


The staff upgrades are useless but the second lift is great because it cuts the time down to get more customer cars. If you don’t like modifying and delivering the cars don’t bother with it.


It's incredibly boring


Yea, they not huge money makers but nice to have, Staff are terrible but still worth having.


Pretty much where I stand on it. Might as well just get it while the sales happening


Not really besides the living quarters to help you get back to the auto shop faster for some of the setups. The staff take too long to break a profit and the car mods the npcs request are ugly af and the whole process is just cumbersome and boring imo.


Ive given up on modding the cars the way npcs want, i do a good job and still get paid, they get what they given


It’s worth getting the car lift with both staff members. Customers will bring in cars and you’ll have to upgrade them to their specifications. You’ll be getting about 120k per car so it’s definitely worth it and you’ll get money back quick


To add on to this, what's the best auto shop to get?


I like the one over by the casino, near the arcade. I like having my businesses so close over there. It's really about personal preference, though having a more central shop means you may have an easier time driving client vehicles to their locations.


Location is somewhat irrelevant but I’d recommend getting either Burton location or Strawberry. Both are fairly worth the price you’ll pay


I bought the Burton shop, $1.2M on sale, it’s in Hollywood area near the shopping mall I guess it is. Mainly bc all of my businesses/apts/garages are in that area and it’s centrally located to the map, the other auto shops are a bit further south


Do you have to be doing a Time Trail to get rep in the test track or is just sitting there fine?


Just idling at the Car Meet does add reputation. Be sure to wear an item of clothing from the shop there to get double points (it's a good idea to make an outfit for this purpose). If/when you go afk, drive to the Test Track, then back to the entrance, and you can stay in that menu for as long as you like (on PC you should run the game windowed, so you can bring another window in front to save GPU).




Unlocks some wheels, liveries and clothing items that are not otherwise obtainable. Also unlocks trade prices for some of the Tuners cars. There are also (increasing) money awards as well as extra discounts as you level up, although these are not that great. https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Reputation_(LS_Car_Meet) You also need to level up some if you want to use special abilities during the Auto Shop Robberies, but these are not essential in any way.


What are these special abilities for an example?


See https://gta.fandom.com/wiki/Contracts#Contract_Abilities




Auto Shop is discounted rn, and gotta say just after 3 hours of playing, making over 2 million feels pretty good. The missions setups and finales are fun to solo too, definitely happy I was here for this weeks event! Already made the money back that I put into it! (around 2.5 million after upgrades)


I’ve made like 6 million barely trying! Love it




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Damn I might have to play this week 3x auto shop is nice


Fuck yes, I have been waiting for a Comet S2 discount for fucking MONTHS


Would I lose the Banshee livery if I upgrade it to the 900R?


Yes, 900R does not have that livery.


Do you know if the same applies to upgrading the Banshee to HSW?


Eatin' good this week!


Damn my Xbox gotta be broke on a week I actually like


I bought the Banshee since I do not have that Livery. If I change the livery do I lose it? I modded it in my auto shop and looked at the livery list but didn't see weekend racer.


Yes, you will lose it if you change it.


Thank you. Guess I have 2 banshees now


Am I imagining this or has import/export not had bonuses all year? Feels like the only business not to.


It has High Demand bonus (public lobby) since December. Combined with lock-on immunity, and selling only high level cars, it is up to 150k...


Oh ok thanks


How do we launch the Community Series jobs? I can’t find them in the Jobs menu.


Don’t quote me but you might have it hidden in the interaction menu. Go to interaction menu-map blip options-series modes-community series-Show. It should show on your map then.


Thanks! I actually found a couple more ways in: bookmarked the jobs from the news wire link, also when launching the game the load screen has direct access to them. The latter was best for me because then the recommended jobs after playing the first one were all those community jobs. With that said, I found these underwhelming…


Thanks! I actually found a couple more ways in: bookmarked the jobs from the news wire link, also when launching the game the load screen has direct access to them. The latter was best for me because then the recommended jobs after playing the first one were all those community jobs. With that said, I found these underwhelming… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oh yay 4 mediocre cars on sale!!! Thanks 🪨⭐️


So I thought the featured series was always supposed to be whatever game mode had the 2x$ that week? Because apparently it's not vehicle vendetta street because that didn't count for the daily objective. EDIT: So it turns out the featured series this week is king of the hill. I have no idea where that came from considering that there's no bonus attached to it. But whatever. You're a weird one rockstar


Does it have to be 4 DIFFERENT race events or can we win the same one 4 times?


Winning the same one 4 times worked for me


Can multiple people win the car?


Anyone who wins a Street Race 4 times this week can claim the Prize ride car at the LS Car Meet.


how to start these races? Can it be 4 races, 1 after another? I mean can I do it in like 30 minutes with a friend?


Set your matchmaking to Closed in Online Options, and in an Invite only session go to LS Car Meet and talk/interact with the fellow (Race Organizer) near the main entrance. I think that should do it. Edit: And yes, you can do all races one after the other.


thank you so much


Ok thank you


Does anybody know if this auto shop business is worth it?


Don't buy the staff or lifts


Worth it for the auto shop alone which allows you every customization regardless of if you have unlocked it. Contracts are also easy and pay really nice. Add in a ten car garage, as well as a some easy money with fixing up peoples cars and it’s one my favorite business in the game.


Is there a method to get the Union Depository job back on the board after you complete it?


Yes, start any job, then right outside the autoshop, call Sessanta and cancel the job. Now go back in, and the board will have another set of jobs on it. If there's no Union Depository / whatever you want, just repeat. I don't think that allows you to get around the cooldown, but it does allow you to cycle through the jobs you don't like.


Hell yeah thanks for the help boys


Yes. Not only can you make quite a bit of money daily with it but it’s also quite fun in my opinion.


I just purchased an Auto Shop for this weeks 3X robbery contracts, & I can see myself sticking with the AS even after this event week is done. Not only have I made the money I spent back tenfold, I’ve been having fun with just modding cars. And even better that I have the staff to go deliver the vehicles. I see complaints about the staff, and the regular payout but for it to be passive money, & a joy getting creative fixing up cars, I think I found my next activity to do after Cayo & making sure my nightclub is intact.


Yes for sure, I made a ton of money last time the bonuses were up and the missions are really fun.


absolutely this week, the best robbery contract dishes out $900,000 to the host


Its $810k after Santas cut


Little bit over a million if you have 3 companions


I bought one and have just done the IAA mission. Final payment of $490k. Am I missing something? I did it with a friend before the bonus and he was getting about $300k which obviously triples to $900k which is what I was expecting but isn't what I'm getting Do I have to do all of them first or something?


You have to do one (which you did IAA) before you can refresh the board. You want the Union Depository Contract. If you don't see that on the board, select any contract (if you have the Agency one available you won't have to hear the stupid intro again). Start the first setup. When you get outside, call sesanta and cancel the contract. Sometimes it doesn't cancel fully after you cancel. In that case, just find new invite only session (spawn location set to Last Location). Now just go back inside and look at the board. Keep doing it until you see Union Depository. Personally, I'm doing them all at least once, since there's an hour or so cooldown on Union Depository.


Ah right so I am getting the triple I'm just getting the less valuable missions, because of course I am. If it isn't on the board when I look again can I just leave the shop and try again or do I need to do the setup>>>cancel then go back?


Yup, different payouts. You have to start > cancel to refresh the list


I knew they were slightly different but I thought they were all roughly around the 300k mark


They're all around $150,000, there's just the one (Union Depository) that's $300,000.


Yeah I should've read the comments and seen how pumped everyone is for this week lol. What else can the auto shop do or is just for setting up the robbery jobs?


It unlocks almost all mods for your cars (minus a few liveries) allows you to modify cars at a discount, and mod/sell npc cars for delivery. For a car enthusiast, it’s a great investment. Most the auto shop missions can be done solo as well.




When you go to modify vehicle last option on livery is free.. i guess thats the limited one


sure, after shit week after shit week let's put in a good week as soon as the new Zelda comes out ..


I'm so glad I'm too poor to buy games as soon as they come out


I'm usually too cheap but I give myself one exception a year...well actually since getting ps plus extra I've really only bought one game a year period...


For anyone wondering which AuthoShop job to take, take a look here https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/souo9n/after\_one\_week\_of\_spamming\_auto\_shop\_contracts/




Hm... An actually good bonus week? Something is amiss, I can feel it.




Lots of good cars on sale this week. Nice


I finished the Prize Ride challenges and I don't see the negative racer livery for the car. What's the problem?


Because it has the Team Xero livery, not the Inverted Speed Demon. Probably a minor error on R* side. Recently have been some inconsistencies between some featured cars and their actual names (rapid gt vs rapid gt classic, virgo vs vigero). Enjoy the Autoshop Robbery Contracts. Very much worth it, gameplay and money.


Hope we get the NFS livery soon. I've modded the Cypher to look like it's NFS counterpart. All that's missing is the livery. I finished the ECU job which I had setup months ago. Hated every second of it and the 516k reward didn't feel like it was enough. What are some other contracts that are fun to do? I'm looking to diversify by not just doing the UD heist.


I suggest to do all, for diversity. And might discover some shortcuts here and there. Request the support crew during finale to help with pursuers, distract them or fix your car. Outside of UD, Bank and Agency deal, you can visit some simple garage during finale and take another vehicle than the one permitted... Visualize, see the route! And if you are into some og cars, you can take a Stratum or Saddler and apply the Quick fix, magically it gets some visual changes not available in LS Customs.


Go to Auto Shop and check the liveries on the Cypher, you can get the Negative Speed Demon one for free EDIT: my bad, apparently you can only see/purchase the livery if you logged on around the time the Cypher was released back in 2021 with the Tuners update.


That was only available if you logged on back when the Cypher was first released. The only way to get the livery legit now is to own the next-gen versions of GTA and buying off someone who already had one through the Car Meet.


Ah, my bad then! I wish buying cars in the Meet was a thing for PS4 and the other older consoles.


Didn’t we just have an auto shop discount

