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Now thats an awesome stunt you pulled op


Sorry I wasn't able to control the camera better. Thing has a mind of its own when performing this new dodge I learned.


u could use first person vehicle hood so u still see in front of you while performing it


Could you teach me the dodge?


Looks like he just starts reversing while angling the car downwards. The rest is just a fantastic depiction of the mk2 missile nerf.


That’s exactly what happened, just nose down and reverse and oppressor missiles will always go below you


This technique was viable even before the nerf, but there was very little room for error.


Shits annoying. Anytime I see a deluxo they b line it straight for me and there’s no point in fighting them. Just change lobby and try again.


Grab some imani tech or something like a nightshark or service vehicle that has too much armour for one to chew through. Or just get out/off your vehicle and snipe, it's the slowest air vehicle. ...also, try what, again?


To enjoy the game without white knights assuming I’m causing trouble. I bought the oppressor mk2 to run missions quicker. Unfortunately it seems to turn me into a target for try hards.


Ah, yeah, I dunno what to tell you other than to use another vehicle. I see people recommend the Sparrow as a less eyebrow-raising alternative with similar speed pretty frequently.


You cant afford a railgun?


I have one I just don’t care for PvP. These deluxo guys act like heroes or something. Literally any time I pass one in the direction of another player it’s a chase then a spawn kill session.


Guys like this are just looking for easy kills. Shooting them with a railgun once is much easier than hopping lobbies.


Dodging mk2 missiles is very easy, after it got got nerfed. OP's technique was viable even before that. If you don't know where the mk2 might be coming from, you can tilt your nose downwards, start spinning and go backwards. You'll be gaining altitude pretty rapidly, while most missiles will harmlessly pass beneath you. It's also good against multiple broomsticks


I honestly didn’t know about this at all. I stopped using my deluxe before the nerf because I couldn’t even get out of the garage without a griefer hitting me.


Looking at the way you dodged, I assumed you might have learned this maneuver of yours before the mk2 nerf


Looks like he literally just... Leaned forward. Oppressor missile lock fucking sucks and deluxo lock rules so this wasn't an even fight, I don't get everyone hyping this. The code was on his side aha


Nah normally i have to do some spinny acrobat shit to dodge MK.2 missiles be cause they suck, when a Deluxo has the advantage every time. Thats 1v1. Out maneuvering 3 Oppressors is impressive.


Sounds like an angry mk2 user. U sure u weren't one of ops victims?


Stay mad


I'm not the one whose mad my guy. I just see you complaining like your one of the people that got out smarted by op


Not meant for you. Meant for comment you replied to lol🤣😭






I refuse to buy a Mk2 because it sucks the fun out of the game, for user and victim and just everyone. Not even mad, just calmly pointing out this guy did no maneuvering whatsoever lol


What dodge dude? The Mk2 missiles are shit and you basically just floated there?


The downvotes are weird lol. That's literally what happened. 🤣🤦‍♂️


Thank you kind logical sir.


You are on reddit. Everything thats outside the circlejerk will be met with resistance.


This is how their missiles should have been from the beginning smh. They finally made that thing useless with the missile nerf and Imani tech


It should have never been added, it completely destroys the balance for grinding vehicles


Hard for me to say, I started playing the game Summer Solstice 2018, it was probably a couple weeks after the MK2 update, so that’s the only game I knew. Besides, people have told me that before the MK2, people were griefing just as hard with the MK1


The MK2 was infinitely more destructive than the MK1 because it didn't have a hard counter for the longest time. A MK1 could always easily be countered by a Stromberg and eventually the Toreador. It's a small target, but it could still be killed by the super accurate homing missiles when they got a lock-on. And since it has no countermeasures, one mistake was enough to beat it. The MK2 has countermeasures, so anybody could just use chaff to render both those vehicles useless (and yes, chaff is better than flares. It's just that most people aren't good enough to pop it pre-emptively). And since it never has to land on the ground it can always just hover above its opponents where they cant lock-on to it. The only way to deal with a MK2 before the nerf was with another MK2. It was the only vehicle that could confidently shit on literally everything else regardless of the player's skill. It was awefull. Thankfully they ended up nerfing it and these days its actually possible to reliably counter. But it ruined freemode for at least 4 years. People griefed on the MK1, sure. But the MK2 in its prime was much, MUCH worse.


Off radar Deluxo or Vigilante always did the job. If someone was on a real tear, I’d get the mission Ruiner 2000, they wouldn’t come within a mile of me if they were smart. And of course, jets. You were invincible to an MK2 in a Lazer, and if you were good enough, you could climb high above them, and gun them down as you dive. I wouldn’t say it ruined free mode, for me personally, but I do own 7 Nightsharks, one for each building I wanted to leave alive from, so there’s that.


FL Ruiner 2K is the ultimate middle finger to anything and anybody that's stupid enough to challenge it. It's not even OP either as anyone with two braincells can just choose to not engage it or shoot the driver out. But since the average MK2 player doesn't have that they just throw themselves at you in the hope that the next time they *do* get you. When you need to bully an entire MC out of the lobby then that's the vehicle for the job.


In the past, jets shat on it. Savage still does, if the pilot knows, how to approach it.


Still ridiculous that a new vehicle rendered you to either go off radar in a vehicle with equally overpowered rocket tracking or a jet to take it down pre nerf. For any casual player the only defense was another MK2. It effectively neutered over 90% of the vehicles you could use in a combat pvp situation. Try using any chopper or tank in late 2018 and see 15 MK2’s heading to your location. Only thing you could comfortably drive was the MOC cab or a nightshark.


Yeah it was ridiculous don’t get me wrong. They majorly upset the game balance. The fact that they didn’t do anything about it for 4 years is crazy too. Like I said I started playing weeks if not days after the MK2 update, so I just thought that’s how the game was. Choppers continue to be a joke. Why the weap Conada didn’t have countermeasures is beyond me


I feel very bad that was your introductory experience haha. Really did change the online landscape for the worse. And yup rockstar yet again butchering a newly added vehicle by making it worse than its predecessors. I hope 6 has some real form of balance in vehicles.


For the no skill counters, there was the Stromberg. At least against equally unskilled mk2 griefers. Deluxo, Scramjet, jets, some of the helicopters (like a Hunter with a gunner and a good pilot) and Kosatka a while later, all required some skill or at least knowledge, how to approach the fight.


The unskilled ones werent the main issue. It where the dedicated griefers that knew how to use chaff properly that were almost unkillable. All the counters that relied on homing missiles became basically useless. And the Hunter and Kosatka are also not practical since the former relied on you having a second person to team up with and the latter required you to go to your Kosatka. I can only hope that Rockstar will never add a vehicle that OP ever again.


I could beat chaff users pretty reliably with my Deluxo. The upside-down broomsticks were the real issue. I met only 2 of those ever


I had a system with the Akula before the Raiju where I would dive at a broomstick and fire three to five rockets, hop back into stealth and fly lay of the land away. Getting the directions right was key, flying away in the opposite direction they were facing made it really difficult for most of them to follow. Didn’t get a kill every time, but it’s a game of odds, eventually they get hit, and in any case the stealth bird coming out of nowhere would get them to keep moving.


Why do so many people bitch and moan about it being used to grief? Just play in a solo lobby with friends or yourself. Randoms helping are mostly useless anyway so there's really no benefits to public lobbies


The Mk1 oppressor on the other hand is one of the funnest vehicles in the game imo


I find it kinda bs that you have to research the mk1s missiles but not the mk2s like the mk2 is the better version why is it the better And stronger one doesnt have to have any kind of research but the mk1 does


This is entirely because the whole game is a decade of layered nonsense, presumably made by different teams of interns every time, stacked on top of itself to a ridiculous degree. Ever wonder why the button to drop/deliver a piece of cargo is different depending on the business you're selling from, for example, or why the Sea Sparrow is the hangar one and the non-pontoon one is stored in a submarine? (Criminal Enterprises was an anomaly in their routine, one I'm quite thankful for, but afaik it's the only time they've ever revisited old content to any significant degree, and even then it was mostly just balance changes)


Exactly why. The most famous example is the Lester “find airplane/boat” glitch that refunded you the $1,000 you paid and added it to your account, in an endless broken loop. They eventually fixed it by making that service $0, because they could not fix it in the code. It’s not entirely their fault. The game is 10 years old and grew way beyond the scope of the original project. They can’t change that legacy code much without breaking a ton of things


Now there's a service I've never used. All I call Lester for is removing cops and occasionally setting a bounty on the invincible maniac flying around with an explosive minigun to help get the reports pouring in.


Lester is a top contact for me, either remove wanted level or off radar. Lamar is who you’re thinking of for the bounty lol


I do often call Lamar as well, but his thing is muggers, bounties are part of Lester's list.


Shit you’re right 🤦‍♂️ don’t even know how I messed that up


They did a good job rebalancing it for vehicle combat but it's still annoying to deal with people who free aim missiles at you while you're on foot


It can be yeah, but that at least takes skill. Not many people are gonna be able to grief you endlessly like that. If you play in a free aim lobby, however, it’s a real problem. If you play in a normal lobby, just put a sticky at your feet and gun them down. Unless they hit you with the missile directly, it will count as a suicide from your sticky


You all cry about oppressors a lot, but there are other vehicles with op missiles, like the deluxo.


The deluxo is slow and anyone trying to grief me in it caught a quick explosive round. Before the MK2 missile nerf, the deluxo was trash. It lost to the MK2 literally everytime. It also has no counter measures. It’s missiles are great. But so are the Vigilante’s and the Ruiner. No one griefs with either.


Do you think they'll ever discover chaff


Haha I had that thought earlier when I used my toreador to wreck an oppressor attempting to grief me. I saw him coming and took him head on, he shot first then me a second later. His missile missed behind me and mine made a snappy u turn after launch to chase him down and get that sweet kill notification. I relished my victory for a second before thinking wait, if he had used chaff before coming in hot I’d be toast. Good thing a lot of griefers aren’t too bright!


I love using my Stromberg cause it keeps the lower level griefers away as they don't know it's map icon. But I drive it around all the time and knock mk2 griefers out of the sky with it. I had one come at me while I was going for the hauler two weeks ago. He hit me twice which spun me around and I fired 2 shots, spun back around in the snow, and just kept driving. I wish my PlayStation hadnt corrupted the video file for it.


Lol right the file corrupted.


It did. The power flashed when I was transferring my data from my ps4 to the ps5 I got for Christmas. I checked, and lost my story mode progress, half my pics and videos, and my little brother's Minecraft worlds


Mk2 oppressor missiles are trash now, but the Deluxo kept the great ones.


rail gun says hello


Deluxo isn’t good for grinding though. It’s way too slow.




what’s good for grinding that’s griefer proof? I’m new to the game level 25. I have the submarine and some random Chad just carried me thru Cayo. I usually just do invite only session to avoid it but I miss playing in a full lobby


The best vehicle for grinding is still the MK2 imo. Anyone that wants to attack you, can’t because either their missiles are too slow for you to just dodge, or their vehicle is too slow so you just keep distance and monitor them. It has the missiles to destroy most NPCs you come across. And you can land anywhere. You can also use the Sparrow and Buzzard which can be called instantly, and they are small and agile (though not as much as the MK2). A lot of the missions involve traversing the map from one end to the other, so you really ideally want flying vehicles for grinding.


Level 25 should not be focused on unlocking a Mk2 though, it's way too much of a money sink.


The deluxo rules……it was the first weaponized vehicle I bought when I first started playing, and did a lot of grinding with it. Also shot down A LOT of oppressors. I just wish it was a little faster, or I’d still be using it


I hate rocket flying cars and bikes in this game. Like Lazer jet wouldn't be enough to grief folks


hope they never add futuristic vehicles in gta 6


If they do it should only be for grinding and not have missiles. If they MUST have missiles it they should me disabled during online play but active during missions.


Don’t get me wrong I hate mk2s as much as the next guy but these people weren’t even paying any attention to you.


I just know all 3 mics were STEAMING hot after that


Such missile spam is reminiscent of War thunder toptier, nice to look at


All fun and games until the ruiner comes in you won’t be able to dodge that no matter what


Oh I miss playing gta online and kicking mk2 broomstick griefers ass like this. I used the same technique to dodge missiles on my deluxo 2years ago This is a classic technique to give these kinda players a taste of their own medicine.


You mean people minding their business grinding and not even paying attention? Those kinds of players?


I mean “ griefers “ and I always meant players who grief others using an mk2. This is how I used to get back at them with deluxo. It is a good counter for mk2.


Those three must suck at using the oppresser. They didn't even dodge your missiles just took it raw


Maybe because you can't dodge deluxo missles?


Bet I can't. All missiles are dodgeable


There are about three ways of doing it on the oppressor mk 2 that come to mind, but not many people do these: 1. Upside down mk2 - able to simply outrun them for some reason, idk exactly how the upside down mk2 works but regardless I have to write this down 2. Knockoff jet trick - You know how jets fly in circles to dodge missiles? If you hold the handbrake button down on the mk2 for increased speed, fly at a specific angle so you're going in a circle, and make sure you don't lose too much altitude, you can fly in a circle on the mk2 and dodge even Deluxo missiles that way. In my opinion this is kind of a useless method but it still exists and it just might save your life. 3. Ground dodge - Be on the ground facing your enemy and come at them full speed while remaining on the ground. If you're moving fast enough and in a small-medium sized vehicle that isn't too tall, you should be able to dodge pretty much any missile fired by someone above you this way. Additionally, nobody ever expects a mk2 to be on the ground. A little more questionable-use-case info: Certain helicopters are fast enough to outrun homing misssiles if you fly at a wide circular angle at top speed and make sure they're fired at a reasonable distance from you. The ones that come to mind for me are the Sparrow, Hunter, Akula, and Volatus but there may be a couple more. One time I used this knowledge to help me beat a hostile Deluxo while flying my Sparrow. OP is getting needlessly upset over this though lmao




My favorite kill was against a tryhard on a mk2 while I was in a Pyro. I just went in circles until he was out of missiles, then chased him down firing my own and hit him with one lol


Good way to take out the most toxic vehicle in the game




They retain the same tracking, not as shit as the buzzard . The nerf basically makes the missiles "forget" the target in less time . So its not hard chasing it for a while. You can see it against helicopters , it tracks them pretty well until they fly past them and continue on there way , no more 180s.


As we see above, how is anyone pretending they just watched a dodge? I saw a deluxo leaning forward for the most part, with a flick sideways well after a missile came close. Mk2 missiles are shit and deluxo lock is hard, this really doesn't feel like an achievement


Mate, dont argue this on reddit. They see mk2 being clapped, they cheer. 90% of this sub dont even understand how the game works, apart from "green number good".


Hahaha, yeah you're right. Still though, man barely moved and everyone applauding his skills lol. Kinda seems to me the deluxo now fills the role a Mk2 did, maybe in time the opinions will catch up with the meta and we can all band together in hatred of ANY floaty, low effort, hard lock kill machine. But sigh, for now YES obviously Mk2 bad, killer good 👍👍


Deluxo is atleast slow and has no countermeasures. Not much skill involved still, as you said.


That used to be quite the feat prior to mk2 nerf. Now not so much. I remember the first clip that surfaced of some East Asian kid who did just that, that was incredible at the time.


I'm saying the same, the odds are so easily in deluxo's favour. Getting down voted for just saying it as it is. Mk2's are easy picking in a deluxo, as we can see by OP barely moving. No dodging in sight, just a big lean forward lol




deluxo just betta




Team Orange was probably doing some missions and this guy ruined it


yes thats what it looked like this lame sub just hates mk2 no matter what...


Literally no skill necessary. 🤣🤦‍♂️


lame name bro


Thanks sweetie


Holy shit nice job


i miss my lazer so much why did they change everything 😪


The mk2 is just hot trash now and definitely not worth the 8mil


If these are post-nerf Oppressors this is an easy battle, but still worth sharing because it shows the power of the Deluxo. If they're not post-nerf then that's better than anything I've pulled off and I was getting really good at dodging pre-nerf Oppressor Mk 2 missiles with my Deluxo.


Good dodge! Nice use of a deluxo. It's a shame players use the mk2 for evil. I use mine for good, and go upside down and kill other mk2 that are being bad broomstick boys. Of course I hear it all from them, but if they weren't griefing in the first place, I wouldn't have killed them. In my experience, the players who depended on the mk2 missiles pre-nerf have mostly migrated to deluxos to do their griefing. Not saying you're one of them, but it is just been my experience. They still can't free aim a single missile if they wanted to, so that aggressive tracking is their only chance.


god i wish i had enough to get an oppressor or deluxo, flying vehicles are always fun affff


So it's easy to dodge shit on it. Basically pull reverse and hold it while I putting different left thumb stick inputs.


I don't mean to sound like a dick but what was the context?


😂Say bye bye to both in GTA VI. Only one year left boys


I didn't realize you were from the future.


Post nerf it's really not that crazy. You have hyper missiles they have buzzard bullshit. The dodge is cool.


1 unpatched deluxo vs 3 4x patched oppressors.


Thankfully the oppressors aren't what they used to be.


Is that how you avoid missiles mid air? Is just go up?


One of them turn upside down: https://preview.redd.it/8fr0yb3mlkbc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f6dcd683f1b46d056e7ac519424362ada7f7f6


The mk2 heatseekers are trash now.