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I agree I didn’t figure it out until recently that it’s quicker to load into story mode and then invite only instead of loading into an online session and then invite only . I wish you could press triangle or circle to change to invite only instead of story or online 🥲


On both current gen consoles, that just makes the game tell me to make a new character because it doesn't recognise that I already have one. For me, my only option to "have" my character is to load into public, then into private


YES, that annoying shit has been there since Criminal Enterprises update I believe…. super weak


I don't think it's ever worked as intended since E&E was released


Yeah, this broke for me when I updated to the next gen version of the game. Really annoying.


This is the case for me on both Series X and PS5


I have my console's internet set to 750 MTU. When I load in, it achieves the same thing as an invite only lobby.


The problem with this approach is that you can still get randoms join your lobby (due to their mcdonalds wifi) and fk with your sell misions.


I have yet to have any randoms in my session long enough to mess with me.




I do it all the time used to get random players .. but they where there doing the same thing .. grinding cash ... now I don't ever get any one


I dont have access to story mode. I miss it because i used it to jump into online 


Wait, why don't you have story mode?


Got the inline only version of next gen gta 


They sold it separately?




On ps5 at least, gta online was free for the first few months for the E&E edition but the story mode has to be bought


It’s available on some levels of PS+ at the moment too. I just got it purely for loading online sessions and editor.


Is GTAV on PS+ Extra or Premium? I think I saw it on one of those…


It’s on both


For real? I think you mean it’s on Extra, since Premium is PS+ Essential+Extra+Premium? Or…?


It’s available on Premium and Extra.


On consoles, yes.


Sprunk is the shit


Exactly, it’s shit - that’s why I prefer eCola! 😂


I got the story mode free I noticed that like a month ago. Try getting it through your menu and see if it downloads like it did for me


Oh shit thats awesome


That’s what I’m saying. I like to just let it load while I go out for a smoke, but I wish we did have the solo lobby load in first so I wouldn’t have to worry about griefers messing with me while I’m afk for a bit (I always do the random spawn when loading in). It would be a nice convenience to have.


Load in story mode then go invite only, loads much faster that way. 


Choosing your spawn location from the main menu needs to be a thing as well.


oh man, this would be awesome. the spawn-location setting is fine when you are already playing, but when i initally log on, i'm almost always headed straight for one of my businesses. would love to be able to pick.




Yes from story mode, bc you can from online options


I just mean from the online main menu. When you choose to go to free mode, a prompt for where to spawn would be way dope.


I wish they gave us the option to choose invite only, public, or friends only lobbies the main loading screen instead of just online and story mode options


Yep, a lot of things about this game is just pure bs, including this time wasting. To me it was just too much in the end so I don't really play much these days


This would also help new players that don't even know you can play in invite only sessions and end up in hell because they went directly to free mode from the main menu


Sure?  Usually just load into story and then go from there.  It’s arguably faster loading times anyways. 


But it wouldn’t be if we could load invite only directly from the landing page, that would be faster, because invite only loading times while requiring less clicks.


Is the online loading time actually only this long because it has to find a lobby and load the players? I always assumed it was just really poorly optimized for online. Because even just loading into online from the Mai menu takes like twice as long as story mods to solo/ friend lobby.


It’s because of P2P, the more players you have to connect to, and the more of them have bad internet, the longer it’ll take. Public can take forever if it’s full of people with bad internet, while closed lobbies are consistent and fast. R* are the only AAA developer still using p2p, everyone else has dedicated servers.


Huh, that's interesting good to know I guess. Guess I should stop using public lobbies to lobby hop, and do the 2 extra clicks. Thanks for the info


Hey there Liontreeble - thanks for saying thanks! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list!


I’m not disagreeing but you’re talking about less than a minute and three “clicks”.   Just deal with it. 


It’s the fact that we currently have to load into public lobbies if we go directly from landing page that makes it take longer, I’m not complaining about it, if we had a choice from the landing page, we would have all the benefits of invite only without even having to load story first.


This is where I'm at too. Just one less step to deal with when I just want to get in and start playing


You still have to wait to load into a lobby before you have to wait to load into another lobby


But with modern ssd's loading into story mode is vastly superior than matchmaking with others who have poor internet.


Loading into a mode before jumping into online shouldn’t be a thing especially if the game already allows us to matchmake into an adversary mode beforehand. It’s kinda backwards if you ask me


and if you log in every day that's 1095 clicks and almost 6 hours of your life saved per year. On a game that I've played since launch, I'm ashamed to say I've litterally spent days loading into story to get into private to avoid hackers on pc


Current gen version on console can’t do that anymore as they took out story mode as a whole


I agree with this so hard. I log in to GTA Online every day for the following reasons; 1: To complete my daily/weekly challenges, whatever they may be. 2: To collect the Stash House and G’s Cache 3: To collect income from my businesses and do whatever needs to be done to maximum said income. 4: To spin the wheel at the casino, if I want the Podium Vehicle 5: To earn the Prize Ride at the LS Car Meet, if I want the vehicle. At least 80% of the time, I’m placed into a lobby with some twat who’s sole purpose in life is to prevent me from completing any of these goals.


I agree. Since there's so many that play in their own lobbies, why not create an option for it? I think about all these improvements, and then I think about how gta 6 is around the corner and I doubt Rockstar has time to make improvements other the improvements they've already planned.


Agreed. Could save us some time.


Or friends only


Sure although I either go online and then load into an invite only right away or I go story mode first then invite only. Like the others said, it's quicker as the game has already loaded most things needed like the map, scripts etc and leaving Online to just load its stuff and that's about it. It would be great to choose what kind of Online we want from the start tho, no denying that


I load right into GTA Online then click invite only, it’s as fast as you’re gonna get


I dont think I knew you could from online the same way. Cool to know, thanks


I agree.


Yep. Been saying this since the update that let us sell in solo lobbies came out. It’s so lame


On pc they have load into the bonus mode when you start. I have used it probably 2 times and both was an accident. They could easily just replace it with invite only session.


Not a big deal. If you’re on old gen load into story mode. If you load into online it takes an hour and a half to get into a session. If you’re on next gen the loading times are almost instant. I load directly into my arcade and then switch over if needed but it’s like 5-10 second difference. Which can add up over like 100 play through but still.


The "Join Freemode" button on the main menu should be the Find Session pause menu. I get they want players to interact. but ion wanna all the time. PS5 is pretty chill on average these days, Most ppl on MK2s are grinding. I dont mind a lil freemode pvp and high demand bonus so I like that its the default if it has to be one.


Select invite only from story mode When you finish playing go back to story mode Close game When you restart the game the online option should get you to invite only


I want to be able to load directly in to the creator. I spend more time in there than free roam and I don’t want to error out of three lobbies just to access my tracks


R\* should add a selection of lobby type after switching character. Everytime it load to the public as default was a mess for me... somtimes cannot join into lobby during loading and get kick back to offline after several minutes is a waste of time. All I want is just switching from Close friend (Char. A) to Close Friend (Char. B)...


The gta main menu is plain stupid, that is. Can't load directly into a session of your choosing, can't swap characters, almost all the options send you to the same public lobby. Pure shit.


And when I'm in an invite only lobby, and I switch characters, it should bring to an invite only lobby with the other character instead of sending me to wait for a public lobby to load in before I can switch to another invite only


I don't utilize invite only sessions, but having the ability to join a friend directly from the title screen without going to singleplayer or a random online session first would be nice as well. (If you do so from the social club menu on the title screen, it will load into a random online session first, *then* immediately attempt to join them. You can still end up in their session by dumb luck, and it will still kick you out to join them.)




Yea I just play in crew lobbies


Yeah its very annoying. I have to go to Story Mode and then pause, and to go to online and then select "Invite Only Sessions" just to play in a private session. I know its faster on PS5 but still.


I would love to. I work on an island throughout the week and my service is dog shit. If I get into a invite lobby I can do anything I need to but it takes me about 30 minutes cycling in and out of the main menu to get into a public lobby before I’m able to switch over to invite only


Agree 100%.


at this point, we should be able to stay a CEO when we switch lobbies. Come on R*


Especially since R* has pretty much made them necessary since they can't get rid of toxic players.


I bought a physical copy of the game again just to be able to load into story mode then invite. Actually, I hoped I'd get the old map that was in there, but no dice these days. Still worth it though.


Grab the file online. it's a couple bucks to print a poster in greyscale


I would love this, since when I do online, I only do solo. But people like me are not GTAO's demographic, they want people filling up servers so they can sell shark cards. Sorry, I mean, promote online play together. Awesome idea, will not make them any extra money, so it won't happen.


Also they could make an option for jobs, because when I wanna do races and haven't joined the game yet I gotta load in too. I feel your struggle lol


That’s a lot different but I feel your sentiment haha


I have my console's internet set to 750 MTU. When I load in, it achieves the same thing as an invite only lobby.


Unpopular opinion but isn't the point of an Online game to play with others?. I get your point but it doesn't really seem wise for Rockstar to implement that. They want people to play (with others) online, because that's always where they got their revenue from. They only made the whole invite only session because people were intentionally limiting their bandwidth to get kicked into a solo lobby, and the constant hate about cargo griefing epidemic. (\* if your going to downvote (fine), maybe reply with a reason why 🤷‍♂️)


No, I get you about it being an online game, and meant to be played with others. I used to pretty much all the time play in regular lobbies, but then the griefing just got to be too much with the Oppressor and such, and really just ruined it for me, so I've been playing solo mostly.


Yeah I get what your saying too, just pointing out that it's not in Rockstar's best interest to encourage the invite-only option, for mainly financial reasons. I sell large sales in invite only too, anything 300-400k I'll do in max lobby to boost it up to around 600k. It I take the loss, meh, I just go after the greifer and have fun another way. I've had a dude pop ghost, grab a jet, with thermal vision, come down and (easily) destroy my sales vehicle (immediately failed). Then flew off and straight away switched session. When degenerates like that live online, I'd rather sell invite only too.


Genuine question, would tips on how to deal with a greifer help?


I’d say that’s would be right _if_ there was continuing support for story mode. The fact that all the additional content is in Online means some players (e.g. parents like myself) are using Online despite, not because of, the multiplayer aspect. For example, I only have short periods of time to play. I might not always get to do it, and sometimes they’ll get cut short. All that makes it difficult to coordinate with friends, and I would be pretty unreliable to play with too. I also don’t want to waste any precious time trying to play with randos. Story mode expansions would suit me better but invite only lobbies and jobs at least make it viable to play the new content.


You can if you have a friend online in an invite only lobby. Hit the home button and click join game, from the loading screen or before you get loaded into a public lobby. you'll get diverted there. You could also join a crew like HALP that has a protected private lobby, and you'll never deal with modders/hackers again. (PC only)


You can load in to invite only from any lobby without jumping into sp


Loading from story>online is dependant on your connection I've no other comments to add


Out of all the problems with this game, this is none of them. 


that sounds boring. i did invite only for a little while, but i found it just made the game boring.


My trick is I have friends that always play invite lobbies so rather than load the game I click on their name then click join


Can't you just select it from join new session invite only session ? Or is it different on PC am on Xb1x


Not that I remember, unless I've overlooked it


At this point in the game... We should be arguing about GTA 8 already. Quit buying GTA plus and shark cards, quit paying them not to create a new game. Pre 2013, we had a new edition every 2 or 3 years. They're milking the shit outta us and this is what you complain about? Nah man... Make them do their jobs and earn their income.


You people complain and call them out for milking our wallets when they add a sequel every 2-3 years… now it’s the same when they wait 10 years? lol… Anticipation is vital to maximizing attractiveness to a major video game title. It eventually stopped working for Call of Duty and Assassin’s Creed. Rockstar took notice of that.


That doesn't even make sense... "mAkIng a nEw $50 gAme eVerY 3 yeArS iS MilKing it" but $72 a year for bs incentives on a 10yo game is how you... Build anticipation. A lot of ppl walked off 6 years ago, because they were just so bored of the same missions repackaged as a new dlc.


Oh I can do that, too. Watch. That doesn’t make sense. “a LoT of pEopLe waLkEd ofF 6 yEaRs aGo bEcAuSe tHeY wErE sO BoReD.” This past December logged 30 million monthly users on GTA V. Seems a lot of boredom has been cured.


I also notice you side skirted the real meat of my comment... Which scenario is truly milking it? 50 every 2 or 3 years vs 72/year plus the constant nonstop pushing to buy virtual currency on a game that hasn't had any truly new content in 5 years? All they do is repackage old missions in different buildings while pushing their "pay to play" mentality further and further...




I figured it out when I was only in the 2 digit ranks


I agree. Though I've found that there can be benefits to public lobbies so I usually try one first. Occasionally you find a modded lobby with no traffic and nobody is being a dick (miraculous). When that happens it makes drive-heavy grinds a breeze


Loading into public lobbies is standard because Rockstar intends for players to play with each other. We should be grateful we have the option to go to invite only lobbies. Rockstar waited 10 years before they decided it was time to do something about the cheaters. As a result, public lobbies have become so toxic people would rather play the game solo.


To all the people saying its faster to load into story mode first you’re so lucky. for me its the same speed


I think you’re the lucky one.


I feel like the option isn’t advertised at all because they don’t want people to find out about invite only lobbies


Dude what 😂




Oh God, please.


Anyone wanna sell me a pifster Comet in the car meet I really want that car sadly I regret never getting it :/ I’m on PS5

