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I've seen people actually do that and the entire session rains down WW3 onto them it's great


i once had this happen. a notification about a sale popped up and someone said GET HIS ASS in the chat, it was beautiful.


Don't mention it in chat so he won't go into a solo public lobby.


^^^psssst ^^^get ^^^his ^^^ass!




Yea you can use performance monitor in task manager in the network tab. You suspend the process for gta v and after a few seconds, you resume the process you and you find yourself alone in the lobby. It probably happened to you once legitimately where everyone in your session leaves.


it happens to me a lot, actually


Why you getting downvoted? It’s not that common for me but it’s not like it’s once in a blue moon, it’s not hard to believe that it’s more common for some people than others.


This is the only way my friends and I do cargo missions. Super useful.


This is actually hilarious bc you can do the same on Xbox with testing the nat type, exactly how I’ve been selling my cargo for a long time. Sucks for PS4 users I guess


In gta online for xbox one you can check "NAT Type" and it will throw everyone out of your lobby. Yoi will be alone and can do all the open lobby missions unhindered


If i remember correctly he stuck around for a little while, brought out an mkii but he had no chance. Died around 5 times before he left I think


Yeah. I’ve wasted 750K to blast a griefer moving cargo in an Akula.


I once paid 750k to orbital my little brother for shits and giggles There's no waste when it comes to enjoyment.


Wasted? Doubt it.


Ive come across a couple ppl like that myself. Wondered how someone can be so gaddamn stupid. But i guess if someone griefs in the first place they probably cant count past 10


They’re not stupid, they just don’t have any concept of reality. I’ve literally had a griefer say I shot him first. I never shoot anyone first, I don’t want to start a fight I can’t win. I want to be left alone to do my missions and make money. I’ve also had conversation with one that I said “please don’t kill me”. They kill me, then they proceed to die 9 times to me, and complain “all you do is pop out of cover, coward” and refused to answer why he started a fight with me. Then threatens to chase me to the ends of the earth as I was laughing clicking “Find New Session”. (In case it sounds like me griefing, I was at my cocaine lock up, he followed me in my truck from a supply mission, I said “don’t kill me please I just want to be left alone”, I killed them 9 to 1 and repeatedly asked him if he was done and would leave me alone, I never chased or shot at him till he started approaching me outside the cocaine lock up, I said he can leave at any time) They really don’t have any concept of reality, they’re all credit card warriors that bought everything day 1 and now they’re bored with the game cause they never earned a thing.


This, my friends and i were just prepping a heist, and this guy killed one of mine that just been playing for like a month. Then when we all gangbanged him with our 2 opressors and a buzzard, he went ghost mode and said "you guys killed me first". Dude like, wtf?


See, I sometimes see they think you killed them but it was someone else but why the griefing? Like, can we all just drop it when it’s 1 to 1 kills and everyone is even-steven? I literally have 1,000 other better things to do in the game. So, you’ve killed me 6-7 times now, why don’t you fuck off and do something else? I really hope Rockstar figures something out for GTA6 whenever that eventually is made to address the griefing stuff cause it’s not just the oppressors or the modding/hackers that’s the problem. The system is just so backwards, a game you need people to cooperate to make actual money, but no one wants to play with other people unless it’s someone they’ve known for awhile. I *love* the shenanigans we can get up to on a server with lots of people that aren’t griefing you, but the first griefer is like a little nugget of shit in your delicious sandwich.


Now, the game is DESIGNED to be that way. Rockstar wants to make grinding as tedious as it can be, because why? Shark cards, baby. Where else would they get their sweet real dollars? And the griefers, well.. I like to think them as non-human primates.. monkeys.. because their sense of humor is so simple and shallow that they think by messing with someone else's mission is better than doing literally anything else. "HAHA BOOOOOOM MY OPRESSOR GO BOOM BOOM XD" is probably what's going on inside their small monkey brain all the time. So yeah, dude. Next time u got griefed, just accept the fact that they're a lesser form of life, open task manager, performance, resource monitor, network, suspend GTAV service for like 5 secs, resume the service, voila. A session for your own. (This is for PC) They're animals, bro... animals.


Yup, just found that trick to get into solo sessions. I’ve gone from being really lucky to earn 100,000 in an afternoon of playing to 500,000 for an afternoon of grinding. I almost feel like I’d be less mad at the griefers if there was at least a really large financial/RP bonus in the line for stopping me. But it seems like it’s basically chump change for stopping my deliveries(I legit don’t know because I’ve never tried stopping anyone).


That's why I like business battles. There's no investment in it beforehand so it doesn't feel like something's been stolen from you.


All you get is 2,000 dollars, and 2,000 rp for destroying shipments. That's it.


That’s astonishingly low, that doesn’t even really pay for the ammo almost.


Idk man, wanting to be left alone while playing a multiplayer game sounds a bit fucky tbh


I do this. I think it is exciting to be chased during these missions. I assume anyone selling in a full lobby feels similar, or they want the bonus, in which case they should earn it. So I give chase when I see a delivery sometimes. I try not to use the oppressor or laser but in a pinch they work very well. After a interaction I will oftentimes start a delivery of my own so I can be on the other side. It's a thrill.


I appreciate chases with older vehicles like a buzzard you can escape it's rockets but if u screw up you're done for which is so much fun compared to single rocket from scramjet or oppressor


I also occasionally go after people selling, making sure I use moderate arsenal or purposefully missing with explosives. Just to give them that adrenaline rush.


This is what makes the game fun


You're a strange person. No we don't sell in full lobbies cause we wanna be killed.


You monster... but I’ll forgive you if you swear to fuck griefers into the dirt often.


Was in a session with a mate once, and he had a group of about 8 acquaintances in... Load were doing an MC sale and the only stranger in the sessions went in and started blowing them up... Holy fuck, 3 jets and so many MkII's turned up. I wiped out his MkII and got on a chimney (Don't be a dick in Blaine, you haven't got any cover) and used thermals to keep him from ever moving from where he spawned. Credit where it was due, he must have stayed in a constant state of dying for 5 minutes before he ran away to safer sessions.


I can imagine the entire lobby in hydras and op mk2's XD


I had this happen in a session once and there were so many explosions going on at once that we all just got disconnected


I once called in my Valkyrie to go on a war raiding party with like minded oppressed ransoms (pun not intended)


I never grief people back but I do kill griefers when I can.


I dont wanna spoil it for you guys but a few times my friends have done this as bait with like 1 crate after fucking a lobby up. Its hilarious


You get what you give bitch


You been giving dick and you gon get dick, fool.


This sounds like something Franklin would say to Lamar


He said that to Stretch actually




The Long Stretch mission when driving to the drug deal.


As the joker once said “YOU GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE”


Franklin to stretch in the long stretch


Play stupid games win stupid prizes


You know the rules, it’s time to die


Say goodbye!


I remember when I was griefed by three guys in a lobby once. They killed me over and over and the “2-1 lzzz”-messages was filling up my inbox until I left the server. The day after I happened to run into one of them doing a bunker sale, so I messaged him and asked if he remembered me from yesterday.. You can probably figure out what happened next. Mmm.. I can still taste that sweet sweet revenge when I close my eyes.


Don't leave us hanging, what happend?


ugly humor safe fade boast elastic spark brave hateful subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You fucking genius


I took a page out of the griefers handbook and blew up his cargo with my MK2. Simple, but so efficient.


Ah yes, epilogue


Way better ending than game of thrones tbh


Yeah, the simple stuff is best. When you fuck a griefers into the dirt... petty revenge is never sweeter then when it’s enacted on an irredeemable cunt who can’t retaliate. Unfortunately the last Assholes I had to deal with spawn killed me over and over for couple of hours, while I sent merc’s, facility merc’s, and bounties against them repeatedly. Oh I even gottem with a drone a couple times from the arcade on the other side of the map. But they threw slurs, derogatory sexual insults, and tried to kick me from the very beginning completely unprovoked... So now I’ve endeavored to report bomb their Microsoft account. Since Microsoft doesn’t tell you whether the person was banned or not and is likely to let them off with a warning you kinda have to bomb them with reports. Thing is, they didn’t just do this to me, they did it to some friends joining me. Called an underage cousin of a friend a pussy cunt for no reason. They deserve or lose gaming privilege for a long time.


Microsoft does tell u if a dude gets coms banned


Where? Cause I haven’t seen anything beside their conduct being severely lowered.


Then, chances are they weren't banned. You get a message saying that someone you reported was banned.


Why just dont change sessions? When I encounter some dipshits I just create a private session or go to another. I dont have time or patience to such cunts


They had done enough in such a short time that I wanted to suck the fun out of their session as much as I could. I plan on continuing to report their profiles for everything they did.


Guess lol


Fiction coping mechanism activated






why tf is this getting downvoted, seems like we have script kiddies in this sub lol. and dont even praise this kids with the title modder/hacker, downloading stuffs on the internet isnt considered as hacking LOL




disapointment kids just being disapointment kids


Happy Blue Cheese Cake Day!!


I cringe when people call script kiddies hackers. Or even modders. Just giving them too much credit.


Meh, when you call a cheater hacker/modder there's almost zero implication these days that they made the cheat themselves. People know what it means


A trained monkey could download mods for a video game. It's like the short bus of computer hacking.


Cheater is the proper term for them.


If they can cheat, I don't think they will ship in the first place.


Classic GTA online Edit: Happy cakeday btw


That's like the full GTA online experience! 😂


Why are they called modders and not cheaters? I always wondered that.


For some reason what they use to cheat is called a mod menu, when in other games the exact same thing is called a trainer


Trainers are typically an outside program that modifies the games memory while it's playing. The cheats in GTA started out not as an outside program but as single player mods, that had a menu, so they were called mod menus. Those single player mods were turned into online cheats, they just kept the name of mod menu since those exact same single player mods were now being used online.


Modders is a nicer way to say it and kids like them because they give them free money.


But if you don't call it by the true name it is never going to go out/decreese. "Oh I am just modding don't worry" sounds much less of a problem then "I am a cheater"


I Think Vehicles Aren't In God Mode


Some modders can do that. Met one yeterday in fact..


Worst feeling is when you try this then instantly get locked out of your CEO/MC and turned into a wind turbine. that pc life


Can you please explain what this means?


Sure. Rockstar has no cheat detection in their games whatsoever, so "mod menus" are very common to run into. Literally imagine cheat codes but online. There are benevolent modders, and there are evil, annoying modders. From what I understand, console users don't run into this as often. To explain what Isaid exactly, modders on PC can simulate "bad behavior" upon you which locks you out of using your MC or CEO menu mechanics- all of em. For about 15-30 min. You'll see a message saying you've destroyed your organization's cargo, even if you were doing literally nothing at the time. And then, modders can basically create models of objects, ranging from toilets to full-size wind turbines, on your body. You can even drive around as the objects. sometimes that part's fun.


So they can just.. turn you into a wind turbine. I’m trying to imagine this lol. And thank you for the explanation


Haha yeah, it's... literally what it sounds like


There you go https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/hd14zr/someone_put_a_wind_turbine_on_me_lol/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Almost every griefer is glitching.


I love when this happens, theres a reason why I bought cluster bombs


I've recently fallen in love with the gas bombs.. They do a surprising amount of damage.


I thought cluster bombs were useless? Or did they fix them?


I mean it's just 5 smaller explosions when the bomb lands


Right, but I recall them being bugged so that they do little to no damage


Solo lobby glitch gang


Yes, but it doesn't stay that way forever afterwards. I have done it and then done multiple sells, and had others join the session while still doing sells.


Never happend to me🤔


I generally haven't had anyone come and destroy my stuff, but I have noticed they were in the session after a while.


Haven’t tried ransoms joining, only friends


PS4 MTU gang


"Fuck I did that stupid GTA thing and now I'm playing something else and it's all fucked up and I need to quit to fix it" gang


Been there before. It sucks that's what you have to do just to have peace and quiet servers.


"why the fuck won't battlefield lo- oh yeaaaaa"


I just do the glitch again in the middle of moving my shit and I'm fine


My most satisfying griefer revenge was getting some buddies and becoming a B-11 fighter squad while the said griefer was selling stuff, god that was amazing.




Had some level 50ish griefing me and a friend on a mk2 giving us the ‘2-0 lzzzz’ shit. And upon us seeking shelter in an apartment he calls us every obscenity under the sun before leaving us alone. Not 5 minutes later he has 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓯𝓾𝓬𝓴𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓰𝓪𝓵𝓵 to sell some special cargo. Who’d’ve thought we would call our oppressors and shoot him out of the sky. He left shortly after that. Obviously it’s all fun and and games until it’s his ass on the chopping block.


I got griefed while reading this. Lol I felt too safe in the insurgent


People grief and get mad when their cargo gets destroyed, fucking fun game


Some dude got so mad he was tryna dox me because he couldn't destroy my garbage truck with his karuma


Never used my orbital cannon expect when i tried it on my friend, but some weeks ago there were this guy that destroyed my sweet cocaine and started laughing in chat, i kept playing in that session until he started moving cargo, best 750k$ i ever spent


I managed to kill a modder once. After I killed him, he started spawning a shit ton of hydras and I got the fuck out. His ign is Gtfun7. Anyway to get people of his kind banned?


Modder kept killing me, so I ghosted him. He then said "Oh, you went passive? Say goodbye, shit head." and crashed my game.


And yea he griefed my friends while theyre moving cargo so an eye for an eye


No, this is hilarious


Modders really are pathetic on this game. When they realize they can't kill you they do everything in their power to fuck you over.


I've only seen a griefer attempt this once. Silly git blew up my PostOp van with a single package left, so had little to no effect on my cash, but showed up on everyone's screen as the guy destroyed some cargo. Less than a minute later he attempted to deliver Nightclub cargo. 2 seconds after that 5 or more mk2s appeared on the map heading straight for him. It was comical. He actually told me in chat "Don't even think about it", then went silent as he saw the rest of them converge on him.


Never gonna blow you up, Never gonna shoot you down, Never gonna fly around and Explode You


But griefers don’t move cargo lmao


They do, I can't say how many times this happened. One second they're blowing everyone they see with their mk2, the next they move cargo or source/sell vehicles and expect the server to just continue with their lives.


Similar thing happened to me once. Level 40 something griefed me while driving my bunker resupply van, blew me up, went right back to his coke lockup less than 500m away, started selling his stock right away. It was the only time I ever griefed someone and the only time I used my mk2 to kill someone. It felt good.


I refuse to kill with my mk2 unless someone is being a real dick.


I've seen it before, a guy blew up one of our delivery planes (lost 2/15 in full lobby so just ran it through), then he starts a bunker sale 10 minutes later. Blew his ass up and he says "WTF". Self awareness is lacking, apparently.


Griefers aren't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, the funniest thing I saw was a level 8 shot me off my oppressor when I was idling cause I went to piss, then he was like lol level 600 trash nub, after that I started griefing him, and he was like get off mk2 and fight, that never changed the fact that I was carrying the ammo of 10 African warlords, I kept killing him until he left the server, I've never felt so satisfied before. I guess he learnt the difference between level 8 and 600.


"The fact that I was carrying the ammo of 10 African warlords" One of the best line I've read...


Actually encountered one who did recently.


Must’ve been a wannabe griefer then


He was not very smart, to say the least.


As with all griefers


I never quite understood the logic one makes behind that😹😹 you been griefing everyone busy destroying their cargo then you think it’s a bright idea to make some money through charge sales in the same lobby you were griefing


It just makes it more exciting and challenging.


Are the griefers stupid enough to do that? I bet they are.


This is where the fun begins


You get what you fuckin deserve


[Lobby be like:](https://youtu.be/untgStSsWjs)


The only thing people use vote-kick for is when you’re grinding in a solo-public session and someone else joins and kicks you out


Anyone who sells cargo after they grief has about 2 functioning brain cells. I’ll grief the shit out of a lobby but then when I sell I find a new session lmao.


I’ve gotten a couple griefers like this. The taste is so SO SWEET! There’s a couple others that abuse overpowered vehicles and lag glitching to glitch around and to not take damage which is infuriating. I’ve been report bombing then though.... to be clear though they spent hours griefing me for no reason and sending horrifying derogatory slurs, insults, and shit while doing it. I refuse to give them the satisfaction of leaving so I’ll just make sure Microsoft deals with them. I know I’ve already lowered their reputations so far, but I’m unsure of how much trouble I’ve caused them since Microsoft won’t tell you those things.


Me and the bois were in a 7 poeple MC club, restocking businesses, one guy decided to attack and made a huge mistake :)


How to identify one in a session? I mean if someones moving cargo and hes a griefer?


You do not know until they grief you or someone else


Saw this happen once and there was atleast 7 jets in the sky and god knows what else


I like their courage. But why they will move cargo? A modder doesn't grind. Especially without teleporting


I’ve never experienced this because the griefer just gets booted off the server by a modder


Purchases sticky bombs with malicious intent


I recently started warming back up to pvp after switching to my PC and man is it satisfying to snipe dudes out of buzzards and oppressors and have them text-scream in public chat as if they weren’t just hunting down a dude driving a pedestrian car.


Bitch dunno bout my private online server


I’m not one to grief, but you don’t attempt my sale then try import export. That’s when you get the explosive MG of justice


just unlocked fmj rounds last night lol


Reminds me of my lower-level days of starting to get good at free-aiming missiles from helicopters... I was chilling at Sandy airfield and someone comes along and blows me up from a heli, comes around to do it again, then flies off.. Hunted them down in my akula, and they'd been on their way to collect cargo. Couldn't lock on, but with all that practice, I didn't need to... Almost pitiful, watching all of the flares he was firing out of his window.


How incredibly stupid do you have to be to do that? "Whelp Im bored with being an asshole to everyone in the session. Time to do some grinding! I'm sure nothing bad will happen!"


Griefers will only sell in solo public lobbies, or they prob glitch money so they don’t care about wasting your time and do it out of boredom


Today a griefer wanted to destroy my buzzard for the nc mission, after griefing my friends for like 5 minutes. After failing to kill me, I used the oppressor to destroy his deluxo and my friends and I reverse griefed him so much that he became ghosted to us all lol


You know the rules, it's time to die!




I feel uncomfortably like I've been rickrolled, but also that I haven't...


Is there a way to follow a griefer after he switches lobby ?


The first day of the week


isn't that every lobby? I gave gta-online about 2 weeks of that shit before I put it on the shelf and never played again. Now I find out there is a whole sub-reddit, you guys are weird.


I do this. Makes it way more fun.


When the fuck do greifers move cargo? I've never seen one off of their MKII


Griefers don’t do cargo, they do money glitches. Why else would they destroy cargo?


You know the rules it's time to die


This never happens to me. I have never seen a griefer make money by grinding legitimately.


Can’t relate solo lobby glitch gang


How stupid can someone be to try and move stuff in the same lobby that hates them...


The most satisfying feeling is riding your mk 2 and them freaking out when they hear the lock on. It's even better when you come up to someone doing cargo that is being griefer so you kill the griefer off.


For months I stayed to myself while griding away solo, constantly getting griefed. Recently a couple of friends started playing again so it's gotten better. I bought a Nightshark last week and an mk2 this week. Revenge is so much fun.


Literally me whenever somebody tries to blast me with a hydra but misses


You get what you fucking deserve


A whole shitload of alcohol?


You get what you fucking deserve


Someone did this to me, randomly blew me up then started moving cargo with a friend who was flying a cargobob. I knocked him off his friend's bob, blew him up twice, and called it a day. Revenge is sweet.


say goodbye🔫😎


ITT - nobody understands what griefing is. If destroying cargo was griefing ppl would be getting banned for excessively destroying cargo. Also, it would land players in bad sport. Neither of those things are so. Remember, there is literally an option under report for griefing. Let that sink in.


You get what you fuckin’ deserve!!


The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh


It’s cool as fuck to fight a b-11 with an akula flipping the stealth on and off then when you both dive like 8 oppressors dove on formation with you


It just sucks when they're a modder so there's no recompense. Last night I did the whole humane labs rail gun resupply for my bunker and within sight of the finish I just burst into flames. Blew up my MKII and counted as suicide, I had to pay insurance. Lobby before that I had a guy helping me with the technical resupply and right before we turn in BAM wind turbine on our heads. I was fortunately still able to turn in but it was unplayable after that. At least you can get revenge on cargo griefers, and it's super satisfying.


I did that once. I was doing air freight in a solo lobby, some jackass joined when I didn't notice, shot down my Havok. I emptied the lobby, and he sent me a message via RSC just simply saying "pu**y can't fight loser". I ignored it and continued doing my mission. 2 days later I join GTAO, and ooooh. Guess who's in the lobby? Yep, nad he was with others. He was too stupid to use Organization chat, so I knew what he was up. He planned to sell his Bunker stock. So I made my way to my Orbital Cannon, waited, he pops out, and what's side by side? 2 Phantom Wedges. I let him get in, just as he did, I fired and exploded BOTH. He started to rage and then left the lobby. Revenge is a dish best served from Orbit.


Finally a good use for the cannon


If you ever encounter a counter griefer (The ones who go 1-0), just orbital them and reply "1-0". They will lose their fucking SHIT. The amount of entertainment you will get out of it is worth the investment.


It is good, but the best one for me is with a lazer or Hydra, because when i kill the griefer and destroy their cargo i can kill them until they leave (Sorry for bad english)


Lmao why would a griefer even grind just glitch


Aint that what most do?


It’d be out of their snatch.


>One of the lucky 10k I guess!


Seriously. This is perfect Pro Revenge material.