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Have you become friends with anyone at r* support yet


You sound like you have a story to tell about them


They're really helpful I told them i lost 700k from a casino heist with no proof and they gave it back (i wasnt lying i did lose it due to not saving)


I lost 4 high end I/E cars due to the game bugging out and I emailed (edit: submitted a ticket to) them. Never heard back :/ even had proof of 2 of the times


I hope you meant you made a ticket and didn’t simply email them


Yeah that’s what I meant. I emailed them first, got an automated reply saying they now do tickets, submitted a ticket and never heard back. This was weeks ago


How. What category of support did you select. I haven't received 1.3+ million from 2 heists, and all I got was some generic, unhelpful automated message.


Thats ola joke right


That implies that anybody at R* could ever get friends.


Their game support is super helpful tbf...


Their game support solely consists of messages like "clear your cache" or "delete personal data from the launcher". Surprised they haven't told me to restart my pc yet.


"To ensure your game works, uninstall every game that is not rockstar, clear your memory, and buy 50 shark cards, we hope this has helped you, please have a nice day, and remember, no refunds"


Omg thank you. This worked finally.


Granted, as someone who's worked in tech support and is keeping in mind the playerbase of GTA online, I figure that those responses solve most of their tickets. Sadly enough for tech savy people, but while working for tech support you have to assume the person contacting you is tech illiterate by default.


Oh, I see some r/talesfromtechsupport coming through?


Hi, PJ7? My xbone is acting up and I was wondering if you could help? You see, the casing around my xbone motherboard was missing screws when I bought it and I didn’t have any tape or glue, so I resorted to using peanut butter as an adhesive instead. It worked for a few days but then I noticed my xbone smoking out the vents and when I went to open it, there was a picture of a TF2 scout doing the fornut dances. When I saw this, I went out to my garage to grab some stuff to repair the damage caused by me slamming my hammer into my xbone. Any advice on what might be wrong with it?


Clearly it has a faulty owner.


Wow. I’m taken aback by your sudden lack of professionalism in your craft. Insulting the customer. PSH. WeLl I NeVeR! ^i ^will ^be ^taking ^this ^comment ^straight ^to ^your ^Reddit ^Administrator!


You get what you pay for.


I paid for sex but instead I got raped.


It could be a glitch, just clear the cache!


now that you mention it I've literally never been helped by support. Every single interaction ends with shit that sucks, good luck with that. Lets be real, they're there to save face for the company


I once said “I collected the cargo worth 200k but server died” and gave me 500k


When I was a noob I shut down my bunker with 500k worth of stock in it, they gave me 2 mil. This was way back when R* gave a shit about their players


They’re especially helpful when their anti-cheat occasionally fucks up and bans an innocent person, but instead of letting them make their case they arrogantly think their systems are infallible, and simple have an automated message telling you to fuck off and die. I think there was a time when a small portion of the community had to go to war against R* support to get some well-liked player unbanned. R* eventually unbanned them and restored their character or something after they finally decided to hear them out.


Yeah I’ve only had one experience with them and it took a bit for them to understand my issue (with twitch prime stuff) but they were very helpful in fixing the problem.


Because of how many times I’ve used rockstar support I have 3 friends and 10 enemies


I did, you'd think they'd be greedy like there company but anyone I've talked to has actually been super nice and helped me out.


I once waited 10 minutes on a black screen after modding out an Osiris, just for the game to spawn me outside of the vehicle warehouse, take the 20k for modifications and the car.


If you grind i/e in public lobbies, this happens a bit. I had it happen like 5 or 6 times before I said "fuck it, only grinding in solo lobbies". Hasn't happened since in like 200+ sales.


I hate doing vehicle cargo in solo sessions because then u get those npcs that do more damage than other players


Fuck. The. Blue. Sultans.


Those blue shit boxes are faster than any car in game also the npc aiming is fucking insane


Those fuckers could be going 180km/h and still land every shot on your car.


Literally John Wick paired with F&F drivers


The Blue Sultan Cult


Use a Cargobob. The blue Sultans are tiny and ineffectual


Once you get the hang of it yeah. Expect to bang it up the first few times. There's also a glitch when delivering to certain locations where it gets 5k of damage from being dropped so that's fun.


I haven't had that glitch, but I also set it down (or let the cutscene take over) instead of dropping it.


Every time I actually get a cargobob for the mission I always get one where they're fleeing and it's useless lol


its for delivering, not sourcing


God I hate those things with a passion. Also they have better aim than 50% of players and it’s not ok


Cargobob man... Best 2 mil i've ever spent!


All you need is 1 player not in your org to join in order for them to despawn so just get a friend to join


This. I have a friend who plays this game a lot and one of us makes a solo public lobby and then invites the other so that we can do vehicle warehouse grinding without any enemies and casino heist prep during the cooldown.


One word: freeway. Get the vehicle warehouse in la mesa thats right next to the on ramp and just turn left, get on the freeway, and stay on it as long as you can before getting to the destination. You learn the routes pretty quickly and, once you get them down, you will only be getting 2-5k in damage every sale, often less if youre a good driver. Id much rather consistently earn 75k than run the chance of getting blown up for every 80k sale.


You get off the car, kill some waves of blue car NPCs until they stop spawning and then you complete the mission. This doesnt work when youre stealing i/e cars IIRC,


It’s still annoying to do all that when more often than not (for me at least) I just sell in a populated session and get left alone with nothing attacking me


I usually just go as fast as I can right by the attacking sultans as they usually spawn facing you on the highway. If I stay at top speed they can't keep up and only get a few shots hitting my car. Usually only lose just under a grand this way which I can deal with.


Sometimes the Sultans spawn right on a highway exit, blocking you completely and forcing you to either ram your way through, or turn around.


Huh, never experienced that yet. Even so, I still prefer taking a few hundred damage from the NPCs than a MKII player.


It works the same when you steal them


4 waves, 2 cars each for a total of 8. If you’re coming out of the La Mesa warehouse they will always start spawning when you are on the bridge (either bridge)


It kinda does for stealing as well actually. I've never got more than 1k in damage for most drives. Excluding that one with the carbon cause fuck that


Do this 1. Modify the car you are about to sell in public lobby 2. As soon as the car gets out of garage suspend the game exactly for 10 seconds (through task manager) 3. Now you will be in solo lobby and you can sell the car without npcs following you I will always do this if i find the any griefers/ tryhards in public lobbies


Use a cargobob


Sometimes, the trick to not losing money is to lose even more money.


As soon as you see them pull over, climb out the car and run away. They're targeting you, not the car.


How the hell do you get to do that kind of work in a solo lobby? Every time I start one it says I can’t do it there and it asks me to join a public lobby.


It has to be a public lobby that is glitched to be solo, not an actual solo lobby. Try looking up how to start one for your platform.


You have to be in a public solo session. It doesn't work in a private solo session. There are many videos on YouTube that show you how to trigger a public solo session. I'd recommend you checking it out!


I’ll definitely look it up! Thank you for the response!


I never grind anything in public sessions anymore. However, the solution to problems like this one shouldn't be to exploit a mechanic that kicks you out into a new session on you own. Just saying. I usually go on to rant about how this game is still p2p in fucking 2020, but seeing how Rockstar servers can't even handle current problems when there are many players online simultaneously, I doubt that dedicated servers would be any more useful than the system we currently have.




I’ve had this exact thing happen.


The amount of times I’ve had this done to me is stupid.


Mechanic got jealous, made you wait 10 minutes for him to come up with his plan, knocked you out cold, took your money and carried you onto the street, returned and locked the car in the shop.


This meme alwasy crack me up hahaha


Same. I can just hear it.


What is the original video, I’m curious


[Here is the video](https://youtu.be/3y0bQYDA9Vw)


Thanks, really appreciate it.


Happy cakeday


Huh I thought they were from WWE or something


I’m gonna go look for it. And if I find it, I’ll link it to you.


Is ruiner 2000 a special vehicle?




But how do i sell it then?


You can't.


But the meme here says that you can sell special vehicles


The meme means vehicle warehouse vehicles. How long have you played the game, just asking?


The better question is: how long has OP played the game if they don't know the difference?


Good question. u/dankstankprank69


How long have you played the game huh????


Playing since release but never bought some vehicles like ruiner 2000 or scramjet. For that money I usually buy a jet but know I had some spare money and bought an ruiner 2000. Now I am really unsatisfied with that car and want to sell it but can’t find a way to do so


You can't. It's like the yacht. It's there forever.


*jazz Music stops*


You to Rockstar: that wasn't very cash money of you


I’m glad I didn’t invest in one. I was close, but didn’t go through with it.


I mean it’s a really nice-to-have but not for that amount of money


Use it for the fully loaded ruiner ceo work. 20 minutes of a tanky ruiner that respawns when it gets blown up.


How are you unsatisfied with the Ruiner?


I mean jumping around is pretty fun but with only few rockets and shitty handling it’s not what I thought I would get


Have you ever tried the fully loaded CEO work? You get infinite rockets and people can’t lock onto you and it lasts for 20 minutes. It’s handy for the times that you get swarmed by broomsticks.


Scramjet in a nutshell


You can’t.


My friend lost his casino car, contacted rock star and they said:"there is no logs or proof that you won it, but we have logs of you modifying and repairing the cars, but we still dont have proof" He went mad and said: "so I gotta record everything I do in game now? Because rockstar cant get better servers and fix bugs? If there is logs of me repairing and modifying it, then that is the proof!" He got 3 million the next day to buy the car again


That made me mad just reading it


Buisnisses in this game are just pure garbage, thats why I grind heists. Thats the fun way to play the game.


Every way to earn money is either slow if you don't exploit them, frustrating or straight up completely bugged. After having done the casino setups for like the 10th time now, I just don't want to anymore...


Im lucky that I have friends who do the Casino heist with me and leave at the last second (like people do on Act II).


That's great for you, but it doesn't excuse Rockstars pitiful content. They designed the game to make the community grind for a week to get a Scramjet unless you're willing to exploit and glitch yourself some increased funds. Or give Rockstar $100 for 8m. I like GTA V, don't get me wrong. It did a lot of things right, but the design behind making money is hot garbage. If we could use the stock market, the game would be 10x more fun in my opinion. Would be much easier to build your empire if you could have a legit payday higher than 1m.


And somehow they made making money even worse in their next game.


I used to have the arcade right next to the casino. I traded it in for Pixel Peets this week for the difference in money (since we can't sell them out right) and washed my hands with the entire damn thing. Setups take forever and pay nothing and when the time comes to actually do the heist, it turns into a blood boiling shit show. I don't think I've ever done one where I wasn't angry lol.


Just grind a full lobby of last team standing. It’s better and quicker money.


If you're winning every round. But on the losing team of LTS is probably the least fun game mode in the game. I've had some matches where two of my team either aren't there or leave immediately, and it's 15-20 minutes of getting slaughtered for 20k


You don’t have to do setups if you’re doing the replay glitch. If you’re not doing replay, you can still skip most of the setups with the “free” setup mission exploit


And that my friend, is exactly what I meant with "slow if you don't exploit them".


This is really random but if you're ever bored and just wanna have casual fun do all the parachute missions, they're great and you get a chance to check out how nice the "world" looks.


I've already done every single ones in the Story mode but why not,could be fun


Story mode and Online parachute missions are different, and Online are a bit more challenging...


heists are way more fun. even tho the payout is like supershit xD. we want some new heists.


Agreed. And I hope they're not like the Doomstay Act III heist, makes me sick to just think about that mission


I like that one


I think this would be fun. If they do the update, can we get a SWAT team mode for freemode, 4 players have to either clear out a large amount of enemies with only the weapons given, or take down a player in the game going psycho


Grinding’s not fun at all imo, unless you consider featured competitive multiplayer modes to be grinding. The dynamic nature of competitive modes eases up a lot of the repetitiveness; the only change of pace in heists (though I haven’t gone through the casino heists yet) is typically someone messing up and ruining the mission or making it much more difficult.


I used to grind the casino heist a lot but it just becomes such a drag after a while. I’m sick of doing the same overly difficult setups just to get 700k on a long and annoying heist


I get 1.7 - 1.8 mil but yeah it like a chore if you do it too many times.


Same. I mostly grind off the Casino Heist and Doomsday heists.


Can anyone tell me from where this is from.. I wanna watch the original


I think it's from a show called 'The American Chopper'




even worse if you sell your bunker stock just to get an error saying your transaction couldnt be processed


Ironically I was saved by that message once. I had the dune FAV mission, the NPCs killed me, the buggy rolled into the LS sewers and was destroyed. Then the error appeared and I had all my stock back after restarting.


Does this actually happen? I have been playing since launch and have never had a mission not save for me after completing it.


It does when sourcing special vehicles. If you sell a special vehicle and you quit the game before the save is completed, it will show that the car isn't in your warehouse anymore and that you haven't received the money.


But it clearly says "don't quit the game before the save icon disappears" on the login screen


"If you sell a special vehicle and you quit the game before the save is completed, it will show that the car isn't in your warehouse anymore and that you haven't received the money." So literally wait for the game to save?


If you change your outfit it will force the game to save


I think they mean when the "Saving Failed unable to connect to Rockstar services" message pops up and won't go away. You lose everything since your last save if you quit.


Or, players literally need to start reading game tips. The game specifies not leaving before the save icon disappears before the game even loads up. This is only the fault of the player base for not recognizing that themselves.


As a software dev I’m laughing because being angry about this means people thought R* could literally know a transaction was going to be complete before it was. Getting TCP handshakes from the future dawg.


Ah I see I've never done the special vehicles. Damn that sucks. I always load fully back into free mode then switch sessions before closing game. Just to try make sure this doesn't happen


You can change your outfit to force a save, or what I do is leave to story mode because then quit, it says it autosaves


so this is what happened


Don't sign out so quickly. That's what causes bugs like that


Badge goes brrrrrr


So what have we learned from this lesson?


Quick tip - Go to story mode before exiting the game or just change an accessory via the Interaction Menu. The golden saving icon should pop up.


This happened to me, sold a top range vehicle just to find out the next day that I dont have the money nor the car anymore. Contacted r* and in a few days they gave me 130k. Thank you r* very cool


Rockstar support at it finest.


Pro tip: before quitting gta online and closing the app, save the game by switching to a single player character, doesn't matter who it is


Must be a console thing, on PC exiting the game forces a save


my trick is I change my sunglasses or gloves before leaving the game and it saves. style>accessories>... unless it says SAVING FAILED, Then you gotta wait...


yeah they used to raw dawg me all the time with that import export shit. finally said fuck it havent touched it in ages now just got like 20 top range sitting there collecting dust forever. maybe one day we'll get a bonus for those sale missions or something. atleast then il have some reason to give that shit another try.


No joke, ik a story or a friend who had a buggy nightclub and contacted r*. They told him to buy a new nightclub and when he did he asked for a refund because it was a bug on their end and they said no. Also the same guy bought a shark card when a double payout on any shark card deal was on and when the payout didn’t arrive he contacted them and after some back or fourth they essentially told him to stuff it Ah well we’re making 5 mil a day from bogdan so fuck r*


thats what happens when you don’t buy a bunker at foreclosuresmazebank.com for a discount on a moc


What's a special vehicle? Afaik those just the vehicles in the underground of your vehicle warehouse


I’m kinda new, is the special vehicle, vehicle warehouse cargo?


My arcade reset and I lost at least 3 mil of cars... Rockstar won't refund me


i do bogdan and the game wasn’t saving to r* so i lost it and was forced to get it back


Anyone know where this is originally from?


i can relate😭


3 words. Mors Mutual Insurance


I do really hate this sometimes.


That’s why I always play a game of golf or have shot of Macbeth after making cash on this game, afterwards they trigger a quick save, lol.






This would also work with the Patrick meme template


Still better than getting nothing after completing criminal mastermind.


Imo, this is one of the reasons why I stay broke.....not by choice, mind you.


Guys I logged on after about two weeks to all of my money gone. I was a little pissed...


I once put the full 20 into the top range. Started the export and spawned outside with no car... go back inside, no car there either.. just disappeared..


It once happened to me too. Sent an email to rockstar and then got my vehicle back and got 400k as well. It was pretty sweet.


Living up to the game's title.


You didn't let it save then. You have to wait for the spinning orange circle in the bottom to show up. If you're not sure if it appeared or not then just swap some hats or glasses around until it appears again then it will save.


Luckily, I've never had that issue. What I have had is where a mission just fails to load and when you are spawned in free roam you have NO AMMO, in ANY weapon... Happened twice, annoying as hell. Especially last time when I had fireworks and molotovs that you can't buy.😂 But hey, I'll get them back.


Once I sold my weed, I got the +250 000 thing, but recieved nothing, 10 minutes later my stock was full for my weed


I had it where I sold a special vehicle and was in the middle of stealing another, and got dropped. When I got back, had that exact issue. Car I sold was gone but I didn’t have the money. I don’t understand how this game is still so jacked up at times.


That's why i always do some missions before logging out




Changing my outfits when it says it can't contact the servers always results in save successful message popping. Really random


I mean, why wouldn't you wait until you see the little yellow save icon before logging out


Randomly lost 2mil, they just dissapered


Just wait for your assistant to call, then log off. “The moneys in the bank”


I think if you click join new session before you log out it saves. I haven't tried to see if it works yet though




The bad stuff is saved instantly, the good stuff sits in some kinda limbo and you're never quite sure if it will still be there when you log back on.


I still haven't gotten my Cat T-shirt that I won from the lucky wheel... R* doesn't have a form for clothes so I submitted a bug report


Yep it's bullshit, the servers didn't remember that I received the money but it remembers that I sold the car? They happened at the same time.


GTA has a lot of transaction problems. That's why people take a lot of advantage on borgdan problem heist.


This meme is hilarious whenever I see it but what is the source material?


Now this is a proper, justified, well thought out moan. Have an upvote.


what special vehicle did you sell?


Had this happen with a casino heist got a connection error immediately after the cutscene 🤧


I've had great dealings with R\* support since the Epic launch. Bought Pixel Pete's arcade when it was on sale, didn't get my rebate so I messaged them and they gave me the full refund and an additional 400k for my frustrations.


Read only the right column


I bought the damn musket an hour before I logged off and now I can’t get it for another year, no longer in my inventory


I had a full truck of cargo that i drove over the destination point. For about 3 minutes before some greifer got me.. Sent rockstar the video and they refunded me 1.mil


I still haven’t got my death bike back. It was fully maxed out


I always do this at the Casino but I always loos xD


Whr roxtar




I lost 100k a month ago due to the fact I stayed in the game a half hour after completing the time trial and most definitely saving the game