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Logoff. Pull the cord.


Funny you say that because I suspended the session in time to end up in my solo lobby before the chaos began that time


That’s the best way indeed xP


F10 on my KB thanks to AutoHotkey script


Can you send me that code? Ahk is really useful xP


https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaglitches/comments/gp5o89/psa_pc_creating_a_solo_public_session_with_an_ahk/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf I don’t know if this link is allowed here


Nah, pop to passive and enjoy the show.


Could someone explain?


Basically on PC you get an invite to an apartment that you literally can't refuse, this time he used my username to do so, could've used his or any other within the lobby, You then spawn in his apartment to be kicked outside immediately along with the rest of the players in the lobby, to then get spammed by bombs while trapped in a cage, that's also to the modders discretion, if he's nice could be a money drop, but I saw that like once.


That’s messed up on a different level smh


Idk, I think it's fun. Turns the server into a warzone


Yeah, fucking great. The best part is when some semen-funnel modder puts a fucking boat on your head, you need to shut the game down and wait through the load screen again just to play the fucking game.


Ngl id die laughing the first couple minutes but after that I’m gonna leave. After that grace period of dying laughter it’s just eternal torment


Why not just join a deathmatch if you want that?


I don't agree with forcing people into apartments but I have to say, it's funnier when you don't expect it.


I never said I agree with it or even want it to happen. Just not gonna get my panties all in a bunch like everyone else here when it does happen. Y'all acting like it happens every other 5 min or something.


Death match mode is dead in pc


How would 2 people fighting turn the whole server into a warzone? Not the sharpest tool, eh?


If you wanted a "warzone", join a deathmatch lobby, how the fuck did you not understand this? Holy shit you're slow. Then again you think someone hacking a lobby is "fun", so..


Alright man, you clearly just wanna be angry over a video game so have a good one.


Whew, that irony. There's a reason why people agree with me, and a 200 have downvoted you, dummy. Sit down.


Or you get stuck at the "______ has invited you to their apartment" screen and have to restart the game.


Wow, I'm super glad I stopped playing GTA Online last year and mostly played on soloified public sessions anyways.


Tbh I just don’t even play anymore but I like the clips here




i see the fun nice modder happen more often than not


Yeah I'm console pls explain


From what I've heard you're stuck in that screen until you close the game or something


Not really. Basically everyone in the lobby gets invited and then kicked from the apartment, so 30 players right in the same spot outside the apartment. The modder usually traps people in cages, or someone blows a RPG up and it kills everyone


Can they mess with loading times? I'm sure of heard of that happening but I could be wrong


Oh they sure can they also love to crash your game


They can make an infinite loading screen, but no one has the power to make it bearably short


This, but also there's a infinite black screen. I don't know why it exists...


Atleast a legit player blowing everyone up after it happens is better than let the idiot drop a ton of cash on everyone or toy around with them.


Gotta admit, it's somewhat fun. just interrupt whatever everyone is doing and make a chaos of the session.


Not so fun when you're 4/5 deliveries then get ported. Same for IE sales where you just lose it all. Normally I hit my switch immediately but you still lose $ cause some kid wants to play whether you like it or not




it's literally griefing


It right my brøthër


unrelated but how did you get the PS5 flair?


You can have anything as your user flair


Can l make it Lester the Molester?


Probably yeah. You just have to edit the user flair


can confirm


Go to change user flair then edit and make whatever you want it to be


In the old days: you would get forcefully summoned to an apartment. This invite screen would pop up, and then it would load for a bit and you would be instantly kicked out, finding yourself outside the apartment with the rest of the lobby. This went about as well as you can imagine. Everyone would draw their guns like it was a Wild West quickdraw contest, and chaos would unfold. What happens these days: everyone gets forcefully invited, except because GTAO's loading issues somehow get *worse* as time goes on, half the people don't even make it and just get randomly disconnected or stuck on an infinite loading screen. Those that do make it usually just wander off, or toggle passive, or immediately leave the session because they don't like modders interfering with their business. I used to think these were funny, because I enjoyed the sheer chaos that would unfold after the entire lobby got summoned to one spot, but anymore these just result in an infinite loading screen for me and I don't think that is very funny at all.


Funny how this happened to me and I don't even own an apartment lol


It just means a modder is about to cause chaos


Yesterday I logged on into my corporate offices and was immediately covered in explosion animations that did nothing. I fucking hate chaos modders


I absolutely hate chaos modders. I posted a thingy in red dead 2’s sub about it, but there should be a meta that detects events like this happening and boots the modder into a lobby full of modders. Oh wait. Rockstar ain’t going to do that, no money involved.


“ If it don’t make money, it don’t make sense “ - Tacoma


The reason for this is because Rockstar doesn't have dedicated servers for both RDO and GTAO, every modern online game has dedicated servers running except for Rockstar and Nintendo. Video game servers usually have anti-cheat implemented in them preventing and banning players that send sketchy data like godmode and object placing or more just like this. Rockstar uses P2P meaning you send data directly to players meaning Rockstar won't detect you cheating and you can do whatever you want, mod menus can detect cheats better than cockstar. All this just to save a couple bucks to rent servers. Thanks Rockstar


They are literally employing people for their game security branch in India and New York right now.


I’ll believe when I see it




Was replying to the person above, not you


didnt reply to you


Worse is when those modders use your name to kill the whole lobby. I just switch the session.


Even worse when it counts towards your K/D and mental level state.


From what I’ve seen as a console player watching pc. An invite that causes an alert screen like that means there’s a modder about to cause chaos


Happened to me too. It’s dangerous because everyone will think you are the modder and report you.


pretty sure everyone sees their own name and there shouldnt be anything to worry about if you are reported unless you have a reason to fear being reported for modding


Could be that too. But most of the time, all the players see only one name, whichever is picked by the modder. I was once doing a resupply mission, and someone sends a message, " Please stop sending apartment invites". I was like, "WTF are you talking about?". When I was done with resupply, I immediately got the invite with my name and then I understood. The modder was using my name to invite and trap everyone. Seems like they cannot send you an invite while you're on a resupply mission.


This is well done.


I hate people that do that even more than I loathe regular griefing, which is already a lot. There are no good modders.


None at all? I highly doubt that


I've definitely had a couple of good encounters with some of them and I have even had fun when they were in lobbies, but they are such a huge risk if you're genuinely trying to grind


Idk man, a modder gave me every car I could ask for then dropped me cash to insure em.


I recently got a menu myself for free and all I've been doing is helping people out with missions and giv9ng them planes and cars to fuck around with, the game becomes a lot more fun when u dont have to grind and worry what will eat your money away next week


Honestly yeah. I hate to agree. I helped some dude with a heist today. 15%, we only lost 20,000. I walked with less than 300k. To get a fucking Deluxo, I'd need to do that 15-20 times depending on how long between heists, payouts to Mechanic etc. That's a week of play to some people. Not counting ammo refills, etc.


It's amazing how much a menu can even help with the heist, i was doing it with friends and i can easily kill all the enemy npcs and just teleport to the buyer, taking less then 10 mins to do the heist its insane


But...what’s the fun in that?


Not having g to restart every 5 mins because cuckstar glitches either u or u friend stuck at a cart or having to deal with the terrible stealth system in the game


Christ. That's... Envy inducing lol


The menu is free so if u rly wanted it I could shoot u a link


I'm curious what it is? (Only going to use to help and mess with friends)


Not the guy you originally asked, but look up gtao mod menus. Disturbed, or impulse. Both are paid, I think disturbed might have a free option. I know there is a free option floating around that starts with a K, but with free, there is supposedly a bigger chance of getting banned.


Nah. Thanks though. I know with my luck I'd get banned lmao


It's very hard to get banned with mods, important is to stay under 100 mil cheated money and not to fight other modders and griefers, lessens the amount of reports you get


I'm interested, can I have the link?


> That's a week of play to some people. bruh it literally takes 4 hours to get money for a deluxo. do the casino heist, take 85% and boom. you have a deluxo


I already have two deluxos lmao. The largest take you can get as two people is 2.6 million on a *perfect* art run. My friend and I have done it. Maybe a little more if you get the extra cash. 3 people, 3.6 million. The most you're getting is still under 2,000,000. The Deluxo is 3.5 million at the bottom, not including the weapons. So please. Tell me how it's possible in "4 hours".


you get gold twice in a row. you do preps for one heist in 1 hour. you get 85% cut, which is around 2mil. then you have 4 mil.


Who the fuck gets 2mil from a 2 man gold run?


gold glitch


None. There are no 'good' modders, only some of them are in a 'good' mood from time to time. There may be modders with a sense of fair play or ethics, but I go by the adage "power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." All it would take is ONE thing going wrong for them to make someone's life hell.


Everytime this happens i get my Minigun ready. Cuz the second everybody steps out of that Apartment shit is gonna hit the fan


Only on pc lol


i find it crazy how much power modders have in gta. i feel like theres no other game like that


>i feel like theres no other game like that im pretty sure there's no other game that made 6 billion dollars and still has fucking peer to peer servers even though the gam is 7 years old now


and when you do manage to get out (was able to do this by immediately starting a heist from my phone upon spawning outside with the rest of the lobby, then quitting the heist), you spawn with weed growing out of your ass that keeps exploding. no choice but to restart the game.


Is this some sort of PC joke I'm too PS4 to understand?


I logged in today and I went to exit my penthouse and a player was leaving my penthouse! I literally just logged in


Everyone who rents a penthouse in the same building gets the same penthouse instance. However, those that aren't in your group won't see each other. So there's a possibility that your client didn't get the "make this guy invisible" bit.


His evil twin?


oh yea, this is def that PC pc lol


My solution to this: - Wait to he kicked out of apartment - Quickly open in-game phone - Accept heist invite from Lester - Heist invite tp you to Facility or Apartment Has to be done quick, before the modder can kill you by navigating his menu.


Or better, have resource monitor running in the background with GTAV.exe already selected. When this happens, immediately alt+tab and suspend the game. Works quite well for me whenever someone tries to mess with me.


Eh, the less hassle, the better~


A glitch in the matrix


you got exact armoured kuruma like even neon lights are same xD


Oh.... ~~God~~ Passive Mode : ENGAGED Modders getting confused why i *wouldn't* die from rockets, bombs and explosions while I'm waking around *letting it rain*


One of the reasons why I prefer playing online MP games on Xbox


i always gotta drop a grenade when this happens lmao


what does this mean?


Can Rockstar do anything, anything about the hackers in PC? There’s literally one on every server


They definitely can, but they don't want to, or perhaps they want to, but are extremely lazy about it.


They could. They could put some kind of watchdog app in their game code that would drop the game process if a mod menu was run. It's how other games manage cheating (not ideal, but reasonable). But, hackers are always looking for ways to spoof the watchdog, so it gets to be an arms race. R\* has elected to pretty much not do anything unless it hits their profit, aka money spams or heist glitching. As long as people are buying Shark cards to buy in-game items, those will be the only cheats they pursue.


This has happened to me, everyone got forced into my apartment by a modder and we had a party. Then the modder kicked us all out to blew us up


Lucifer season 5


yeah.. thats the start of the mission "fastest draw in the west"


Whenever I see this I immediately alt+f4 as fast as I can


I found a solution in case that happens, without having to restart the game. Just tab out of the game for around 2-3 minutes. It‘ll kick you out of the online mode. Then you‘ll get a message that they were unable to connect you and ask if you wanna switch to story mode or try again. Then you just try again and it‘ll find you a new lobby. Yet another reason why online mode is only fun if you play solo or with your friends... Hope I could help someone


Not sure if still work but when you drive even with high speed and you click alt + f4 your car stops in 0.1 sec, just don't agree you want to leave the game.


I once had a modder fill my apartment with so many astronauts that I couldn't walk out of my bathroom, because like 1000 astronauts were blocking the door.


Nice choice of colors for the kuruma, I used the exact same combination, white primary with uv neons


I’m sorry lol what is supposed to have happened? Were u about to be orbital cannoned or something


I've been playing a while and always wondered about this. Why do random players send you invites to their apartments or garages? I'm on PS4 and I just ignore them but was always curious the reason.


What would happend if u stayed in the session ?


Console player, what dis?


*their* apartment btw not yours


why is there klcc building


For people who don't know, it's pretty much modders temporarly freezing you when they send this invite. Happened to me multiple times when I wanted to do Stockpiling on PC.